A word from the wise,, take heed for you know not what you started

No, the blame for hostility is on those who wield it. Marriage has had all kinds of definitions over the years, what is one more and who gets decide? Why should anyone care if they want to get married? It goes back to the OP….minding your own business ;)
what do you have against democracy?? if the people vote no thats just the way it is,,
and there has only been one kind of marriage and that is between a man and a women,,
No, the blame for hostility is on those who wield it.
Thank you. Then the blame is on the gay community who, like so many other leftwing groups, began with hostility the moment they got any power and have only ramped up the hostility and belligerence the more attention and power they get, thus creating the attitudes and perceptions common to most of society, no less for the PC oppression most feel that they cannot be open about their feelings because like so much else that has been weaponized by the government, it has all been shoved down people's throats and made to feel attacked or threatened if they openly disagree.

Like the christian cake place that was harassed and sued by the Fed and run into the ground simply because they chose not to put a message on a cake that a gay couple wanted which deeply conflicted with their religious policies. No, it all BEGAN with the gay community and it ENDS with the gay community, much because the fed stepped in and picked and chose sides putting their fat finger on the scale helping to weaponize them against society.

Marriage has had all kinds of definitions over the years
Really? Where are they? Did the Left just invent them? Because the ONLY one I know of is the traditional one kept for thousands of years between a man and a woman in holy matrimony. Gays cannot be married in holy matrimony obviously because the very definition means to become a mother (with child).

Why should anyone care if they want to get married?
Gays do. They went out of their way wanting to be able to SAY they were married, and a corrupted leftwing government backed them up, obviously as just one more partisan power trip over normal people.
The baker has every right to refuse to make a cake with a mix of chocolate and vanilla frosting.

But he can't refuse to sell to people who are a mix of chocolate and vanilla frosting.

A baker has every right to not be a slave to anyone they so choose. GFY with that.
By whom, Nazi wannabe guy?

You're talking I should be hunted relentlessly, but you're gonna claim you're for free speech? I don't think so. Fuck You.
My relatives and even my friend's relatives actually killed Nazis, motherfucker. If you wanna test what America has and wanna push the limits like that? You're going to have a bad time, little commie booger. Some of us actually have the guns taken from dead Nazis that were killed by Americans, boy.
Some might even have MG42s, which may or may not be better than American M249..truthfully I think it was.
Killing people isn’t free speech, dope. It isn’t war either. It’s murder.
A marriage is defined as "A holy union between one man and one woman."

Men or women "marrying" each other is not a marriage in the eyes of God. It is an aberration and a sin.

They're free to live their lives and call themselves "married", but they're only living together.
Civil society doesn’t give a shit about you or anyone else’s religious beliefs regarding marriage. It’s simply a legal contract under the law.
That is what you assholes want. Everyone must feel the same way. That is dangerous.
Everyone must abide by the law. You don’t have to like it at all. You just need to accept that civil society requires that all citizens have equal opportunity and equal protection under the law.

No one feels great about seeing white supremacists marching with torches chanting about Jews but everyone should agree that they have that right.
Everyone must abide by the law. You don’t have to like it at all. You just need to accept that civil society requires that all citizens have equal opportunity and equal protection under the law.

No one feels great about seeing white supremacists marching with torches chanting about Jews but everyone should agree that they have that right.
If you really think everyone must abide the law you are on the wrong side.

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