A Trump caveat that goes well overlooked, especially by the left - MATH


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
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So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. "He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they kept a says something tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs & "Obama" created five, Obama is the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Wonderful post, thanks.
It's beyond what he says anymore. We're calloused by his lies. We no longer pay attention to them we take them for granted.

But when he tears families apart for spite, when he punts leadership to the states, when he turns his back on popular gun safety legislation, when he defends racists as "very fine people", when he is impeached but not chastened, when he presides during a largely preventable pandemic and economic collapse, one wonders why he should not be fired this November.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
I would just as soon not take a chance that he would quit being a lying divisive sh#t heal, through a recovery, as he puts little faith in math, statistics, data points, etc that are important to guide a recovery, especially since he only seems to care about top 1-3% and then, only if they are below 60 yrs in age. No. I will vote Joe Biden For President of All the People of These United States of America, not just the privileged few and the 35% gad flies. Good luck with your vote, as it is you right to vote as you see fit.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Trump talks a lot but it’s mostly useless. It’s vague. It’s aspirational. It’s repetitious. The content in an hour of Trump rambling is minimal.

Obama spoke less, well at times less. He was deliberate. The content was far higher.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
It bothers you so bad you make shit up. Remember that guy that cried "Leave Britney Alone?" Crybaby.

It's beyond what he says anymore. We're calloused by his lies. We no longer pay attention to them we take them for granted.

But when he tears families apart for spite, when he punts leadership to the states, when he turns his back on popular gun safety legislation, when he defends racists as "very fine people", when he is impeached but not chastened, when he presides during a largely preventable pandemic and economic collapse, one wonders why he should not be fired this November.

Did you say largely preventable pandemic? Interesting. You mean like in Chinese lockdown or more like the free world, where somehow it's not "largely preventable"? Perhaps you should define what "largely preventable" means in practical terms.
It's beyond what he says anymore. We're calloused by his lies. We no longer pay attention to them we take them for granted.

But when he tears families apart for spite, when he punts leadership to the states, when he turns his back on popular gun safety legislation, when he defends racists as "very fine people", when he is impeached but not chastened, when he presides during a largely preventable pandemic and economic collapse, one wonders why he should not be fired this November.

Did you say largely preventable pandemic? Interesting. You mean like in Chinese lockdown or more like the free world, where somehow it's not "largely preventable"? Perhaps you should define what "largely preventable" means in practical terms.
Compare the South Korean situation to ours. Compare the case load, the deaths and when and how testing was initiated and conducted.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Trump talks a lot but it’s mostly useless. It’s vague. It’s aspirational. It’s repetitious. The content in an hour of Trump rambling is minimal.

Obama spoke less, well at times less. He was deliberate. The content was far higher.
He sure could read what somebody else wrote off a teleprompter. Without TOTUS, however, not so erudite.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Trump talks a lot but it’s mostly useless. It’s vague. It’s aspirational. It’s repetitious. The content in an hour of Trump rambling is minimal.

Obama spoke less, well at times less. He was deliberate. The content was far higher.
He sure could read what somebody else wrote off a teleprompter. Without TOTUS, however, not so erudite.
That’s not true. Obama gave a lot of comments off teleprompter and never ONCE did he suggest injecting sick patients with bleach.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Trump talks a lot but it’s mostly useless. It’s vague. It’s aspirational. It’s repetitious. The content in an hour of Trump rambling is minimal.

Obama spoke less, well at times less. He was deliberate. The content was far higher.
He sure could read what somebody else wrote off a teleprompter. Without TOTUS, however, not so erudite.
That’s not true. Obama gave a lot of comments off teleprompter and never ONCE did he suggest injecting sick patients with bleach.
Oh, he gave comments all right, just not terribly smooth and polished. And no one has suggested "injecting sick patients with bleach". That would be bad.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Wow, tRump musta said something unusually stupid for you to be out here trying to get in front of it.

So what was it?
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Trump talks a lot but it’s mostly useless. It’s vague. It’s aspirational. It’s repetitious. The content in an hour of Trump rambling is minimal.

Obama spoke less, well at times less. He was deliberate. The content was far higher.
He sure could read what somebody else wrote off a teleprompter. Without TOTUS, however, not so erudite.
That’s not true. Obama gave a lot of comments off teleprompter and never ONCE did he suggest injecting sick patients with bleach.
Oh, he gave comments all right, just not terribly smooth and polished. And no one has suggested "injecting sick patients with bleach". That would be bad.
dOnald the dOpe did.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Trump talks a lot but it’s mostly useless. It’s vague. It’s aspirational. It’s repetitious. The content in an hour of Trump rambling is minimal.

Obama spoke less, well at times less. He was deliberate. The content was far higher.
He sure could read what somebody else wrote off a teleprompter. Without TOTUS, however, not so erudite.
That’s not true. Obama gave a lot of comments off teleprompter and never ONCE did he suggest injecting sick patients with bleach.
Oh, he gave comments all right, just not terribly smooth and polished. And no one has suggested "injecting sick patients with bleach". That would be bad.

They were more coherent by far.

Here's one of my favorite Trump statements;
“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”

The wisdom here is unparalleled.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Trump talks a lot but it’s mostly useless. It’s vague. It’s aspirational. It’s repetitious. The content in an hour of Trump rambling is minimal.

Obama spoke less, well at times less. He was deliberate. The content was far higher.
He sure could read what somebody else wrote off a teleprompter. Without TOTUS, however, not so erudite.
That’s not true. Obama gave a lot of comments off teleprompter and never ONCE did he suggest injecting sick patients with bleach.
Oh, he gave comments all right, just not terribly smooth and polished. And no one has suggested "injecting sick patients with bleach". That would be bad.
dOnald the dOpe did.
Uh, no he didn't.
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Trump talks a lot but it’s mostly useless. It’s vague. It’s aspirational. It’s repetitious. The content in an hour of Trump rambling is minimal.

Obama spoke less, well at times less. He was deliberate. The content was far higher.
He sure could read what somebody else wrote off a teleprompter. Without TOTUS, however, not so erudite.
That’s not true. Obama gave a lot of comments off teleprompter and never ONCE did he suggest injecting sick patients with bleach.
Oh, he gave comments all right, just not terribly smooth and polished. And no one has suggested "injecting sick patients with bleach". That would be bad.

They were more coherent by far.

Here's one of my favorite Trump statements;
“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”

The wisdom here is unparalleled.
Actually, there is truth in what he said.

1. It is irrefutable that had Trump run as a liberal democrat that he would be heralded as a very smart person by the same cretins now excoriating him for being stupid, something he is not.
2. Women are generally smarter than men. in fact, we need now to focus on bringing boys back up to par with girls in school. Why would a democrat want to think otherwise?

Glad you can see the wisdom in what Trump says.
It's beyond what he says anymore. We're calloused by his lies. We no longer pay attention to them we take them for granted.

But when he tears families apart for spite, when he punts leadership to the states, when he turns his back on popular gun safety legislation, when he defends racists as "very fine people", when he is impeached but not chastened, when he presides during a largely preventable pandemic and economic collapse, one wonders why he should not be fired this November.

Did you say largely preventable pandemic? Interesting. You mean like in Chinese lockdown or more like the free world, where somehow it's not "largely preventable"? Perhaps you should define what "largely preventable" means in practical terms.
Compare the South Korean situation to ours. Compare the case load, the deaths and when and how testing was initiated and conducted.
Yeah, blame Trump. S. Korea has one state with 51 million in it. What the government says goes for the entire population.
The US has 57 states with 57 governors and 57 ways of coping. Did Trump tell the mayor of NYC to put infected patients
into nursing homes?
So yeah, PROGS like the "Trump's a liar" routine. Often the clip is just a slip of the mouth, an exaggeration, "interpretation" or a fabrication of a lie in PROG-speak. But you know, 50K lies maybe and counting, good times. PROGS don't have anything else less the orange-man is occasionally rude and his hair "eccentric". Life is a trade-off they say, I'll take the one every 80 year or so guy with 10 lb. balls who gets shit done, beats up the establishment and calls things bluntly - a personal preference.

What's overlooked with the "LIES" cry-fest is Trump can't keep his mouth shut. He speaks out-loud, and more than that he feels he needs to explain everything while he rambles shit in his head. This works like this, that like that, maybe, might, could be, what do you want to know yadda yadda. He's the energizer bunny, non-stop and fully open. By many measures that's cool, I like to know how stuff works too, and happy to share as well.

I guess we're just used to POTUS who tells us a little bit, most of which is BS like Obama's constant cheering of how we should feel emotionally, race & gender stuff, PROG snowflake bullshit and showcase. Obama didn't say much of value, a half hour between sentences, blah blah blah. Lied like a MFer anyway, among other things Obama is a con, while Trump does everything short showing off his johnson.

So it's numbers, you know, logic. I'm sure they taught this in school at some point. How cool would it be if they (PROG-"fact"-check) maintained records of a tangible/truth ratio, OH SHIT, Trump's the most honest of all. So Trump "lies like no other", that's what happens when you can't shut-up. I hope they count to 200K over the next 4.5 years, 300K even better. Dress it up all fancy and establish new standards & definitions for lies in a snow storm to seek shelter under safe spaces & web. Trump grabs pussies while there are sure a lot of pussies, Russia threatened our democracy stuff and me too.

I'll be watching as our economy improves historically by the numbers. Then I can do PROG-think and pretend Trump must be Obama-ish because a recovery followed a recession by some miracle. I've never seen a ball bounce before either, weird in the way of historically low interest rates. "OMG, we lost 10 jobs and Obama "created" five, he's just the greatest." Difference is Obama was an underachiever or even interfered with a "recovery", while Trump will see us through another depression or close enough, because he knows the right things or doesn't lack trying, demands them and wants you to know he's the GOAT POTUS with a big mouth.
Trump talks a lot but it’s mostly useless. It’s vague. It’s aspirational. It’s repetitious. The content in an hour of Trump rambling is minimal.

Obama spoke less, well at times less. He was deliberate. The content was far higher.
He sure could read what somebody else wrote off a teleprompter. Without TOTUS, however, not so erudite.
That’s not true. Obama gave a lot of comments off teleprompter and never ONCE did he suggest injecting sick patients with bleach.
Oh, he gave comments all right, just not terribly smooth and polished. And no one has suggested "injecting sick patients with bleach". That would be bad.

They were more coherent by far.

Here's one of my favorite Trump statements;
“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”

The wisdom here is unparalleled.
Actually, there is truth in what he said.

1. It is irrefutable that had Trump run as a liberal democrat that he would be heralded as a very smart person by the same cretins now excoriating him for being stupid, something he is not.
2. Women are generally smarter than men. in fact, we need now to focus on bringing boys back up to par with girls in school. Why would a democrat want to think otherwise?

Glad you can see the wisdom in what Trump says.
Trump wasn't heralded as a smart person when he WAS a liberal democrat.

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