Abortion is murder

And note the Liberal meme....another false one....that the world is overcrowded.
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Is a fetus a living thing?
Yes it is a living "thing" So is a begonia.. Is that all that you can say in response to my post? Is it laziness or a lack of intellect I wonder.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another human being?

In truth....abortion is the lazy, unethical person's birth control.

Liberalism's dispensation for murder.
Yes, I've been watching you too. You are another one who is ignoring the points that I’ve made regarding abortion and public policy and the practical way of minimizing the termination of pregnancies. And, you like others refuse to answer the question of whether you are truly pro life or just pro embryo and fetus. Rather, you chose to pontificate and bloviate about your views on life and morality as though everyone should live by your rules and sensibilities.

You self-righteous , right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them. You don’t want to talk about the pain and suffering experience by children who are not wanted or the parents who are not ready for them, and you begrudge them the benefits of government programs that assist with such things as health care, nutrition and housing. Too often I’ve heard those necessities referred to”free stuff” handed out by the nannie state, but the nannie state is fine when it comes to regulating a woman’s body.

Lastly, you people have one hell of a nerve suggesting that abortion is purposely and plan fully used as a means of birth control and that it is done casually without thought or feeling. Maybe you are brain dead and have no soul but the women who have abortions out of fear and desperation are not.

Pro life or pro embryo?? I'm going to get someone to answer that eventually.
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Is a fetus a living thing?
Yes it is a living "thing" So is a begonia.. Is that all that you can say in response to my post? Is it laziness or a lack of intellect I wonder.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another human being?

In truth....abortion is the lazy, unethical person's birth control.

Liberalism's dispensation for murder.
Yes, I've been watching you too. You are another one who is ignoring the points that I’ve made regarding abortion and public policy and the practical way of minimizing the termination of pregnancies. And, you like others refuse to answer the question of whether you are truly pro life or just pro embryo and fetus. Rather, you chose to pontificate and bloviate about your views on life and morality as though everyone should live by your rules and sensibilities.

You self-righteous , right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them. You don’t want to talk about the pain and suffering experience by children who are not wanted or the parents who are not ready for them, and you begrudge them the benefits of government programs that assist with such things as health care, nutrition and housing. Too often I’ve heard those necessities referred to”free stuff” handed out by the nannie state, but the nannie state is fine when it comes to regulating a woman’s body.

Lastly, you people have one hell of a nerve suggesting that abortion is purposely and plan fully used as a means of birth control and that it is done casually without thought or feeling. Maybe you are brain dead and have no soul but the women who have abortions out of fear and desperation are not.

Pro life or pro embryo?? I'm going to get someone to answer that eventually.

You imagine that I've been 'watching you'????

Don't flatter yourself.

I haven't read the thread.....just a few.

I asked a simple question.....not as simple as you are...but discrete.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another distinct and unique human being?

You can't answer it?
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Is a fetus a living thing?
Yes it is a living "thing" So is a begonia.. Is that all that you can say in response to my post? Is it laziness or a lack of intellect I wonder.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another human being?

In truth....abortion is the lazy, unethical person's birth control.

Liberalism's dispensation for murder.
Yes, I've been watching you too. You are another one who is ignoring the points that I’ve made regarding abortion and public policy and the practical way of minimizing the termination of pregnancies. And, you like others refuse to answer the question of whether you are truly pro life or just pro embryo and fetus. Rather, you chose to pontificate and bloviate about your views on life and morality as though everyone should live by your rules and sensibilities.

You self-righteous , right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them. You don’t want to talk about the pain and suffering experience by children who are not wanted or the parents who are not ready for them, and you begrudge them the benefits of government programs that assist with such things as health care, nutrition and housing. Too often I’ve heard those necessities referred to”free stuff” handed out by the nannie state, but the nannie state is fine when it comes to regulating a woman’s body.

Lastly, you people have one hell of a nerve suggesting that abortion is purposely and plan fully used as a means of birth control and that it is done casually without thought or feeling. Maybe you are brain dead and have no soul but the women who have abortions out of fear and desperation are not.

Pro life or pro embryo?? I'm going to get someone to answer that eventually.

"...you people have one hell of a nerve suggesting that abortion is purposely and plan fully used as a means of birth control and that it is done casually without thought or feeling. Maybe you are brain dead and have no soul but the women who have abortions out of fear and desperation are not."

Of course it is, you moron.

Almost every abortion is done for 'convenience.'

1. The vast majority of abortion performed in the United States are carried out for reasons that can be broadly categorized as “matters of convenience.”

Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of effort in deciding to execute the child you've created.

In a study of 27 nations, reasons for abortion services were found to be the following:

a. “Worldwide, the most commonly reported reason women cite for having an abortion is to postpone or stop childbearing. The second most common reason—socioeconomic concerns—includes disruption of education or employment; lack of support from the father; desire to provide schooling for existing children; and poverty, unemployment or inability to afford additional children. In addition, relationship problems with a husband or partner and a woman's perception that she is too young constitute other important categories of reasons.” Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence from 27 Countries

b. A 2004 study of American women yielded similar results: “The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”

["A study published in Guttmacher's International Family Planning Perspectives in 1998 said risk to a woman's health was the main reason for 2.8% of U.S. abortions in 1987-88."]

Civilized folks must reject the view that inconvenience of a mother’s informed choice outweighs the unalienable right to life of the child she bears by virtue of that choice.
Wrong question from the wrong person. PC is no judge in this life or the next.
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Is a fetus a living thing?
Yes it is a living "thing" So is a begonia.. Is that all that you can say in response to my post? Is it laziness or a lack of intellect I wonder.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another human being?

In truth....abortion is the lazy, unethical person's birth control.

Liberalism's dispensation for murder.
Yes, I've been watching you too. You are another one who is ignoring the points that I’ve made regarding abortion and public policy and the practical way of minimizing the termination of pregnancies. And, you like others refuse to answer the question of whether you are truly pro life or just pro embryo and fetus. Rather, you chose to pontificate and bloviate about your views on life and morality as though everyone should live by your rules and sensibilities.

You self-righteous , right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them. You don’t want to talk about the pain and suffering experience by children who are not wanted or the parents who are not ready for them, and you begrudge them the benefits of government programs that assist with such things as health care, nutrition and housing. Too often I’ve heard those necessities referred to”free stuff” handed out by the nannie state, but the nannie state is fine when it comes to regulating a woman’s body.

Lastly, you people have one hell of a nerve suggesting that abortion is purposely and plan fully used as a means of birth control and that it is done casually without thought or feeling. Maybe you are brain dead and have no soul but the women who have abortions out of fear and desperation are not.

Pro life or pro embryo?? I'm going to get someone to answer that eventually.

"....right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them."

And the basis for this is....what.....your Magic 8-Ball????

Even one as dumb as asphalt.....you.....must know what an abject failure the Liberal welfare industry has been.

Don't you??????????
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Is a fetus a living thing?
Yes it is a living "thing" So is a begonia.. Is that all that you can say in response to my post? Is it laziness or a lack of intellect I wonder.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another human being?

In truth....abortion is the lazy, unethical person's birth control.

Liberalism's dispensation for murder.
Yes, I've been watching you too. You are another one who is ignoring the points that I’ve made regarding abortion and public policy and the practical way of minimizing the termination of pregnancies. And, you like others refuse to answer the question of whether you are truly pro life or just pro embryo and fetus. Rather, you chose to pontificate and bloviate about your views on life and morality as though everyone should live by your rules and sensibilities.

You self-righteous , right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them. You don’t want to talk about the pain and suffering experience by children who are not wanted or the parents who are not ready for them, and you begrudge them the benefits of government programs that assist with such things as health care, nutrition and housing. Too often I’ve heard those necessities referred to”free stuff” handed out by the nannie state, but the nannie state is fine when it comes to regulating a woman’s body.

Lastly, you people have one hell of a nerve suggesting that abortion is purposely and plan fully used as a means of birth control and that it is done casually without thought or feeling. Maybe you are brain dead and have no soul but the women who have abortions out of fear and desperation are not.

Pro life or pro embryo?? I'm going to get someone to answer that eventually.

You imagine that I've been 'watching you'????

Don't flatter yourself.

I haven't read the thread.....just a few.

I asked a simple question.....not as simple as you are...but discrete.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another distinct and unique human being?

You can't answer it?
On the basis of the fact that it is not considered a human being. We kill things all the time that are not human beings. Now answer my question' Pro life or just pro embryo? Try a little thoughtfulness and honesty.
Last edited:
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Is a fetus a living thing?
Yes it is a living "thing" So is a begonia.. Is that all that you can say in response to my post? Is it laziness or a lack of intellect I wonder.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another human being?

In truth....abortion is the lazy, unethical person's birth control.

Liberalism's dispensation for murder.
Yes, I've been watching you too. You are another one who is ignoring the points that I’ve made regarding abortion and public policy and the practical way of minimizing the termination of pregnancies. And, you like others refuse to answer the question of whether you are truly pro life or just pro embryo and fetus. Rather, you chose to pontificate and bloviate about your views on life and morality as though everyone should live by your rules and sensibilities.

You self-righteous , right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them. You don’t want to talk about the pain and suffering experience by children who are not wanted or the parents who are not ready for them, and you begrudge them the benefits of government programs that assist with such things as health care, nutrition and housing. Too often I’ve heard those necessities referred to”free stuff” handed out by the nannie state, but the nannie state is fine when it comes to regulating a woman’s body.

Lastly, you people have one hell of a nerve suggesting that abortion is purposely and plan fully used as a means of birth control and that it is done casually without thought or feeling. Maybe you are brain dead and have no soul but the women who have abortions out of fear and desperation are not.

Pro life or pro embryo?? I'm going to get someone to answer that eventually.

"....right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them."

And the basis for this is....what.....your Magic 8-Ball????

Even one as dumb as asphalt.....you.....must know what an abject failure the Liberal welfare industry has been.

Don't you??????????
Thank you for admitting that you are just pro embryo as I suspected. If this is the highest level of discourse that you're capable of, I am not wasting anymore of my time on you.
Is a fetus a living thing?
Yes it is a living "thing" So is a begonia.. Is that all that you can say in response to my post? Is it laziness or a lack of intellect I wonder.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another human being?

In truth....abortion is the lazy, unethical person's birth control.

Liberalism's dispensation for murder.
Yes, I've been watching you too. You are another one who is ignoring the points that I’ve made regarding abortion and public policy and the practical way of minimizing the termination of pregnancies. And, you like others refuse to answer the question of whether you are truly pro life or just pro embryo and fetus. Rather, you chose to pontificate and bloviate about your views on life and morality as though everyone should live by your rules and sensibilities.

You self-righteous , right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them. You don’t want to talk about the pain and suffering experience by children who are not wanted or the parents who are not ready for them, and you begrudge them the benefits of government programs that assist with such things as health care, nutrition and housing. Too often I’ve heard those necessities referred to”free stuff” handed out by the nannie state, but the nannie state is fine when it comes to regulating a woman’s body.

Lastly, you people have one hell of a nerve suggesting that abortion is purposely and plan fully used as a means of birth control and that it is done casually without thought or feeling. Maybe you are brain dead and have no soul but the women who have abortions out of fear and desperation are not.

Pro life or pro embryo?? I'm going to get someone to answer that eventually.

You imagine that I've been 'watching you'????

Don't flatter yourself.

I haven't read the thread.....just a few.

I asked a simple question.....not as simple as you are...but discrete.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another distinct and unique human being?

You can't answer it?
On the basis of the fact that it is not considered a human being. We kill thing all the time that are not human beings. Now answer my question' Pro life or just pro embryo? Try a little thoughtfulness and honesty.

The only thing not human around here is you.

Stop hiding behind word games.....the other totalitarians tried the same thing....they defined 'gypsies' or 'Jews' as worthy of death on the same basis that you'd like to kill the unborn.

By what biological characteristic would the individual in question not be a human being?

Answer it, you dunce.
Is a fetus a living thing?
Yes it is a living "thing" So is a begonia.. Is that all that you can say in response to my post? Is it laziness or a lack of intellect I wonder.

On what basis does a 'mother' have the right to killing another human being?

In truth....abortion is the lazy, unethical person's birth control.

Liberalism's dispensation for murder.
Yes, I've been watching you too. You are another one who is ignoring the points that I’ve made regarding abortion and public policy and the practical way of minimizing the termination of pregnancies. And, you like others refuse to answer the question of whether you are truly pro life or just pro embryo and fetus. Rather, you chose to pontificate and bloviate about your views on life and morality as though everyone should live by your rules and sensibilities.

You self-righteous , right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them. You don’t want to talk about the pain and suffering experience by children who are not wanted or the parents who are not ready for them, and you begrudge them the benefits of government programs that assist with such things as health care, nutrition and housing. Too often I’ve heard those necessities referred to”free stuff” handed out by the nannie state, but the nannie state is fine when it comes to regulating a woman’s body.

Lastly, you people have one hell of a nerve suggesting that abortion is purposely and plan fully used as a means of birth control and that it is done casually without thought or feeling. Maybe you are brain dead and have no soul but the women who have abortions out of fear and desperation are not.

Pro life or pro embryo?? I'm going to get someone to answer that eventually.

"....right wing nut blather about the life of the unborn but -for the most part- don’t give a rats hind parts about the child after it is born or about the people who bear them."

And the basis for this is....what.....your Magic 8-Ball????

Even one as dumb as asphalt.....you.....must know what an abject failure the Liberal welfare industry has been.

Don't you??????????
Thank you for admitting that you are just pro embryo as I suspected. If this is the highest level of discourse that you're capable of, I am not wasting anymore of my time on you.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Let's review:

1. I showed that almost every abortion is for convenience....proving that it is used as birth control.

2. Biologically, the unborn has the same characteristics as you do....although....if you were aborted.....never mind.

3. You tried to lie your way out by making up some claim that you know how I feel about children or about the poor.
The attempt to change the subject is an admission that you know how empty your support for murder is.

4. You can't come up with any excuse for one person....the prospective 'mother' who created the issue...to kill the innocent unborn.
Hence, you're a savage.

5. And...I beat you to the extent that you had to run off with your tail between your legs:
"Thank you for admitting that you are just pro embryo as I suspected. If this is the highest level of discourse that you're capable of, I am not wasting anymore of my time on you."

Another imbecile exposed.

OK, for the sake of argument, let’s say that you’re right. Abortion is murder. I don’t agree, but I’ll give you that as a starting point. Then the question become, what purpose is served by shouting that over simplified, inflammatory rhetoric from the roof tops? Perhaps those of you who despise the idea of abortion can conceive of a better way to get your message out- a way that might actually gain a sympathetic ear- even among those who are pro-choice.

Let’s be clear about something. Ending or overly restricting legal abortion will not end abortion and may not even significantly reduce the number of abortions. Rather, it will force the practice back under ground to be performed by the back ally butchers who will endanger women’s health and even their lives, and escape any restrictions on late term abortions which may well increase in numbers

Please understand this. Most people who are pro-choice are not callously pro-abortion. Regardless of ones beliefs about when life begins, we recognize that abortion is not a pleasant or desirable thing. I for one have no problem with overall policies that are aimed at making abortion rare-although I am adamant that they should still be available.

How do we do that? By supporting meaningful sex education and the availability of contraception for starters. Then, by ensuring that women and families are confident that they will have the help and support that they need if they choose to carry the child to term. That would include nutritional and financial assistance, affordable day care, early child hood education, and health care coverage for starters. How about we throw in tax policies that strengthen the middle class and promote job growth. The problem is that too many pro-life conservatives are against all or most of these things and there for they are really just pro fetus and pro birth.

I believe that most pro-choice people would, in turn agree to a ban on late term abortions that are not medically necessary and ensure that the woman is fully aware of all alternatives including adoption. And speaking of adoption, they need to get over the hysteria about allowing gays and lesbians to adopt. They are a valuable resource for children who might otherwise suffer at the hands of a parent who was not prepared to care for them, or languish in the foster care system.

Is it possible for conservative to get smart about this, or will they insist on clinging to absurd positions of just wanting abortion stopped, even in cases of rape, incest or a danger to the mother’s life.? Are you willing to come out right now as being truly pro-life, pro women, pro-family and pro children ?
I don't understand the question.

OK, for the sake of argument, let’s say that you’re right. Abortion is murder. I don’t agree, but I’ll give you that as a starting point. Then the question become, what purpose is served by shouting that over simplified, inflammatory rhetoric from the roof tops? Perhaps those of you who despise the idea of abortion can conceive of a better way to get your message out- a way that might actually gain a sympathetic ear- even among those who are pro-choice.

Let’s be clear about something. Ending or overly restricting legal abortion will not end abortion and may not even significantly reduce the number of abortions. Rather, it will force the practice back under ground to be performed by the back ally butchers who will endanger women’s health and even their lives, and escape any restrictions on late term abortions which may well increase in numbers

Please understand this. Most people who are pro-choice are not callously pro-abortion. Regardless of ones beliefs about when life begins, we recognize that abortion is not a pleasant or desirable thing. I for one have no problem with overall policies that are aimed at making abortion rare-although I am adamant that they should still be available.

How do we do that? By supporting meaningful sex education and the availability of contraception for starters. Then, by ensuring that women and families are confident that they will have the help and support that they need if they choose to carry the child to term. That would include nutritional and financial assistance, affordable day care, early child hood education, and health care coverage for starters. How about we throw in tax policies that strengthen the middle class and promote job growth. The problem is that too many pro-life conservatives are against all or most of these things and there for they are really just pro fetus and pro birth.

I believe that most pro-choice people would, in turn agree to a ban on late term abortions that are not medically necessary and ensure that the woman is fully aware of all alternatives including adoption. And speaking of adoption, they need to get over the hysteria about allowing gays and lesbians to adopt. They are a valuable resource for children who might otherwise suffer at the hands of a parent who was not prepared to care for them, or languish in the foster care system.

Is it possible for conservative to get smart about this, or will they insist on clinging to absurd positions of just wanting abortion stopped, even in cases of rape, incest or a danger to the mother’s life.? Are you willing to come out right now as being truly pro-life, pro women, pro-family and pro children ?
I don't understand the question.

Of course you don't

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

OK, for the sake of argument, let’s say that you’re right. Abortion is murder. I don’t agree, but I’ll give you that as a starting point. Then the question become, what purpose is served by shouting that over simplified, inflammatory rhetoric from the roof tops? Perhaps those of you who despise the idea of abortion can conceive of a better way to get your message out- a way that might actually gain a sympathetic ear- even among those who are pro-choice.

Let’s be clear about something. Ending or overly restricting legal abortion will not end abortion and may not even significantly reduce the number of abortions. Rather, it will force the practice back under ground to be performed by the back ally butchers who will endanger women’s health and even their lives, and escape any restrictions on late term abortions which may well increase in numbers

Please understand this. Most people who are pro-choice are not callously pro-abortion. Regardless of ones beliefs about when life begins, we recognize that abortion is not a pleasant or desirable thing. I for one have no problem with overall policies that are aimed at making abortion rare-although I am adamant that they should still be available.

How do we do that? By supporting meaningful sex education and the availability of contraception for starters. Then, by ensuring that women and families are confident that they will have the help and support that they need if they choose to carry the child to term. That would include nutritional and financial assistance, affordable day care, early child hood education, and health care coverage for starters. How about we throw in tax policies that strengthen the middle class and promote job growth. The problem is that too many pro-life conservatives are against all or most of these things and there for they are really just pro fetus and pro birth.

I believe that most pro-choice people would, in turn agree to a ban on late term abortions that are not medically necessary and ensure that the woman is fully aware of all alternatives including adoption. And speaking of adoption, they need to get over the hysteria about allowing gays and lesbians to adopt. They are a valuable resource for children who might otherwise suffer at the hands of a parent who was not prepared to care for them, or languish in the foster care system.

Is it possible for conservative to get smart about this, or will they insist on clinging to absurd positions of just wanting abortion stopped, even in cases of rape, incest or a danger to the mother’s life.? Are you willing to come out right now as being truly pro-life, pro women, pro-family and pro children ?
I don't understand the question.

Of course you don't

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just realized in the meme in my OP. Look at the face profile of the woman. Is that a dude?
Abortion is a medical term, only.

Murder is a legal term, only.

not to the radical religious right who hate gubmint except when it tells women what to do with their bodies.

Actually we don't give a hoot what women do to their own bodies. It's what they do to the bodies of unborn children that we take exception to. We are simply against one individual having a legal right to murder another individual.
You don’t care about the Constitution, its case law, or the rule of law – you have nothing but contempt for the rights and protected liberties of others, the consequence of your ignorance, stupidity, and hate.
being has no concern what other people think, only about what he thinks

Of course. If you want an opinion, I'll give you one.
John is thirty years old. One day his mother took a hammer and bashed John's brain in. John is dead.

John is within his mother's womb. John is thirty weeks inside his mother's womb. John's mother aborts John. John is dead.

Which is the more dead? John at thirty or John at thirty weeks? I say both are dead. I say in both cases John was made dead by his mother. John's mother murdered John in both instances.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy – an embryo/fetus is not a ‘person.’

What is it? A wide screen television?
Abortion is a medical term, only.

Murder is a legal term, only.

not to the radical religious right who hate gubmint except when it tells women what to do with their bodies.

Actually we don't give a hoot what women do to their own bodies. It's what they do to the bodies of unborn children that we take exception to. We are simply against one individual having a legal right to murder another individual.
You don’t care about the Constitution, its case law, or the rule of law – you have nothing but contempt for the rights and protected liberties of others, the consequence of your ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

Actually, I have defended my country and its Constitution. Your candidate for President tramples that Constitution with your blessing.
Since the law is clear that abortion is not illegal, and the word, "murder" is the illegal taking of life, then we know that abortion isn't murder and is not illegal.

As to someone's moral objections to abortion, I simply couldn't care less. I can point to things that go on every day that I do not consider moral, including a lot of religious practices and beliefs, such as the Catholic ban on birth control in overpopulated, impoverished countries. But, that means nothing to anyone but myself.

It depends on which law you embrace. Twelve states say the unborn child is a person. The federal government is the authority who has stupidly said it is not. Even common everyday sense says it is a person. It's certainly not a refrigerator.
What it boils down to is the immorality of Clayton Jones and Jake Starkey. Both are totally immoral heathens.
What it boils down to is the immorality of Clayton Jones and Jake Starkey. Both are totally immoral heathens.

Pretty much the definition and resume of a Liberal.

Whether Liberalism, or Progressivism.....or their progenitor, communism....this is an accurate representation:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

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