Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

You're the kind of "concerned citizen" who'd fecking CHEER if a few thousand gun owners were killed while the Feds were confiscating their weapons. Disgusting hypocrite. Saving lives isn't what you're about, gaining power over those you disagree with is your goal.
I'm British by the way, we don't cheer over here over any gun death. Confiscating weapons? I don't think you understand the gun debate.

Let's try an analogy. As the car was invented, people used to wander around carriageways (roads), stop in random places etc.. So things were getting unsafe. So did your government confiscate cars? No, what happens is, laws and regulations appear. So lanes are created for vehicles to drive on side or the other, then lights appeared at junctions. Walk/don't walk signs, speed limits, standards applied to cars, air bags etc.. and as incidents happen, these regulations and laws change and develop. Plus you need a drivers licence. Then driverless cars appeared, but you have to apply for a licence to trial them. Now EV's have appeared, they took to the road, but pedestrians can't hear them at low speed so the EU brought in a regulation called the Regulation on the Sound Level of Motor Vehicles, and was introduced on 1 July 2019. EV's below 12.4 mph have to make an artificial noise. Did the EU confiscate cars?

So apply that analogy to guns. Let's be honest, it's pretty obvious how this idea would work with guns, and it does in the UK. Are guns confiscated in the UK? No. Just apply for and get your licence/certificate, follow and abide by the rules. If you were declined by the police, that means you have something on the police records that raises concerns, or your two referees didn't pan out, or your reason to have a gun wasn't suitable, for example, "I want a gun so I can shoot intruders".

As you can see, a similar system with guns, just like in the UK, reduces gun deaths (don't worry, other deaths don't make up for someone who dies without a gun), and everyone can see why they lose the gun argument. When this happens, they try to kill the conversation with, "We have the Right to bear arms", and other childish shit about 1776 and Queens. And as more kids get blasted away, and as the decades and generations pass, America's guns will go down the car analogy route and become a lot safer.
You said 'communication' essentially. Have the dispatchers notify every school in the district to go on lockdown as soon as the shooting of the grandmother was reported to the police.

Do you really expect them to carry out that kind of coordinated effort?

I'm always amazed how these "Back the Blue" types go right to blaming the police when one of their pet nuts goes on a rampage!
You can give the same training to an 18 year old outside of a specialized environment. Gun safety, gun handling, gun maintenance, emergency response, target identification... how hard could it be?
Yes, how hard could it be to demand accountability and training for the things that are now being taken for granted ? We have failed as a society due to so many factors involved now, and everyone is running around hiding the truth behind the walls that have since become our prison cell's.
Your only solution is to raise the age limit. How did that work for handguns? It didn't. There is seemingly no appreciable effect on the number of murders committed by 18-year-olds with handguns since there is an illicit trade for them. There are so many firearms out there that it makes regulating the age limit pointless.
18-21, no matter. Same problem. Even with long guns.

The best way to clean up illicit guns is to confiscate them. How is that going to be accomplished? You can't expect people to react well to that, can you? There are too many unmitigated factors involved. Gun smuggling, gun theft, illegal gun sales, ghost guns, 3D printed guns, and illegal gun part sales.

You can convince me with statistical evidence that raising the age will decrease the number of mass murders committed with long guns.
The simple solution to it all, ummmmmm is to vote in a federal government that represents the good citizen's of this country once again, and not one that uses the power of the federal government to subdue the country with a lust for that power for all the wrong reasons, and in the process it turns the people against one another as a way to hold onto such power...... It does this by appearing to be the one stomping out the brush fires it has created all over the place once gaining the power, otherwise as if it had no hand in starting those fire's prior to it gaining it's power and even afterwards upon gaining it's power...

A blind man can see it, and our reactions are exactly what the government with certain agenda's has expected them to be, so we stand in the ruin's of our peaceful existence together, as the Fed's under certain governmental leadership has made moves to make the citizen's it's enemy, and this while it confiscates our rights by way of it's newly gained power over us, in which it has sought for a long time looking back now.

If can't vote these official's out or recognize the agenda's in play, then America is on a path towards change that many Americans might not want, so here we are in wonderment about the future of our nation when we are witnessing some of the most heinous crimes imaginable take place all around us now, and we have a government that makes us (the good citizen's), the enemy somehow in it all. It's really amazing.

By not recognizing the baiting of these hooks constantly in play, we are becoming more and more susceptible in swallowing those hooks without even the blinking of an eye.
I'm always amazed how these "Back the Blue" types go right to blaming the police when one of their pet nuts goes on a rampage!
I'm amazed how you take yourself to be a serious poster amongst smart people, when you are actually an instigator of trouble, chaos, and mayhem with your "playing of the devil's advocate" found always in your constant oppositional positions taken upon these boards.
When I'm at home, correct, the doors are not locked. When I'm on holiday, the neighbour half mile down the road keeps an eye on the place, that's when I give them the key to the front door.

You seem intrigued.

Are you frightened, do you lock yours
Only morons do not lock their doors.

The real exceptional morons leave their doors open at night while they are sleeping.

You're 2 for 2 on that right?
Did you even realize how much a struggle it was for Trump to
even give a Press Briefing.No President in my Lifetime
has been so hamstung and that was sometimes every hour
of every day.Unbelievable yet true.Yet Trump worked fearlessly in
spite of his hourly attackers who Lied worse than thieves in the dead
of night.Trump did manage to fullfill most of his Policy pledges.
Turns out he was also correct about the theft of the 2020 Election.
No finer proof than the Documentary ...
- 2000 Mules - { 2022 }.
America elected a SEXIST RACIST CONMAN

We barely survived
Many guns or weapons used in crimes are being acquired by theft from burglaries and automobiles being robbed. So here's the deal, if you think for one second that your local police don't know who the gang's and criminal's are in your town's or communities, then you would be absolutely wrong, because statistics are broken down into section's, and in each section or district's there are informant's, mingling between officer's and communities that give information about who is who, and where the troubled spots are, who the gang member's are, who the criminal's are, and so on and so forth. Now you have to ask yourself this very important question next - Why are these criminal's and thug's being allowed to walk freely amongst the good citizen's doing what they (in many cases keep doing), without any progress on gaining these illegal weapons back from their hands, and then putting these known criminal's in jail for a long time (i.e. sending a strong message to society that crime doesn't pay), upon doing this very important work, so what or who is stopping them ??????

Is it that we have a corrupted political judicial system that's causing a keep your hands off my criminal's effect, therefore frustrating the beat cop's who know the criminal's, but are no longer caring to arrest them due to the revolving door created by politician's influencing the judiciary ??? Otherwise is it this go easy on potential voter block's by catering to them in way's that allows crime to permeate underneath it all, because the voter block might feel it needs to protect it's young by using the power of their vote in doing so ?? This stuff isn't really complicated to know and see what's going on, but the confusion in the finger pointing is a part that the system in play loves, because it allows it to gain or keep power in it all. The taking of drug addled teenager's who sit around playing these killer shoot'em up game's, and indirectly influencing them to take their game live, otherwise all due to the many created issue's going on in this country, is a great evil that this nation has brought upon itself, caused or created due to it's bad leadership. Too fuel an anything goes society is coming back to haunt this nation big time now.
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Many guns or weapons used in crimes are being acquired by theft from burglaries and automobiles being robbed. So here's the deal, if you think for one second that your local police don't know who the gang's and criminal's are in your town's or communities, then you would be absolutely wrong, because statistics are broken down into section's, and in each section or district's there are informant's, mingling between officer's and communities that give information about who is who, and where the troubled spots are, who the gang member's are, who the criminal's are, and so on and so forth. Now you have to ask yourself this very important question next - Why are these criminal's and thug's being allowed to walk freely amongst the good citizen's doing what they (in many cases keep doing), without any progress on gaining these illegal weapons back from their hands, and then putting these known criminal's in jail for a long time (i.e. sending a strong message to society that crime doesn't pay), upon doing this very important work, so what or who is stopping them ??????

Is it that we have a corrupted political judicial system that's causing a keep your hands off my criminal's effect, therefore frustrating the beat cop's who know the criminal's, but are no longer caring to arrest them due to the revolving door created by politician's influencing the judiciary ??? Otherwise is it this go easy on potential voter block's by catering to them in way's that allows crime to permeate underneath it all, because the voter block might feel it needs to protect it's young by using the power of their vote in doing so ?? This stuff isn't really complicated to know and see what's going on, but the confusion in the finger pointing is a part that the system in play loves, because it allows it to gain or keep power in it all. The taking of drug addled teenager's who sit around playing these killer shoot'em up game's, and indirectly influencing them to take their game live, otherwise all due to the many created issue's going on in this country, is a great evil that this nation has brought upon itself, caused or created due to it's bad leadership. Too fuel an anything goes society is coming back to haunt this nation big time now.
WAAAAY too many apostrophes
Yes, and we already know that they will be used to silence people or to go after anyone online that offends some Leftist. Drop a dime, make an accusation and the Feds will be bound to come knocking. In an "abundance of caution" the person's property will be taken, their reputation ruined, and neither will ever be returned.
Yes, as long as we have this leftist verses Rightist society going after each other's position's on the issue's you are absolutely right that such a thing will be abused. Depending on the lean of the federal government in charge, you will see an enforcement swayed to favor one sides issue's over the other.

However there is such a thing as Right and Wrong in any of the issue's still, so no matter which way the government attempt's to lean, the right over it's wrong will always eventually prevail.

Now we as a nation will suffer until right over takes wrong, otherwise to be found within the issue's, so it is that we must keep hope in our suffering's until the pendulum swings back our way again.

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