Abortion... It's Murder.

You people on the right condemn abortion over concern of human life. But once that child is born, you'll fight to make sure that no taxpayer funding goes to the child's upkeep or even keeping it alive no matter the inability of the mother to do so. Look at repiglican governors in red states denying medicaid. Right to life. Sure.

When you have so many ILLEGAL ALIENS applying for Medicaid, and a feckless president that cares more about NON CITIZENS than citizens, what would you have us do... how about DEPORTING all those that MILK THE SYSTEM that don't deserve to get it!

By reading your posts I don't get the sense of a person who cares much for his fellow man. Why do you pretend to cherish the unborn?

I care about what I can do and say about MY COUNTRY, all others have to fend for themselves as I have NO VOICE there. As you can see, there are many that agree with me. and even polls show abortion in rejected by the majority, although some put caveats on it!

You mention polls about those who reject abortion. I sense in you a nasty little person who cares for very little for others. Why do you pretend to have concern for the unborn?

I see you took debating, I doubt college, but perhaps.... Please, your lame attempt to misdirect is beneath even a liberal piece of shit! It's a shame that the actuality that killing a fetus IS killing another human being is indisputable, both ethically and scientifically, and aren't you liberals the ones that always quote that the right rejects science... here you idiots are doing exactly that!

Debating? I'm just a guy that's been around and can spot liars by reading what they post. Why do you keep pretending you care about human life? If you did care about people, you wouldn't address them as pieces of shit and morons etc. I'm trying to get an answer out of you and you beat around the bush. Again, how can you as well as many republicans, say you care about the unborn? You condemn women who have abortions, but fight any program democrats come up with that will help keep her and her child alive and healthy. Answer that question for a start. You don't have to post pictures you find on the internet. just in your own words.
This is a very interesting case that defines the foetus under British law.It makes it clear that until birth the foetus is not a separate entity. Mother who drank heavily when pregnant not guilty of crime court rules Law The Guardian
Israel has some of the most liberal abortion laws in the world. these are based on the Religious laws passed down from God
If the woman has difficulty in child birth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life take precedence over its life. However, once its head( or its greater part) has emerged it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another.
ohalot 7:6

So rabbinical law makes it quite clear that you cannot murder a foetus.

Uncivilized heathens, what else would you like to know...how about a vast majority of SCIENTISTS say human life begins at conception....
The vast majority of Scientist, what absolute drivel!!!
There's nothing false about the photo.

There's nothing implied in the photo that the baby in the palm is alive. The Photo states the obvious, that the 12 week old pre-born human baby is a human being, therefore the pre-born human baby is a 'person'. And this without regard to the irrational Feminist rant regarding "Personhood". A specious rationalization that I and many others have refuted in incontrovertible terms, MANY TIMES.

Like every other conjuring of Left-think, "Personhood" is demonstrable nonsense.

The baby in that photo is made out of resin, so we can be pretty sure it's not alive. ALso, 12 week fetuses aren't that large or look that much like a baby.

Here's the reality. As long as that fetus is inside a woman, whether it stays there or not is entirely up to her.

Because I have yet to hear how you anti-choice nuts are going to compel women to have babies they don't want.
The Supreme Court is not the arbiter of 'personhood'. The Supreme Court knows this, therefore, we can be sure that the Supreme Court made no such ruling.

Personhood is established by one thing and one thing only: Where the entity at issue is a human being... the entity is a person.

The irrational rant of Harvard Feminists, notwithstanding.

Um, no, not really.

Here's how you measure personhood. If she wants it, it's a baby. Like "The Baby is due in May!"

If she doesn't want it, then it's that problem she needs to take care of. As in "I'm taking care of that problem on Tuesday!"
BULLSHIT, ethics and morals TRUMPS mans made up law...which has been changed SEVERAL TIMES by man!

So have "morals'. Slavery was considered moral up until the 19th century. So was genocide. Burning witches was considered moral until the 17th century.

The reality is you will always have abortion because as long as babies have to be grown inside women, the women are the arbiters of whether those babies happen or not.
I personally find abortion to be quite disgusting. In an ideal world, everyone would use contraception and there would be very FEW unwanted pregnancies. Unfortunately we live in a time and place where there is a LOT of irresponsible behavior and very selfish and self-centered people. Do we WANT these people to be reproducing? Probably not.
It occurs to me that it's a waste of time to try to reason with people who deny that abortion is about killing children. To reach a point of self delusion indicates that one is willing to lie to even oneself to justify bad behavior.

killing innocent children, especially out of parental inconvenience is the height of selfishness. The blood of your child and every child that dies because of your actions will be on your head unless you repent.

and it's not the supreme court that you will have to deal with. It will be your Creator that will hold you accountable. It will be your own guilt that testifies against you.

awake and arise. Stop lying to yourself and call upon the Lord for truth and healing to enter your life. The truth will set you and countless others free.
I personally find abortion to be quite disgusting. In an ideal world, everyone would use contraception and there would be very FEW unwanted pregnancies. Unfortunately we live in a time and place where there is a LOT of irresponsible behavior and very selfish and self-centered people. Do we WANT these people to be reproducing? Probably not.

in an ideal world men and women would not engage in sexual relationships outside of their marital vows and thus all children conceived would have two loving parents to take care of him or her regardless of whether they were planned or unplanned
this is why they are fighting so hard against have an ultrasound done before abortions. they are afraid they might see what they are getting ready to kill

No, they just don't want you forcing an unnecessary procedure on them that involves sticking a wand up their hoo-ha.

and yet they didn't object to the same procedure when it got them pregnant
I personally find abortion to be quite disgusting. In an ideal world, everyone would use contraception and there would be very FEW unwanted pregnancies. Unfortunately we live in a time and place where there is a LOT of irresponsible behavior and very selfish and self-centered people. Do we WANT these people to be reproducing? Probably not.

in an ideal world men and women would not engage in sexual relationships outside of their marital vows and thus all children conceived would have two loving parents to take care of him or her regardless of whether they were planned or unplanned

that is just not realistic thinking. People have always had sex out of wedlock and that is always going to be the case. People NEED love and intimacy, whether they are married or not.
Vigilante -

I'll come back to this thread when you have stopped spamming it with mindless garbage.

And I'm glad to see you admit that the number of Muslims in Sweden is less than 5%....so those rape stats reflect the 95% of Swedes who are white a lot more than the few thousand people who are not.

I see no such rape stats, I see muslim UNPROPORTIONALLY are the rapists...show mw stats that show differences as to what I posted,
When you have so many ILLEGAL ALIENS applying for Medicaid, and a feckless president that cares more about NON CITIZENS than citizens, what would you have us do... how about DEPORTING all those that MILK THE SYSTEM that don't deserve to get it!

By reading your posts I don't get the sense of a person who cares much for his fellow man. Why do you pretend to cherish the unborn?

I care about what I can do and say about MY COUNTRY, all others have to fend for themselves as I have NO VOICE there. As you can see, there are many that agree with me. and even polls show abortion in rejected by the majority, although some put caveats on it!

You mention polls about those who reject abortion. I sense in you a nasty little person who cares for very little for others. Why do you pretend to have concern for the unborn?

I see you took debating, I doubt college, but perhaps.... Please, your lame attempt to misdirect is beneath even a liberal piece of shit! It's a shame that the actuality that killing a fetus IS killing another human being is indisputable, both ethically and scientifically, and aren't you liberals the ones that always quote that the right rejects science... here you idiots are doing exactly that!

Debating? I'm just a guy that's been around and can spot liars by reading what they post. Why do you keep pretending you care about human life? If you did care about people, you wouldn't address them as pieces of shit and morons etc. I'm trying to get an answer out of you and you beat around the bush. Again, how can you as well as many republicans, say you care about the unborn? You condemn women who have abortions, but fight any program democrats come up with that will help keep her and her child alive and healthy. Answer that question for a start. You don't have to post pictures you find on the internet. just in your own words.

An even better question is why don't YOU CARE ABOUT THE HUMAN LIFE MURDERED? I've displayed that life is precious, you, you seem to be just a heathen!
Vigilante -

If Muslims committed an enormous amount of rapes, countries with very large Muslim populations might lead the rape statistics. But they don't.

We'll never get accurate stats on rape, because in the countries with the worst records, less rapes are reported.

What we do know is that countries like India, the Philippines an DR Congo have awful, awful problems with rape - and none of them are Muslim.
This is a very interesting case that defines the foetus under British law.It makes it clear that until birth the foetus is not a separate entity. Mother who drank heavily when pregnant not guilty of crime court rules Law The Guardian
Israel has some of the most liberal abortion laws in the world. these are based on the Religious laws passed down from God
If the woman has difficulty in child birth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life take precedence over its life. However, once its head( or its greater part) has emerged it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another.
ohalot 7:6

So rabbinical law makes it quite clear that you cannot murder a foetus.

Uncivilized heathens, what else would you like to know...how about a vast majority of SCIENTISTS say human life begins at conception....
The vast majority of Scientist, what absolute drivel!!!

Show us different, shit for brains, or STFU and crawl away defeated from another thread that you just can't seem to understand!
BULLSHIT, ethics and morals TRUMPS mans made up law...which has been changed SEVERAL TIMES by man!

So have "morals'. Slavery was considered moral up until the 19th century. So was genocide. Burning witches was considered moral until the 17th century.

The reality is you will always have abortion because as long as babies have to be grown inside women, the women are the arbiters of whether those babies happen or not.

No slavery was declared necessary, it was the RELIGIOUS that started to change peoples minds about that.... Go learn something before looking like a jackass again! It's one thing to end a life due to circumstances beyond human control, it another to deliberately KILL... you fucking liberals are supposed to be so fair and civilized, thanks for blowing that MYTH up!
Vigilante -

You have not presented anything to be disproven.

If you want to build a case that proves that Muslims commit more rapes than Christians - go right ahead.
It occurs to me that it's a waste of time to try to reason with people who deny that abortion is about killing children. To reach a point of self delusion indicates that one is willing to lie to even oneself to justify bad behavior.

killing innocent children, especially out of parental inconvenience is the height of selfishness. The blood of your child and every child that dies because of your actions will be on your head unless you repent.

and it's not the supreme court that you will have to deal with. It will be your Creator that will hold you accountable. It will be your own guilt that testifies against you.

awake and arise. Stop lying to yourself and call upon the Lord for truth and healing to enter your life. The truth will set you and countless others free.

Guy, your Imaginary Sky Pixie murdered babies in the bible all the time. please don't try to tell me he's all that upset about fetuses, when he didn't say ONE WORD about abortion being a sin in the bible, not once.

Here's the thing, when I was one of your right wing nuts, I used to get all so upset about abortion.

Until I realized that Roe was decided by Republican Justices, upheld by Republican appointees, and you guys have done nothing serious about that human life amendment you keep talking about.

Abortion is how the rich keep stupid fucks like you upset about somethign that isn't any of their business so they can pull the ultimate con of dismantling your nice middle class life style.

So now I no longer give a fuck about abortion. It's going to happen no matter what the law is.

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