A word from the wise,, take heed for you know not what you started

they can,, but now they want the the governments permission,,

But that's not ALL that's on the Gay Agenda! They are planning on making RULES ABOUT PUNCTUATION and the use of commas!

Some rough days are comin'.

you can get married and not have the government involved, just find a preacher and do it,,

I take it you have never gotten married. There's something called a "License" which, I assure you, is very much in the purview of the government.
You're entire life all you've been doing is losing political and social ground.
Not me, but thanks for confirming what the Right already knows, that they are under attack, have been for years and so ANY retaliation now will be justified!

And to think how you fuckers already cried like little girls just because of a couple fair legal decisions from the Supreme Court! :laughing0301:
I cant say more than whats in this statement,,

Yeah. Like the sentiment, but ain't buyin' it. Bunch of us getting irritated on the way to Whole Foods or getting back from visiting the kid in college or deplaning from vacation aren't going to start a revolution. It just sounds like..

Not me, but thanks for confirming what the Right already knows, that they are under attack, have been for years and so ANY retaliation now will be justified!

you're martyrs is what you are!

And to think how you fuckers already cried like little girls just because of a couple fair legal decisions from the Supreme Court! :laughing0301:

And to think how you fuckers cried like little girls just because of a free and fair election your guy lost. LOL.
Yeah. Like the sentiment, but ain't buyin' it. Bunch of us getting irritated on the way to Whole Foods or getting back from visiting the kid in college or deplaning from vacation aren't going to start a revolution. It just sounds like..

if those things irritate you then dont do them,,
Not me, but thanks for confirming what the Right already knows, that they are under attack, have been for years and so ANY retaliation now will be justified!

And to think how you fuckers already cried like little girls just because of a couple fair legal decisions from the Supreme Court! :laughing0301:
I didn't. For one, I knew the best you could do was push abortion back to the states. That's the best you can do. That's our floor. So already you're a loser in that regard. Secondly I knew it would galvanize Democratic voters in an election year many thought was going to be brutal. Thirdly, the right and more specifically the white has been crying about being under attack for quite some time. But crying isn't political strategy. Nearly everything you do or could do to gain momentary victories will come back to bite you in the ass even harder. Yours is a loser cause.
If you're on the Left, urine luck !

The Conservative Right has an ageless aversion to standing up strong and fighting back.
You can forever count on the Right to collectively do absolutely nothing more than whine and cry incessantly.

The proof is past history and modern lack of any push back.
For the most part, you cant even get them to vote, not now, not back then...not ever.
Taken from off your linked website:
"no documentation or evidence of same-sex marriage exists"

Look, its not an attack against gays, everyone has a choice to live however they want more or less, just the fact that there is no solid grounds for believing that same sex couples were ever considered "married" by any culture I know of, until the left started that stuff a few years ago in deference to all protests from religious groups.

So gays only have themselves to blame now for some of the hostility and resistance meted their way.
No, the blame for hostility is on those who wield it. Marriage has had all kinds of definitions over the years, what is one more and who gets decide? Why should anyone care if they want to get married? It goes back to the OP….minding your own business ;)
Wow, some christian you must be. The act of marriage was carried out in church before God to signify a union between man and wive for procreation, for the protection of the specials both morally and otherwise. Since the homosexual act is not pure in the eyes of God and is considered sin and a perversion, the church cannot rightly approve of same sex unions! Period.

So if you think differently or your church does, then all I can say is now you know why so much religion and christianity is dying. Religion is something you either take on its terms or not at all.
The solution here is easy. No one can force a religious institution to marry against their doctrine So it shouldn’t matter of the couple gets married elsewhere.
when the Catholic Church used to help rule countries (worked with monarchs) moral laws were implemented... Hey, kinda like Moses and other Godly leaders..

Then when the Godless liberals came on the scene, it was all about freedom, READ License... They twisted the notion of freedom to make it the freedom to do whatever one's animalistic nature said to do.. which is bondage, not freedom

And today we see the terrible results..
Terrible results? When results I think of the legacy of Church ripuke…brutal mother baby homes, Magdalene Laundries…and that is just recent church history.
Homosexuals have a higher than normal incidence of AIDS, Monkeypox, Hepatitis, drug abuse, spousal abuse, alcohol abuse, and suicide. The government should outlaw same-sex marriage, in order to promote the general welfare.

Yeah, that sounds all well and good. But our gov't allows murderers on death row to marry.

TMI bru.....tmi

Yes, I know it was TMI. And normally I would not have just said that in a thread.

But I wanted to show that straight couples do the same things, and our marriages are assumed to be based on Love. Whereas gay marriage are, all too often, said to be all about the sex acts.

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