Adapting Infrastructure to Rising Sea Levels

Links to prove how many times it has been warmer than at present? How many times has the CO2 and CH4 levels been where they are today in the last 8000 years? And I expect both will double what they are today before we do anything.

The warming from the present levels of GHGs is just starting. It will be another 50 years before we feel the full impact of what is in the atmosphere today, and, by then, there will be a lot more for the next 50 years.

In the last interglacial, there was a period when the CO2 level was about 300 ppm. The sea level was 3 to 6 meters higher than today. Today the CO2 level is at 400 ppm. And the climate has not had time to adjust. But it will.

Please provide one link with datasets and source code that proves CO2 drives climate.
How many times has the temperature in the last 8000 years been warmer than the current time? I'll give you a is 4 times.
Did ANY of the catastrophes you claim we will cause, occur then? If they didn't occur then, why not? Is it only because man is around that such a catastrophe can occur now? Now that someone is here to hear it the tree falling in the wood can finally be heard... is that what you're claiming?

Since that seems to contradict my reference on this topic...

A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years
Shaun A. Marcott1, Jeremy D. Shakun2, Peter U. Clark1, Alan C. Mix1
1College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.
2Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: marcotts{at}
Exceptional Now

The climate has been warming since the industrial revolution, but how warm is climate now compared with the rest of the Holocene? Marcott et al. (p. 1198) constructed a record of global mean surface temperature for more than the last 11,000 years, using a variety of land- and marine-based proxy data from all around the world. The pattern of temperatures shows a rise as the world emerged from the last deglaciation, warm conditions until the middle of the Holocene, and a cooling trend over the next 5000 years that culminated around 200 years ago in the Little Ice Age. Temperatures have risen steadily since then, leaving us now with a global temperature higher than those during 90% of the entire Holocene.

I will have to ask you for evidence of your claim.

Additionally, the rate of temperature increase over the last century - and thus the time available for acclimatization - is many times worse than in any span of time going a great deal further back than 8,000 years. On top of that, population and population density were many orders of magnitude less than they are today and those populations were far, far less dependent on their infrastructure than are the world's current population. Your point is basically worthless.
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Links to prove how many times it has been warmer than at present? How many times has the CO2 and CH4 levels been where they are today in the last 8000 years? And I expect both will double what they are today before we do anything.

The warming from the present levels of GHGs is just starting. It will be another 50 years before we feel the full impact of what is in the atmosphere today, and, by then, there will be a lot more for the next 50 years.

In the last interglacial, there was a period when the CO2 level was about 300 ppm. The sea level was 3 to 6 meters higher than today. Today the CO2 level is at 400 ppm. And the climate has not had time to adjust. But it will.

Who cares. The fact remains that the temps were warmer 8000, 6000, 2000, and 800m years ago. Much warmer in two of those cases and not one catastrophe ever occurred. The amount of CO2 and CH4 levels doesn't matter as has been shown repeatedly. Face it roxie, your cult is sinking.

The theory failed its test and now it's just you and the faithful bailing water as fast as you can.
How many times has the temperature in the last 8000 years been warmer than the current time? I'll give you a is 4 times.
Did ANY of the catastrophes you claim we will cause, occur then? If they didn't occur then, why not? Is it only because man is around that such a catastrophe can occur now? Now that someone is here to hear it the tree falling in the wood can finally be heard... is that what you're claiming?

Since that seems to contradict my reference on this topic...

A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years
Shaun A. Marcott1, Jeremy D. Shakun2, Peter U. Clark1, Alan C. Mix1
1College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.
2Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: marcotts{at}
Exceptional Now

The climate has been warming since the industrial revolution, but how warm is climate now compared with the rest of the Holocene? Marcott et al. (p. 1198) constructed a record of global mean surface temperature for more than the last 11,000 years, using a variety of land- and marine-based proxy data from all around the world. The pattern of temperatures shows a rise as the world emerged from the last deglaciation, warm conditions until the middle of the Holocene, and a cooling trend over the next 5000 years that culminated around 200 years ago in the Little Ice Age. Temperatures have risen steadily since then, leaving us now with a global temperature higher than those during 90% of the entire Holocene.

I will have to ask you for evidence of your claim.

Additionally, the rate of temperature increase over the last century - and thus the time available for acclimatization - is many times worse than in any span of time going a great deal further back than 8,000 years. On top of that, population and population density were many orders of magnitude less than they are today and those populations were far, far less dependent on their infrastructure than are the world's current population. Your point is basically worthless.

More of that Shakun horseshit I see.:lol::lol: What a joke...

Here you go silly person.

Global characterization of the Holocene Thermal Maximum

In the analysis we focus on the intensity of the maximum temperature deviation relative to the preindustrial level, its timing in the Holocene, and the seasonal expression. In the model, the warmest HTM conditions are found at high latitudes in both hemispheres, reaching 5 °C above the preindustrial level, while the smallest HTM signal is seen over tropical oceans (less than 0.5 °C). This latitudinal contrast is mostly related to the nature of the orbitally-forced insolation forcing, which is also largest at high latitudes, and further enhanced by the polar amplification. The Holocene timing of the HTM is earliest (before 8 ka BP) in regions not affected by the remnant LIS, particularly NW North America, E Asia, N Africa, N South America, the Middle East, NE Siberia and Australia.

Global characterization of the Holocene Thermal Maximum

And here's a handy chart for the learning impaired..just for you!

Nice try, save you've made the same mistake that many deniers here have made before you. Greenland is not the Earth. "High latitudes in both hemispheres" is not the Earth. Your paper's abstract ends "The simulated timing and magnitude of the HTM are generally consistent with global proxy evidence, with some notable exceptions in the Mediterranean region, SW North America and eastern Eurasia." No where in what we can see of your paper is there any mention of GLOBAL TEMPERATURES exceeding contemporary values.

You haven't got shit and have now identified yourself as someone who puts faith in climate models. Good work.

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