A second Trump "broken promise"....Cheer on R-W'ers....

Screw TPP and it's supporters! He promised to kill it and did! Promise kept!
For the U.S. at least. The rest of the countries involved may go forward with us cut out.
So what?
Higher prices, weakened global influence, and less revenue for our industries. But whatevs :dunno:
More Americans will buy more Americans products.
More company's will hire more American workers.
Unemployment will go down.
Wages will increase because of the need for workers.
Suppressing free trade and the free market never goes well
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
Screw TPP and it's supporters! He promised to kill it and did! Promise kept!
For the U.S. at least. The rest of the countries involved may go forward with us cut out.
Well good for them............suddenly the libs like Free Trade Agreemnets that will screw U.S. workers...............LOL

Even their own Union Members jumped ship to Trump over this one issue alone.

And they wonder why they lost traditional blue states last election...

Oh............I know........it's a fairy tale called RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA
Look at you supporting Democrat trade policy.

I've been against Free Trade since NAFTA........said it would kill jobs here.........Your daddy Bill signed NAFTA and it's been sooooooo good for us.................as we continue to have massive trade imbalances with the world.

Got news for you ...............protectionism worked well in this country for a very long time............until someone said it was broken..........and since then we've been getting our asses kicked on jobs here in America.

You do care about the Middle Class don't you.................well do you...............as they get screwed losing our jobs to foreign shitholes who have slave wage labor............

Let's just screw the rest of America over while your at it.
We're the richest and most powerful nation in the world, leading in science and tech, everyone has a smart phone in their pocket, and our people have the most opportunity of everyone in the world. Your efforts at keeping Americans low-skilled with low wages is disappointing.
But Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg say anyone not from India is low-skilled.
Democrats acting like they actually care about campaign promises.

Rather than deflecting, here's the simple question (a yes or no will do)

Did Trump promise what is stated in the O/P and has that promise been fulfilled???
As I said, your acting like you care about campaign promises is disingenuous, at best. So, your question is moronic.

Resume your spamming.....The server thanks you. :thup:
For the U.S. at least. The rest of the countries involved may go forward with us cut out.
So what?
Higher prices, weakened global influence, and less revenue for our industries. But whatevs :dunno:
More Americans will buy more Americans products.
More company's will hire more American workers.
Unemployment will go down.
Wages will increase because of the need for workers.
Suppressing free trade and the free market never goes well
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
TPP is NAFTA on steroids...............Foreign companies can sue our country for violations already under deals like NAFTA...............like this one

ANOTHER Corporation Suing Our Government Thanks To Trade Agreements

15 billion dollar law suit............for the Keystone pipeline...........

Others were the right to know where our beef came from under NAFTA...............because they stated that it wasn't fair that Americans know the country of origin of the foods they eat.............

They won that case and our country had to change our laws..................

So............I see you are in favor of corporations and other countries forcing us to change our own laws............

Here's my position on that..................If you don't abide by our laws then don't do business here......No foreign country or business should be able to sue us for Our laws.............but I guess that aspect of the TPP doesn't concern you.

And before all these free trade deals came about..............we did trade deals one on one with countries in a give and take process...................to protect our people from unfair trade deals.........even to the point of other countries SUBSIDIZING COSTS to sell here.

So.........take the TPP and stick it where the sun doesn't shine...........that's my position on it.
Higher prices, weakened global influence, and less revenue for our industries. But whatevs :dunno:
More Americans will buy more Americans products.
More company's will hire more American workers.
Unemployment will go down.
Wages will increase because of the need for workers.
Suppressing free trade and the free market never goes well
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Higher prices, weakened global influence, and less revenue for our industries. But whatevs :dunno:
More Americans will buy more Americans products.
More company's will hire more American workers.
Unemployment will go down.
Wages will increase because of the need for workers.
Suppressing free trade and the free market never goes well
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.

Then the United States was a Communist Nation for 200 years.....

Damn you people crack me up.
Higher prices, weakened global influence, and less revenue for our industries. But whatevs :dunno:
More Americans will buy more Americans products.
More company's will hire more American workers.
Unemployment will go down.
Wages will increase because of the need for workers.
Suppressing free trade and the free market never goes well
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
WTO Rules Against Country-of-Origin Labeling on Meat in U.S. | Food Safety News

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has ruled in favor of Canada and Mexico in an ongoing dispute with the United States over country-of-origin labeling (COOL) on meat.

The latest U.S. labeling rules, put into effect in 2013, require meat sold in grocery stores to indicate the country, or countries, where the animal was born, raised and slaughtered.

According to a WTO report released on Monday, the labeling rules unfairly discriminate against meat imports and give the advantage to domestic meat products. But the WTO compliance panel also found that the labels do provide U.S. consumers with information on the origin of their food, countering Canada and Mexico’s assertion that the labels do not serve their intended purpose.

World Trade Organization fined the United States over this, because law makers here decided that the American People should have the right to know where their food came from. Our law makers got rid of the law to avoid future fines.
More Americans will buy more Americans products.
More company's will hire more American workers.
Unemployment will go down.
Wages will increase because of the need for workers.
Suppressing free trade and the free market never goes well
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
What did the US become?
A nation that no longer believes the Press or their Representatives.
More Americans will buy more Americans products.
More company's will hire more American workers.
Unemployment will go down.
Wages will increase because of the need for workers.
Suppressing free trade and the free market never goes well
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
You ever heard of tariffs faggot? We had them for years!
Suppressing free trade and the free market never goes well
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
What did the US become?
A nation that no longer believes the Press or their Representatives.

That's why you should stop going to Infowars
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
What did the US become?
A nation that no longer believes the Press or their Representatives.

That's why you should stop going to Infowars
I have no interest in Right Wing ideology.
In fact, you're so ignorant you just said I'm referencing a site that agrees with you.
Suppressing free trade and the free market never goes well
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
You ever heard of tariffs faggot? We had them for years!
Yeah. They're wealth destroyers. I applauded the GOP for working against them, but now the GOP is adopting the same trade platform as the DNC.
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
You ever heard of tariffs faggot? We had them for years!
Yeah. They're wealth destroyers. I applauded the GOP for working against them, but now the GOP is adopting the same trade platform as the DNC.
Let us know when Comparative Advantage causes 4 million people to default on their mortgages like the Free Market did.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
What did the US become?
A nation that no longer believes the Press or their Representatives.

That's why you should stop going to Infowars
I have no interest in Right Wing ideology.
In fact, you're so ignorant you just said I'm referencing a site that agrees with you.
Infowars is a bunch of nut jobs. Like you and about 20% of the nation that thinks only Fox News and conservative opinion blogs are real news.
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
You ever heard of tariffs faggot? We had them for years!
Yeah. They're wealth destroyers. I applauded the GOP for working against them, but now the GOP is adopting the same trade platform as the DNC.

Trump is a Nationalist............many in the GOP would have voted for the TPP.........as a matter of fact I do believe that EVERYONE who he ran against in the primaries would have agreed to the TPP.........

And people wonder why the establishment hates Trump.........He fucked up their deal........
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
What did the US become?
A nation that no longer believes the Press or their Representatives.

That's why you should stop going to Infowars
I have no interest in Right Wing ideology.
In fact, you're so ignorant you just said I'm referencing a site that agrees with you.
Infowars is a bunch of nut jobs. Like you and about 20% of the nation that thinks only Fox News and conservative opinion blogs are real news.
You made a fool of yourself by posting that InfoWars is anti-Free Trade.
They're are anti-Oligarchy.
I take it you have a pension because Free Trade and the Free Market have meant a huge loss of jobs, but only for a few million people other than yourself.
I don't have a pension. Opposing free trade and the free market is a basic tenet of communism.
Tell that to India and China.
Basically, the US is supporting a racist Land of 1,000 Castes and a Totalitarian nation, both ruled by the same type of people who rule America.
Supply Side Economics in the long run (shall we say 30-40 years) is not our friend.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
You ever heard of tariffs faggot? We had them for years!
Yeah. They're wealth destroyers. I applauded the GOP for working against them, but now the GOP is adopting the same trade platform as the DNC.
Putting Americans out of work is a wealth destroying you moron.
Buy cheap shit from overseas does NOT build wealth idiot.
Stuff does NOT equal wealthy.
Comrade, you're talking out of your ass now. The U.S. did not become what it is by opposing free trade and the free market.
What did the US become?
A nation that no longer believes the Press or their Representatives.

That's why you should stop going to Infowars
I have no interest in Right Wing ideology.
In fact, you're so ignorant you just said I'm referencing a site that agrees with you.
Infowars is a bunch of nut jobs. Like you and about 20% of the nation that thinks only Fox News and conservative opinion blogs are real news.
You made a fool of yourself by posting that InfoWars is anti-Free Trade.
They're are anti-Oligarchy.
Infowars is fake ass nonsense.

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