A Zoroastrian Speaks On Israel

Eh Steve, are you okay?

QUOTE="MJB12741, post: 17018932, member: 35577"]

Yo Steve. Know what this is in NSW?

greatest map in history
great cyrus

I see Palestine on that Map, where is israel?
Persians did not call it Palestine either. Palestine is a Roman and then Christian name for Jewish territory. No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims, and Ottoman's either. The name is a recent invention after they hijacked the name given to the Jews of the region.

You forget that Cyrus the Great liberated Israel from the Babylonians and helped the Jews rebuild their temple in their homeland. Cyrus called it Samaria. Just shows how ignorant you Islamo-terrorist lovers are. LOL

"Among the classical Jewish sources, besides the Bible, Josephus (1st century AD) mentions that Cyrus freed the Jews from captivity and helped rebuild the temple. He also wrote to the rulers and governors that they should contribute to the rebuilding of the temple and assisted them in rebuilding the temple. A letter from Cyrus to the Jews is described by Josephus.:[12]

I have given leave to as many of the Jews that dwell in my country as please to return to their own country, and to rebuild their city, and to build the temple of God at Jerusalem on the same place where it was before. I have also sent my treasurer Mithridates, and Zorobabel, the governor of the Jews, that they may lay the foundations of the temple, and may build it sixty cubits high, and of the same latitude, making three edifices of polished stones, and one of the wood of the country, and the same order extends to the altar whereon they offer sacrifices to God. I require also that the expenses for these things may be given out of my revenues. Moreover, I have also sent the vessels which king Nebuchadnezzar pillaged out of the temple, and have given them to Mithridates the treasurer, and to Zorobabel the governor of the Jews, that they may have them carried to Jerusalem, and may restore them to the temple of God. Now their number is as follows: Fifty chargers of gold, and five hundred of silver; forty Thericlean cups of gold, and five hundred of silver; fifty basons of gold, and five hundred of silver; thirty vessels for pouring [the drink-offerings], and three hundred of silver; thirty vials of gold, and two thousand four hundred of silver; with a thousand other large vessels. (3) I permit them to have the same honor which they were used to have from their forefathers, as also for their small cattle, and for wine and oil, two hundred and five thousand and five hundred drachme; and for wheat flour, twenty thousand and five hundred artabae; and I give order that these expenses shall be given them out of the tributes due from Samaria. The priests shall also offer these sacrifices according to the laws of Moses in Jerusalem; and when they offer them, they shall pray to God for the preservation of the king and of his family, that the kingdom of Persia may continue. But my will is, that those who disobey these injunctions, and make them void, shall be hung upon a cross, and their substance brought into the king's treasury."."
...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims, and Ottoman's either....
If I can prove (even to you) that that is just another one of your stupid and obvious lies, will you change your avatar to one of my choosing or the male genitalia of your choosing for one week?
...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims, and Ottoman's either....
If I can prove (even to you) that that is just another one of your stupid and obvious lies, will you change your avatar to one of my choosing or the male genitalia of your choosing for one week?
The Persians called it Samaria, you ignorant dickhead, they liberated the Jews and helped them rebuild their temple.

"...and five hundred drachme; and for wheat flour, twenty thousand and five hundred artabae; and I give order that these expenses shall be given them out of the tributes due from Samaria. The priests shall also offer these sacrifice..."
...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims, and Ottoman's either....
If I can prove (even to you) that that is just another one of your stupid and obvious lies, will you change your avatar to one of my choosing or the male genitalia of your choosing for one week?
The Persians called it Samaria, dickhead.
Whatever, do you accept the terms or not?
...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims, and Ottoman's either....
If I can prove (even to you) that that is just another one of your stupid and obvious lies, will you change your avatar to one of my choosing or the male genitalia of your choosing for one week?
The Persians called it Samaria, dickhead.
Whatever, do you accept the terms or not?
I accept that you go fuck yourself. No Palestine during the Persian and last 700 years of the Ottoman Empire. The map you presented of the Zoorastrian Persian Empire is a recent map, you will not find the word "Palestine" anywhere in ancient Persia. Like I said the ancient Persian emperor helped liberate the Jews and then helped them rebuild their temple.



Early history. The most significant chapter in the story of Jews and Judaism in Persia began 15 March 597 BCE, when King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia conquered Jerusalem and carried away as captives 10,000 Jews from Jerusalem and Judah, including King Jehoiachin of Judah. The archives of the British Museum in London store contemporaneous Babylonian chronicles written on clay tablets that describe the events, with which the Hebrew Bible concurs (Wiseman, pp. 32-33; 72-73). 2 Kings 24:14-16 states that the 10,000 Jews who were carried away included 7,000 warriors and 1,000 skilled workers. Esther 2:5-6 explains that Mordecai, who eventually became prime minister to the Persian King Ahasuerus (probably Xerxes I) at Susa was the great-grandson of Kish, who was one of those 10,000 captives. These prisoners were put into royal service, which included the development of new towns in places not previously inhabited, and military service. The Babylonian monarch appointed King Jehoiachin’s uncle, Zedekiah, King of Judah. When Zedekiah himself asserted his independence, Nebuchadnezzar again laid siege to Jerusalem and carried away more men, women, and children, and he destroyed the Temple. In due course, many of these people and their descendants would find their way to Persia, just as did the grandparents of Mordechai and Esther (see ESTHER AND MORDECHAI). Consequently, Haman was able to report that there were Jews in all the provinces of Persia (Esth. 3:8).

On 29 October 539 BCE, Cyrus II the Great (b. ca. 600 BCE, d. 530 BCE; q.v.) invaded Babylon, where he was welcomed as a liberator by the devotees of the chief deity of Babylon, Marduk. Likewise, many of the leaders of the Jews in Babylonia looked upon Cyrus as the person designated by God to fulfill Jeremiah’s prophecy (Jer. 29:14) that the Jews would be liberated and allowed to return to Judah. This attitude is reflected in the words of an unnamed prophet of the time, whose speeches are found in Isa. 40-66: “Thus said the LORD to Cyrus, His anointed one / Whose right hand He has grasped, / Treading down nations before him, / Ungirding the loins of kings, / Opening doors before him / And letting no gate stay shut: / I will march before you / And level the hills that loom up; / I will shatter doors of bronze / And cut down iron bars. / I will give you treasures concealed in the dark / And secret hoards / So that you may know that it is I the LORD, / The God of Israel, who call you by name. / For the sake of My servant Jacob, / Israel My chosen one, / I call you by name, / I hail you by title, though you have not known Me. / I am the LORD and there is none else; / Beside Me there is no god. / I engird you, though you have not known Me, / So that they may know, from east to west, / That there is none but Me. / I am the LORD and there is none else” (Isa. 45:1-6 [This and all translations of biblical texts in this entry are taken from Tanakh, 1985]).

Rebuilding the Temple. Just as our unnamed prophet conceived of Cyrus as having been chosen by the One God, of whom he admits Cyrus had never heard, so did the Akkadian cuneiform inscription called the Cyrus cylinder (see Figure 1; see also CYRUS iii) picture Cyrus as chosen by Marduk: “He [Marduk] scanned and looked (through) all the countries, searching for a righteous ruler willing to lead him (i.e., Marduk) (in the annual procession). (Then) he pronounced the name of Cyrus, king of Anshan, declared him to be(come) the ruler of all the world. Without any battle he made him enter his town Babylon, sparing Babylon any calamity. He delivered into his (i.e., Cyrus’s) hands Nabonidus, the king who did not worship him (i.e., Marduk). All the inhabitants of Babylon as well as of the entire country of Sumer and Akkad, princes and governors (included) bowed to him (Cyrus) and kissed his feet, jubilant that he (had received) the kingship, and with shining faces. Happily they greeted him as a master through whose help they had come (again) to life from death (and) had been spared damage and disaster, and they worshiped his (very) name” (Pritchard, 1969, pp. 315-16).

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...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims...
So, that was just more of your daily drivel. Thought so. Thanks for playing.
Correct. The Ottomans did not have a "Palestine", they called the region Southern Syria. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after World War I, and was conquered by the British and Europeans, they renamed the region Palestine. And then the name that referred to Jews of the region, was hijacked to create this fake identity.
...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims...
So, that was just more of your daily drivel. Thought so. Thanks for playing.
Correct. The Ottomans did not have a "Palestine", they called the region Southern Syria. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after World War I, and was conquered by the British and Europeans, they renamed the region Palestine. And then the name that referred to Jews of the region, was hijacked to create this fake identity.
Nope. That's your daily drivel. It's actually 1000s of years old.

From the Jewish Britannica:

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.

...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims...
So, that was just more of your daily drivel. Thought so. Thanks for playing.
Correct. The Ottomans did not have a "Palestine", they called the region Southern Syria. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after World War I, and was conquered by the British and Europeans, they renamed the region Palestine. And then the name that referred to Jews of the region, was hijacked to create this fake identity.
Nope. That's your daily drivel. It's actually 1000s of years old.

From the Jewish Britannica:

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.


You are extremely ignorant and unable to stick to the topic, which is, no such thing as a "Palestine" during the Persian Empire. Just because a name is "derived from" doesn't mean jack shit.

Philistines are a sea faring Greek / European extinct people, having nothing zero, zip, nada to do with "Palestinians". The Romans chose the name "Palestine" after they sacked Judea to remind Jews of a people they had defeated.

And what does that have to do with today's Arab Muslim Palestinians who are the basically the descendants of Arab Islamic invaders, who looted and raped every land they conquered, and then shoved their barbaric religion down the throats of the inhabitants at the point of the sword?
...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims...
So, that was just more of your daily drivel. Thought so. Thanks for playing.
Correct. The Ottomans did not have a "Palestine", they called the region Southern Syria. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after World War I, and was conquered by the British and Europeans, they renamed the region Palestine. And then the name that referred to Jews of the region, was hijacked to create this fake identity.
Nope. That's your daily drivel. It's actually 1000s of years old.

From the Jewish Britannica:

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.


You are extremely ignorant and unable to stick to the topic, which is, no such thing as a "Palestine" during the Persian Empire. Just because a name is "derived from" doesn't mean jack shit.

Philistines are a sea faring Greek / European extinct people, having nothing zero, zip, nada to do with "Palestinians". The Romans chose the name "Palestine" after they sacked Judea to remind Jews of a people they had defeated.

And what does that have to do with today's Arab Muslim Palestinians who are the basically the descendants of Arab Islamic invaders, who looted and raped every land they conquered, and then shoved their barbaric religion down the throats of the inhabitants at the point of the sword?

Right on Roudy!

Iran was once the greatest nation on earth. From the grandeur & glory of Persepolis under Zoroastrian rule to the slums of Shiraz under Muslim rule.
SORRY BUT I HAVE TO CORRECT YOU YET AGAIN.....it was the MONGOLs THAT HAD THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH.....from,China to Austria to Russia etc,.......Like your Zionist Twaddle.....show just what a NINCOMPOOP you are

Iran was once the greatest nation on earth. From the grandeur & glory of Persepolis under Zoroastrian rule to the slums of Shiraz under Muslim rule.
SORRY BUT I HAVE TO CORRECT YOU YET AGAIN.....it was the MONGOLs THAT HAD THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH.....from,China to Austria to Russia etc,.......Like your Zionist Twaddle.....show just what a NINCOMPOOP you are

IDIOT! I said "Iran was ONCE the greatest nation on earth." It was the very heart of the Persian empire under Zoroastrian rule. FYI, that was long before the Mongols. Get it yet? Oh and good luck with your reading disability.
...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims...
So, that was just more of your daily drivel. Thought so. Thanks for playing.
Correct. The Ottomans did not have a "Palestine", they called the region Southern Syria. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after World War I, and was conquered by the British and Europeans, they renamed the region Palestine. And then the name that referred to Jews of the region, was hijacked to create this fake identity.
Like MJ,your grasp of history has a lot to be desired,Palestine was referred to in Roman times and prior...but like MJ keep up the Zionist Bullshit
...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims...
So, that was just more of your daily drivel. Thought so. Thanks for playing.
Correct. The Ottomans did not have a "Palestine", they called the region Southern Syria. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after World War I, and was conquered by the British and Europeans, they renamed the region Palestine. And then the name that referred to Jews of the region, was hijacked to create this fake identity.

Of course the Ottomans had a Palestine you dimwit. There is even a Turkish Army intelligence manual the "Filastin Risalesi" which includes maps defining the territory, the native ethnic groups, etc. (Filistin is Palestine in Turkish, by the way, dimwit)



The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates
...No such thing as Palestine according Arabs, Muslims...
So, that was just more of your daily drivel. Thought so. Thanks for playing.
Correct. The Ottomans did not have a "Palestine", they called the region Southern Syria. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after World War I, and was conquered by the British and Europeans, they renamed the region Palestine. And then the name that referred to Jews of the region, was hijacked to create this fake identity.
Like MJ,your grasp of history has a lot to be desired,Palestine was referred to in Roman times and prior...but like MJ keep up the Zionist Bullshit

And before that, guess what the land was referred to? Hint: Isr---.

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