Advice Needed


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
We have a neighbor who's kind of a snobby asshole.
Well they were out cutting the grass today, and, the guy on the mower made a wrong move and bumped into this guys lamppost and it's cockeyed now and the top is off kilter.

I'm debating on whether I should rat out the lawnmower guy - cause it would be going my snobby-ass neighbor a favor - or just let it go.

I wish I had not seen it!
If the neighbor -- not the lawnmower -- is the snobby asshole.... why do him a favor?

Maybe the thing to do is go to the lawnmower guy and hint that "this could all go away for the right price..." :eusa_shifty:
Sleep with the lawnmower man as a way of saying thanks.
Tell the snobby neighbor, but blame it on Hillary or Bush, (Depending on which party he favors)
Who cuts their grass in the middle of December? Unless one lives in the warmer parts of the states?

What lamp post? What lawn mower? I didn't see anything.
When I was a kid, our next door neighbor (who was a prick) dug a trench in our yard to keep water from running onto his property. We didn't have a sidewalk and the trench was near the street, causing a potential law suit against us if someone walking by broke their ankle stepping in the trench. My mother asked him nicely not to do that and he went into a rage and started yelling at her. Cops had to be called and they almost arrested him. Anyway, about a month later, I heard a crash outside about 3 in the morning, went outside to see what had happened and there was a truck in the road in front of our house. The guy had smashed into our neighbors car that was parked in front of his house. I got the guys information and was gonna give it to the neighbor but then I thought about how he had treated my mother and tore up the paper. Screw that guy.
I don't even know why he was in the neighbors yard! They are the people here to do the common area.
I don't know - that guy is such a jerk, won't even say hello - I mean, the lamp post is still THERE it's not like it's totally knocked down... gah!
You didn't see anything, Bonzi. If you tell him he won't appreciate it, may even say something to piss you off. You'll end up regretting you told him.
I was OK with not telling, but then browsing deer made me feel bad :(
We have a neighbor who's kind of a snobby asshole.
Well they were out cutting the grass today, and, the guy on the mower made a wrong move and bumped into this guys lamppost and it's cockeyed now and the top is off kilter.

I'm debating on whether I should rat out the lawnmower guy - cause it would be going my snobby-ass neighbor a favor - or just let it go.

I wish I had not seen it!

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