ABC,CBS,NBC biased?? NAW ... where are the missing IRS email stories..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Last Friday, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it had lost approximately two years of emails from former employee Lois Lerner.

Despite the damning new revelations in the IRS scandal, ABC and NBC have failed to cover the story as of Monday June 16, and only CBS This Morning reported on the emails on Monday but their evening news program ignoring the IRS alongside ABC's World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News.
Lois Lerner | NewsBusters

Why should we not be surprised!

85% of ABC,CBS, NBC employees DONATED to Democrats!!!!
"When 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

AGAIN folks those of you that are ignoring this we have an inept presidency that wants ALL your records, but geez... the VERY emails that
show political persecution ah, my dog ate my homework, or or the computer crashed no backups!

BY that simple admission the IRS/Obama administration admits their incompetency!
This is why Fox is so successful. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and PBS are biased as is Fox but they sit on fact based news that will hurt the Democrats. Unlike Fox, these networks provide little or no opposing views.
It is actually a lot deeper than basic "support Obama" sentiment.

Yet to have been addressed....

How is it that an investigation into the IRS took place and it was determined within a few days that no charges will be filed against anyone.....


They did not have access to Lerners emails for two of the most pertinent years that were being investigated?

Likewise, how was Obama able to determine beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS if they were unable to read those emails from those two years?

If the MSM reports on it, those questions will come up...and none of them want to lose access to the President...especially AFTER he leaves office.
News media are a bunch of lap dogs.They love their Godhead Obama and during the run-up to Iraq invasion they all went forward with it like a bunch of lemmings and never asked critical questions such as; "Hey, when you dummies get rid of Saddam will their be sectarian violence and a civil war...and if so...then why the f--- are we getting rid of Saddam?" IRS scandal just another example of lap-dog media getting cozy with the WH so it can have the feel of importance. "OOOOOOOOOOHHHH I got inside sources." OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH your a mindless shill.
Last Friday, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it had lost approximately two years of emails from former employee Lois Lerner.

Despite the damning new revelations in the IRS scandal, ABC and NBC have failed to cover the story as of Monday June 16, and only CBS This Morning reported on the emails on Monday but their evening news program ignoring the IRS alongside ABC's World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News.
Lois Lerner | NewsBusters

Why should we not be surprised!

85% of ABC,CBS, NBC employees DONATED to Democrats!!!!
"When 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

AGAIN folks those of you that are ignoring this we have an inept presidency that wants ALL your records, but geez... the VERY emails that
show political persecution ah, my dog ate my homework, or or the computer crashed no backups!

BY that simple admission the IRS/Obama administration admits their incompetency!

The IRS stories are filed in the round file along with the Birther Stories, the Climate Change is a farce stories, the Benghazi Hysteria, the Fast and Furious Hysteria, the Six soldiers killed stories and a dozen or more hysterical and ridiculous efforts to discredit the President of the United States by partisan hacks and the right wing talking heads.
Last Friday, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it had lost approximately two years of emails from former employee Lois Lerner.

Despite the damning new revelations in the IRS scandal, ABC and NBC have failed to cover the story as of Monday June 16, and only CBS This Morning reported on the emails on Monday but their evening news program ignoring the IRS alongside ABC's World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News.
Lois Lerner | NewsBusters

Why should we not be surprised!

85% of ABC,CBS, NBC employees DONATED to Democrats!!!!
"When 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

AGAIN folks those of you that are ignoring this we have an inept presidency that wants ALL your records, but geez... the VERY emails that
show political persecution ah, my dog ate my homework, or or the computer crashed no backups!

BY that simple admission the IRS/Obama administration admits their incompetency!

The IRS stories are filed in the round file along with the Birther Stories, the Climate Change is a farce stories, the Benghazi Hysteria, the Fast and Furious Hysteria, the Six soldiers killed stories and a dozen or more hysterical and ridiculous efforts to discredit the President of the United States by partisan hacks and the right wing talking heads.

Oh. Cool. Then you have the answers...

So tell me...

Fast and Furious....what operations was Holder so busy with that he admittedly did not have time to address an operation that included illegally smuggling arms across the border of an ally and furnishing the enemy of that ally with arms? did the administration know that the attack was going to end in less than 10 hours? Afterall, they did not send in air support because they needed 10 hours to get there. did Obama know that there was not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS if no one was able to read Lois Lerners emails? How did the investigator know that no criminal charges would be levied if she did not have access to the primary subjects emails?

Since they are "circular file" right wing hysteria issues......then you must be comfortable with the answers to the above questions......

What are they?
Last Friday, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it had lost approximately two years of emails from former employee Lois Lerner.

Despite the damning new revelations in the IRS scandal, ABC and NBC have failed to cover the story as of Monday June 16, and only CBS This Morning reported on the emails on Monday but their evening news program ignoring the IRS alongside ABC's World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News.
Lois Lerner | NewsBusters

Why should we not be surprised!

85% of ABC,CBS, NBC employees DONATED to Democrats!!!!
"When 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

AGAIN folks those of you that are ignoring this we have an inept presidency that wants ALL your records, but geez... the VERY emails that
show political persecution ah, my dog ate my homework, or or the computer crashed no backups!

BY that simple admission the IRS/Obama administration admits their incompetency!

The IRS stories are filed in the round file along with the Birther Stories, the Climate Change is a farce stories, the Benghazi Hysteria, the Fast and Furious Hysteria, the Six soldiers killed stories and a dozen or more hysterical and ridiculous efforts to discredit the President of the United States by partisan hacks and the right wing talking heads.

So you are brainwashed by MSNBC?
I am constantly amazed at the close mindedness of Progressives/liberals/Obamatrons/Democrats.
Do these defenders including the MSM have such an intense inferiority complex that they CAN'T question simple obvious FACTS?
Is it a coincidence ABC/CBS/NBC have NOT covered the "crashed IRS drive" story or are they so concerned of defending themselves they ignore reality?

I guarantee that there are 100 times where GOP criticize fellow GOP/conservatives for every 1 time a Democrat criticizes a fellow democrat!
To me that vividly demonstrates the close minded, inferiority complex of Progressives/Liberals/Obamatrons/Democrats.

And these same defenders don't see the real oddity that ABC/CBS/NBC doesn't cover the missing IRS drive where most logical sane people have to ask the
question... what are the odds the emails from the person taking the 5th in hearings regarding how the IRS persecuted conservative groups are destroyed?
Last Friday, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it had lost approximately two years of emails from former employee Lois Lerner.

Despite the damning new revelations in the IRS scandal, ABC and NBC have failed to cover the story as of Monday June 16, and only CBS This Morning reported on the emails on Monday but their evening news program ignoring the IRS alongside ABC's World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News.
Lois Lerner | NewsBusters

Why should we not be surprised!

85% of ABC,CBS, NBC employees DONATED to Democrats!!!!
"When 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

AGAIN folks those of you that are ignoring this we have an inept presidency that wants ALL your records, but geez... the VERY emails that
show political persecution ah, my dog ate my homework, or or the computer crashed no backups!

BY that simple admission the IRS/Obama administration admits their incompetency!

The IRS stories are filed in the round file along with the Birther Stories, the Climate Change is a farce stories, the Benghazi Hysteria, the Fast and Furious Hysteria, the Six soldiers killed stories and a dozen or more hysterical and ridiculous efforts to discredit the President of the United States by partisan hacks and the right wing talking heads.

Oh. Cool. Then you have the answers...

So tell me...

Fast and Furious....what operations was Holder so busy with that he admittedly did not have time to address an operation that included illegally smuggling arms across the border of an ally and furnishing the enemy of that ally with arms? did the administration know that the attack was going to end in less than 10 hours? Afterall, they did not send in air support because they needed 10 hours to get there. did Obama know that there was not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS if no one was able to read Lois Lerners emails? How did the investigator know that no criminal charges would be levied if she did not have access to the primary subjects emails?

Since they are "circular file" right wing hysteria issues......then you must be comfortable with the answers to the above questions......

What are they?

Help it's a wolf.

Sorry champ the ATF agents never smuggled guns into Mexico.

By the time the military got the eye in the sky over Benghazi, the riot was over and all but one American was accounted for. They were safe in the CIA Annex awaiting evacuation.

Still waiting for that smoking gun to try that will show how the White House was directing Lerner's to target specific groups.

It's the pseudo-con's mantra. (Gregorian chant.)

IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Birth Certificate Commie Bastard. Ommmmm.
IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Birth Certificate Commie Bastard. Ommmmm.
IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Birth Certificate Commie Bastard. Ommmmm.
IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Birth Certificate Commie Bastard. Ommmmm.
The IRS stories are filed in the round file along with the Birther Stories, the Climate Change is a farce stories, the Benghazi Hysteria, the Fast and Furious Hysteria, the Six soldiers killed stories and a dozen or more hysterical and ridiculous efforts to discredit the President of the United States by partisan hacks and the right wing talking heads.

Oh. Cool. Then you have the answers...

So tell me...

Fast and Furious....what operations was Holder so busy with that he admittedly did not have time to address an operation that included illegally smuggling arms across the border of an ally and furnishing the enemy of that ally with arms? did the administration know that the attack was going to end in less than 10 hours? Afterall, they did not send in air support because they needed 10 hours to get there. did Obama know that there was not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS if no one was able to read Lois Lerners emails? How did the investigator know that no criminal charges would be levied if she did not have access to the primary subjects emails?

Since they are "circular file" right wing hysteria issues......then you must be comfortable with the answers to the above questions......

What are they?

Help it's a wolf.

Sorry champ the ATF agents never smuggled guns into Mexico.

Nice diversion. Take out the word smuggled and insert "furnished arms to the enemy of an ally" and answer the question

By the time the military got the eye in the sky over Benghazi, the riot was over and all but one American was accounted for. They were safe in the CIA Annex awaiting evacuation.

Another diversion. You get the ball rolling at the same time you start reviewing intelligence. So answer the question.....Obama opted to NOT get the ball rolling by preparing the air support while gathering intelligence and used the excuse that the seige would have been over by the time they got there. How did he know when the siege would end?
Still waiting for that smoking gun to try that will show how the White House was directing Lerner's to target specific groups.

Another diversion. My question has nothing to do with the White House involvement. How did Obama and the investigator know that there was NO corruption if they did not have access to the emails of the primary subject of the issue?
It's the pseudo-con's mantra. (Gregorian chant.)

IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Birth Certificate Commie Bastard. Ommmmm.
IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Birth Certificate Commie Bastard. Ommmmm.
IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Birth Certificate Commie Bastard. Ommmmm.
IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Birth Certificate Commie Bastard. Ommmmm.

Enough of the childish diversions. It is easy to change my question and offer an answer. But that is answering the questions YOU want asked.

But as I showed you (in red), they did not answer my questions.

My questions are basic, and have not yet been answered. But you seem to be satisfied with the answers.

So what are they?
Last edited:
Last Friday, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it had lost approximately two years of emails from former employee Lois Lerner.

Despite the damning new revelations in the IRS scandal, ABC and NBC have failed to cover the story as of Monday June 16, and only CBS This Morning reported on the emails on Monday but their evening news program ignoring the IRS alongside ABC's World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News.
Lois Lerner | NewsBusters

Why should we not be surprised!

85% of ABC,CBS, NBC employees DONATED to Democrats!!!!
"When 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

AGAIN folks those of you that are ignoring this we have an inept presidency that wants ALL your records, but geez... the VERY emails that
show political persecution ah, my dog ate my homework, or or the computer crashed no backups!

BY that simple admission the IRS/Obama administration admits their incompetency!

The IRS stories are filed in the round file along with the Birther Stories, the Climate Change is a farce stories, the Benghazi Hysteria, the Fast and Furious Hysteria, the Six soldiers killed stories and a dozen or more hysterical and ridiculous efforts to discredit the President of the United States by partisan hacks and the right wing talking heads.

Absolutely not. You show how partisan that you really are. Two years of missing emails and not a peep by you or the media. Scandals littering the landscape, lies by the president to push his obamacare bill and yet you continue to glorify him. No, you are wrong....again.
This country is done.

Over 40 per cent have been put on the Federal Tit and made reliable Democratic voters (and they vote early and often where they don't have to show an I. D.)

And the Media hides Democratic corruption as if they were hard core Democrats themselves...which of course they are.

This Lois Lerner e-mails scam is in effect a declaration that the old America is gone. It is known to be a crime. Obama and his cabal know it is a crime. Its an in your face crime.

They know they can get away with it because almost half the voters have been bought with borrowed money...and the Media has abandoned all moral responsibility in favor of partisan politics.

It is only left to find out what form the New Order will take--pure socialism? Totalitarianism? Facism? Dictatorship? A little of each?

Perhaps Obama has not yet decided himself. Perhaps he will have to leave it to Hillary Clinton to complete the job. Both are ardent admirers of the communist Saul Alinski.....what did he say to do after you have completely undermined the American Way....which had made this the greatest country in the history of the world.
Last Friday, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it had lost approximately two years of emails from former employee Lois Lerner.

Despite the damning new revelations in the IRS scandal, ABC and NBC have failed to cover the story as of Monday June 16, and only CBS This Morning reported on the emails on Monday but their evening news program ignoring the IRS alongside ABC's World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News.
Lois Lerner | NewsBusters

Why should we not be surprised!

85% of ABC,CBS, NBC employees DONATED to Democrats!!!!
"When 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

AGAIN folks those of you that are ignoring this we have an inept presidency that wants ALL your records, but geez... the VERY emails that
show political persecution ah, my dog ate my homework, or or the computer crashed no backups!

BY that simple admission the IRS/Obama administration admits their incompetency!

The IRS stories are filed in the round file along with the Birther Stories, the Climate Change is a farce stories, the Benghazi Hysteria, the Fast and Furious Hysteria, the Six soldiers killed stories and a dozen or more hysterical and ridiculous efforts to discredit the President of the United States by partisan hacks and the right wing talking heads.

Oh. Cool. Then you have the answers...

So tell me...

Fast and Furious....what operations was Holder so busy with that he admittedly did not have time to address an operation that included illegally smuggling arms across the border of an ally and furnishing the enemy of that ally with arms? did the administration know that the attack was going to end in less than 10 hours? Afterall, they did not send in air support because they needed 10 hours to get there. did Obama know that there was not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS if no one was able to read Lois Lerners emails? How did the investigator know that no criminal charges would be levied if she did not have access to the primary subjects emails?

Since they are "circular file" right wing hysteria issues......then you must be comfortable with the answers to the above questions......

What are they?

They are stories not indisputable facts; as such they are full of innuendo, half-truths, rumors and lies.
The IRS stories are filed in the round file along with the Birther Stories, the Climate Change is a farce stories, the Benghazi Hysteria, the Fast and Furious Hysteria, the Six soldiers killed stories and a dozen or more hysterical and ridiculous efforts to discredit the President of the United States by partisan hacks and the right wing talking heads.

Oh. Cool. Then you have the answers...

So tell me...

Fast and Furious....what operations was Holder so busy with that he admittedly did not have time to address an operation that included illegally smuggling arms across the border of an ally and furnishing the enemy of that ally with arms? did the administration know that the attack was going to end in less than 10 hours? Afterall, they did not send in air support because they needed 10 hours to get there. did Obama know that there was not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS if no one was able to read Lois Lerners emails? How did the investigator know that no criminal charges would be levied if she did not have access to the primary subjects emails?

Since they are "circular file" right wing hysteria issues......then you must be comfortable with the answers to the above questions......

What are they?

They are stories not indisputable facts; as such they are full of innuendo, half-truths, rumors and lies.

Huh? Stories?

When asked, Holder said he knew nothing of fast and furious citing that he had a lot on his plate and not able to be aware of all operations. My question addressed this FACT directly.

When asked, Obama said that the reason he never gave the military approval to get the ball rolling was because it would have taken them too long to get there. My question addressed this FACT directly

A Whitehouse appointed inspector determined that no crimes were committed by the IRS and Obama himself asserted that there was absolutely no corruption in the IRS. My question addressed this FACT directly

It is easy to divert from answering the question or admitting you don't know the answer by criticizing the question....

But I stated facts.....and asked questions regarding those facts....

And so far, no one has answered them. One changed the questions and gave answers....and you claimed there was not much true fact to work with in my questions (paraphrased)...which as I showed you, is untrue....

But so far, you nor anyone else has those answers....yet you claim all questions have been answered.


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