A War From One Side

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In order to convince you to worship the state, they begin by hiding the facts: science confirms the Bible.

1.In so very ways, the Left’s religion, Militant Secularism has been struggling to erase all traces of the religion that our Founders used as a guide, and the reason for the success of Western Civilization: the Judeo-Christian faith.
The Left follows the dictates of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, rather than of Jefferson, Madison and Adams, with the substation of the worship of the state, and man, in place of God.

FDR chose KKKer Hugo Black as his first Supreme Court nominee, and Black inserted ‘separation of church and state’ into jurisprudence.

LBJ signed a law that removed the protections of the first amendment, free speech, from religious officials.

The schools have been secularized to punish any hint of religion, and the control of the means of dissemination of information marginalizes and mocks any hint of religion.

Pretty good tactics from their perspective.

2. What goes largely unrecognized is that science itself has come closer and closer to validating the Bible.

Dennis Prager writes: “In my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with science….[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).”

Dr. Andrew Palmer, Oxford biologist, whose book, "The Genesis Enigma," states that the writer of the book of Genesis provides an uncannily similar synopsis of the events in the creation as compared to that accepted by modern science today.
Rather than ridicule the Bible, those very same secular, atheistic scientists have come around to accept the very order that the Old Testament claimed in Genesis was the course of creation.

3. Archeology in the Middle East confirms much of the Bible’s history. This week, a story in the Western Journal:

“Sodom and Gomorrah: Researchers May Have Found Evidence of God's Wrath in Middle Eastern City

In the book of Genesis, God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their utter wickedness. … new research may provide tangible proof.

According to an article published in The Conversation, hundreds of researchers have been excavating an ancient Middle Eastern city now called Tall el-Hammam. … it was covered in about five feet of charcoal, ash and melted material. The location of Tall el-Hamman near the Dead Sea is very similar to the description of Sodom in Genesis.

“It’s possible that an oral description of the city’s destruction may have been handed down for generations until it was recorded as the story of Biblical Sodom,” the researchers said.”

An awful lot of coincidences.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." That's not how the universe started according to science. Got anything else?
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." That's not how the universe started according to science. Got anything else?

Actually, dope......that is what science has come to admit.

Dennis Prager writes: “In my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with science….[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).”

Isn't it amazing that science, the supposed enemy of biblical religion, now accepts the very same order of the creation of the universe and of life on earth, as the order described in Genesis????
And this from folks living in a desert, three millennia ago....

Yet....over half of Democrats subscribe to Secular Totalitarianism....
....go figure.
Actually, dope......that is what science has come to admit.

Dennis Prager writes: “In my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with science….[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).”

Isn't it amazing that science, the supposed enemy of biblical religion, now accepts the very same order of the creation of the universe and of life on earth, as the order described in Genesis????
And this from folks living in a desert, three millennia ago....

Yet....over half of Democrats subscribe to Secular Totalitarianism....
....go figure.
The bible starts with god making heaven and earth, and that’s not how the universe started, so wtf are you talking about?
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." That's not how the universe started according to science. Got anything else?

Actually, according to science that's exactly how the universe started. First, there was nothing, then, all the matter in the universe sprang into being from a Singularity the size of a positron.

Both science and religion describing the same event. Just using different words.
The bible starts with god making heaven and earth, and that’s not how the universe started, so wtf are you talking about?

When 'god' isn't capitalized, it refers to Democrat candidates, like Obama,who you called god, Jesus and the messiah.

I see why you spend the majority of your education career in summer school: you didn't read this-

Dennis Prager writes: “In my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with science….[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).”

Isn't it amazing that science, the supposed enemy of biblical religion, now accepts the very same order of the creation of the universe and of life on earth, as the order described in Genesis????
And this from folks living in a desert, three millennia ago....

It must really hurt to realize that the anti-religion lies you were fed have turned out to be lies, like Russian Collusion.

Actually, according to science that's exactly how the universe started. First, there was nothing, then, all the matter in the universe sprang into being from a Singularity the size of a positron.

Both science and religion describing the same event. Just using different words.
The universe didn’t start with the earth.
When 'god' isn't capitalized, it refers to Democrat candidates, like Obama,who you called god, Jesus and the messiah.

I see why you spend the majority of your education career in summer school: you didn't read this-

Dennis Prager writes: “In my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with science….[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).”

Isn't it amazing that science, the supposed enemy of biblical religion, now accepts the very same order of the creation of the universe and of life on earth, as the order described in Genesis????
And this from folks living in a desert, three millennia ago....

It must really hurt to realize that the anti-religion lies you were fed have turned out to be lies, like Russian Collusion.

The universe didn’t start with the earth as the bible claims.
The universe didn’t start with the earth as the bible claims.

The Bible doesn't say that.

Admit you've never read the Bible.

In reality, there are many areas of consistency between the Bible and current scientific views, in fact, many areas where modern science validates the three thousand year old text.

Genesis 1.2 says there was ‘darkness.’

Theories about the earth’s earliest atmosphere are in flux, but the young earth was bombarded by collisions with other celestial bodies; a dense mixture of gases, dust, and debris enveloped the early earth; and the sun was a considerably dimmer star than it is today. All that rendered the earth’s atmosphere essentially opaque—the “darkness” described in this verse.

“You would not have been able to see much, just clouds covering everything,” is how the early earth was described by Dave Stevenson, a Caltech professor of planetary science. It is also generally believed the earth was nearly or completely covered with water from a very early point. “Early earth was covered in a global ocean and had

no mountains” reads a headline from the British science magazine New Scientist. This is the “surface of the deep” described in this verse.

"Earth’s Water Is Older Than the Sun
The sun, at 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system. But it turns out that much of the water we swim in and drink here on Earth is even older.

A new model of the chemistry of the early solar system finds that up to half the water now on Earth was inherited from an abundant supply of interstellar ice as our sun formed. That means our solar system’s moisture wasn’t the result of local conditions in the proto-planetary disk, but rather a regular feature of planetary formation ....

Interstellar ice has a very high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen because it formed in very cold temperatures.

... researchers estimate, 30 to 50 percent of our solar system’s water was already a part of the ancient molecular cloud that spawned the Sun and planets. They published their findings today in the journal Science."
Earth's Water Is Older Than the Sun - D-brief

1:4 separated light from darkness

1:5 God called the light day and the darkness night
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