After 4 years of "Russia, Russia, Russia", it turns out China's the bad guy.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
But we're not hearing "China, China, China !" for some reason.

As the United States and the world waits for the final results of the 2020 elections, evidence is demonstrating numerous cases of fraud and irregularities that are calling into question the integrity of the U.S. Electoral System. Yet beyond this, many of the radical groups that have been involved with activities around the election have deep ties to the Chinese government.

Tony Shaffer on Trump's China policy
- November, 2017.
China China China.jpg
Depends what you mean, the Chinese advance the agenda of the Chinese. The way in which China are the bad guys is they are not us, if we try to immigrate into their nation without granting them benefits, they will say good bye. They don't have interest in vote buying.

We on the other hand advance the agenda of Mexico and other 3rd world - not Americans.

China is in many ways a lot smarter than us, they don't tolerate BS. They work for their interest, and they keep beta males/diversity hires/moochers out of positions of power, We may have elected a virtue signaling vegetable with a diversity hire side kick, in a banana republic selection. China will never become Brazil.
Depends what you mean, the Chinese advance the agenda of the Chinese. The way in which China are the bad guys is they are not us, if we try to immigrate into their nation without granting them benefits, they will say good bye. They don't have interest in vote buying.

We on the other hand advance the agenda of Mexico and other 3rd world - not Americans.

China is in many ways a lot smarter than us, they don't tolerate BS. They work for their interest, and they keep beta males/diversity hires/moochers out of positions of power, We may have elected a virtue signaling vegetable with a diversity hire side kick, in a banana republic selection. China will never become Brazil.
China found capitalism for production with an endless labor supply and the ability to build things cheaply. It gives us low cost products to live with but it builds their economy up and build it with real infrastructure foundation. We went from infrastructure foundation to human foundation near a half century ago. A lot of corruption, abuses and stealing in that way.
Depends what you mean, the Chinese advance the agenda of the Chinese. The way in which China are the bad guys is they are not us, if we try to immigrate into their nation without granting them benefits, they will say good bye. They don't have interest in vote buying.

We on the other hand advance the agenda of Mexico and other 3rd world - not Americans.

China is in many ways a lot smarter than us, they don't tolerate BS. They work for their interest, and they keep beta males/diversity hires/moochers out of positions of power, We may have elected a virtue signaling vegetable with a diversity hire side kick, in a banana republic selection. China will never become Brazil.
China found capitalism for production with an endless labor supply and the ability to build things cheaply. It gives us low cost products to live with but it builds their economy up and build it with real infrastructure foundation. We went from infrastructure foundation to human foundation near a half century ago. A lot of corruption, abuses and stealing in that way.

Indeed, Dependent upon Chinese manufacture, while they steal our patents and ideas.
OP, if the threat of China was so bad 4 years ago, why is the GOP only now talking about it?

Why not 4 years ago?
OP, if the threat of China was so bad 4 years ago, why is the GOP only now talking about it?

Why not 4 years ago?
Is that supposed to be a joke?

Edit: Or... Let me guess... You only watch partisan news?
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OP, if the threat of China was so bad 4 years ago, why is the GOP only now talking about it?

Why not 4 years ago?
Wow, you are stupid.

We were talking about it four years ago. The left stream media decide to talk about Russia, Russia, Russia and would not allow anything to detract from that narrative.

It is amusing how you clowns scream we need better wages when China proves that the economy can thrive on slave labor.
When we had that disastrous Obama/Biden administration they gave away the store to China. Jobs and technology. Hell, the dumbasses even tried to fund the Chicom sonofabitches with that Paris Climate Agreement Environmental wacko scam.

Now we have it documented that the Chinese have bought the Biden family. They gave Hunter Bag Boy a nice little $1.5 billion investment with kickbacks to The Big Guy.

Their investment will pay off in spades. No more equal trade deals. No more traffifs to force equality. No more restrictions on technology thievery.

China's economy and military will grow while the US will go into decline. Golden age of China and the destruction of the US is in the works thanks to the dickheads that voted for this Biden clown. Owned by the Chinese.

Anybody that voted for this Biden shithead is an idiot. A Useful Idiot. Shame!


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