Adidas To Help High Schools Change Native American Mascots


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
"It's important to create a climate that feels open to everyone who wants to compete."

The sports apparel company, which has North American headquarters in Portland, Oregon, will allow schools to volunteer for the program and will provide financial assistance for mascot and nickname changes "to ensure the transition is not cost prohibitive," it said in a release. Schools that want help changing mascots can email Adidas to enroll in the program.

The initiative's launch is timed to coincide with the White House Tribal Nations Conference, which starts Thursday in Washington, D.C., and will include representatives from as many as 567 federally recognized tribes.

"High school social identities are central to the lives of young athletes, so it's important to create a climate that feels open to everyone who wants to compete," Mark King, the president of Adidas North America, said in a statement.

"But the issue is much bigger," the statement continued. "These social identities affect the whole student body and, really, entire communities. In many cities across our nation, the high school and its sports teams take center stage in the community and the mascot and team names become an everyday rallying cry."

As many as 2,000 high schools use Native American mascots and imagery, which tribes and activists have long argued are harmful to communities and students because they perpetuate negative stereotypes. The American Psychological Association and American Sociological Association have both recommended changing such mascots because of the effects they can have on native and non-native students.

Universities and high schools have spent decades weighing the appropriateness of Native American mascots, with many deciding to change them.

That movement has reignited in recent years as activists renewed their fight for Washington's NFL team to change its name and mascot.

More: Adidas To Help High Schools Change Native American Mascots

Thank you Adidas! I can think of a good name for that Washington NFL team.

Go Kikes!
wait a minute. I didn't think you on the lefted like BIG CORPS?

or they are good when you want something from them?
wait a minute. I didn't think you on the lefted like BIG CORPS?

or they are good when you want something from them?
Yeah, well you know how them "lefted" people are, LOL.

You are such an idiot, ROTFLMAO!
"It's important to create a climate that feels open to everyone who wants to compete."

The sports apparel company, which has North American headquarters in Portland, Oregon, will allow schools to volunteer for the program and will provide financial assistance for mascot and nickname changes "to ensure the transition is not cost prohibitive," it said in a release. Schools that want help changing mascots can email Adidas to enroll in the program.

The initiative's launch is timed to coincide with the White House Tribal Nations Conference, which starts Thursday in Washington, D.C., and will include representatives from as many as 567 federally recognized tribes.

"High school social identities are central to the lives of young athletes, so it's important to create a climate that feels open to everyone who wants to compete," Mark King, the president of Adidas North America, said in a statement.

"But the issue is much bigger," the statement continued. "These social identities affect the whole student body and, really, entire communities. In many cities across our nation, the high school and its sports teams take center stage in the community and the mascot and team names become an everyday rallying cry."

As many as 2,000 high schools use Native American mascots and imagery, which tribes and activists have long argued are harmful to communities and students because they perpetuate negative stereotypes. The American Psychological Association and American Sociological Association have both recommended changing such mascots because of the effects they can have on native and non-native students.

Universities and high schools have spent decades weighing the appropriateness of Native American mascots, with many deciding to change them.

That movement has reignited in recent years as activists renewed their fight for Washington's NFL team to change its name and mascot.

More: Adidas To Help High Schools Change Native American Mascots

Thank you Adidas! I can think of a good name for that Washington NFL team.
Why can't you at least have the 'native' intelligence to put quotation marks around what you have C&Ped?
It makes you look fucking deceitful let alone stupid/
WTF is wrong with native Americans? Why so shameful of being part of our society that you don't want your imagine on anything?

I say this as part native myself. I think it is sad.
look at the OP and then the comment. You see ANY reason why anybody should support the OP's position AFTER that?

A democrat complains about something being racist and then uses a racial slur right after that. If ANYTHING it paints ALL natives whole or part as racists.
Help change history so that the native tribes are forgotten, ignored and swept under a very dusty rug.
I once read something that said "then they should have fought harder and invested in post-Neolithic R&D".

Essentially tribes of cavemen came into contact with peoples who had centralized government who had four millennia of technological advancements, all kinds of education, were on the cusp of the Industrial Revolution, and had vast trading networks to work with. The Indians should consider themselves lucky they ended up as well off as they are. Most peoples throughout history who lost s badly as they did don't get reservations; they get forcibly assimilated, sent away in a diaspora, sold into slavery, or simply genocided out of existence.
"It's important to create a climate that feels open to everyone who wants to compete."

The sports apparel company, which has North American headquarters in Portland, Oregon, will allow schools to volunteer for the program and will provide financial assistance for mascot and nickname changes "to ensure the transition is not cost prohibitive," it said in a release. Schools that want help changing mascots can email Adidas to enroll in the program.

The initiative's launch is timed to coincide with the White House Tribal Nations Conference, which starts Thursday in Washington, D.C., and will include representatives from as many as 567 federally recognized tribes.

"High school social identities are central to the lives of young athletes, so it's important to create a climate that feels open to everyone who wants to compete," Mark King, the president of Adidas North America, said in a statement.

"But the issue is much bigger," the statement continued. "These social identities affect the whole student body and, really, entire communities. In many cities across our nation, the high school and its sports teams take center stage in the community and the mascot and team names become an everyday rallying cry."

As many as 2,000 high schools use Native American mascots and imagery, which tribes and activists have long argued are harmful to communities and students because they perpetuate negative stereotypes. The American Psychological Association and American Sociological Association have both recommended changing such mascots because of the effects they can have on native and non-native students.

Universities and high schools have spent decades weighing the appropriateness of Native American mascots, with many deciding to change them.

That movement has reignited in recent years as activists renewed their fight for Washington's NFL team to change its name and mascot.

More: Adidas To Help High Schools Change Native American Mascots

Thank you Adidas! I can think of a good name for that Washington NFL team.

How long until Greece complains about schools' use of 'Trojans' or 'Spartans?' :)

Go Kikes!
How ironic. You whine and scream about one group of people showing 'prejudice' against another group which is pure racism then you put up a post doing the exact same thing.
You really are an evil ****.
Obama hasn't done sweet fuck all to help the indians. Nothing!
Now as his fucking disaster presidency is coming to an end thankfully what does he do? He invites HUNDREDS of indians to the Whitehouse for a fucking POW WOW.
Everything laid on of course. Free flights/limousine service. Best hotels, best restaurants.
(bring the squaw of course) Free 24 hour room service. Some 'walking around money'.
Of course Obama knows that the indians know that he knows he's just making the gesture to the LIB women's White Guilter dummies.
He knows the indians don't turn out to do anything unless there's something free at the other end. Hence their First Class visit to the White house.
Pretty fucking cynical move on Obama's part but HEY! Who's counting at this point?

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