Afghans plunge to their deaths after trying to cling to US military plane taking off from Kabul

He helped? Anyone else involved in this? Reaganomics is what trashed us into the 2nd world. Most Democrats went along with it, so I'm not giving Biden or anyone a pass for their extensive sellout to corporate interests.
You must include the Fiat Currency in this. Reagan lived with that and all of the laws passed with social programs from previous administrations. Those programs add each year in payouts in all ways. He promoted the private side while the public side was increasing geometrically. He was promised cuts in legislation by the then Prog Party. Never happened. Some of the aged at that time were not doing that good. Eating Cat food to survive was broadcast as the amount started increasing from that generation. Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, EBT, Free Medical, Low Cost Housing and much much more was now growing exponentially from their beginnings. Massive corruption and playing the system was going on. The last chance to purge the system and clean up our act died after Paul Volcker of the Federal Reserve cleaned up the Fiat Currency Debt with double digit high interest rates. Our last chance to live within our means without suffering as we suffered then to stop any future downturns in living. We then cemented our socialist future without cuts to our federal budget and limits on state local budgets which have become like a high mountain.
It's a heck of a thing.

You have to zoom in to see the poor saps falling to their deaths.

It wasn't immediately clear if these were people but they ended up recovering the bodies.

And I heard that some in the MSM are indignant that there are parallels being drawn between this cluster fuck and Saigon.
A bit too late to give a damn NOW Afghanies!!
According to all these other posts you had 20 years to get your shit together and learn some sort of collective resistance, or even modernize your litterbox of a country.
You weren't interested, so we left. NOW you think grabbing onto our plane as we finally leave is going to make us come back??

You dug your own graves.
Same could be said of us here in the states. Our rights are being dismantled, a feebleminded idiot is POTUS, our cities are being burned and looted by domestic terrorists...and we are doing nothing about it.
"Mr. President!! Mr. President!!.... Afghanistan has fallen... people dying like flies!!...your Secretary of Homeland Security just said the U.S. Border is lost!!!..... Mr. President!!!!!!"


"Mmm... double chocolate chip..."
Fuckers sure hung in there for a while, though. Kudos for that...

I know. They were way up there a ways. And that thing was accelerating nicely.

I was thinking that, but I didn't want to say it.

I'm not laughing. Really I'm not. But, yeah, they had to be holding on for dear life.
I do feel a bit sorry for them but there are 7.5 billion people in the world. To pretend I care about them all is a lie.

Our own country is going to shit and we can't fix our own problems. Until we take care of our own issues we can't be babysitting the rest of the world.
Trump made the agreement to withdraw with the Taliban when he was in office and Biden followed through.
hahahah no no...Xiden tossed that agreement out the door....

just like he did with all the other agreements Trump made.

Just stop already, you look foolish still defending Joey Xiden, the Terrorist best friend

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