After 8 long years of gross incompetence, conservatives left behind a cesspool..

Poll: Americans blame Bush for bad economy by wide margin

By Stephen C. Webster
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Your party screwed the pooch and you are trying to shuck the blame elsewhere.

YOUR party started all the wars.

YOUR party held back the SEC rules on brokers.

YOUR party Cut the taxes on the wealthy and spent like drunken sailors.

Why do you fools just keep repeteing LIES that make you look like insane people?

Somehow those lies keep selling.

Our party was dead and buried in 2008 (most said it would a decade before we could ever hope to get the house back).

Our party is a mess (I mean that).

But we won the house back in two years (and rather convincingly).

We almost won the senate.

What does that say about YOUR party.....asshole.

We will win the senate back in 2012.

And even with a stable of morons running for the GOP presidential nomination we are probably going to win the WH.

Your party is a laughingstock.

You are a liar (truth to you is only what you need to keep from filling your diaper every time Fox news comes on).

I gave you facts and so you think Im a liar?

Your insane.

Your tea party was too new for people toi realise it was jsut a corporate whore group.

Now the people know the truth about the TP crap.

That is why OWS has taken off and the TP crap is never even mentioned anymore.

When was the last TP event?

How many people did it draw.

You can fool some of the people all the time.

You can fool all of some of the time.


You cant fool all of the people all of the time.

Your TP time is done and over

Just who even mentioned the TP except you??

You are fixated with the TP. You and no one else.

Your party is just as culpable for the meltdown and the GOP is.

They were all spending like drunken sailors. Bush and McCain both tried to put the brakes on FF and got stymied by Frank and Dodd. In case its escaped your notice both Frank and Dodd are Dems.

You are a biased idiot who can't see the forrest for the trees.

As for the TP? I rather like folks who want smaller Govt and less spending by Govt. After all Govt is spending our money.
The republican party was in complete control and now they scamble to blame what their historically failed ideas produced for this country.

Now like complete insane fools they want yet more of their historically failed ideas to be implimented.

The country is not buying your crap anymore.

Another BLATANT lie. The republican party was only in control 4 out of 8 years under Bush. Further the voters voted out the dems in the house after 4 years in record numbers and almost did the same in the Senate.
do you really think the people want to go back to Bush?

Or do you think they want more tea party hate?

They dont want the very same policies that got us into this mess, that is what the tea party is offering...MORE BUSH LIKE policy is not what they want.

You reall are an idiot.

The Tea Party started rolling because of Bush.

With Obama, we got four more years of GWB.

Don't pay attention much, do you ?

They have all the same policies and the same cronyism and the same partison crap.

This from the guy and the party who promised hope and change.

We wanted change to.

And what we got was a third term of GWB.

Pull your head out of your ass.
we are supposed to apologize for Bush now?

It's laughable, with the election coming up they know they can't run on the incompetent tits record so all they have is demonizing conservatives.
It's all they got:eusa_boohoo:

I'm sure it'll feel terrible in the end when you guys lose again then... because all you have is incompetent old man tits up to bat at this moment. You whole lineup are a bunch of boobs.

There you go again, can't prop obummer up and give anyone a reason to vote for him, so it's attack the gop, incredibly old and predictable.
I gave you facts and so you think Im a liar?

Your insane.

Your tea party was too new for people toi realise it was jsut a corporate whore group.

Now the people know the truth about the TP crap.

That is why OWS has taken off and the TP crap is never even mentioned anymore.

When was the last TP event?

How many people did it draw.

You can fool some of the people all the time.

You can fool all of some of the time.


You cant fool all of the people all of the time.

Your TP time is done and over

Yes, with only 20% of people thinking the country is going in the right direction (and needing their heads examined), the Tea Party will suffer. :lol::lol::lol:

They will be smoking more of your beloved wealth distributing morons in 2012. What's worse is that they will make Harry Ried the senate minority leader. Can't wait.

That is when we'll start to dismantle Obamacare and put this country back on the right track.

At the rate President Obama is going, there won't be anywhere to go but up (in terms of approval) when he leaves for Chicago on a garbage truck in 2013.

OWS has taken off ???

More people now fear government than ever.

OWS hasn't done anything but ruin some city parks.

do you really think the people want to go back to Bush?

Or do you think they want more tea party hate?

They dont want the very same policies that got us into this mess, that is what the tea party is offering...MORE BUSH LIKE policy is not what they want.

Unless they've suddenly changed the Constitution, TM...I'm pretty sure W. isn't running this time. I know you'd LIKE to run against him again but let's be honest...that isn't what's going to happen.

As for the Tea Party? I'm not quite sure what you're talking about with all the "hate" stuff. The Tea Party wants smaller government and a sane fiscal policy. Where is the hate in that? Because they think Barack Obama isn't going to give them either? Because they've rightly pointed out that progressive economic policy isn't working?

I notice that "Raw Story" article was from last July, TM...which was before the US got it's credit rating downgraded for the first time in it's history...before the pile of Republican bills started stacking up on Harry Reid's desk over in the Senate...before President Obama promised us a "far reaching" jobs bill when he got back from a couple weeks of R&R on Martha's Vineyard, only to give us a watered down version of the stimulus that didn't work the first time around...before Obama postponed a decision on the Canadian oil pipeline until after the elections in 2012 and used the payroll tax as his basis to try and get reelected.

Wonder how he'd do if that same poll were taken today? :cool:

Idiot has a tendency to cit op-ed - not only that, but op-ed from far left sites.

Assholes like him make me appreciate my intellect that much more....I'm grateful I can acknowledge the difference between opinion and fact... I do....

your party started the wars.


WHO do you think said these WORDS! Actual comments!

Look what your people were saying BEFORE BUSH!!!!

32 Democrat quotes ...
"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

In the first three months of 1999, U.S. led-forces bombarded Iraq with 241,000 pounds of bombs just shy of the 253,000 pounds dropped under President Bush in the eight months leading up to the final UN resolution before the war.
By August of 1999, American and British pilots had fired more than 1,100 missiles against 359 targets that year alone.
The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned

So be HONEST you idiot!
We're supposed to belive that there is any point, whatsover, on which the country can unite?

Not gonna happen.

your party started the wars.


Another BLATANT lie. The Democrats voted for BOTH wars and continued to vote to pay for them every year after, INCLUDING the 4 years they controlled both Houses and the 2 years they controlled all of Government.

Well, if you were John Kerry...

You were for the war....before you were against it.


That one will last for 20 years.

What a turd.
we are supposed to apologize for Bush now?

It's laughable, with the election coming up they know they can't run on the incompetent tits record so all they have is demonizing conservatives.
It's all they got:eusa_boohoo:

I'm sure we only need to spend a couple trillion more and things will get better.

I mean we're only talking about money here..

Why would any citizen know anything about that???

Can it get much worse ?

your party started the wars.


Another BLATANT lie. The Democrats voted for BOTH wars and continued to vote to pay for them every year after, INCLUDING the 4 years they controlled both Houses and the 2 years they controlled all of Government.

they voted for afganistan.

Hell I was for afganistan.

Then your party built a mountain of lies which ended in the American people thinking at a 70% clip that Sadam did 911.

It was a flat out lie and your party heads knew it was a lie.

Your party did the wars in such a god aweful way that they put our country in deep debt and got alot of people killed for nothing.

now you pretend its all the dems fault and Your party should recieve NO blame.

You are insane and no one but brain chained cons will ever buy your story.
do you really think the people want to go back to Bush?

Or do you think they want more tea party hate?

They dont want the very same policies that got us into this mess, that is what the tea party is offering...MORE BUSH LIKE policy is not what they want.

You reall are an idiot.

The Tea Party started rolling because of Bush.

With Obama, we got four more years of GWB.

Don't pay attention much, do you ?

They have all the same policies and the same cronyism and the same partison crap.

This from the guy and the party who promised hope and change.

We wanted change to.

And what we got was a third term of GWB.

Pull your head out of your ass.

What Candy Land do you live in Listening?

The Tea Party as we know it today only came into effect after Obama was elected.

So maybe you need to say BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH to yourself like some kind of robot.

How can we consider anything you say when you're so inept at history.
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your party started the wars.


Another BLATANT lie. The Democrats voted for BOTH wars and continued to vote to pay for them every year after, INCLUDING the 4 years they controlled both Houses and the 2 years they controlled all of Government.

they voted for afganistan.

Hell I was for afganistan.

Then your party built a mountain of lies which ended in the American people thinking at a 70% clip that Sadam did 911.

It was a flat out lie and your party heads knew it was a lie.

Your party did the wars in such a god aweful way that they put our country in deep debt and got alot of people killed for nothing.

now you pretend its all the dems fault and Your party should recieve NO blame.

You are insane and no one but brain chained cons will ever buy your story.

Ya know where the Republicans even in control of the Senate in 2003? If they were it was 51 to 49 or 50 to 49 with one independent. Remind us again how it takes 60 Senators to control the Senate.

Or will you ADMIT in this thread that in 2009 and 2010 the democrats refused to pass a Budget when they had majorities in both Houses and the Presidency?

That every bill they claimed they couldn't pass with 59 Senators was a lie? Your side not mine set the goal post as 60 Senators for complete control of the Senate. Hell you are STILL playing that tune THIS year.

Once again the republicans only controlled both Houses for 4 years of Bush's 8 years, yet YOU claimed he had COMPLETE control. You claimed you needed 60 Senators for complete control of the Senate yet under Bush for 2 years they had 50 to 49 and 2 more 56.
These people are either insane or they are liars.

That is what we have gotten down to in this country.

A party made up of liars and crazy people.

The right has lost its mind or has to lie to get what they want.
These people are either insane or they are liars.

That is what we have gotten down to in this country.

A party made up of liars and crazy people.

The right has lost its mind or has to lie to get what they want.

You just had your ass spanked and owned. Cry another time worm...............
Which is it truthmatters?

Did you lie when you said the republicans had COMPLETE control under Bush when they never had more then 56 Senators?

Or did you lie when you claimed in 2009, 2010 and 2011 that the dems did not control the Senate with 59 and 54?

You pick.

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