A taco truck served ICE workers, apologized, then apologized again

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
LMFAO, how racist of ICE using a taco truck , do illegal rapist killer Mexicans like Ice cream?

(Just wondering)

(CNN)A taco truck company is in the middle of a controversy after serving workers at an immigration detention center in upstate New York, then apologizing for it.

Buffalo-based Lloyd parked one of its trucks at the Buffalo Federal Detention Center in Batavia and served lunch for workers there last Wednesday.

It did not take long for Twitter to come out against their move, with clients vowing to never eat their tacos again. The taco company put out an apology the next day, saying it was a mistake to have served Immigration and Customs enforcement workers and there was "no excuse" for their actions, and acknowledging their ties with the local immigrant and refugee community.

A taco truck served ICE workers, apologized, then apologized again

Seems a little bit extreme until you consider that the ICE agents were likely unfairly incarcerating some of the complainer's family members.
LMFAO, how racist of ICE using a taco truck , do illegal rapist killer Mexicans like Ice cream?

(Just wondering)

(CNN)A taco truck company is in the middle of a controversy after serving workers at an immigration detention center in upstate New York, then apologizing for it.

Buffalo-based Lloyd parked one of its trucks at the Buffalo Federal Detention Center in Batavia and served lunch for workers there last Wednesday.

It did not take long for Twitter to come out against their move, with clients vowing to never eat their tacos again. The taco company put out an apology the next day, saying it was a mistake to have served Immigration and Customs enforcement workers and there was "no excuse" for their actions, and acknowledging their ties with the local immigrant and refugee community.

A taco truck served ICE workers, apologized, then apologized again


They should have served them Prime Rib.
LMFAO, how racist of ICE using a taco truck , do illegal rapist killer Mexicans like Ice cream?

(Just wondering)

(CNN)A taco truck company is in the middle of a controversy after serving workers at an immigration detention center in upstate New York, then apologizing for it.

Buffalo-based Lloyd parked one of its trucks at the Buffalo Federal Detention Center in Batavia and served lunch for workers there last Wednesday.

It did not take long for Twitter to come out against their move, with clients vowing to never eat their tacos again. The taco company put out an apology the next day, saying it was a mistake to have served Immigration and Customs enforcement workers and there was "no excuse" for their actions, and acknowledging their ties with the local immigrant and refugee community.

A taco truck served ICE workers, apologized, then apologized again


The left are fucking crazed batshit insane nazis
Seems a little bit extreme until you consider that the ICE agents were likely unfairly incarcerating some of the complainer's family members.

The law enforcement hater speakers again about more bullshit. ICE Agents have a tough job something you wouldn’t have knowledge of as you hide like a sissy boy behind a computer

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Seems a little bit extreme until you consider that the ICE agents were likely unfairly incarcerating some of the complainer's family members.

The law enforcement hater speakers again about more bullshit. ICE Agents have a tough job something you wouldn’t have knowledge of as you hide like a sissy boy behind a computer

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Yes. It has to be tough to separate children from their parents, knowing they may never be reunited again. I'm sure it's almost as hard as planting drugs on an innocent black teen age kid, or shooting someone in the back and claiming you feared for your life.
Seems a little bit extreme until you consider that the ICE agents were likely unfairly incarcerating some of the complainer's family members.
Your posts seem a little bit extreme, until one considers that you have the IQ of a blade of grass.

No U.S. citizen gets “incarcerated” without due process. And no illegal alien is entitled to be in the U.S. So simple, only a nitwit such as yourself could be confused by it!
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Yes. It has to be tough to separate children from their parents, knowing they may never be reunited again.
The BTK Killer was separated from his children. I didn’t hear you whining like a little bitch. The Green River Killer was separated from his children. I didn’t hear you whining like a little bitch then either. And, oh yeah, John Gotti was separated from his children. Where were you?

Anyone notice the inconsistent hypocrisy from this nitwit?
Yes. It has to be tough to separate children from their parents, knowing they may never be reunited again.
The BTK Killer was separated from his children. I didn’t hear you whining like a little bitch. The Green River Killer was separated from his children. I didn’t hear you whining like a little bitch then either. And, oh yeah, John Gotti was separated from his children. Where were you?

Anyone notice the inconsistent hypocrisy from this nitwit?

yep, and this happens quite a bit right here. Dont you dare be an American sending your kid to the wrong school district or you get seperated from them.... if your an alien from another country? Hey no problem! thats YOUR school district... doesnt matter that your not a citizen.

Ohio Mom Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District

I mean, come on you liberals, cant we just pretend these mother's illegaly crossed the US border to give their kids a better life? instead of a county line?

This is what got Trump elected in my book. I'm tired of politicians pandering to people from other countries instead of our own citizens..... but I know damn well they are doing it for the Latino voting block including illegal votes in the states who wont bother to audit, like my state of California.
Seems a little bit extreme until you consider that the ICE agents were likely unfairly incarcerating some of the complainer's family members.

Its their job, and there are kids being used to get adults across the border who are not their parents. This wouldnt be happening if large numbers of people were not illegaly crossing our border for years. When you cross into another countries space illegaly you have to expect you are taking a risk.

Keep in mind why ICE is also important in patrolling the southern border

Mexico: Where More Americans Are Murdered Than In All Other Foreign Countries Combined

More than 31 million Americans visited Mexico in 2016, the National Travel & Tourism Office says, and State Department data shows there were reports of 75 American homicide victims there. In comparison, 49 million Americans traveled to all other foreign countries, and 69 were reported killed by homicide.

Of the five Mexican states that the State Department tells Americans not to visit, one, Tamaulipas, borders the USA. It shares a 230-mile border with Texas, and murder, armed robbery, carjacking, kidnapping, extortion and sexual assault commonly occur, the State Department says.

“Gang activity, including gun battles, is widespread," the agency says. "Armed criminal groups target public and private passenger buses traveling through Tamaulipas, often taking passengers hostage and demanding ransom payments.”

If ICE did not exist, like Cortez would like... If we just turned the other way these bad elements would take advantage of the situation. Along the border, they all dont come here to work at Home Depot.... so the next time you see an ICE agent, buy him a taco, or at least some Nachos.
Seems a little bit extreme until you consider that the ICE agents were likely unfairly incarcerating some of the complainer's family members.

The law enforcement hater speakers again about more bullshit. ICE Agents have a tough job something you wouldn’t have knowledge of as you hide like a sissy boy behind a computer

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Yes. It has to be tough to separate children from their parents, knowing they may never be reunited again. I'm sure it's almost as hard as planting drugs on an innocent black teen age kid, or shooting someone in the back and claiming you feared for your life.

You ignorance is amazing. Don’t sneak into the country. Come in the legal way like others do. If they sneak in they are sneaking for a reason. They bring the drama to themselves by subjecting there kids to so I have no pity for them. As for the rest of your spewing your clueless. Who shot someone in the back. Who’s plantings drugs. Like I said. You cannot judge anything because you have never done the job. Your a pussy. Until you walk in the shoes you don’t get an opinion. It must suck to be a pathetic loser like you. Why don’t you go to the border and walk around to see what it’s like. Oh I forgot you have a mysterious illness so you can’t. As far as I know lack of having balls isn’t an illness. Same old sissy boy.

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Seems a little bit extreme until you consider that the ICE agents were likely unfairly incarcerating some of the complainer's family members.

Its their job, and there are kids being used to get adults across the border who are not their parents. This wouldnt be happening if large numbers of people were not illegaly crossing our border for years. When you cross into another countries space illegaly you have to expect you are taking a risk.

Keep in mind why ICE is also important in patrolling the southern border

Mexico: Where More Americans Are Murdered Than In All Other Foreign Countries Combined

More than 31 million Americans visited Mexico in 2016, the National Travel & Tourism Office says, and State Department data shows there were reports of 75 American homicide victims there. In comparison, 49 million Americans traveled to all other foreign countries, and 69 were reported killed by homicide.

Of the five Mexican states that the State Department tells Americans not to visit, one, Tamaulipas, borders the USA. It shares a 230-mile border with Texas, and murder, armed robbery, carjacking, kidnapping, extortion and sexual assault commonly occur, the State Department says.

“Gang activity, including gun battles, is widespread," the agency says. "Armed criminal groups target public and private passenger buses traveling through Tamaulipas, often taking passengers hostage and demanding ransom payments.”

If ICE did not exist, like Cortez would like... If we just turned the other way these bad elements would take advantage of the situation. Along the border, they all dont come here to work at Home Depot.... so the next time you see an ICE agent, buy him a taco, or at least some Nachos.

Don’t waste your breath. Bulldog is handicap so it alters his judgement and like a child will say what pops into his head. I just enjoy picking apart his post as he says the same shit all the time.

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