A true patriot

  • Sieg Heil! I vill be turning in more of my relativs as demanded by zee Reich!
  • He's a soi beta cuck.........Now go suck some Biden dick.
  • Definitely a fag.
  • If this pos was my son, I would surely lament not having used a condom.

Why do they do that?
These MAGA-hatters so often play right into the widely held perception...now a cliché... that Trumpers are ill-educated/under-educated misfits; unhappy, grievance ridden ne'er-do-wells. Losers in this American life. We see strong hints of that when they come onto a public message board and trot out their homo-erotic fantasies about fellatio and homosexuality. What's up with that? It's sad, really. Misfits and losers, some may say. Tho I wouldn't. But see how some could.


Trump TDS is living in your head, not mine.

I would demur on poster Meathead's assertion.
Rather, some here may submit that it is
Meathead who suffers from TDS (Trump's Duped & Snookered). The unfortunate and regrettable sycophancy endemic to celebrity fanboying. Seems icky to many, I suppose.

Though I'm neutral on the wide disparagement given to MAGA-hatters, it has been my perception that the rest of the nation does NOT hate MAGA-hatters. They just disrespect their education level and/or achievements, their failure in making a successful life for themselves and their families in this wonderful land of rich opportunity for achievers, their ineffectiveness. These groupies and fanboys of a mere game-show host come across as weak and needy cultists. Some may say.

It is sad, I suppose.
Aaannnd.....how many more years will you attempt to prove any of that before your TDS tumor puts you in the ground? The clock is ticking Dimmer, tick tick tick, and before long he will be ridding our country of more America haters once again.

Trump has a long reputation for cheating vendors, contractors, bankers, investors, employees and wives that goes back 40 years. Plus, he cheats his lawyers. Why do you think US banks won't touch him and top tier lawyers avoid him like the plague?
So will Hunter be a hero and turn Pedo Peter in?
You know, he doesn't like his dad or the pedo-ness thing.

The blacked-out things are real DC-area phone numbers. This is Hunter's iPhone screenshot. His dad's contact name is "Pedo Pete".

Paleman is a moron.

Why in the hell did the son HAVE to turn his father in?
Was it stealing a 6-pack of beer?
Was it speeding?
Was it playing hooky from work?
Unpaid parking tickets.

NO, it was the attack on the US capitol by Trump's cult.

It was probably his dad that made the real gallows they attempted to hang Pence with.
When did the media start interviewing the parents of people who were sentenced to prison? They let a maniac who assaulted two Cops out with no bail in NY and it seems that they might not prosecute a guy who tried to kill a republican congressman but lefties care about a freaking case of criminal trespass enough to follow up on the guy's father. WTF?
Works just fine with Trump, takes credit that was never his.

As republican traitors cry, as one of their own, got turned in by his own son?

It's funny leftists throw around the term treason when they don't believe in nation-states.

It's all about the international for you idiots.
Why do they do that?
These MAGA-hatters so often play right into the widely held perception...now a cliché... that Trumpers are ill-educated/under-educated misfits; unhappy, grievance ridden ne'er-do-wells. Losers in this American life. We see strong hints of that when they come onto a public message board and trot out their homo-erotic fantasies about fellatio and homosexuality. What's up with that? It's sad, really. Misfits and losers, some may say. Tho I wouldn't. But see how some could.


I would demur on poster Meathead's assertion.
Rather, some here may submit that it is
Meathead who suffers from TDS (Trump's Duped & Snookered). The unfortunate and regrettable sycophancy endemic to celebrity fanboying. Seems icky to many, I suppose.

Though I'm neutral on the wide disparagement given to MAGA-hatters, it has been my perception that the rest of the nation does NOT hate MAGA-hatters. They just disrespect their education level and/or achievements, their failure in making a successful life for themselves and their families in this wonderful land of rich opportunity for achievers, their ineffectiveness. These groupies and fanboys of a mere game-show host come across as weak and needy cultists. Some may say.

It is sad, I suppose.

It's called only supplying what is deserved by the opposition. I'm not going high when they wallow in the depths.

As some puppy blender once said, PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD.

This young man is a true patriot who, by turning in his evil father, did more to defend the Constitution than Donald Trump ever thought about doing. Bigly!!!

Guy Reffitt is a terrorist and an enemy of America – as are conservatives who defend and support him.
Good god, you are still a Russia Russia Russia dupe?
No, but Trump and his cult are.

Trumpsays in an interview with David Letterman he has conducted “a lot of business with the Russians.”

“Well I’ve done a lot of business with the Russians,” Trump says. “They’re smart and they’re tough.” Trump goes on to say that Putin is a “tough guy” and that he’s met him “once.”

Michael Flynn attends Russia Today’s 10th anniversary dinner. He participates in a paid speaking engagement and sits just two seats from Putin.

“He is a very flamboyant man, very talented, no doubt about that. But it’s not our business to judge his merits, it’s up to the voters of the United States,” Putinsays. “He is an absolute leader of the presidential race, as we see it today. He says that he wants to move to another level relations, a deeper level of relations with Russia … How can we not welcome that? Of course, we welcome it.”

“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” Trumpsays in a statement. “I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect.”

When asked who his foreign policy advisers are (in an interview with The Washington Post), Trump names, among others, Carter Page and Papadopoulos, who he calls an “excellent guy.” Page is an American banker who had lived in Moscow for three years.

Papadopoulos meets in London with the professor, who is accompanied by a female Russian national, who is introduced as someone “with connections to senior Russian government officials,” according to the Justice Department. Papadopoulos emails a campaign supervisor and several members of the foreign policy team and tells them he discussed arranging a meeting with Russian leadership “to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.” The campaign supervisor responds, “Great work,” according to the court documents.

Trump hires Paul Manafort to help lead his delegate-gathering efforts. Manafort had worked recently as a senior adviser for pro-Russia Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Let alone a oval office meeting with Russians with no American press allowed.
No, but Trump and his cult are.

Trumpsays in an interview with David Letterman he has conducted “a lot of business with the Russians.”

“Well I’ve done a lot of business with the Russians,” Trump says. “They’re smart and they’re tough.” Trump goes on to say that Putin is a “tough guy” and that he’s met him “once.”

Michael Flynn attends Russia Today’s 10th anniversary dinner. He participates in a paid speaking engagement and sits just two seats from Putin.

“He is a very flamboyant man, very talented, no doubt about that. But it’s not our business to judge his merits, it’s up to the voters of the United States,” Putinsays. “He is an absolute leader of the presidential race, as we see it today. He says that he wants to move to another level relations, a deeper level of relations with Russia … How can we not welcome that? Of course, we welcome it.”

“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” Trumpsays in a statement. “I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect.”

When asked who his foreign policy advisers are (in an interview with The Washington Post), Trump names, among others, Carter Page and Papadopoulos, who he calls an “excellent guy.” Page is an American banker who had lived in Moscow for three years.

Papadopoulos meets in London with the professor, who is accompanied by a female Russian national, who is introduced as someone “with connections to senior Russian government officials,” according to the Justice Department. Papadopoulos emails a campaign supervisor and several members of the foreign policy team and tells them he discussed arranging a meeting with Russian leadership “to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.” The campaign supervisor responds, “Great work,” according to the court documents.

Trump hires Paul Manafort to help lead his delegate-gathering efforts. Manafort had worked recently as a senior adviser for pro-Russia Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Let alone a oval office meeting with Russians with no American press allowed.

You are a Dossier dupe, nothing else needs to be said.

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