After 1st date, I don't need to know if a woman arrived home safely if........

OP-never ever ever take rel. advice from a woman.

What are you babbling about? He isn't looking for advice. His goal here is to trash women because he hates women. I think that much is quite obvious.

Mmm, yeah, don't listen to the women. Listen to the men on this forum . . . I totally recommend it. :biggrin: Lol.

Ok, I haven't laughed like this in a long time well done Christine. Lol. ;)

Some of these guys are real studs with the ladies! :lol:
OP-never ever ever take rel. advice from a woman.

What are you babbling about? He isn't looking for advice. His goal here is to trash women because he hates women. I think that much is quite obvious.

Mmm, yeah, don't listen to the women. Listen to the men on this forum . . . I totally recommend it. :biggrin: Lol.

Ok, I haven't laughed like this in a long time well done Christine. Lol. ;)

Some of these guys are real studs with the ladies! :lol:

No.. There all single and all the women here know it. Lol.. Doesn't take a genius to figure this all out.
she has no intentions of seeing or talking to me again. Why the fuck would I need a text from a girl letting me know she made it home safely if we won't ever talk again? And the same goes for me. if I meet someone off of and don't like what I see, she doesn't need to know if I made it home safe because I decided to move on with my life

So many stupid ass woman in this world
I imagine after her encounter with you she's many stupid-ass men in this world. Has no intention of ever seeing you again, yet was polite enough to message you. Sounds like a class act deserving of much better than you.

Not interested in her manners, if she is not interested MOVE ON
Only men though what? I said SOME PEOPLE. Not men or women. Some women AND MEN are douchebags (as is obviously apparent by the OP). Some women and men are caring people.

Let me paint the picture for you.

Joey goes on a date with Tammy. For safety purposes they travel in separate vehicles. They eat dinner, watch a movie or whatever the case may be. It was probably an awkward date and not a lot of sparks flying everywhere. Joey thinks Tammy is pretty cute. Joey doesn't know how Tammy feels. They leave and go their separate way in their separate vehicles. Joey thinks, "Man she was really cute, nice and met several other attributes that I find appealing but it didn't seem to go too well. I'll probably never hear from her again." Joey counts it a loss and goes home. A few minutes he gets a text from Tammy. The text reads, "I was just letting you know that I made it home safe." Joey gets excited and thinks, "Well, maybe it was just because we just met that everything was so awkward. She must like me after all." Joey smiles real big and goes to sleep happy. Several days pass and he hasn't heard anything. A few more days pass and Joey tries to contact Tammy. Tammy ignores it for a few days hoping that Joey will take the hint. A few more days pass and Joey figures there was a technical glitch and she didn't get the text.

Joey lives in emotional turmoil for several days unnecessarily because Tammy was a dumb ass and thought he gave a shit whether she made it home safely or not.

I'm sorry if you are too selfish to understand this but Tammy messed up.

And that makes Tammy a retard. Had that happen to me too many times.
Joey needs to get a grip and perhaps a psychiatrist.

Tammy has no responsibility to be a decent human being. I understand this all too well. It's all on Joey.

Tammy can be as hateful and disgusting as she wants to be. She is never held accountable for anything. She is exempt because she has a vagina.

Joey has to walk the line and do exactly as women say that he should.

This is not surprising at all.

Correction.............."A Golden Vagina"
Joey needs to get a grip and perhaps a psychiatrist.

Tammy has no responsibility to be a decent human being. I understand this all too well. It's all on Joey.

Well, Tammy isn't the one throwing a hissy fit over a telephone call. Joey needs to be responsible for Joey and how Joey handles situations and behave like an adult and not a 12-year-old boy.

I would sleep so better at night if you stopped posting
Joey needs to get a grip and perhaps a psychiatrist.

Ok. Joey is required to care about Tammy but when he does he is a lunatic that needs psychiatric help.

When I was in my 20's women used to piss me off with all of this lack of logic lunacy. Now I think you guys are entertaining as hell. Keep posting. I'm laughing my buns off.

No, Joey needs to learn how to cope. Perhaps Tammy was raised up that way, perhaps to her that is the polite thing to do. OTOH, maybe she did it to be a sarcastic bitch. Perhaps she found that Joey was severely lacking in any gentlemanly ways. Maybe Joey was a dick?

Oh good God. Give it a rest will you? If anything, some of you men SHOULD be embarrassed about how you behave and how you publicly whine about women constantly. If you don't like women, then perhaps you would be better of with a Bruce Jenner or something.

You speak as if men are the "innocent victims" of women. As if men don't play their share of games.

Does Tammy have a "Golden Pussy"
I think that some of you men project your own issues and lack of success with the women onto the women. To whine incessantly over a telephone call is a bit over the top, IMO. It's just not that horrible.

You are exaggerating. He started a thread on an anonymous forum. He didn't change his name, sell his house, quit his job, get a tattoo or anything drastic and over the top. He isn't whining incessantly. Look at this thread. He hasn't even participated all that much. He was just confiding his frustrations with a few strangers over the web.

You are making it sound like he is running a blog and posting 3 pages essays twice a day. You are making it sound like he is calling everybody in his phone contact list several times a week. I have already agreed with you. We have 100% agreement about the problems of the male in this scenario. It sounds like most participants in the thread would agree with both of us.

It's just obnoxious that discussing the deficiencies of a female is so taboo.

He starts threads about women and bashes women ALL the time, newbie. :wink_2:

Yeah, I used to do it to piss all you women off, then when I realized what you women were all up against out their by hearing my girlfriends stories I became sentimental. ;)

Well, why don't we look at threads started to complain about men versus women. I say, if these men are so unhappy with women, perhaps they would enjoy men better? :dunno:

why do you have to talk so fucking stupid? If a man is fed up with women it means he rather just FUCK them instead of being in a relationship. Not being with some gay ass frutloop man
she has no intentions of seeing or talking to me again. Why the fuck would I need a text from a girl letting me know she made it home safely if we won't ever talk again? And the same goes for me. if I meet someone off of and don't like what I see, she doesn't need to know if I made it home safe because I decided to move on with my life

So many stupid ass woman in this world
I imagine after her encounter with you she's many stupid-ass men in this world. Has no intention of ever seeing you again, yet was polite enough to message you. Sounds like a class act deserving of much better than you.

Not interested in her manners, if she is not interested MOVE ON

I'm going to be real with you here and not screw around. You need a break from dating. Why? If a woman is simply telling you randomly that she made it home safely and you see that as either pointless or sarcastic, then you aren't ready for a women yet. Period. I don't care if this women told you prior to leaving the date and going home that you and her weren't meant to be, you should have responded kindly to her and said, "good, I'm glad." Or better yet imagine this.. You showed that you weren't a gentleman by opening the door for her or that you talked more about yourself on the date then getting to know about her, and so she develops this pre-assumption that you aren't interested in her, so she starts to lose interest in you, then you both leave the date on that note, BUT.. You text her "I hope you made it home safely without her having to say anything." Do you know that you simply making that extra effort no matter what happened on that 1st date that asking her that 1 question, which happens to be very important her security or well being could have very well allowed her to change her perception of you and give you 1 more chance?

I'm assuming this was your first date with her? You'd be surprised how easily perceptions can change of a person on a first date. They can sway back and forth link the wind. Sounds like you are bitter. Also sounds like you liked her. Tonight think about what you could have done differently on the date with the mind set of getting to know her and an unselfish mind, and write it all down and tell her randomly even in a text that you apologize for this and this and this or this, and say you had a bad off day, make something up, and by doing this you will increase the chance of establishing communication with her if she responds, and then ask her if she wants to give it another go ONLY after she responds. If you didn't fuck up to badly you'd be surprised how a man showing humility and acknowledging his mistakes and caring for HER can actually not just get you 1 more date, but show her what many men are too proud to show. Then you could very well get 2 more dates not just 1.

Also, if it wasn't meant to be then it wasn't meant to be. Dating is HARD. Relationships are way harder. You better be secure with who you are BEFORE you date otherwise you are doing her a disservice. That's not fair to her.

Good luck.
op- best way to get girls is be seen with them- everywhere. develop some girl FRIENDS and watch them come likes flies to shit.

This is excellent advice. Develop friends that are women and then they'll invite her friends then before you know it you are hitched. If all your friends are male then you have a serious problem.

besides, women are intimidated to approach one guy, let alone one. Btw OP- you need to learn about WOMEN'S BODY LANGUAGE, which is the way they TALK to us.

I think that some of you men project your own issues and lack of success with the women onto the women. To whine incessantly over a telephone call is a bit over the top, IMO. It's just not that horrible.

You are exaggerating. He started a thread on an anonymous forum. He didn't change his name, sell his house, quit his job, get a tattoo or anything drastic and over the top. He isn't whining incessantly. Look at this thread. He hasn't even participated all that much. He was just confiding his frustrations with a few strangers over the web.

You are making it sound like he is running a blog and posting 3 pages essays twice a day. You are making it sound like he is calling everybody in his phone contact list several times a week. I have already agreed with you. We have 100% agreement about the problems of the male in this scenario. It sounds like most participants in the thread would agree with both of us.

It's just obnoxious that discussing the deficiencies of a female is so taboo.

He starts threads about women and bashes women ALL the time, newbie. :wink_2:

Yeah, I used to do it to piss all you women off, then when I realized what you women were all up against out their by hearing my girlfriends stories I became sentimental. ;)

Well, why don't we look at threads started to complain about men versus women. I say, if these men are so unhappy with women, perhaps they would enjoy men better? :dunno:

why do you have to talk so fucking stupid? If a man is fed up with women it means he rather just FUCK them instead of being in a relationship. Not being with some gay ass frutloop man

2 questions,

1.) What did this women do to you that was so........................................horrible?
2.) Why are you letting a person (forget the fact that she is a woman) get to you this badly?
she has no intentions of seeing or talking to me again. Why the fuck would I need a text from a girl letting me know she made it home safely if we won't ever talk again? And the same goes for me. if I meet someone off of and don't like what I see, she doesn't need to know if I made it home safe because I decided to move on with my life

So many stupid ass woman in this world
I imagine after her encounter with you she's many stupid-ass men in this world. Has no intention of ever seeing you again, yet was polite enough to message you. Sounds like a class act deserving of much better than you.

Not interested in her manners, if she is not interested MOVE ON

I'm going to be real with you here and not screw around. You need a break from dating. Why? If a woman is simply telling you randomly that she made it home safely and you see that as either pointless or sarcastic, then you aren't ready for a women yet. Period. I don't care if this women told you prior to leaving the date and going home that you and her weren't meant to be, you should have responded kindly to her and said, "good, I'm glad." Or better yet imagine this.. You showed that you weren't a gentleman by opening the door for her or that you talked more about yourself on the date then getting to know about her, and so she develops this pre-assumption that you aren't interested in her, so she starts to lose interest in you, then you both leave the date on that note, BUT.. You text her "I hope you made it home safely without her having to say anything." Do you know that you simply making that extra effort no matter what happened on that 1st date that asking her that 1 question, which happens to be very important her security or well being could have very well allowed her to change her perception of you and give you 1 more chance?

I'm assuming this was your first date with her? You'd be surprised how easily perceptions can change of a person on a first date. They can sway back and forth link the wind. Sounds like you are bitter. Also sounds like you liked her. Tonight think about what you could have done differently on the date with the mind set of getting to know her and an unselfish mind, and write it all down and tell her randomly even in a text that you apologize for this and this and this or this, and say you had a bad off day, make something up, and by doing this you will increase the chance of establishing communication with her if she responds, and then ask her if she wants to give it another go ONLY after she responds. If you didn't fuck up to badly you'd be surprised how a man showing humility and acknowledging his mistakes and caring for HER can actually not just get you 1 more date, but show her what many men are too proud to show. Then you could very well get 2 more dates not just 1.

Also, if it wasn't meant to be then it wasn't meant to be. Dating is HARD. Relationships are way harder. You better be secure with who you are BEFORE you date otherwise you are doing her a disservice. That's not fair to her.

Good luck.

What question am I supposed to ask after a 1st date?
op- best way to get girls is be seen with them- everywhere. develop some girl FRIENDS and watch them come likes flies to shit.

This is excellent advice. Develop friends that are women and then they'll invite her friends then before you know it you are hitched. If all your friends are male then you have a serious problem.

besides, women are intimidated to approach one guy, let alone one. Btw OP- you need to learn about WOMEN'S BODY LANGUAGE, which is the way they TALK to us.


Looking at you also known as noticing you. Even better looking at you and smiling! Did that really need to be said?
You are exaggerating. He started a thread on an anonymous forum. He didn't change his name, sell his house, quit his job, get a tattoo or anything drastic and over the top. He isn't whining incessantly. Look at this thread. He hasn't even participated all that much. He was just confiding his frustrations with a few strangers over the web.

You are making it sound like he is running a blog and posting 3 pages essays twice a day. You are making it sound like he is calling everybody in his phone contact list several times a week. I have already agreed with you. We have 100% agreement about the problems of the male in this scenario. It sounds like most participants in the thread would agree with both of us.

It's just obnoxious that discussing the deficiencies of a female is so taboo.

He starts threads about women and bashes women ALL the time, newbie. :wink_2:

Yeah, I used to do it to piss all you women off, then when I realized what you women were all up against out their by hearing my girlfriends stories I became sentimental. ;)

Well, why don't we look at threads started to complain about men versus women. I say, if these men are so unhappy with women, perhaps they would enjoy men better? :dunno:

why do you have to talk so fucking stupid? If a man is fed up with women it means he rather just FUCK them instead of being in a relationship. Not being with some gay ass frutloop man

2 questions,

1.) What did this women do to you that was so........................................horrible?
2.) Why are you letting a person (forget the fact that she is a woman) get to you this badly?

It's been about 4 girls who I went to dinner with and nothing came out of it. Tired of spending money and never seeing someone again
op- best way to get girls is be seen with them- everywhere. develop some girl FRIENDS and watch them come likes flies to shit.

This is excellent advice. Develop friends that are women and then they'll invite her friends then before you know it you are hitched. If all your friends are male then you have a serious problem.

besides, women are intimidated to approach one guy, let alone one. Btw OP- you need to learn about WOMEN'S BODY LANGUAGE, which is the way they TALK to us.


Looking at you also known as noticing you. Even better looking at you and smiling! Did that really need to be said?

But couldn't she be doing that to be...................POLITE?

You know how women like to be polite
He starts threads about women and bashes women ALL the time, newbie. :wink_2:

Yeah, I used to do it to piss all you women off, then when I realized what you women were all up against out their by hearing my girlfriends stories I became sentimental. ;)

Well, why don't we look at threads started to complain about men versus women. I say, if these men are so unhappy with women, perhaps they would enjoy men better? :dunno:

why do you have to talk so fucking stupid? If a man is fed up with women it means he rather just FUCK them instead of being in a relationship. Not being with some gay ass frutloop man

2 questions,

1.) What did this women do to you that was so........................................horrible?
2.) Why are you letting a person (forget the fact that she is a woman) get to you this badly?

It's been about 4 girls who I went to dinner with and nothing came out of it. Tired of spending money and never seeing someone again

spend money on yourself; she can pay her own way- therefore no pressure- women on a first date do this in this day and age. TRUST ME. Women feel like you're trying to buy them/sex.
op- best way to get girls is be seen with them- everywhere. develop some girl FRIENDS and watch them come likes flies to shit.

This is excellent advice. Develop friends that are women and then they'll invite her friends then before you know it you are hitched. If all your friends are male then you have a serious problem.

besides, women are intimidated to approach one guy, let alone one. Btw OP- you need to learn about WOMEN'S BODY LANGUAGE, which is the way they TALK to us.


googles your friend....women are subtle- they will come near you often w/o even saying hello- because they want you to notice them and say hello. Do you know how it sucks to make the first move/get a rejection? For women its twice as hard, so they use body language. Quick stares, glances, looking away, hair playing, lip licking, smile, shy,. If a girl acts NERVOUS around you she usually likes you.
she has no intentions of seeing or talking to me again. Why the fuck would I need a text from a girl letting me know she made it home safely if we won't ever talk again? And the same goes for me. if I meet someone off of and don't like what I see, she doesn't need to know if I made it home safe because I decided to move on with my life

So many stupid ass woman in this world
I imagine after her encounter with you she's many stupid-ass men in this world. Has no intention of ever seeing you again, yet was polite enough to message you. Sounds like a class act deserving of much better than you.

Not interested in her manners, if she is not interested MOVE ON

I'm going to be real with you here and not screw around. You need a break from dating. Why? If a woman is simply telling you randomly that she made it home safely and you see that as either pointless or sarcastic, then you aren't ready for a women yet. Period. I don't care if this women told you prior to leaving the date and going home that you and her weren't meant to be, you should have responded kindly to her and said, "good, I'm glad." Or better yet imagine this.. You showed that you weren't a gentleman by opening the door for her or that you talked more about yourself on the date then getting to know about her, and so she develops this pre-assumption that you aren't interested in her, so she starts to lose interest in you, then you both leave the date on that note, BUT.. You text her "I hope you made it home safely without her having to say anything." Do you know that you simply making that extra effort no matter what happened on that 1st date that asking her that 1 question, which happens to be very important her security or well being could have very well allowed her to change her perception of you and give you 1 more chance?

I'm assuming this was your first date with her? You'd be surprised how easily perceptions can change of a person on a first date. They can sway back and forth link the wind. Sounds like you are bitter. Also sounds like you liked her. Tonight think about what you could have done differently on the date with the mind set of getting to know her and an unselfish mind, and write it all down and tell her randomly even in a text that you apologize for this and this and this or this, and say you had a bad off day, make something up, and by doing this you will increase the chance of establishing communication with her if she responds, and then ask her if she wants to give it another go ONLY after she responds. If you didn't fuck up to badly you'd be surprised how a man showing humility and acknowledging his mistakes and caring for HER can actually not just get you 1 more date, but show her what many men are too proud to show. Then you could very well get 2 more dates not just 1.

Also, if it wasn't meant to be then it wasn't meant to be. Dating is HARD. Relationships are way harder. You better be secure with who you are BEFORE you date otherwise you are doing her a disservice. That's not fair to her.

Good luck.

What question am I supposed to ask after a 1st date?

Who says it has to be a question? Compliment her! Say she looked very beautiful. Not "pretty", but "beautiful" HUGE difference. If you want to ask her a question, but you know the date didn't go well, then start with you saying I sincerely apologize for this or this, and it's not like me to not do this or this or to do this or this (show humility) and ask her if she would be willing to go out again with you? HUMILITY goes a very LONG way. People don't show it very often at all. When they do it's VERY meaningful.
op- best way to get girls is be seen with them- everywhere. develop some girl FRIENDS and watch them come likes flies to shit.

This is excellent advice. Develop friends that are women and then they'll invite her friends then before you know it you are hitched. If all your friends are male then you have a serious problem.

besides, women are intimidated to approach one guy, let alone one. Btw OP- you need to learn about WOMEN'S BODY LANGUAGE, which is the way they TALK to us.


googles your friend....women are subtle- they will come near you often w/o even saying hello- because they want you to notice them and say hello. Do you know how it sucks to make the first move/get a rejection? For women its twice as hard, so they use body language. Quick stares, glances, looking away, hair playing, lip licking, smile, shy,. If a girl acts NERVOUS around you she usually likes you.

Be nice but not too needy. Subtle touching is a huge turn on for most women. Key word subtle, gentle, respectful. Google "kino".
Yeah, I used to do it to piss all you women off, then when I realized what you women were all up against out their by hearing my girlfriends stories I became sentimental. ;)

Well, why don't we look at threads started to complain about men versus women. I say, if these men are so unhappy with women, perhaps they would enjoy men better? :dunno:

why do you have to talk so fucking stupid? If a man is fed up with women it means he rather just FUCK them instead of being in a relationship. Not being with some gay ass frutloop man

2 questions,

1.) What did this women do to you that was so........................................horrible?
2.) Why are you letting a person (forget the fact that she is a woman) get to you this badly?

It's been about 4 girls who I went to dinner with and nothing came out of it. Tired of spending money and never seeing someone again

spend money on yourself; she can pay her own way- therefore no pressure- women on a first date do this in this day and age. TRUST ME. Women feel like you're trying to buy them/sex.

I need to do a better job in planning the first meet after meeting online

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