A Tough Way To Learn Geography


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There is an old saying, "War is God's way to teach us geography."
Among so very many other subjects, the government school system falls far short of teaching Americans geography.....which may explain what I heard on the news this morning:
"Put is invading Ukraine so he can have a warm water port....."

So....here's a lesson on marine navigation:
Start with the Sea of Azov:

Russia always had access to the Sea of Azov.....and from there, ultimately to the Mediterranean and then the Atlantic.
No invasion was necessary to accomplish this.

Sea of Azov
Kerch Strait
Black Sea
Bosphorus Strait
Sea of Marmara
Aegean Sea
Mediterranean Sea

Nobody killed.
Get your world atlas out and follow this article from last month, with Russian ships going the opposite way from the Mediterranean to Ukraine:

"The Russian Ministry of Defense has confirmed that six amphibious warfare ships that left the Baltic Sea this week are heading to the Mediterranean Sea, where they say these vessels will take part in naval exercises. From the Mediterranean, this amphibious flotilla could potentially swing north into the Black Sea. There has already been significant discussion among experts and observers about whether this might be the actual final destination of these ships, which would put them in a position to support a possible new large-scale Russian intervention into Ukraine."

"Turkey Says War Exists in Black Sea, Allowing It to Block Russian Navy


Feb 27, 2022 at 10:38 am ET

Turkey Says War Exists in Black Sea, Allowing It to Block Russian Navy​

By Jared Malsin

A Russian Navy vessel on its way to the Black Sea earlier this month.YORUK ISIK/REUTERS
Turkey’s foreign minister said Sunday that the situation in Ukraine had become a war, a legal distinction that paves the way for Ankara to potentially ban Russian warships from entering the Black Sea through a strategic chokepoint.

Turkey’s government had said on Friday it was working to determine whether a state of war existed in the region. In wartime, Ankara can block some warships from countries involved in the conflict from accessing the Black Sea under the 1936 Montreux Convention.

“We came to the conclusion that the situation in Ukraine has transformed into a war,” said Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, speaking on CNN Turk. “We will implement all articles of Montreux transparently.”
Ukraine asked Turkey on Thursday, the first day of the invasion, to close the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits to Russian warships."

"Turkey Says War Exists in Black Sea, Allowing It to Block Russian Navy


Feb 27, 2022 at 10:38 am ET

Turkey Says War Exists in Black Sea, Allowing It to Block Russian Navy​

By Jared Malsin

A Russian Navy vessel on its way to the Black Sea earlier this month.YORUK ISIK/REUTERS
Turkey’s foreign minister said Sunday that the situation in Ukraine had become a war, a legal distinction that paves the way for Ankara to potentially ban Russian warships from entering the Black Sea through a strategic chokepoint.

Turkey’s government had said on Friday it was working to determine whether a state of war existed in the region. In wartime, Ankara can block some warships from countries involved in the conflict from accessing the Black Sea under the 1936 Montreux Convention.

“We came to the conclusion that the situation in Ukraine has transformed into a war,” said Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, speaking on CNN Turk. “We will implement all articles of Montreux transparently.”
Ukraine asked Turkey on Thursday, the first day of the invasion, to close the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits to Russian warships."
We are in the middle of this shit. our relations with turkey with Russia with the Ukraine to who we are sending aid. Geopolitics can be difficult to navigate. Anyway thanks for the infromation.
We are in the middle of this shit. our relations with turkey with Russia with the Ukraine to who we are sending aid. Geopolitics can be difficult to navigate. Anyway thanks for the infromation.

I tend not to read posts that contain vulgarity.

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