AAAAND Sweden was right,


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:

Well..not exactly. And if you'd like to be the one to tell older people that they are sacrificial lambs, be my guest. The Lt Governor of Texas already tried that. How's that workin out for his state? Point is, that it's been a mixed bag for Sweden.

The key words to pay attention to in this article are the words personal responsibility. You didn't see Swedes whining and moaning about wearing masks and social distancing. Something a lot of people in this country won't do because of various reason that I'm not going into. So, no taking personal responsibility, hence the virus spreads. You have a nation of 10.2 million vs 330 million so it's really difficult to compare possible results. When people sheltered in place here, the virus curve flattened. That's forced social distancing. We open back up and everybody ignores the past few months and goes back to making like it never happened. That's why we have what we have now. Again, if people could just be trusted to do the right thing, these types of shutdowns wouldn't be necessary. Forest for the trees.
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:
Just wait until winter when they are all packed & sealed inside buildings for heat like last winter in NYC, Chicago & Detroit. Like the southerners are now packed inside for air conditioning. Cherry picking ain't science.

Sweden has the 4th highest Covid Death Rate on Earth!!!
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Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:
Just wait until winter when they are all packed & sealed inside buildings for heat like last winter in NYC, Chicago & Detroit. Like the southerners are now packed inside for air conditioning. Cherry picking ain't science.
What was cherry picked idiot
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:

Well..not exactly. And if you'd like to be the one to tell older people that they are sacrificial lambs, be my guest. The Lt Governor of Texas already tried that. How's that workin out for his state? Point is, that it's been a mixed bag for Sweden.

The key words to pay attention to in this article are the words personal responsibility. You didn't see Swedes whining and moaning about wearing masks and social distancing. Something a lot of people in this country won't do because of various reason that I'm not going into. So, no taking personal responsibility, hence the virus spreads. You have a nation of 10.2 million vs 330 million so it's really difficult to compare possible results. When people sheltered in place here, the virus curve flattened. That's forced social distancing. We open back up and everybody ignores the past few months and goes back to making like it never happened. That's why we have what we have now. Again, if people could just be trusted to do the right thing, these types of shutdowns wouldn't be necessary. Forest for the trees.
I dont see Sweden on the list of nations that made mask wearing a law.
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:
Just wait until winter when they are all packed & sealed inside buildings for heat like last winter in NYC, Chicago & Detroit. Like the southerners are now packed inside for air conditioning. Cherry picking ain't science.
What was cherry picked idiot
Dear Idiot - Sweden has the 4th highest Covid Death Rate on Earth!!!
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:
Just wait until winter when they are all packed & sealed inside buildings for heat like last winter in NYC, Chicago & Detroit. Like the southerners are now packed inside for air conditioning. Cherry picking ain't science.
What was cherry picked idiot
Dear Idiot - Sweden has the 4th highest Covid Death Rate on Earth!!!
Frontloaded...and they did about as well as NY did with old people. they will be out of it while we linger on and on and on
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:

Well..not exactly. And if you'd like to be the one to tell older people that they are sacrificial lambs, be my guest. The Lt Governor of Texas already tried that. How's that workin out for his state? Point is, that it's been a mixed bag for Sweden.

The key words to pay attention to in this article are the words personal responsibility. You didn't see Swedes whining and moaning about wearing masks and social distancing. Something a lot of people in this country won't do because of various reason that I'm not going into. So, no taking personal responsibility, hence the virus spreads. You have a nation of 10.2 million vs 330 million so it's really difficult to compare possible results. When people sheltered in place here, the virus curve flattened. That's forced social distancing. We open back up and everybody ignores the past few months and goes back to making like it never happened. That's why we have what we have now. Again, if people could just be trusted to do the right thing, these types of shutdowns wouldn't be necessary. Forest for the trees.
I dont see Sweden on the list of nations that made mask wearing a law.

If I'm not mistaken, there are only countries in the Asia-Pacific region that actually have laws to wear masks.
Swedes did it willingly. And it was a tool in helping to slow the spread of the virus. Again, something that a lot of people here won't do.
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:

Well..not exactly. And if you'd like to be the one to tell older people that they are sacrificial lambs, be my guest. The Lt Governor of Texas already tried that. How's that workin out for his state? Point is, that it's been a mixed bag for Sweden.

The key words to pay attention to in this article are the words personal responsibility. You didn't see Swedes whining and moaning about wearing masks and social distancing. Something a lot of people in this country won't do because of various reason that I'm not going into. So, no taking personal responsibility, hence the virus spreads. You have a nation of 10.2 million vs 330 million so it's really difficult to compare possible results. When people sheltered in place here, the virus curve flattened. That's forced social distancing. We open back up and everybody ignores the past few months and goes back to making like it never happened. That's why we have what we have now. Again, if people could just be trusted to do the right thing, these types of shutdowns wouldn't be necessary. Forest for the trees.
I would tell you the many reasons why youre wrong ,,but whats the use,,,,
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:

Well..not exactly. And if you'd like to be the one to tell older people that they are sacrificial lambs, be my guest. The Lt Governor of Texas already tried that. How's that workin out for his state? Point is, that it's been a mixed bag for Sweden.

The key words to pay attention to in this article are the words personal responsibility. You didn't see Swedes whining and moaning about wearing masks and social distancing. Something a lot of people in this country won't do because of various reason that I'm not going into. So, no taking personal responsibility, hence the virus spreads. You have a nation of 10.2 million vs 330 million so it's really difficult to compare possible results. When people sheltered in place here, the virus curve flattened. That's forced social distancing. We open back up and everybody ignores the past few months and goes back to making like it never happened. That's why we have what we have now. Again, if people could just be trusted to do the right thing, these types of shutdowns wouldn't be necessary. Forest for the trees.
I dont see Sweden on the list of nations that made mask wearing a law.

If I'm not mistaken, there are only countries in the Asia-Pacific region that actually have laws to wear masks.
Swedes did it willingly. And it was a tool in helping to slow the spread of the virus. Again, something that a lot of people here won't do.
You'll have to post more than your say so and some science that backs up mask crap and remember there is flip flopping data,,,,,yes they do no they dont well maybe but we dont have any science to back it up
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Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:

Well..not exactly. And if you'd like to be the one to tell older people that they are sacrificial lambs, be my guest. The Lt Governor of Texas already tried that. How's that workin out for his state? Point is, that it's been a mixed bag for Sweden.

The key words to pay attention to in this article are the words personal responsibility. You didn't see Swedes whining and moaning about wearing masks and social distancing. Something a lot of people in this country won't do because of various reason that I'm not going into. So, no taking personal responsibility, hence the virus spreads. You have a nation of 10.2 million vs 330 million so it's really difficult to compare possible results. When people sheltered in place here, the virus curve flattened. That's forced social distancing. We open back up and everybody ignores the past few months and goes back to making like it never happened. That's why we have what we have now. Again, if people could just be trusted to do the right thing, these types of shutdowns wouldn't be necessary. Forest for the trees.
I dont see Sweden on the list of nations that made mask wearing a law.

If I'm not mistaken, there are only countries in the Asia-Pacific region that actually have laws to wear masks.
Swedes did it willingly. And it was a tool in helping to slow the spread of the virus. Again, something that a lot of people here won't do.
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:
I just read a study out of nyc
68% of the people they tested had antibodies from a covid...
What covid who knows

You can test positive for 19 while having a regular ol common covid cold
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:

Well..not exactly. And if you'd like to be the one to tell older people that they are sacrificial lambs, be my guest. The Lt Governor of Texas already tried that. How's that workin out for his state? Point is, that it's been a mixed bag for Sweden.

The key words to pay attention to in this article are the words personal responsibility. You didn't see Swedes whining and moaning about wearing masks and social distancing. Something a lot of people in this country won't do because of various reason that I'm not going into. So, no taking personal responsibility, hence the virus spreads. You have a nation of 10.2 million vs 330 million so it's really difficult to compare possible results. When people sheltered in place here, the virus curve flattened. That's forced social distancing. We open back up and everybody ignores the past few months and goes back to making like it never happened. That's why we have what we have now. Again, if people could just be trusted to do the right thing, these types of shutdowns wouldn't be necessary. Forest for the trees.
I dont see Sweden on the list of nations that made mask wearing a law.

If I'm not mistaken, there are only countries in the Asia-Pacific region that actually have laws to wear masks.
Swedes did it willingly. And it was a tool in helping to slow the spread of the virus. Again, something that a lot of people here won't do.

So a politician recommends against wearing a face mask. :) Sounds familiar.
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:

Well..not exactly. And if you'd like to be the one to tell older people that they are sacrificial lambs, be my guest. The Lt Governor of Texas already tried that. How's that workin out for his state? Point is, that it's been a mixed bag for Sweden.

The key words to pay attention to in this article are the words personal responsibility. You didn't see Swedes whining and moaning about wearing masks and social distancing. Something a lot of people in this country won't do because of various reason that I'm not going into. So, no taking personal responsibility, hence the virus spreads. You have a nation of 10.2 million vs 330 million so it's really difficult to compare possible results. When people sheltered in place here, the virus curve flattened. That's forced social distancing. We open back up and everybody ignores the past few months and goes back to making like it never happened. That's why we have what we have now. Again, if people could just be trusted to do the right thing, these types of shutdowns wouldn't be necessary. Forest for the trees.
I dont see Sweden on the list of nations that made mask wearing a law.

If I'm not mistaken, there are only countries in the Asia-Pacific region that actually have laws to wear masks.
Swedes did it willingly. And it was a tool in helping to slow the spread of the virus. Again, something that a lot of people here won't do.

So a politician recommends against wearing a face mask. :) Sounds familiar.
point was I dont think your mask wearing comment was accurate
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:
Seriously. You want to play that game ? Sweden has universal healthcare. Sweden did testing and contact tracing early. We did shit.
11 JUNE 2020
How Sweden’s herd immunity strategy has backfired
As the country’s Covid-19 death toll has spiralled, support for the government’s unique approach has frayed.

I dont see Sweden on the list of nations that made mask wearing a law.

5593 registrated deaths in Sweden are equivalent to 2800 deaths in Norway - Norway has 254 deaths. So Sweden has an eleven times (1100%) more worse result.
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“They are seeing there is damage to the lungs in these asymptomatic children. ... We don’t know how that is going to manifest a year from now or two years from now,” Alonso told reporters. “Is that child going to have chronic pulmonary problems or not?”
“They are seeing there is damage to the lungs in these asymptomatic children. ... We don’t know how that is going to manifest a year from now or two years from now,” Alonso told reporters. “Is that child going to have chronic pulmonary problems or not?”
And just like clockwork, Trump is pushing out preexisting conditions. The insurance industry needs their cut.
Total COvid approach has been vindicated with the exception of how to protect people in long term care facilities. 90% of their deaths are people 70 and up. Theirs and Iceland's experience also shows schools can be open. Heard a stat, US deaths from wuhan 34 and under is under 1000.
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end. They won’t have to reopen their primary schools because they never shut them down to begin with. Numerous reports indicate that young children are neither at risk nor do they pass the virus to others. Most Americans don’t know this because the propaganda media has omitted the news from their coverage. Here’s a clip from the National Review which helps to explain:
Seriously. You want to play that game ? Sweden has universal healthcare. Sweden did testing and contact tracing early. We did shit.
Gee wonder if they closed their hospitals to only wuhan traffic

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