ADL anti antifa images are hate symbols


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
In addition to declaring the "OK" hand symbol and bowl cuts are now "hate symbols," the ADL has also declared "anti-Antifa images" are "hate symbols."

According to the ADL, opposing Antifa makes you a white supremacist.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 27, 2019

The ADL writes on their website:

Although white supremacist animus is often thought of as being directed against religious, racial and ethnic minorities, a significant portion of their hateful rhetoric is directed against the political left, including both the mainstream and far left. For example, a common alt right meme offers “free helicopter rides” to people on the left, a reference to the tactic used by right-wing dictatorships in Argentina and Chile of throwing left-wing critics of the regime from helicopters.
ADL: 'Anti-Antifa Images' Are 'Hate Symbols'

If you can't see the PROPPING UP OF THESE LITTLE KUNTS!! you are ONE OF THEM and just as stupid as them.
When your country is gone you retarded assholes then you will wake up in your own reality you created you brain dead dumbasses!!!
In addition to declaring the "OK" hand symbol and bowl cuts are now "hate symbols," the ADL has also declared "anti-Antifa images" are "hate symbols."

According to the ADL, opposing Antifa makes you a white supremacist.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 27, 2019

The ADL writes on their website:

Although white supremacist animus is often thought of as being directed against religious, racial and ethnic minorities, a significant portion of their hateful rhetoric is directed against the political left, including both the mainstream and far left. For example, a common alt right meme offers “free helicopter rides” to people on the left, a reference to the tactic used by right-wing dictatorships in Argentina and Chile of throwing left-wing critics of the regime from helicopters.
ADL: 'Anti-Antifa Images' Are 'Hate Symbols'

If you can't see the PROPPING UP OF THESE LITTLE KUNTS!! you are ONE OF THEM and just as stupid as them.
When your country is gone you retarded assholes then you will wake up in your own reality you created you brain dead dumbasses!!!

This is what happens when you let a former Obama hack run a civil rights advocate of a group they hate....They turn it on its head...
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In addition to declaring the "OK" hand symbol and bowl cuts are now "hate symbols," the ADL has also declared "anti-Antifa images" are "hate symbols."

According to the ADL, opposing Antifa makes you a white supremacist.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 27, 2019

The ADL writes on their website:

Although white supremacist animus is often thought of as being directed against religious, racial and ethnic minorities, a significant portion of their hateful rhetoric is directed against the political left, including both the mainstream and far left. For example, a common alt right meme offers “free helicopter rides” to people on the left, a reference to the tactic used by right-wing dictatorships in Argentina and Chile of throwing left-wing critics of the regime from helicopters.
ADL: 'Anti-Antifa Images' Are 'Hate Symbols'

If you can't see the PROPPING UP OF THESE LITTLE KUNTS!! you are ONE OF THEM and just as stupid as them.
When your country is gone you retarded assholes then you will wake up in your own reality you created you brain dead dumbasses!!!

This is what happens when you let a former Obama hack run a civil rights advocate of a group they hate....They turn it on its head...

It started before Obama . really we all got our rights stripped right after 911 a little before it but 911 was used as the perfect storm for all the morons to ACCEPT and BEND over giving up all their rights. Cause the gov. scared them and good. The idiots just donn't want to believe inside jobs are always done by a douche gov. who wants to herd their cattle into " OBEY" policies.............all the while the a.holes think they are choosing freedom.

Perfect example of GLOBALIST BS

Another one of the great successes of the Left gatekeeper has been pushing for the unconstitutional gun control agenda through their publications like The Nation, Z Magazine, The Progressive, and their internet kin at DemocracyNow! and Indymedia. It is a great achievement of propaganda when the supposed radicals "opposing Bush" call for a completely disarmed American populace and inflated budget for BATF thugs in ski masks. Chomsky mocks those who support the Constitutionally endowed right to bear arms. In fact, he says it doesn't exist:

"It's pretty clear that, taken literally, the Second Amendment doesn't permit people to have guns. But laws are never taken literally, including amendments to the Constitution or constitutional rights. Laws permit what the tenor of the times interprets them as permitting."

("Secrets, Lies, and Democracy")

Then later in the interview, Chomsky is asked if guns are a proper way to respond to government tyranny. He responds as follows:

"As for guns being the way to respond to this, that's outlandish. First of all, this is not a weak Third World country. If people have pistols, the government has tanks. If people get tanks, the government has atomic weapons. There's no way to deal with these issues by violent force, even if you think that that's morally legitimate.

Guns in the hands of American citizens are not going to make the country more benign. They're going to make it more brutal, ruthless and destructive. So while one can recognize the motivation that lies behind some of the opposition to gun control, I think it's sadly misguided."
It's clear some hostile entity took over control of the ADL and has turned it into a rabidly progressive authoritarian mouthpiece for anti democratic One Worlders, just the Southern Poverty Law Center.
This is what communists do when you don't agree with their twisted opinions. The Democratic party is the next best thing to Communism. Antifa is their baby. Every American worker, taxpayer and first amendment lover would suffer greatly under this new Democratic parties rule. We're already suffering from the concerted effort Democrats are making to undermine our President, our country and the American people
It's clear some hostile entity took over control of the ADL and has turned it into a rabidly progressive authoritarian mouthpiece for anti democratic One Worlders, just the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Iowahawk describes the left's method on this perfectly.

1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.

David Burge on Twitter
It's clear some hostile entity took over control of the ADL and has turned it into a rabidly progressive authoritarian mouthpiece for anti democratic One Worlders, just the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Iowahawk describes the left's method on this perfectly.

1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.

David Burge on Twitter
I'm a Penn State fan who agrees with Iowahawk completely. Probably not so much when we face the Hawks in 2 weeks and then battle for the wrestling national championship in March. But right now, me and Iowahawk are brothers in arms.
Interesting, if disturbing way of looking at it.
Your citation from Iowahawk called it like it is: Identify, kill, gut, wear. That's how Eddie Gein did it.

The left has done this in countless instances. If they can't find a reputedly respected host to overtake and assume it's veneer of respectability (initially at least) they will create NGOs in religion, education, law enforcement, etc. that give them the appearance of being credible and straight forward.

The more we know about how the left operates the more they seem like a serial killer
or something from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
In addition to declaring the "OK" hand symbol and bowl cuts are now "hate symbols," the ADL has also declared "anti-Antifa images" are "hate symbols."

According to the ADL, opposing Antifa makes you a white supremacist.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 27, 2019

The ADL writes on their website:

Although white supremacist animus is often thought of as being directed against religious, racial and ethnic minorities, a significant portion of their hateful rhetoric is directed against the political left, including both the mainstream and far left. For example, a common alt right meme offers “free helicopter rides” to people on the left, a reference to the tactic used by right-wing dictatorships in Argentina and Chile of throwing left-wing critics of the regime from helicopters.
ADL: 'Anti-Antifa Images' Are 'Hate Symbols'

If you can't see the PROPPING UP OF THESE LITTLE KUNTS!! you are ONE OF THEM and just as stupid as them.
When your country is gone you retarded assholes then you will wake up in your own reality you created you brain dead dumbasses!!!

This is what happens when you let a former Obama hack run a civil rights advocate of a group they hate....They turn it on its head...
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Joe Biden Demands SPLC-Style Terror Watchlist to Protect LGBT People.

The SPLC is a hate group.

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