After Israel wipes hamas off the face of the earth they should removes these vermin


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
From within their boarders and those like them

Since 2009, JewishIsrael has been cautioning the Israeli and Diaspora Jewish community about Hayovel's Tommy Waller, his aspirations for a Christian restoration in Israel, and the missionary agenda of so many of his associates. JewishIsrael has provided reports, video materials and given presentations in both English and Hebrew to a broad audience of Jewish rabbis, community leaders, politicians, and activists in Israel and the Diaspora.

In past reports JewishIsrael has drawn the clear connection between Tommy Waller and Mike Isley of Texans for Israel. Isley, a Christian who promotes "messianic Judaism", regularly appears with Tommy Waller in promotional material for Hayovel and is well-connected with a number of Jewish leaders and activists. Isley is closely affiliated with Boaz Michael, founder and director of the messianic ministry First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ), which targets Jews using sophisticated missionary materials. Texans for Israel openly sponsors events for FFOZ and has featured large banner advertisements for the messianic ministry on their homepage.

Isley serves as leader of the FFOZ Hayesod program in Texas, has personally hosted FFOZ events which promote FFOZ’s missionary materials and has made it clear on his Texans for Israel website that he aspires for the day when Jews will recognize jesus.

As of this writing, the Texans for Israel site is undergoing renovations, but even in its current state, the site’s homepage continues to feature Orthodox political and religious leadership in Israel, such as Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, while promoting the messianic missionary movement and leaders such as Boaz Michael on the site's blog.

Boaz Michael is a notorious "messianic Jewish/Gentile" leader who years ago purchased a bogus conversion to Judaism, made aliyah and lived in Israel for a time. He has since been masquerading as a Jewish scholar and actively peddles evangelizing tools designed for the purpose of bringing Jews to a belief in jesus.

JewishIsrael Community Alert : Missionary Infiltration - Jewish Israel
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From within their boarders and those like them

Since 2009, JewishIsrael has been cautioning the Israeli and Diaspora Jewish community about Hayovel's Tommy Waller, his aspirations for a Christian restoration in Israel, and the missionary agenda of so many of his associates. JewishIsrael has provided reports, video materials and given presentations in both English and Hebrew to a broad audience of Jewish rabbis, community leaders, politicians, and activists in Israel and the Diaspora.

In past reports JewishIsrael has drawn the clear connection between Tommy Waller and Mike Isley of Texans for Israel. Isley, a Christian who promotes "messianic Judaism", regularly appears with Tommy Waller in promotional material for Hayovel and is well-connected with a number of Jewish leaders and activists. Isley is closely affiliated with Boaz Michael, founder and director of the messianic ministry First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ), which targets Jews using sophisticated missionary materials. Texans for Israel openly sponsors events for FFOZ and has featured large banner advertisements for the messianic ministry on their homepage.

Isley serves as leader of the FFOZ Hayesod program in Texas, has personally hosted FFOZ events which promote FFOZ’s missionary materials and has made it clear on his Texans for Israel website that he aspires for the day when Jews will recognize jesus.

As of this writing, the Texans for Israel site is undergoing renovations, but even in its current state, the site’s homepage continues to feature Orthodox political and religious leadership in Israel, such as Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, while promoting the messianic missionary movement and leaders such as Boaz Michael on the site's blog.

Boaz Michael is a notorious "messianic Jewish/Gentile" leader who years ago purchased a bogus conversion to Judaism, made aliyah and lived in Israel for a time. He has since been masquerading as a Jewish scholar and actively peddles evangelizing tools designed for the purpose of bringing Jews to a belief in jesus.

JewishIsrael Community Alert : Missionary Infiltration - Jewish Israel

Christian Zionists Are a Threat for Israel
It is both naïve and misleading to deny the serious costs involved in Israel’s unregulated relationship with impassioned evangelical Christians

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From within their boarders and those like them

Since 2009, JewishIsrael has been cautioning the Israeli and Diaspora Jewish community about Hayovel's Tommy Waller, his aspirations for a Christian restoration in Israel, and the missionary agenda of so many of his associates. JewishIsrael has provided reports, video materials and given presentations in both English and Hebrew to a broad audience of Jewish rabbis, community leaders, politicians, and activists in Israel and the Diaspora.

In past reports JewishIsrael has drawn the clear connection between Tommy Waller and Mike Isley of Texans for Israel. Isley, a Christian who promotes "messianic Judaism", regularly appears with Tommy Waller in promotional material for Hayovel and is well-connected with a number of Jewish leaders and activists. Isley is closely affiliated with Boaz Michael, founder and director of the messianic ministry First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ), which targets Jews using sophisticated missionary materials. Texans for Israel openly sponsors events for FFOZ and has featured large banner advertisements for the messianic ministry on their homepage.

Isley serves as leader of the FFOZ Hayesod program in Texas, has personally hosted FFOZ events which promote FFOZ’s missionary materials and has made it clear on his Texans for Israel website that he aspires for the day when Jews will recognize jesus.

As of this writing, the Texans for Israel site is undergoing renovations, but even in its current state, the site’s homepage continues to feature Orthodox political and religious leadership in Israel, such as Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, while promoting the messianic missionary movement and leaders such as Boaz Michael on the site's blog.

Boaz Michael is a notorious "messianic Jewish/Gentile" leader who years ago purchased a bogus conversion to Judaism, made aliyah and lived in Israel for a time. He has since been masquerading as a Jewish scholar and actively peddles evangelizing tools designed for the purpose of bringing Jews to a belief in jesus.

JewishIsrael Community Alert : Missionary Infiltration - Jewish Israel

Christian Zionists Are a Threat for Israel
It is both naïve and misleading to deny the serious costs involved in Israel’s unregulated relationship with impassioned evangelical Christians


Lev L'achim's Fight Against Missionaries in Israel

Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight - NEWS
Heil Hitler!

Oh, but I did not get that quiet right, did I now?

It is Heil Netanyahu!
Sherri, meet Guno. You and he have a lot in common, as far as mental health is concerned. :clap2:

Yes you just keep licking the christer goyims ass, see how far Jews got with that one, you lie with dogs you get fleas
Guno, meet Sherri, she's a convert that poses as a Christian and wants every Zionist Man woman and child wiped off this earth. Like I said, you she have a lot in common. Perhaps you should visit the same psycho therapist. You can split the bill and the prescriptions?
Heil Hitler!

Oh, but I did not get that quiet right, did I now?

It is Heil Netanyahu!

Heil Hitler! ( You wish ) :evil:

Oh, but I did not get that quite right, did I now??

Hamas accepts 1967 borders, but will never recognize Israel, top official says Israel News | Haaretz

It is Heil Hamas !

Abbas: 'Not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state | JPost | Israel News

It is Heil Abbas !

THE BEST ! This " Christian" who makes excuses for the way Muslims treat Christians !!

Does Jesus really dislike persecution of Christians?

He told Christians to expect persecution.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Her " God" would be sooooooo proud ! HEIL SHERI !!!! :D
From within their boarders and those like them

Since 2009, JewishIsrael has been cautioning the Israeli and Diaspora Jewish community about Hayovel's Tommy Waller, his aspirations for a Christian restoration in Israel, and the missionary agenda of so many of his associates. JewishIsrael has provided reports, video materials and given presentations in both English and Hebrew to a broad audience of Jewish rabbis, community leaders, politicians, and activists in Israel and the Diaspora.

In past reports JewishIsrael has drawn the clear connection between Tommy Waller and Mike Isley of Texans for Israel. Isley, a Christian who promotes "messianic Judaism", regularly appears with Tommy Waller in promotional material for Hayovel and is well-connected with a number of Jewish leaders and activists. Isley is closely affiliated with Boaz Michael, founder and director of the messianic ministry First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ), which targets Jews using sophisticated missionary materials. Texans for Israel openly sponsors events for FFOZ and has featured large banner advertisements for the messianic ministry on their homepage.

Isley serves as leader of the FFOZ Hayesod program in Texas, has personally hosted FFOZ events which promote FFOZ’s missionary materials and has made it clear on his Texans for Israel website that he aspires for the day when Jews will recognize jesus.

As of this writing, the Texans for Israel site is undergoing renovations, but even in its current state, the site’s homepage continues to feature Orthodox political and religious leadership in Israel, such as Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, while promoting the messianic missionary movement and leaders such as Boaz Michael on the site's blog.

Boaz Michael is a notorious "messianic Jewish/Gentile" leader who years ago purchased a bogus conversion to Judaism, made aliyah and lived in Israel for a time. He has since been masquerading as a Jewish scholar and actively peddles evangelizing tools designed for the purpose of bringing Jews to a belief in jesus.

JewishIsrael Community Alert : Missionary Infiltration - Jewish Israel

Christian Zionists Are a Threat for Israel
It is both naïve and misleading to deny the serious costs involved in Israel’s unregulated relationship with impassioned evangelical Christians


The obvious point that evangelicals live to evangelize and that Israel has embarked on a “biblically-based” alliance with those who by definition, are missionaries, needs to be addressed in an honest fashion. Taking precautions to preserve the integrity of the Torah, the Jewish people and Eretz Yisrael is simply off the radar screen of many of our leading activists who are preoccupied with garnering political, humanitarian and economic support for the Jewish state in desperate times.

As devoted and passionate as many of these Christian leaders are in their support of Israel, it pales in comparison to their zeal and commitment to spreading the Christian message. As Pastor John Hagee explained on the missionary Daystar TV network, when they announced programming plans for Israel:

“It’s just all I can do to keep from getting up and dancing… it’s a joy and a dream come true. If we are able to preach the gospel [in Israel] without reservation … it’s a major breakthrough.” —-(Jewish Telegraphic Agency, May 18, 2006)

So we have Hamas frontally attacking Israel then you have these "people" trying it from within ,the very Essence of the Jewish state, Judaism . in the long run same result
Don't get ahead of yourself. The only difference between evangelicals and Jews ideologically, is that they believe the Messiah will be Jesus. In other words they believe in the second coming while Jews believe it will be the messiah predicted in the OT.
From within their boarders and those like them

Since 2009, JewishIsrael has been cautioning the Israeli and Diaspora Jewish community about Hayovel's Tommy Waller, his aspirations for a Christian restoration in Israel, and the missionary agenda of so many of his associates. JewishIsrael has provided reports, video materials and given presentations in both English and Hebrew to a broad audience of Jewish rabbis, community leaders, politicians, and activists in Israel and the Diaspora.

In past reports JewishIsrael has drawn the clear connection between Tommy Waller and Mike Isley of Texans for Israel. Isley, a Christian who promotes "messianic Judaism", regularly appears with Tommy Waller in promotional material for Hayovel and is well-connected with a number of Jewish leaders and activists. Isley is closely affiliated with Boaz Michael, founder and director of the messianic ministry First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ), which targets Jews using sophisticated missionary materials. Texans for Israel openly sponsors events for FFOZ and has featured large banner advertisements for the messianic ministry on their homepage.

Isley serves as leader of the FFOZ Hayesod program in Texas, has personally hosted FFOZ events which promote FFOZ’s missionary materials and has made it clear on his Texans for Israel website that he aspires for the day when Jews will recognize jesus.

As of this writing, the Texans for Israel site is undergoing renovations, but even in its current state, the site’s homepage continues to feature Orthodox political and religious leadership in Israel, such as Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, while promoting the messianic missionary movement and leaders such as Boaz Michael on the site's blog.

Boaz Michael is a notorious "messianic Jewish/Gentile" leader who years ago purchased a bogus conversion to Judaism, made aliyah and lived in Israel for a time. He has since been masquerading as a Jewish scholar and actively peddles evangelizing tools designed for the purpose of bringing Jews to a belief in jesus.

JewishIsrael Community Alert : Missionary Infiltration - Jewish Israel

"“missionary” work, one of the most hated words in the Hebrew language. In the mind of the typical Israeli, a missionary is one who lives to destroy the Jewish nation. How? By converting Jews into non-Jews, thus slowly decreasing the number of Jews in the world."

Maoz Israel: September 2008, Israeli Journalist Infiltrates Tiferet Yeshua Congregation
From within their boarders and those like them

Since 2009, JewishIsrael has been cautioning the Israeli and Diaspora Jewish community about Hayovel's Tommy Waller, his aspirations for a Christian restoration in Israel, and the missionary agenda of so many of his associates. JewishIsrael has provided reports, video materials and given presentations in both English and Hebrew to a broad audience of Jewish rabbis, community leaders, politicians, and activists in Israel and the Diaspora.

In past reports JewishIsrael has drawn the clear connection between Tommy Waller and Mike Isley of Texans for Israel. Isley, a Christian who promotes "messianic Judaism", regularly appears with Tommy Waller in promotional material for Hayovel and is well-connected with a number of Jewish leaders and activists. Isley is closely affiliated with Boaz Michael, founder and director of the messianic ministry First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ), which targets Jews using sophisticated missionary materials. Texans for Israel openly sponsors events for FFOZ and has featured large banner advertisements for the messianic ministry on their homepage.

Isley serves as leader of the FFOZ Hayesod program in Texas, has personally hosted FFOZ events which promote FFOZ’s missionary materials and has made it clear on his Texans for Israel website that he aspires for the day when Jews will recognize jesus.

As of this writing, the Texans for Israel site is undergoing renovations, but even in its current state, the site’s homepage continues to feature Orthodox political and religious leadership in Israel, such as Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, while promoting the messianic missionary movement and leaders such as Boaz Michael on the site's blog.

Boaz Michael is a notorious "messianic Jewish/Gentile" leader who years ago purchased a bogus conversion to Judaism, made aliyah and lived in Israel for a time. He has since been masquerading as a Jewish scholar and actively peddles evangelizing tools designed for the purpose of bringing Jews to a belief in jesus.

JewishIsrael Community Alert : Missionary Infiltration - Jewish Israel

"“missionary” work, one of the most hated words in the Hebrew language. In the mind of the typical Israeli, a missionary is one who lives to destroy the Jewish nation. How? By converting Jews into non-Jews, thus slowly decreasing the number of Jews in the world."

Maoz Israel: September 2008, Israeli Journalist Infiltrates Tiferet Yeshua Congregation
And of course you are just posing as a Jew. Israelis are very supportive and appreciative of the Christian communities.
From within their boarders and those like them

Since 2009, JewishIsrael has been cautioning the Israeli and Diaspora Jewish community about Hayovel's Tommy Waller, his aspirations for a Christian restoration in Israel, and the missionary agenda of so many of his associates. JewishIsrael has provided reports, video materials and given presentations in both English and Hebrew to a broad audience of Jewish rabbis, community leaders, politicians, and activists in Israel and the Diaspora.

In past reports JewishIsrael has drawn the clear connection between Tommy Waller and Mike Isley of Texans for Israel. Isley, a Christian who promotes "messianic Judaism", regularly appears with Tommy Waller in promotional material for Hayovel and is well-connected with a number of Jewish leaders and activists. Isley is closely affiliated with Boaz Michael, founder and director of the messianic ministry First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ), which targets Jews using sophisticated missionary materials. Texans for Israel openly sponsors events for FFOZ and has featured large banner advertisements for the messianic ministry on their homepage.

Isley serves as leader of the FFOZ Hayesod program in Texas, has personally hosted FFOZ events which promote FFOZ’s missionary materials and has made it clear on his Texans for Israel website that he aspires for the day when Jews will recognize jesus.

As of this writing, the Texans for Israel site is undergoing renovations, but even in its current state, the site’s homepage continues to feature Orthodox political and religious leadership in Israel, such as Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, while promoting the messianic missionary movement and leaders such as Boaz Michael on the site's blog.

Boaz Michael is a notorious "messianic Jewish/Gentile" leader who years ago purchased a bogus conversion to Judaism, made aliyah and lived in Israel for a time. He has since been masquerading as a Jewish scholar and actively peddles evangelizing tools designed for the purpose of bringing Jews to a belief in jesus.

JewishIsrael Community Alert : Missionary Infiltration - Jewish Israel




Dafuq did I just read?

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