A War From One Side

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It’s possible that an oral description of the city’s destruction may have been handed down for generations until it was recorded as the story of Biblical Sodom,” the researchers said.”
Meaning it is not impossible. Not much to hang a belief on, I mean it could have been ET. It is possible there was an Exodus but the archeological evidence does not support the version in Genesis.
No, Satan left the Dems when the Dixiecrats died off and is now sitting across the aisle.

By lying, you prove my contention.

The Dixiecrats were all Democrats who lost the election, and went back to voting Democrats.

There were no Dixiecans.

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms. Democrats never denied a segregationist a committee chairmanship or a leadership position because of his noxious views on race. No Democrat has ever been punished for making a racist remark….More than 80 percent of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965….[The] record on race, of Thurmond the Republican is pretty good. He was among the first of Southern senators to hire blacks for his staff. He supported blacks for judgeships. He voted for extension of the Voting Rights Act.” Jack Kelly

Ernest Hollings, Richard Russell, Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, J. William Fulbright, and Robert Byrd all voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act…and all remained Democrats. But, lest one think that only Southern Democrats were inclined against civil rights, the following Democrats were far from Southerners and all voted against allowing the 1957 civil rights bill on the calendar: Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon (a favorite target of Senator Joe McCarthy), Warren Magnuson of Washington, James Murray of Montana, Mike Mansfield of Montana, and Joseph O’Mahoney of Wyoming.
You mean towards complete evil? That direction?

Yes, I remember what life was like when a child could still trust any adult if they got in trouble and when the perverse sexual abuse of children was the rare exception, rather than the celebrated everyday occurrence.

It has been fun and I'm glad that I got to experience life in America in the 50's and 60's, before it turned into one gigantic whorehouse. I'm glad I get to live the rest of my life in a small rural town where, at least for now, the liberal democrats are held at bay and the corrupt detritus of their rule in the bigger cities is nonexistent.

I'm saddened when I see the results of the Democrat/Leftist/Progressive....evil....party on our culture.

I look at this month's Elle magazine and see what happens to so many of our youth....

This was once the young Selena Gomez, a lovely young lady:

This is her, pictured on this month's Elle magazine, she looks like a prostitute....

I'm saddened when I see the results of the Democrat/Leftist/Progressive....evil....party on our culture.

I look at this month's Elle magazine and see what happens to so many of our youth....

This was once the young Selena Gomez, a lovely young lady:
View attachment 544270

This is her, pictured on this month's Elle magazine, she looks like a prostitute....

View attachment 544271
A beautiful young woman turned to trailer trash.
Ernest Hollings, Richard Russell, Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, J. William Fulbright, and Robert Byrd all voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act…and all remained Democrats. But, lest one think that only Southern Democrats were inclined against civil rights, the following Democrats were far from Southerners and all voted against allowing the 1957 civil rights bill on the calendar: Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon (a favorite target of Senator Joe McCarthy), Warren Magnuson of Washington, James Murray of Montana, Mike Mansfield of Montana, and Joseph O’Mahoney of Wyoming.
How many of these are still living? That is why it is called 'history' not 'current events'. You're welcome.

Which party today is fighting to keep elections as open and accessible as possible and which party, in the name of election security, is working to make it more difficult? That is a current event
How many of these are still living? That is why it is called 'history' not 'current events'. You're welcome.

Which party today is fighting to keep elections as open and accessible as possible and which party, in the name of election security, is working to make it more difficult? That is a current event

Bill Clinton is still living, a veritable godfather to your party.....and a life-long racist.

Bet you voted for him twice, huh?

  1. a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

    b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit

[Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of RacismJust to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used to represent the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritage is hate.


Gee....'til 1992,....

  1. Governor Clinton invited Orval Faubus to his inauguration and they exchanged an almost South American abrazo, embrace, http://www.booknotes.org/Watch/72551-1/Paul+Greenberg.aspx
Governor Orval Faubus, progressive New Deal Democrat, blocked the schoolhouse door to the Little Rock Central High School with the state’s National Guard rather than allow nine black students to attend.

  1. Clinton’s mentor was J. William Fulbright, a vehement foe of integration who had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Orval Eugene Faubus, attended Bill Clinton’s 1979 gubernatorial inauguration, where the two pols hugged, as Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial page editor Paul Greenberg recalls.)
Know who Faubus was?
Yup...he used the National Guard to prevent blacks from going to school

c. Bill Clinton wrote his first letter, dated June 21, 1994, of congratulations to the UDC [Untied Daughters of the Confederacy] celebrating their 100th anniversary. Later Clinton wrote a letter September 8, 1994 letter of congratulation to the Georgia Division of the UDC celebrating their 100th anniversary, then August 9, 1995 welcoming to Washington, D.C. for their 1995 national convention. Each letter was given a full page with Clinton’s picture in the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine (UDC Magazine) giving legitimacy to the UDC.

For reference, the UDC magazine includes " a Ku Klux Klan praising book, not just the Klan of Reconstruction but the Klan of the 1920s, a book which recommends the racist books of Thomas Dixon, “The Clansman” ...
Anti-Neo-Confederate: Bill Clinton Enables Neo-Confederates & Betrays Carol Moseley-Braun: UPDATED

Gee....that's 18 years ago....

d. "Clinton praised Arkansas’ late Democratic senator J. William Fulbright, a notorious segregationist who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also signed the Southern Manifesto, which denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown vs. Board of Education school desegregation decision in 1954. Clinton called Fulbright “My mentor, a visionary, a humanitarian.”Dems Need to Houseclean - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online


Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.
But...in 1993, Bill Clinton gave the Medal of Freedom award to a lifelong segregationist, Democrat Wm. J. Fulbright. And another life-long segregationist, Democrat Albert Gore, Sr. was in attendance.

20 years ago.

Hey...didn't Bill Clinton just recently speak at the Democrat National Convention?


That wasn't "50 or 100" years ago....was it?


… President Bill Clinton

argued that Colin Powell, promoted

to brigadier general during Mr.

Alexander’s tenure, was the product

of an affirmative action program.



The party is still the racist party....just a different race.

Current events, not history.
Bill Clinton is still living, a veritable godfather to your party.....and a life-long racist.

Bet you voted for him twice, huh?
Yep, and I'd gladly do it again. You try to paint him as a racist yet he was and still is very popular among Blacks.

The party is still the racist party....just a different race.
Just running something up the flagpole? First it is anti-Black racism and suddenly it is not. Are you off your meds?
Yep, and I'd gladly do it again. You try to paint him as a racist yet he was and still is very popular among Blacks.

Just running something up the flagpole? First it is anti-Black racism and suddenly it is not. Are you off your meds?

I proved Bill Clinton a life-long racist.....and you write:

"Yep, and I'd gladly do it again."

This is why I like you to post.....you're too dumb to realize you put your hoof in your maw every time.

Write soon, y'hear!
I proved Bill Clinton a life-long racist.....and you write:

"Yep, and I'd gladly do it again."

This is why I like you to post.....you're too dumb to realize you put your hoof in your maw every time.

Write soon, y'hear!
First off, you "proved" nothing, you just posted some opinion pieces, one coming from Breitbart, not known for their lack of bias. Secondly, I used experts on racism, Blacks, and they agree that Clinton is a good friend to Blacks. Thirdly, in a contest between Bill and the Donald, even if everything you claimed about Clinton were true, he still be less of a racist than Trump.
First off, you "proved" nothing, you just posted some opinion pieces, one coming from Breitbart, not known for their lack of bias. Secondly, I used experts on racism, Blacks, and they agree that Clinton is a good friend to Blacks. Thirdly, in a contest between Bill and the Donald, even if everything you claimed about Clinton were true, he still be less of a racist than Trump.

"First off, you "proved" nothing,"

Among other things, such as you admitting your vote racist, I proved you a low-live scummy liar.

Any errors here?

Bill Clinton is still living, a veritable godfather to your party.....and a life-long racist.

Bet you voted for him twice, huh?

  1. a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

    b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit

Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy

This blogpost now has sound…** Listen Here ** Here is a photo from Confederate Flag Day in Arkansas…State Capital in Little Rock, Arkansas, April 15, 2006. Yesterday, Hillary Clinton argued that South Carolina should remove the Confederate Flag from its statehouse grounds: “I think about how...

[Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of RacismJust to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used to represent the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritage is hate.


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Gee....'til 1992,....

  1. Governor Clinton invited Orval Faubus to his inauguration and they exchanged an almost South American abrazo, embrace, http://www.booknotes.org/Watch/72551-1/Paul+Greenberg.aspx
Governor Orval Faubus, progressive New Deal Democrat, blocked the schoolhouse door to the Little Rock Central High School with the state’s National Guard rather than allow nine black students to attend.

  1. Clinton’s mentor was J. William Fulbright, a vehement foe of integration who had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Orval Eugene Faubus, attended Bill Clinton’s 1979 gubernatorial inauguration, where the two pols hugged, as Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial page editor Paul Greenberg recalls.)
Know who Faubus was?
Yup...he used the National Guard to prevent blacks from going to school

c. Bill Clinton wrote his first letter, dated June 21, 1994, of congratulations to the UDC [Untied Daughters of the Confederacy] celebrating their 100th anniversary. Later Clinton wrote a letter September 8, 1994 letter of congratulation to the Georgia Division of the UDC celebrating their 100th anniversary, then August 9, 1995 welcoming to Washington, D.C. for their 1995 national convention. Each letter was given a full page with Clinton’s picture in the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine (UDC Magazine) giving legitimacy to the UDC.

For reference, the UDC magazine includes " a Ku Klux Klan praising book, not just the Klan of Reconstruction but the Klan of the 1920s, a book which recommends the racist books of Thomas Dixon, “The Clansman” ...
Anti-Neo-Confederate: Bill Clinton Enables Neo-Confederates & Betrays Carol Moseley-Braun: UPDATED

Gee....that's 18 years ago....

d. "Clinton praised Arkansas’ late Democratic senator J. William Fulbright, a notorious segregationist who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also signed the Southern Manifesto, which denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown vs. Board of Education school desegregation decision in 1954. Clinton called Fulbright “My mentor, a visionary, a humanitarian.”Dems Need to Houseclean - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online


Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.
But...in 1993, Bill Clinton gave the Medal of Freedom award to a lifelong segregationist, Democrat Wm. J. Fulbright. And another life-long segregationist, Democrat Albert Gore, Sr. was in attendance.

20 years ago.

Hey...didn't Bill Clinton just recently speak at the Democrat National Convention?


That wasn't "50 or 100" years ago....was it?


… President Bill Clinton

argued that Colin Powell, promoted

to brigadier general during Mr.

Alexander’s tenure, was the product

of an affirmative action program.




Bill Clinton: In Past, Obama Would Be 'Carrying Our Bags'

If Obama so desperately wants examples of racist rhetoric being cast against him, there's none better than what Bill Clinton said of him only a few short years ago."

The party is still the racist party....just a different race.

Current events, not history.

Of course, when you can't find a single error......my description of you proves another truth.


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Past, Obama Would Be 'Carrying Our Bags'
If Obama so desperately wants examples of racist rhetoric being cast against him, there's none better than what Bill Clinton said of him only a few short years ago."
Was Clinton wrong or just not politically correct? Did Clinton think it was better in the past (MAGA-like) or was he celebrating how far we'd come? Context. Look it up. Cherry-picking quotes, did you know the Wiki page on it has your picture, congrats.
Was Clinton wrong or just not politically correct? Did Clinton think it was better in the past (MAGA-like) or was he celebrating how far we'd come? Context. Look it up. Cherry-picking quotes, did you know the Wiki page on it has your picture, congrats.

Is Clinton a life-long racist?

We already proved that you are.
What's the rush???

I bet you've noticed the direction American culture, and, in fact, Western Civilization has taken.....circling the drain.

It's been fun while it lasted.....

Yup. I am curious what the future holds.

I am just ensuring that my family isn't among the death toll. Which is more and more looking to be huge.
I can see why you'd rather change the subject.
I can see why you would prefer to ignore context. Conservatives accuse the Left of doing exactly what the Conservatives do in the social sphere. Understandable since the country is far to the Left of the GOP and the truth would not help the GOP cause.

Well, this country has had a good run but it always seems the Right is ready to celebrate it's demise. At least we agree on one thing, the country will be destroyed from within.
I can see why you would prefer to ignore context. Conservatives accuse the Left of doing exactly what the Conservatives do in the social sphere. Understandable since the country is far to the Left of the GOP and the truth would not help the GOP cause.

Well, this country has had a good run but it always seems the Right is ready to celebrate it's demise. At least we agree on one thing, the country will be destroyed from within.

Flip the script clownboi. You have it the opposite of reality. The dems accuse everyone of what they are actually doing.
I can see why you would prefer to ignore context. Conservatives accuse the Left of doing exactly what the Conservatives do in the social sphere. Understandable since the country is far to the Left of the GOP and the truth would not help the GOP cause.

Well, this country has had a good run but it always seems the Right is ready to celebrate it's demise. At least we agree on one thing, the country will be destroyed from within.

I proved Clinton a life-long racist and you rushed to announce you'd vote for him again.
Flip the script clownboi. You have it the opposite of reality. The dems accuse everyone of what they are actually doing.
Just giving my $0.02. When PoliticalChic claims Clinton was a racist but ignores that the GOP and Trump are doing is sad. It is certainly not my perception of Clinton, it is not how Blacks generally perceive Clinton. It is only how she and the Right want us to perceive Clinton since it is they are guilty of what they accuse Clinton of.

I'm not claiming the Left is any better, just no worse so I will challenge you to provide at least one example of where the dems accuse everyone of what they are actually doing.
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