A White Terrorist Is A 'Troubled Loner,' But Unarmed Black Kids Are 'Thugs'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Why does the media use loaded language in crime stories?

Media rhetoric so often lives in shades of gray, yet when it comes to the terms used to describe people in crime stories, its true colors may be black and white.

Take the words employed over the weekend to describe Robert Lewis Dear, accused in the shooting spree at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Friday, killing three people and injuring nine.

Dear, who is white, has been portrayed as a "gentle" rambling "loner" with a "troubled history." There has been much hand-wringing over whether it's correct to label him a "domestic terrorist," though he seems to fit the definition perfectly. Even Mike Huckabee agrees.

(Ted Cruz, meanwhile, said he thinks the shooter may be "a woman and transgendered leftist activist.")

Dear in the past has been accused of animal cruelty, domestic abuse and being a peeping tom. (He never actually was convicted of these offenses, as the charges were either dropped or never filed.)

In contrast, Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old shot to death by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in 2013, was labeled a "thug" based on his Facebook profile pictures, some of which included guns and marijuana.

Freddie Gray -- and the throngs of protesters outraged over his death at the hands of Baltimore police: also "thugs."

Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager shot to death by police in Ferguson, Missouri, was alternately "bullyish," a "criminal" (despite having no adult criminal record), and of course, a "thug."

A White Terrorist Is A 'Troubled Loner,' But Unarmed Black Kids Are 'Thugs'

Apparently there are no white thugs - only black thugs.
More dog whistles. When the word "thug" is used in the corporate media, what they really are communicating is "dangerous black man." It's never used anywhere else other than to describe black males as criminals. Never.

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Only white people can be a terrorist in the eyes of a liberal.

But blacks killing blacks can't be thugs or terrorists, just victims.

Sad the world that the liberal left paints. It is no wonder blacks are upset. Who wouldn't be listening to the liberals tell them how put upon they are and only their lilly white ass can save them.
More dog whistles. When the word "thug" is used in the corporate media, what they really are communicating is "dangerous black man." It's never used anywhere else other than to describe black males as criminals. Never.

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White thugs, black thugs, criminal thugs. That about cover it?

This derisiveness spread by the left after 7 years with a black president is why race relations are apparently so bad. Sad that the left can't see it, but I think they do they just like doing it.
Liberals like the OP are too stupid to realize that simply murdering someone doesn't make you a thug. If you run around in your hoodie in the "hood" doing drugs and mugging people, you're a thug. Color of skin is irrelevant. The white dude who lived out in BFE in an RV and shot up a PP hospital wasn't a thug, he was a murderer. In fact he had no prior criminal history. Not a thug.
Liberals like the OP are too stupid to realize that simply murdering someone doesn't make you a thug. If you run around in your hoodie in the "hood" doing drugs and mugging people, you're a thug. Color of skin is irrelevant. The white dude who lived out in BFE in an RV and shot up a PP hospital wasn't a thug, he was a murderer. In fact he had no prior criminal history. Not a thug.

The OP doesn't give crap about anyone of color let alone white people. The world terrorist is definitely being over used. I would think there should be some ideology behind the actions of a person to call it terrorism, not just being bat wing crazy as obviously that man is.

But that doesn't stop the left wing from their racist, yes using the word white is racist, rants. All the left wing wants is to win, they will burn Chicago to the ground if they have to. They will foster race wars if they have to. Don't believe me, read the headlines. There are wars going on in the inner cities.
Blacks like being called Thugs, and nigg gers too
Why does the media use loaded language in crime stories?

Media rhetoric so often lives in shades of gray, yet when it comes to the terms used to describe people in crime stories, its true colors may be black and white.

Take the words employed over the weekend to describe Robert Lewis Dear, accused in the shooting spree at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Friday, killing three people and injuring nine.

Dear, who is white, has been portrayed as a "gentle" rambling "loner" with a "troubled history." There has been much hand-wringing over whether it's correct to label him a "domestic terrorist," though he seems to fit the definition perfectly. Even Mike Huckabee agrees.

(Ted Cruz, meanwhile, said he thinks the shooter may be "a woman and transgendered leftist activist.")

Dear in the past has been accused of animal cruelty, domestic abuse and being a peeping tom. (He never actually was convicted of these offenses, as the charges were either dropped or never filed.)

In contrast, Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old shot to death by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in 2013, was labeled a "thug" based on his Facebook profile pictures, some of which included guns and marijuana.

Freddie Gray -- and the throngs of protesters outraged over his death at the hands of Baltimore police: also "thugs."

Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager shot to death by police in Ferguson, Missouri, was alternately "bullyish," a "criminal" (despite having no adult criminal record), and of course, a "thug."

A White Terrorist Is A 'Troubled Loner,' But Unarmed Black Kids Are 'Thugs'

Apparently there are no white thugs - only black thugs.
You're trying to compare completely different things and make some bogus moral equivalency thing.
More dog whistles. When the word "thug" is used in the corporate media, what they really are communicating is "dangerous black man." It's never used anywhere else other than to describe black males as criminals. Never.

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Actually you can only speak for what you think, no on else. You think black when you hear thug. I think of a thug when I hear the word.
Okay, has everyone added "thug" to words we're not allowed to say without turning the PC Police into drama queens?

That should come right before "Kool Aid".

Please update, thanks.

I bought a box of crackers the other day, I never felt so politically incorrect.
It's a numbers game. Like a whale vs a school of fish.

Thugs are herd like creatures. Look at the FBI numbers. Just far more violent thugs than "loners".

Loners are more rare. Far fewer of them. Live isolated lives. Hence the term loner.

See now?

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