A vaxxer apologizes

They ostracized us, destroyed careers, families and our dignity. In some cases, cops killed a man who didnt wear a mask in a grocery store (true story). I learned a great deal about hysteria and the fear which I already knew made up Canadians DNA. A lack of courage in the hearts of average Canadians. Just as noone sticks up for the vulnerable that I was/am. Just as those who have lied and abused me since I was a kid. I will not forgive. It's in Gods hands now.
I heard about this Alberta Premier, Danielle Smith before, just recently. . .

IN that latest scam, with the MSM trying to push the Canadian wildfire onto "AGW climate change," she brought in arson investigators. . . . and looked into the dry conditions, and suspicions number of fires breaking out, all at once.

This women needs to be Canada's next Prime Minister, IMO.

Alberta brings in additional arson investigators to trace causes of wildfires​

By The Canadian Press
Posted Jun 8, 2023, 2:52PM MDT.

"Premier Danielle Smith says the government is bringing in arson investigators from outside the province to trace the cause of the unprecedented wildfires in Alberta.

In an interview with Real Talk Ryan Jespersen, he asked Smith how she reconciles her government’s energy policies with the fact experts have linked this year’s extreme fire season to climate change.

Smith responded that she’s concerned about arson when it comes to about 175 wildfires in Alberta with no known cause and said the province would bring in the additional investigators. . . . "

Of course they were wrong

Me doing the happy dance my family said screw taking that poison

I was so pissed when I found out the Wife got the first jab. But it was that or lose Her job.
What really pisses me off is that later they stopped making it mandatory in Texas.
And then my dumbass went in for surgery and it never crossed my mind to give my own blood before hand.
I experienced some symptoms like feeling dizzy and getting the shakes so bad I couldnt even dial my phone to get the Wifes attention so she could help me get into bed,and the chills were crazy.
I'd never experienced these symptoms after surgery. So yeah I'm pretty sure they used vacc blood.
I was so pissed when I found out the Wife got the first jab. But it was that or lose Her job.
What really pisses me off is that later they stopped making it mandatory in Texas.
And then my dumbass went in for surgery and it never crossed my mind to give my own blood before hand.
I experienced some symptoms like feeling dizzy and getting the shakes so bad I couldnt even dial my phone to get the Wifes attention so she could help me get into bed,and the chills were crazy.
I'd never experienced these symptoms after surgery. So yeah I'm pretty sure they used vacc blood.

My wife and I do not agree about the mRNA fake-“vaccine”. I remain convinced that at best, its safety and efficacy remain unproven, and that there are very good reasons to doubt that it is safe. I have absolutely, unalterably refused to allow this shit to be infected in me. She disagrees, think I am being a bit of a conspiracy kook, and has, herself, receive the shots and the boosters. She did have a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or “mini-stroke” not very long after she got the first shot. I have to admit that I have no solid basis on which to assume that the mRNA shot has anything to do with it, but I likewise have no solid basis on which to assume that it did not. It certainly is not at all out of line with some of the issues to which the mRNA shit has very credibly been connected.

Last year, we both got COVID-1984. She-being “fully-vaccinated”, and me never having allowed any of this shit to be injected into me, both got hit about the same by it. I think she got it a bit worse than I did. I can say, with a very high degree of confidence, that the mRNA shit didn't do a thing to protect her from the disease, not to prevent her from getting it, not to mitigate the symptoms, not to shorten the course of it. She was at least as sick as I was if not more so, and remained sick longer than I did. For neither of us was it any worse than a bad flu or cold.
They ostracized us, destroyed careers, families and our dignity. In some cases, cops killed a man who didnt wear a mask in a grocery store (true story). I learned a great deal about hysteria and the fear which I already knew made up Canadians DNA. A lack of courage in the hearts of average Canadians. Just as noone sticks up for the vulnerable that I was/am. Just as those who have lied and abused me since I was a kid. I will not forgive. It's in Gods hands now.
That was the real scary thing, seeing just how many people went along with the state’s lies. Many blindly believed it and pushed the Big Pharma agenda. Even the ones that didn’t want it though still caved in many cases. Seeing how many people went along with such evil was disturbing.

Now who knows how many of them shortened their lifespan due to that shot. Only time will tell, they are all volunteers for the experimental vaccines. Fauci himself said it would take ten years to know if they are really safe. From what we have seen so far, the outlook looks bleak.
That was the real scary thing, seeing just how many people went along with the state’s lies. Many blindly believed it and pushed the Big Pharma agenda. Even the ones that didn’t want it though still caved in many cases. Seeing how many people went along with such evil was disturbing.

Now who knows how many of them shortened their lifespan due to that shot. Only time will tell, they are all volunteers for the experimental vaccines. Fauci himself said it would take ten years to know if they are really safe. From what we have seen so far, the outlook looks bleak.
I don't know about any effects of the vaccine and I was never against it. Still am not, to each their own. I just wanted it to be a personal.choice. People viewed us as evil, National Security threats for making personal health choices. Literally people were removed from jobs, some fined for simple actiions. Others ratted out neighbors for having their kids over etc. This is the type of environment the Getsapo riled up in wWII and we lived it ourselves in 2020! The human species, especialy the obedient types in Canada; is very flawed.
I was so pissed when I found out the Wife got the first jab. But it was that or lose Her job.
What really pisses me off is that later they stopped making it mandatory in Texas.
And then my dumbass went in for surgery and it never crossed my mind to give my own blood before hand.
I experienced some symptoms like feeling dizzy and getting the shakes so bad I couldnt even dial my phone to get the Wifes attention so she could help me get into bed,and the chills were crazy.
I'd never experienced these symptoms after surgery. So yeah I'm pretty sure they used vacc blood.

So I checked this out a bit.

The OP says "...a vaxxer...." Well, no.

Reality is quite the opposite. She has always been an anti-vax activist. She once compared people who were vaccinated with Hitler followers. So her context here is by saying "we", she means "those in the government who support vaccinations", not "me". She is a member of the UCP, the United Conservative Party. What a shock.

This is how it goes. Lies like this thread spread through the internet like wildfire. We're in serious, serious trouble as a result. I wish there was something that could be said to change people's minds from being willing to do this. "Please stop" probably won't do it.

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So I checked this out a bit.

The OP says "...a vaxxer...." Well, no.

Reality is quite the opposite. She has always been an anti-vax activist. She once compared people who were vaccinated with Hitler followers. What a shock.

This is how it goes. Lies like this thread spread through the internet like wildfire.

Covid is an example how when the totalitarian government is in full control will have people against other people quite easily.

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