Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

In Canada abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. For women who are underage, the choice is hers and there is no parental consent involved.

If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. The fact that you think a woman's choice ends when she has sex shows that your real agenda is to enforce chastity.

Half the women who have abortions are married with one or more children. Are you seriously suggesting married women abstain from sex with their husbands unless it's for procreation? You knows that's grounds for divorce in some jurisdictions.

Have you not heard of contraceptives? They allow you to have sex without getting pregnant.

If you don't want a baby, use them. They're not just for single people you know.

Contraception doesn't always work.

For instance, my sister in law got pregnant the first time because a diet medication she was taking cancelled out the effect of her birth control pills. (This diet medication was later pulled from the market by the FDA).

God, you really are ignorant of how lady parts work, aren't you?
The primary problem that nutters have with this issue is that they consider a fetus to be a human being.

Get that fixed.....and you can turn your attention to preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place as your best method to reduce the number of abortions.
Should women be allowed to choose what they do with their bodies? Absolutely.

And they have plenty of options to choose from. Birth control pills, condoms, abstinence and natural sex.

Those are all choices.

Pregnancy isn't a choice; it's the outcome of a decision that had a choice.

And abortions aren't about a woman's body; they're about another body, very much alive, forming within the woman's body. So a woman's "right-to-choose" should be about what the woman does with her body; not the body of an infant she chose to have.

And if we can all agree that every human being is born with the inherent right to live, then abortions are clear violations of this right. As the baby is never consulted with when abortions are decided.

I don't see us straying from the eugenics course that the Democrat party has worked so hard to create. There are weeds to be thinned. (not a Sanger quote) That said I think the woman should know exactly what she is doing and not told liberal fairy tales. She should be told that the unborn child is nothing other then a human life. There is no scientific proof that life starts at the first breath. She should be told the psychological effects abortions have had on other women. And I support the giving a ultra sound before the woman pronounces a death sentence on her unborn child.
Should women be allowed to choose what they do with their bodies? Absolutely.

And they have plenty of options to choose from. Birth control pills, condoms, abstinence and natural sex.

Those are all choices.

Pregnancy isn't a choice; it's the outcome of a decision that had a choice.

And abortions aren't about a woman's body; they're about another body, very much alive, forming within the woman's body. So a woman's "right-to-choose" should be about what the woman does with her body; not the body of an infant she chose to have.

And if we can all agree that every human being is born with the inherent right to live, then abortions are clear violations of this right. As the baby is never consulted with when abortions are decided.

So you think you have the right to demand that women take an unwanted pregnancy to term.

But you think you believe in the freedom of the individual, right?

Think again, because you don't believe in individual rights freedom.

If a person does not have the legal and absolutely control over their own body, they are not truly free.

Women are not your slaves.
Great. So you want to punish the woman for getting pregnant by forcing her to have a baby she doesn't want.
Not to mention your rotten views on rape.

GTFO of a woman's body. Abortion is HER decision, not yours.

And no sweetie, I don't want to punish women. I don't want to punish anyone.

Pregnancy is their decision; not mine.

You however seem to want to punish an innocent fetus for something they have nothing to do with.

It's not a matter of punishing the fetus.

When most abortions are performed, the fetus is the size of a kidney bean and looks like a cocktail shrimp.

It certainly isn't aware of its existence, much less whether it's being "punished".

Here's the pure, pragmatic reality of abortion.

Women are going to get them no matter what the law is, and society is going to turn a blind eye to it. The wealthy will be able to get safe abortions and the poor with be on their own.

Yes. Agree on all counts. If abortion is illegal here, the rich will simply go to other countries where it is legal, and the poor will die in back alleys, like they did before abortion was legalized.
The primary problem that nutters have with this issue is that they consider a fetus to be a human being.

Get that fixed.....and you can turn your attention to preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place as your best method to reduce the number of abortions.

Maybe you could enlighten us on when an unborn child becomes human. 1 years? 6 months? 1 min? What's the difference between a 1 min old baby and one due in 1 min?

Maybe it is your goulish attitude that needs fixed.
"And if we can all agree that every human being is born with the inherent right to live, then abortions are clear violations of this right. As the baby is never consulted with when abortions are decided."

This quotation contradicts itself. A baby that is born has rights, perhaps. An abortion is performed on a developing biological event.

The whole question evolves around 'when life starts'. Obviously, life started some billions of years ago and has never ceased. DNA is immortal. So, every egg a woman is born with is 'life'. Every month of adulthood, a 'life' passes down from her and is either impregnated or not. Should every woman who is not pregnant be trying to become so in order to avoid denying life? Or, is life all around us and we are constantly making decisions about it?
For example, do we send people to kill other people and, perhaps, get killed? What would we call that 'choice'?
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Great. So you want to punish the woman for getting pregnant by forcing her to have a baby she doesn't want.
Not to mention your rotten views on rape.

GTFO of a woman's body. Abortion is HER decision, not yours.

It takes two to create a pregnancy. The effort to control not only the body of women but their behavior is reprehensible. If Alive and others who abhor abortion had any sense they would demand 1) age appropriate sex education in the public schools, including means to prevent pregnancy; 2) provide contraceptives freely to men and women of child bearing age; 3) stop demagoguing abortion and seek practicual solutions.
Should women be allowed to choose what they do with their bodies? Absolutely.

And they have plenty of options to choose from. Birth control pills, condoms, abstinence and natural sex.

Those are all choices.

Pregnancy isn't a choice; it's the outcome of a decision that had a choice.

And abortions aren't about a woman's body; they're about another body, very much alive, forming within the woman's body. So a woman's "right-to-choose" should be about what the woman does with her body; not the body of an infant she chose to have.

And if we can all agree that every human being is born with the inherent right to live, then abortions are clear violations of this right. As the baby is never consulted with when abortions are decided.

So which is it, are you advocating placing women and their doctors in prison, or are you making a philosophical argument only.

As we know, the right to privacy prohibits the state from interfering with what a woman elects to do, as the Constitution makes paramount the woman’s liberty.

Assuming you accept the right to privacy with regard to abortion, what are your proposals to end the practice that don't involve a privacy rights violation?

Whoa, hold on there. Who said anything about prison?

I'm just against abortions. If a woman gets pregnant then she has the baby. It's as simple that.

If she doesn't want the baby she can give him or her up for adoption. She should have thought of that before she chose to have sex.

Actually I think what you are against is manslaughter or murder. But right now abortion is neither so the argument is an argument of morality, unless laws change. It is a sad state of affairs that we have convinced the minorities that abortion is the answer, but that has been the goal of Planned Parenthood from the beginning.

The good thing is that the number of abortions are decreasing. Maybe because of better access by minorities to birth control. Maybe through education. Maybe because women are finding out the truth. At any rate here are the reasons for abortion from 2004.

A 2004 study by the Guttmacher Institute reported that women listed the following amongst their reasons for choosing to have an abortion:[44]
74% Having a baby would dramatically change my life
73% Cannot afford a baby now
48% Do not want to be a single mother or having relationship problems
38% Have completed my childbearing
32% Not ready for a(nother) child
25% Do not want people to know I had sex or got pregnant
22% Do not feel mature enough to raise a(nother) child
14% Husband or partner wants me to have an abortion
13% Possible problems affecting the health of the fetus
12% Concerns about my health
6% Parents want me to have an abortion
1% Was a victim of rape
less than 0.5% Became pregnant as a result of incest

Abortion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We would go along way to ending abortions if we considered it murder, and prosecuted the men who impregnanted these women as complicit in the crime. Or, as the perpetrators of the crime themselves. Men might be a bit more careful where and when they put their cocks.
There are plenty of issues surrounding power, sex, pregnancy and parental responsibility.

One of them is not a woman's right to determine whether or not to have a child. All women have that natural right. It isn't a question of law, it never was a question of law, it never shall be a question of law; when scum make it a question of law, it degrades law and women ignore the law.

On a tangent note, the abortion issue makes hypocrites out of both partisan extremes. Abortion is a "natural" right, something fake-liberal assholes move heaven and earth to suppress, while pretend conservatives and libertarians howl at the moon celebrating them. It tickles me how twisted modern politics are when viewed through the lens of reason.

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In Canada abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. For women who are underage, the choice is hers and there is no parental consent involved.

If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. The fact that you think a woman's choice ends when she has sex shows that your real agenda is to enforce chastity.

Half the women who have abortions are married with one or more children. Are you seriously suggesting married women abstain from sex with their husbands unless it's for procreation? You knows that's grounds for divorce in some jurisdictions.

Have you not heard of contraceptives? They allow you to have sex without getting pregnant.

If you don't want a baby, use them. They're not just for single people you know.

Have you never heard of contraceptives not working? The pill is not good for women's bodies. I know a woman who would like to have a kid but cannot because she was damaged by using the pill.

Does the morning after bill damage a woman? Does having an abortion damage a woman? What we do know is that in EVERY abortion someone dies.
We would go along way to ending abortions if we considered it murder, and prosecuted the men who impregnanted these women as complicit in the crime. Or, as the perpetrators of the crime themselves. Men might be a bit more careful where and when they put their cocks.

The post points up a hypocrisy in the camp that is militant about prohibiting abortion based upon the premise that it is murder. If members of the group really believed that, they would be much more active against it. But when they kill someone to prevent an abortion, they regularly go to jail at least and are never released for protecting another 'person'.

If they do not live in a society that agrees with them, they should change it. If they are unable to do so, the choices remaining are few; be active and jailed, or form another society somewhere that they can control the situation.
In Canada abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. For women who are underage, the choice is hers and there is no parental consent involved.

If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. The fact that you think a woman's choice ends when she has sex shows that your real agenda is to enforce chastity.

Half the women who have abortions are married with one or more children. Are you seriously suggesting married women abstain from sex with their husbands unless it's for procreation? You knows that's grounds for divorce in some jurisdictions.

Have you not heard of contraceptives? They allow you to have sex without getting pregnant.

If you don't want a baby, use them. They're not just for single people you know.

Contraception doesn't always work.

For instance, my sister in law got pregnant the first time because a diet medication she was taking cancelled out the effect of her birth control pills. (This diet medication was later pulled from the market by the FDA).

God, you really are ignorant of how lady parts work, aren't you?
True that, contraception doesn't always work, and it's a sad fact that many women use abortion as their main method of birth control.....And it's quite obvious that many women are ignorant of how their own bodies work.....And then are those that understand full well how their bodies work, yet they won't step up and take responsibility for their actions when their bodies produce human life. Nope, it's much easier to kill the inconvient lil' bastards, then it is to step up and do the right thing, and take resposibilty for their actions.
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Have you not heard of contraceptives? They allow you to have sex without getting pregnant.

If you don't want a baby, use them. They're not just for single people you know.

Have you never heard of contraceptives not working? The pill is not good for women's bodies. I know a woman who would like to have a kid but cannot because she was damaged by using the pill.

Does the morning after bill damage a woman? Does having an abortion damage a woman? What we do know is that in EVERY abortion someone dies.

Is the morning after pill not a form of abortion?
The primary problem that nutters have with this issue is that they consider a fetus to be a human being.

Get that fixed.....and you can turn your attention to preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place as your best method to reduce the number of abortions.

Maybe you could enlighten us on when an unborn child becomes human. 1 years? 6 months? 1 min? What's the difference between a 1 min old baby and one due in 1 min?

Maybe it is your goulish attitude that needs fixed.


You are too emotional, it seems, to have this discussion.

When do you think a fetus becomes a human being?
Should women be allowed to choose what they do with their bodies? Absolutely.

And they have plenty of options to choose from. Birth control pills, condoms, abstinence and natural sex.

Those are all choices.

Pregnancy isn't a choice; it's the outcome of a decision that had a choice.

And abortions aren't about a woman's body; they're about another body, very much alive, forming within the woman's body. So a woman's "right-to-choose" should be about what the woman does with her body; not the body of an infant she chose to have.

And if we can all agree that every human being is born with the inherent right to live, then abortions are clear violations of this right. As the baby is never consulted with when abortions are decided.

If you had your way and could make abortion against the law,

what criminal penalty would you want to impose on women who broke the law and had an abortion?
The primary problem that nutters have with this issue is that they consider a fetus to be a human being.

Get that fixed.....and you can turn your attention to preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place as your best method to reduce the number of abortions.

Maybe you could enlighten us on when an unborn child becomes human. 1 years? 6 months? 1 min? What's the difference between a 1 min old baby and one due in 1 min?

Maybe it is your goulish attitude that needs fixed.


You are too emotional, it seems, to have this discussion.

When do you think a fetus becomes a human being?
Noooooo, you were asked the question, first, LL.....answer it.

Or, do you not have an aswer?
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The abortion issue would go a long way to being resolved IF we managed to instill in people, starting at a young age, some sense of responsibility and the consequences of actions. Women are NOT ignorant of how their bodies work. My dog is ignorant of how her body works. If women today are ignorant of how their bodies work, they are so generally ignorant, they need to be locked up their entire lives under the protection of those who do know. They are mentally disabled. It isn't ignorance of how bodies work, it's that women don't CARE how their bodies work. Pregnancy has been removed from the individual and placed in the belly of the larger culture. It's not their fault, it's everyone's fault. They did nothing. They are totally innocent of any act that led to the pregnancy. Both men and women are innocent bystanders. If we are going to provide for someone struck by a stray bullet, we owe the same to the pregnant woman and the man who impregnanted her.

Fortunately there are more people opposing abortion now then in the past. Especially among young people. The pro life protests today are composed of mostly younger people.

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