A Vatican Shot Across the Bow for Hard-Line U.S. Catholics


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
A Vatican Shot Across the Bow for Hard-Line U.S. Catholics

VATICAN CITY — Two close associates of Pope Francis have accused American Catholic ultraconservatives of making an alliance of “hate” with evangelical Christians to back President Trump, further alienating a group already out of the Vatican’s good graces.

The authors, writing in a Vatican-vetted journal, singled out Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, as a “supporter of an apocalyptic geopolitics” that has stymied action against climate change and exploited fears of migrants and Muslims with calls for “walls and purifying deportations.”

The article warns that conservative American Catholics have strayed dangerously into the deepening political polarization in the United States. The writers even declare that the worldview of American evangelical and hard-line Catholics, which is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, is “not too far apart’’ from jihadists.


If you go to Catholic websites, so many new Catholics coming out of Protestants circles are bringing their radicalism with them into the Catholic faith.
So the Vatican claims that Bible believing Christians that take the bible literally are now to be viewed as not far from Islamic jihadists. Is that the gist of it? This is nothing new, Penelope. The Vatican has been the enemy of the KJV Holy Bible and those Christians who believe the Word of God over RCC false doctrine for centuries. Why do you think the Vatican forbid their own Priests, Nuns and followers from reading it? Why do you think the RCC has a history of mass murdering Bible Believing Christians that rejected Rome's cult as dangerous and anti-Christ? They tortured and murdered 56 million people (many Bible Believing Christians) during their Inquisitions and another 6 1/2 million during WWII (their war - their plot - to annihilate the Jews and then the Protestants) It wasn't until their Jesuits used the National Council of Churches to start rolling out other translations which changed the Word of God that they loosened their grip and to this day as your own link (on another thread) proved - the RCC does not "approve" the KJV Holy Bible. There are over 150 of those translations out there now and every single one of them is corrupt. The only true Word of God is the KJV Holy Bible and if they cannot remove it out of the hands of the Believers they are going to go after the Believers instead. This comes as no surprise. The KJV Holy Bible Scriptures reveal who the Whore of Babylon is that makes war against the true Christians - It's none other than the Roman Catholic Institution. Read Revelations 17 and 18 and take it literally because it's all there and they would prefer you believe it is a fairy tale. It's not. It's the truth. As for the Islamic jihadists? They've got nothing on the history of the Roman Catholic Institution. The RCC is by far the biggest mass murdering religious - politico cancer on the face of the earth.
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So the Vatican claims that Bible believing Christians that take the bible literally are now to be viewed as not far from Islamic jihadists. Is that the gist of it? This is nothing new, Penelope. The Vatican has been the enemy of the KJV Holy Bible and those Christians who believe the Word of God over RCC false doctrine for centuries. Why do you think the Vatican forbid their own Priests, Nuns and followers from reading it? Why do you think the RCC has a history of mass murdering Bible Believing Christians that rejected Rome's cult as dangerous and anti-Christ? They tortured and murdered 56 million people (many Bible Believing Christians) during their Inquisitions and another 6 1/2 million during WWII (their war - their plot - to annihilate the Jews and then the Protestants) It wasn't until their Jesuits used the National Council of Churches to start rolling out other translations which changed the Word of God that they loosened their grip and to this day as your own link (on another thread) proved - the RCC does not "approve" the KJV Holy Bible. There are over 150 of those translations out there now and every single one of them is corrupt. The only true Word of God is the KJV Holy Bible and if they cannot remove it out of the hands of the Believers they are going to go after the Believers instead. This comes as no surprise. The KJV Holy Bible Scriptures reveal who the Whore of Babylon is that makes war against the true Christians - It's none other than the Roman Catholic Institution. Read Revelations 17 and 18 and take it literally because it's all there and they would prefer you believe it is a fairy tale. It's not. It's the truth. As for the Islamic jihadists? They've got nothing on the history of the Roman Catholic Institution. The RCC is by far the biggest mass murdering religious - politico cancer on the face of the earth.

Yes its your Evans that are the KKK and are the protestors. Like I have told you before, you would not have the bible or Christianity if Rome had not allowed it and protected it. Get out of your cult.
I'm guessing you agree with Francis declaration that the United States NEEDS to be over seen by a World Governing body "for it's own good"?

Well lets see, do I want to be led by Evangelicals or the RCC, I pick the RCC.
I'm guessing you agree with Francis declaration that the United States NEEDS to be over seen by a World Governing body "for it's own good"?
The NWO was always a Vatican plan. It failed a few times. The last time was when their Catholic son Hitler (under the guidance of their Jesuits) failed to deliver them their dream of a NWO they controlled. After WWII they tried again beginning with using Communism as their diversion plan (to hide the fact that they were behind WWII) for America - Communism became the headline news across the US- while they were busy having their Jesuits revamp the failed League of Nations and retitle it the "UN" ........then came UNESCO and the World Bank and with the help of the CFR and Trilateral commission - NGO's crafted with Jesuit help - they started working on the NWO again. They still had their Jesuit created Fed Reserve intact and have used that to the max in order to bring this nation to its knees. The most vile organization on earth. The RCC is a global crime syndicate hiding under the guise of religion. Pope Herod is thirsty for more blood and is ready for his next inquisition. This is just the primer to get it going.........
I'm guessing you agree with Francis declaration that the United States NEEDS to be over seen by a World Governing body "for it's own good"?

Well lets see, do I want to be led by Evangelicals or the RCC, I pick the RCC.
No surprise there. Truth is evangelicals as we know them today are under the control of the RCC and preaching a false Gospel... Copeland, Warren, Osteen, Womack, Prince,TBN, etc. nothing more than hirelings that are enriching themselves and teaching lies. True followers of Christ will have nothing to do with them.
So the Vatican claims that Bible believing Christians that take the bible literally are now to be viewed as not far from Islamic jihadists. Is that the gist of it? This is nothing new, Penelope. The Vatican has been the enemy of the KJV Holy Bible and those Christians who believe the Word of God over RCC false doctrine for centuries. Why do you think the Vatican forbid their own Priests, Nuns and followers from reading it? Why do you think the RCC has a history of mass murdering Bible Believing Christians that rejected Rome's cult as dangerous and anti-Christ? They tortured and murdered 56 million people (many Bible Believing Christians) during their Inquisitions and another 6 1/2 million during WWII (their war - their plot - to annihilate the Jews and then the Protestants) It wasn't until their Jesuits used the National Council of Churches to start rolling out other translations which changed the Word of God that they loosened their grip and to this day as your own link (on another thread) proved - the RCC does not "approve" the KJV Holy Bible. There are over 150 of those translations out there now and every single one of them is corrupt. The only true Word of God is the KJV Holy Bible and if they cannot remove it out of the hands of the Believers they are going to go after the Believers instead. This comes as no surprise. The KJV Holy Bible Scriptures reveal who the Whore of Babylon is that makes war against the true Christians - It's none other than the Roman Catholic Institution. Read Revelations 17 and 18 and take it literally because it's all there and they would prefer you believe it is a fairy tale. It's not. It's the truth. As for the Islamic jihadists? They've got nothing on the history of the Roman Catholic Institution. The RCC is by far the biggest mass murdering religious - politico cancer on the face of the earth.

Yes its your Evans that are the KKK and are the protestors. Like I have told you before, you would not have the bible or Christianity if Rome had not allowed it and protected it. Get out of your cult.
And like I told you before, that is a myth. The early believers had the Scriptures centuries before Constantine even invented Catholicism. Constantine was a sun god worshiper until the day he died. Augustine's assignment was to hunt down Christians and find the Holy Scriptures they had in their possession and destroy those scriptures. They knew the true Gospel of Jesus Christ contained in the Scriptures would mean the end for them. After the reformation it almost happened but through their own devious methods they managed to survive it.
A Vatican Shot Across the Bow for Hard-Line U.S. Catholics

VATICAN CITY — Two close associates of Pope Francis have accused American Catholic ultraconservatives of making an alliance of “hate” with evangelical Christians to back President Trump, further alienating a group already out of the Vatican’s good graces.

The authors, writing in a Vatican-vetted journal, singled out Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, as a “supporter of an apocalyptic geopolitics” that has stymied action against climate change and exploited fears of migrants and Muslims with calls for “walls and purifying deportations.”

The article warns that conservative American Catholics have strayed dangerously into the deepening political polarization in the United States. The writers even declare that the worldview of American evangelical and hard-line Catholics, which is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, is “not too far apart’’ from jihadists.


If you go to Catholic websites, so many new Catholics coming out of Protestants circles are bringing their radicalism with them into the Catholic faith.
---------------------------------------- GOOD , --------- but i have contempt for this particular muslim hugging , deviant hugging 'pope' . Its a change for me as regards the pope as before this pope i just figured that the previous popes in my lifetime were benign and of no consequence .
A Vatican Shot Across the Bow for Hard-Line U.S. Catholics

VATICAN CITY — Two close associates of Pope Francis have accused American Catholic ultraconservatives of making an alliance of “hate” with evangelical Christians to back President Trump, further alienating a group already out of the Vatican’s good graces.

The authors, writing in a Vatican-vetted journal, singled out Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, as a “supporter of an apocalyptic geopolitics” that has stymied action against climate change and exploited fears of migrants and Muslims with calls for “walls and purifying deportations.”

The article warns that conservative American Catholics have strayed dangerously into the deepening political polarization in the United States. The writers even declare that the worldview of American evangelical and hard-line Catholics, which is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, is “not too far apart’’ from jihadists.


If you go to Catholic websites, so many new Catholics coming out of Protestants circles are bringing their radicalism with them into the Catholic faith.
---------------------------------------- GOOD , --------- but i have contempt for this particular muslim hugging , deviant hugging 'pope' . Its a change for me as regards the pope as before this pope i just figured that the previous popes in my lifetime were benign and of no consequence .

The Jesuits are running the Vatican now, it will never be the same.
A Vatican Shot Across the Bow for Hard-Line U.S. Catholics

VATICAN CITY — Two close associates of Pope Francis have accused American Catholic ultraconservatives of making an alliance of “hate” with evangelical Christians to back President Trump, further alienating a group already out of the Vatican’s good graces.

The authors, writing in a Vatican-vetted journal, singled out Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, as a “supporter of an apocalyptic geopolitics” that has stymied action against climate change and exploited fears of migrants and Muslims with calls for “walls and purifying deportations.”

The article warns that conservative American Catholics have strayed dangerously into the deepening political polarization in the United States. The writers even declare that the worldview of American evangelical and hard-line Catholics, which is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, is “not too far apart’’ from jihadists.


If you go to Catholic websites, so many new Catholics coming out of Protestants circles are bringing their radicalism with them into the Catholic faith.
---------------------------------------- GOOD , --------- but i have contempt for this particular muslim hugging , deviant hugging 'pope' . Its a change for me as regards the pope as before this pope i just figured that the previous popes in my lifetime were benign and of no consequence .

The Jesuits are running the Vatican now, it will never be the same.
The Jesuits are running more than the Vatican. They are running this country from the place called "Deep State." McCabe, Comey, Robert Mueller, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Leon Paneta, Spicer, top Generals, top Brass of the Military, Pentagon, Judges, Priebus, Newt Gingrich (whose wife is US Ambassador to Vatican), Paul Ryan, John McCain, Bush family, Bill Clinton (Catholic education - told his teachers he wanted to be a "Jesuit.") Mike Pence (who claims to be a former Catholic) - every single one of them are Roman Catholics - most with Jesuit educations..... the Senate and Congress are full of them. Add to this the CIA (Catholic Intelligence Agency) and the Catholic agents of Rome that have overtaken the FBI and every office down to the bottom floor level and you can see who is destroying this nation. Pres. Trump wonders why he can't get anything done in Afghanistan, wonders where the leaks are coming from but the fox is inside the henhouse. You know, other nations refused the Jesuits. Here? We allow the Jesuits to set up colleges and universities such as Georgetown and then send them to Washington where the dumbed down American people elect them to the highest offices of this land. Catholic Jesuit educated Military in charge of strategies of war in Afghanistan & beyond making sure we don't win wars... Look no further than the Vatican for all of this. Time for the American people to wake up.
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A Vatican Shot Across the Bow for Hard-Line U.S. Catholics

VATICAN CITY — Two close associates of Pope Francis have accused American Catholic ultraconservatives of making an alliance of “hate” with evangelical Christians to back President Trump, further alienating a group already out of the Vatican’s good graces.

The authors, writing in a Vatican-vetted journal, singled out Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, as a “supporter of an apocalyptic geopolitics” that has stymied action against climate change and exploited fears of migrants and Muslims with calls for “walls and purifying deportations.”

The article warns that conservative American Catholics have strayed dangerously into the deepening political polarization in the United States. The writers even declare that the worldview of American evangelical and hard-line Catholics, which is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, is “not too far apart’’ from jihadists.


If you go to Catholic websites, so many new Catholics coming out of Protestants circles are bringing their radicalism with them into the Catholic faith.
---------------------------------------- GOOD , --------- but i have contempt for this particular muslim hugging , deviant hugging 'pope' . Its a change for me as regards the pope as before this pope i just figured that the previous popes in my lifetime were benign and of no consequence .

The Jesuits are running the Vatican now, it will never be the same.
The Jesuits are running more than the Vatican. They are running this country from the place called "Deep State." McCabe, Comey, Robert Mueller, Spicer, top Generals, top Brass of the Military, Pentagon, Judges, Priebus, Newt Gingrich (whose wife is US Ambassador to Vatican), Paul Ryan, John McCain, Bush family, Mike Pence (who claims to be a former Catholic) - every single one of them are Roman Catholics - most with Jesuit educations some where along the line..... the Senate and Congress are full of them. Add to this the CIA (Catholic Intelligence Agency) and the Catholic agents of Rome that have overtaken the FBI and every office down to the bottom floor level and you can see who is destroying this nation. Pres. Trump wonders why he can't get anything done in Afghanistan, wonders where the leaks are coming from but the fox is inside the henhouse. You know, other nations refused the Jesuits. Here? We allow the Jesuits to set up colleges and universities such as Georgetown and then send them to Washington where the dumbed down American people elect them to the highest offices of this land. Look no further than the Vatican for all of this. Time for the American people to wake up.

I know that full well, but the thread is about the Church.
A Vatican Shot Across the Bow for Hard-Line U.S. Catholics

VATICAN CITY — Two close associates of Pope Francis have accused American Catholic ultraconservatives of making an alliance of “hate” with evangelical Christians to back President Trump, further alienating a group already out of the Vatican’s good graces.

The authors, writing in a Vatican-vetted journal, singled out Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, as a “supporter of an apocalyptic geopolitics” that has stymied action against climate change and exploited fears of migrants and Muslims with calls for “walls and purifying deportations.”

The article warns that conservative American Catholics have strayed dangerously into the deepening political polarization in the United States. The writers even declare that the worldview of American evangelical and hard-line Catholics, which is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, is “not too far apart’’ from jihadists.


If you go to Catholic websites, so many new Catholics coming out of Protestants circles are bringing their radicalism with them into the Catholic faith.
---------------------------------------- GOOD , --------- but i have contempt for this particular muslim hugging , deviant hugging 'pope' . Its a change for me as regards the pope as before this pope i just figured that the previous popes in my lifetime were benign and of no consequence .

The Jesuits are running the Vatican now, it will never be the same.
The Jesuits are running more than the Vatican. They are running this country from the place called "Deep State." McCabe, Comey, Robert Mueller, Spicer, top Generals, top Brass of the Military, Pentagon, Judges, Priebus, Newt Gingrich (whose wife is US Ambassador to Vatican), Paul Ryan, John McCain, Bush family, Mike Pence (who claims to be a former Catholic) - every single one of them are Roman Catholics - most with Jesuit educations some where along the line..... the Senate and Congress are full of them. Add to this the CIA (Catholic Intelligence Agency) and the Catholic agents of Rome that have overtaken the FBI and every office down to the bottom floor level and you can see who is destroying this nation. Pres. Trump wonders why he can't get anything done in Afghanistan, wonders where the leaks are coming from but the fox is inside the henhouse. You know, other nations refused the Jesuits. Here? We allow the Jesuits to set up colleges and universities such as Georgetown and then send them to Washington where the dumbed down American people elect them to the highest offices of this land. Look no further than the Vatican for all of this. Time for the American people to wake up.

I know that full well, but the thread is about the Church.
It's not a church. It's the largest Global (Satanic) Crime Syndicate on the planet and it needs to be exposed and shut down.
If you go to Catholic websites, so many new Catholics coming out of Protestants circles are bringing their radicalism with them into the Catholic faith.
---------------------------------------- GOOD , --------- but i have contempt for this particular muslim hugging , deviant hugging 'pope' . Its a change for me as regards the pope as before this pope i just figured that the previous popes in my lifetime were benign and of no consequence .

The Jesuits are running the Vatican now, it will never be the same.
The Jesuits are running more than the Vatican. They are running this country from the place called "Deep State." McCabe, Comey, Robert Mueller, Spicer, top Generals, top Brass of the Military, Pentagon, Judges, Priebus, Newt Gingrich (whose wife is US Ambassador to Vatican), Paul Ryan, John McCain, Bush family, Mike Pence (who claims to be a former Catholic) - every single one of them are Roman Catholics - most with Jesuit educations some where along the line..... the Senate and Congress are full of them. Add to this the CIA (Catholic Intelligence Agency) and the Catholic agents of Rome that have overtaken the FBI and every office down to the bottom floor level and you can see who is destroying this nation. Pres. Trump wonders why he can't get anything done in Afghanistan, wonders where the leaks are coming from but the fox is inside the henhouse. You know, other nations refused the Jesuits. Here? We allow the Jesuits to set up colleges and universities such as Georgetown and then send them to Washington where the dumbed down American people elect them to the highest offices of this land. Look no further than the Vatican for all of this. Time for the American people to wake up.

I know that full well, but the thread is about the Church.
It's not a church. It's the largest Global (Satanic) Crime Syndicate on the planet and it needs to be exposed and shut down.

Actually Catholics are the largest hospital org. in the USA and charitable org. in the world ., yet only had one Catholic Potus, and he was assassinated.

Ascension Health - Wikipedia
Catholic Hospitals are good hospitals from my experience from years ago . But this 'pope' sucks Penny .
Catholic Hospitals are good hospitals from my experience from years ago . But this 'pope' sucks Penny .

I'm guessing you agree with Francis declaration that the United States NEEDS to be over seen by a World Governing body "for it's own good"?

Well lets see, do I want to be led by Evangelicals or the RCC, I pick the RCC.

I'll bet you see yourself as an American "Patriot" too. Komrade.

Not really although I did spend 4 years in the National Guards, when I was young and dumb.
I'm not generally a fan of "dog whistles," but any "news" report that even uses the expression, "ultraconservatives" has no credibility. The word itself is preposterous. It seeks to characterize those who take our Constitution and Laws seriously as lunatics and radicals. Nevertheless...

The Pope does not believe in national borders. Agree with him or not, that is his position. Accordingly, his view on ANYONE who seeks to enforce our immigration laws is that the would-be enforcer is evil...perhaps a racist, bigot, xenophobe or whatever, but undeniably evil.

Lacking the customary experiences of having a job, paying taxes, and copulating with people of the opposite sex, the Pope can be forgiven for being a fool in some areas, including U.S. immigration.

Fortunately, there is a rather strong component of the U.S. clergy that "gets" this Pope and cannot wait for him to be gone, one way or another. I am personally in that camp.

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