Adapting Infrastructure to Rising Sea Levels



You don't think low-lying coastal communities with large fresh water inputs should be concerned about this trend?

Glad you've got nothing to do with the management of my area.

Cute graphs. Funny, when we go down to Ocean Beach near San Diego the water level there is EXACTLY the same as it was over 100 years ago when they started taking pictures of the area.

Exactly the same!
And who suggested destroying the world's economy? My point would be that global warming is going to have some SERIOUS impact on us and our economy. Pretending that it isn't happening or that it won't hurt us helps no one save the exceptionally short-sighted.

an 8 inch rise in 130 years is going to have a "SERIOUS" impact? You obviously have a different definition of "SERIOUS" than I do.
I obviously believe a different prediction than you do. It's the one being made by the experts in the field.
Noah's Flood? And you want to call me a "fucking retard"? Very impressive Frank, VERY impressive.

Well, National Geographic is better than a conspiracy site like The Rabbit Hole. But you've got proof of nothing.

There are perfectly good paleo records of sea levels if you had any interest in accurate information. Here. It goes back that far, it shows that sea level has been rising and it was actually put together by qualified scientists.


Amazing, huh?

It's like Orwell's 1984, the AGWCult tells you there are no cities underwater and you believe them. We show you evidence that cities are deep underwater and you ignore it

You're in a cult, buddy and should seek help. Maybe people close to you will do an intervention


You don't think low-lying coastal communities with large fresh water inputs should be concerned about this trend?

Glad you've got nothing to do with the management of my area.

Are those proof that "warming temperatures are raising sea level too high for these systems to work, by expanding the size of water molecules at the ocean's surface"

Ok, dumb fuck, he should have said by increasing the volume the molecule occupies because of the increase in vibration as the molecule has more energy at a higher temperature. However, for anyone with the slightest knowledge of chemistry, what he said is completely clear.
Noah's Flood? And you want to call me a "fucking retard"? Very impressive Frank, VERY impressive.

Well, National Geographic is better than a conspiracy site like The Rabbit Hole. But you've got proof of nothing.

There are perfectly good paleo records of sea levels if you had any interest in accurate information. Here. It goes back that far, it shows that sea level has been rising and it was actually put together by qualified scientists.


Amazing, huh?

It's like Orwell's 1984, the AGWCult tells you there are no cities underwater and you believe them. We show you evidence that cities are deep underwater and you ignore it

You're in a cult, buddy and should seek help. Maybe people close to you will do an intervention

And who suggested destroying the world's economy? My point would be that global warming is going to have some SERIOUS impact on us and our economy. Pretending that it isn't happening or that it won't hurt us helps no one save the exceptionally short-sighted.

an 8 inch rise in 130 years is going to have a "SERIOUS" impact? You obviously have a different definition of "SERIOUS" than I do.

Ah Pattycake,you are so damned stupid:lol: Sometime between now and 2100, that rise is going to be over a meter. And, yes, the present rise has had a serious impact. Just ask the people in New York City.
It's like Orwell's 1984, the AGWCult tells you there are no cities underwater and you believe them. We show you evidence that cities are deep underwater and you ignore it

You're in a cult, buddy and should seek help. Maybe people close to you will do an intervention

I think you ought to do a little more reading on those sites before you conclude they are "cities" and that they are there from rising sea levels. And when I say reading, I don't mean conspiracy blogs or Costa Rican tourism sites. BTW, your second image, of the purported underwater structures off Cuba, is not a photograph. You might as well show us "pictures" of the aliens at Area 51
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You don't think low-lying coastal communities with large fresh water inputs should be concerned about this trend?

Glad you've got nothing to do with the management of my area.

Are those proof that "warming temperatures are raising sea level too high for these systems to work, by expanding the size of water molecules at the ocean's surface"

Ok, dumb fuck, he should have said by increasing the volume the molecule occupies because of the increase in vibration as the molecule has more energy at a higher temperature. However, for anyone with the slightest knowledge of chemistry, what he said is completely clear.

I love it when warmer sources show their complete lack of science.
Noah's Flood? And you want to call me a "fucking retard"? Very impressive Frank, VERY impressive.

Well, National Geographic is better than a conspiracy site like The Rabbit Hole. But you've got proof of nothing.

There are perfectly good paleo records of sea levels if you had any interest in accurate information. Here. It goes back that far, it shows that sea level has been rising and it was actually put together by qualified scientists.


Amazing, huh?

It's like Orwell's 1984, the AGWCult tells you there are no cities underwater and you believe them. We show you evidence that cities are deep underwater and you ignore it

You're in a cult, buddy and should seek help. Maybe people close to you will do an intervention


Yes, seek help.
The structures off Okinawa and Cuba, in the opinions of archaeologists and geologists that have examined the sites, are that they are geological. The one in Cuba is ridiculously deep to even consider it could be man made. The structure off Okinawa is virtually identical to structures ashore that are known to be natural.

If you want to see a city underwater, try Old Tyre in the Mediterranean or Port Royal, Jamaica. I am not denying that there are formerly coastal structures all over the world. But the only ones I know of that have been submerged solely by rising water would likely be those bronze age dwellings on the ancent shores of the Black Sea when what was formerly a medium large lake was catastrophically flooded by waters pouring through the newly formed Bosporus Straits. Sea levels have simply not risen sufficiently since humans began building durable structures. In some areas, subsidence can add enough change, but it is unlikely that 2 meters over 8,000 years is going to catch anyone unawares.
South Florida Adapting Infrastructure to Rising Sea Levels | Popular Science

Updates for climate change resilience may allow communities like Miami Beach to survive the century, but they're costing millions of dollars ...

In South Florida, more frequent and destructive flooding due to climate change has become a serious problem. This March 19 report by the PBS News Hour and WPBT looks at how communities like Miami Beach and Broward County are trying to adapt their physical systems to stand up to the new reality.

The drainage infrastructure on the Florida coast has relied upon gravity to draw rainfall runoff from higher canal levels to lower sea level, according to the report. But warming temperatures are raising sea level too high for these systems to work, by expanding the size of water molecules at the ocean's surface, while also melting glaciers that historically kept much of the world's fresh water locked away from the ocean. Climate change is also causing briefer but torrential rainfalls, creating more runoff than the drainage systems were built to handle all at once.

The first words in the segment, spoken by fishing boat captain and Florida native Dan Kipness, set a pragmatic tone. “Captains are used to looking at the ocean," says Kipness,

If you look at it long enough — and I have had enough time to look at it — you can see small changes turn into big changes over a period of time. You’re going to see water coming out of Biscayne Bay, up the storm sewers, and onto the streets until it’s about a foot deep.

“And that’s not freshwater. That’s saltwater. There’s no rain. There’s not a cloud in the sky.

Video at the link.

We're spending money on the wrong things.

FLA is doomed.

Doubt me?

Try buying HOME OWNERS insurance in FLA.

Florida most expensive in nation for home insurance |

Florida most expensive in nation for home insurance |

No hurricanes, but Florida property insurance rate hikes keep coming |

Now I totally understand that right wingers doubt the veractiy of left wingers.

But INSURANCE COMPANIES are hardly run by lefties.

They are bastions of pragmatic thinking designed to measure risk v reward.

Clearly they think FLA is in trouble..

What do they know that the Climate weirding denialists don't?
The structures off Okinawa and Cuba, in the opinions of archaeologists and geologists that have examined the sites, are that they are geological. The one in Cuba is ridiculously deep to even consider it could be man made. The structure off Okinawa is virtually identical to structures ashore that are known to be natural.

If you want to see a city underwater, try Old Tyre in the Mediterranean or Port Royal, Jamaica. I am not denying that there are formerly coastal structures all over the world. But the only ones I know of that have been submerged solely by rising water would likely be those bronze age dwellings on the ancent shores of the Black Sea when what was formerly a medium large lake was catastrophically flooded by waters pouring through the newly formed Bosporus Straits. Sea levels have simply not risen sufficiently since humans began building durable structures. In some areas, subsidence can add enough change, but it is unlikely that 2 meters over 8,000 years is going to catch anyone unawares.


"Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars
Julian Ryall in Tokyo
for National Geographic News
September 19, 2007"


Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars

When the evidence refuses to support your theory, real scientists know it time for a new theory; the AGWCult on the other hand, alters, destroys or just plain ignores that evidence.
South Florida Adapting Infrastructure to Rising Sea Levels | Popular Science

Updates for climate change resilience may allow communities like Miami Beach to survive the century, but they're costing millions of dollars ...

In South Florida, more frequent and destructive flooding due to climate change has become a serious problem. This March 19 report by the PBS News Hour and WPBT looks at how communities like Miami Beach and Broward County are trying to adapt their physical systems to stand up to the new reality.

The drainage infrastructure on the Florida coast has relied upon gravity to draw rainfall runoff from higher canal levels to lower sea level, according to the report. But warming temperatures are raising sea level too high for these systems to work, by expanding the size of water molecules at the ocean's surface, while also melting glaciers that historically kept much of the world's fresh water locked away from the ocean. Climate change is also causing briefer but torrential rainfalls, creating more runoff than the drainage systems were built to handle all at once.

The first words in the segment, spoken by fishing boat captain and Florida native Dan Kipness, set a pragmatic tone. “Captains are used to looking at the ocean," says Kipness,

If you look at it long enough — and I have had enough time to look at it — you can see small changes turn into big changes over a period of time. You’re going to see water coming out of Biscayne Bay, up the storm sewers, and onto the streets until it’s about a foot deep.

“And that’s not freshwater. That’s saltwater. There’s no rain. There’s not a cloud in the sky.

Video at the link.

We're spending money on the wrong things.

FLA is doomed.

Doubt me?

Try buying HOME OWNERS insurance in FLA.

Florida most expensive in nation for home insurance |

Florida most expensive in nation for home insurance |

No hurricanes, but Florida property insurance rate hikes keep coming |

Now I totally understand that right wingers doubt the veractiy of left wingers.

But INSURANCE COMPANIES are hardly run by lefties.

They are bastions of pragmatic thinking designed to measure risk v reward.

Clearly they think FLA is in trouble..

What do they know that the Climate weirding denialists don't?

But Frankie Boy has a hollow moon and cities on the floor of the ocean. He knows that is a fact, for sure.:lol::cuckoo::lol:

Based upon all the available evidence, it's far more likely that the Moon is an artificial satellite than it is that a wisp of CO2 will melt the Polar Ice Caps.

Sucks to be a Warmer
Based upon all the available evidence, it's far more likely that the Moon is an artificial satellite than it is that a wisp of CO2 will melt the Polar Ice Caps.

I'd say it sucks to be you Frank.

"Looking at all the anomalies and unanswered questions regarding the Moon, the best explanation for the Moon is observational error, it doesn't exist" -- Irwin I. Shapiro

How's that "natural formation" off the coast of Japan looking these days?


Beach sand, amiright?

Maybe it's a reflection of the planet Venus viewed through the Super-heated Pacific Ocean, because the oceans been absorbing all that AGW?

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