A sane look at fighting Trumpism

If Trump doesn't deliver on his grandiose promises for unprecedented job creation,

the GOP will lose the House in 2018. That will put all the rest of his agenda stalled for the next two years, and unless the Democrats haven't learned their lesson,

they will run a candidate in 2020 who can win back the so-called Rust Belt and that will be that.
OMG, they are already starting on the GOP is doomed shit.


You think that WON"T happen if Trump doesn't deliver? Why wouldn't it happen?
New Age Sewage Recycled

Because the Demwits will run another feralphile, fairyphile, treehugging snob. They'll believe it's their turn to renew their pushy, disgusting, insulting, and threatening agenda.
ceweasel, post: 15824441
Your fantasies don't bother normal people. The hate is all on your side

So for you 'normal people' believe racism, bigotry and mysogeny are fantasies that don't exist? Or do they know they exist but just aren't bothered by them.

Who appointed you as spokesperson for normal people.

I can't consider a fringe white nationalist lunatic like Bannon to be a normal person. That is your world not mine. Is Breitbart your main source of news?
LOL, you poor little pussy. Sack up and take defeat like a man. No one is buying your bullshit.
If Trump doesn't deliver on his grandiose promises for unprecedented job creation,

the GOP will lose the House in 2018. That will put all the rest of his agenda stalled for the next two years, and unless the Democrats haven't learned their lesson,

they will run a candidate in 2020 who can win back the so-called Rust Belt and that will be that.
OMG, they are already starting on the GOP is doomed shit.


You think that WON"T happen if Trump doesn't deliver? Why wouldn't it happen?
New Age Sewage Recycled

Because the Demwits will run another feralphile, fairyphile, treehugging snob. They'll believe it's their turn to renew their pushy, disgusting, insulting, and threatening agenda.

This is more or less an English only messageboard, Spaceman.
It wasn't the GOP policies that crashed the housing market and banks. That's the media lies I was referring to.

Sure, Republican's are never responsible for deregulating the financial industry. That's why Republican's can't wait to deregulate Wall Street more and more.

What the hell. When banks are corrupt just blame black folks for buying houses the couldn't afford. Of lower income people were hit hardest by the Great Bush Recession so of minirities were the first to not be able to make mortgage payments that deregulated banks bundled and sold on the global financial market.

Blame the blacks and get away with it why not.
Inferior People in Superior Positions: Degreed Greed

Listen to something about sub-prime that is not babbled by either side. The truth is always hidden behind the specious spectrum. The banks knew those clients would default; they wanted whole neighborhoods to default so they could repossess, tear down, and flip into lots for upscale apartments to make huge profits, stash them into their private accounts, and let the taxpayers hold the bag.

Proof is that when the bankers' Party took over they would have stopped requiring those loans if the bankers didn't want them. They finally crashed because they were stupid enough to think they knew how to keep the scam from hurting them. Those conceited Bozos figured they would scale things down at just the right time.
Iceweasel, post: 15824669,
LOL, you poor little pussy. Sack up and take defeat like a man. No one is

Can you assemble a relevant thought or intelligent opinion on the news of the day.

I'm still standing, moron. Life goes on. My daughter has four more years on my employer's insurance until she is 26 while she goes for her master's degree. Thank you Trump for pledging to keep it.

Wife and I make good money together so we get a tax cut. I don't need it, but we had a mortgage burning party six months ago since Obama saved the country from the Great Recession. We don't have a mortgage deduction anymore Trump will pay for a nice trip to a resort in Cancun, Mexico? There's no defeat for me there. Bring that tax cut on.

Trump wants to run up the deficit by spending more on National Defense. My wife works for the Defense Dept. Great news. No defeat there. Maybe she'll get a raise now.

If Trump appoints Bolton he will ruin his own presidency. I understand what middle class workers want more than Trump. The man is freakin' clueless. Bolton? Bannon? Most people do not want white racist nationalism or some radical warmongering neocon like Bolton anywhere near the White House.

Now John Bolton is considered for Sec of State. Main hawk neocon architect of Iraq invasion. Trump says the Iraq invasion was a huge mistake. People voted for his promise to get us out of ME wars.

I'm not defeated - I'm laughing. Trump didn't know the West Wing staff of the White House had to be replaced according to the WSJ.

The Iraq war was a huge mistake but Trump is thinking about appointing John bomb Iran Bolton.

Trump on Iraq invasion;
. Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that we're in. I would never have handled it that way. Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the county? C'mon. Two minutes after we leave, there's going to be a revolution, and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over. And he'll have weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam didn't have. What was the purpose of this whole thing? Hundreds and hundreds of young people killed. And what about the people coming back with no arms and legs? Not to mention the other side. All those Iraqi kids who've been blown to pieces. And it turns out that all of the reasons for the war were blatantly wrong. All this for nothing!

Bolton on the Iraq invasion:
Bolton has long been one of the most hawkish of all the neoconservative hawks. He was part of the Bush-Cheney crew that claimed Saddam Hussein had amassed weapons of mass destruction and that war was the only option. As a top State Department official prior to the 2003 Iraq invasion, Bolton pushed the false claims that Iraq had obtained aluminum tubes and uranium for its supposed nuclear weapons program. He was also a supporter of a conspiracy theorist named Laurie Mylroie who contended that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks. Before Bush launched the Iraq War, Bolton predicted that "the American role actually will be fairly minimal." (In 1997, he was one of several conservatives who wrote to President Bill Clinton and urged him to attack Saddam.)

Not surprisingly, Bolton has stuck to the position that the Iraq invasion was the right move. In May, he said, "I still think the decision to overthrow Saddam was correct."
Donald Trump's Curious Relationship With an Iraq War Hawk | Mother Jones

What did you people vote for?
2016 results... GOP White house, GOP Senate, GOP House of Reps, 33 GOP governorships and 32 GOP state legislatures. Soon a GOP Supreme Court. And get this...if the democrats lose only one more state legislature they lose the ability to stop any constitutional amendment (they only control 13 right now).
So no, there is no reason to compromise with these lunatics. Let them sign petitions and cry in the colleges. Unless the GOP decides to be weak there is nothing they can do to stop anything. There is no reason to treat them with anything but contempt.
Inferior People in Superior Positions: Degreed Greed

Listen to something about sub-prime that is not babbled by either side. The truth is always hidden behind the specious spectrum. The banks knew those clients would default; they wanted whole neighborhoods to default so they could repossess, tear down, and flip into lots for upscale apartments to make huge profits, stash them into their private accounts, and let the taxpayers hold the bag.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory - where did you get it?
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DOTR, post: 15826877
So no, there is no reason to compromise with these lunatics.

Why is Trump not draining the swamp of the likes of Reince Preibus the Washington insider.

Why is Trump agreeing to a fence - not a wall?

Why is Trump keeping the expensive parts of Obamacare and anticipating big government to pay for it?

Why is Trump not planning to deport more undocumented criminal immigrants than Obama has done over the course of his presidency?

Why is there going to be no deportation force pressed into action?

Is he giving you haters Bannon just for spin and showmanship? Are you going to buy it if that is all Bannon hopefully is - a political rightwing spin machine to keep the far right loons loyal?

Trump won the electoral vote by 130,000 votes or so. That is not a collasol victory and he will lose the total votes by millions.

Dems need to organize better in six states.

Dems make a recovery if Trump goes the alt-right route to please people like you and pushes too far.

Will Trump give you your campaign red meat or that Republican mush that you hate so much.

Preibus will feed you mush? Stay tuned.
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DOTR, post: 15826877
Unless the GOP decides to be weak there is nothing they can do to stop anything.

Trump has already stoked the worst fears among the demographic majority that reviles Trump as well as those what you call weak Republican's by appointing Bannon as top political adviser. That Demographic includes, Americans educated beyond high school, young people and of course minorities in race and religion.

Bannon assures us that this Republican power surge will be short-lived unless Bannon is part of some spin machine to keep white nationalist Trumpists on the bandwagon while Trump attempts to keep his recent words to unite the country and be president of all America.
They already fought against it. They didn't elect Hillary.

Racism, bigotry and mysogeny should be fought always, but now more so after this election. Most Americans voted for no part of those ills of society. Too bad it doesn't bother you.

It doesn't bother me because its a load of bullshit brought to you by the media and the Dems.

You wouldn't know a REAL racist, bigot or mysogenist if they all kicked you in the ass at the same time.

You've let yourself believe the bullshit because you hate the fact that the American people elected Trump and not your hero that POS Hillary.

People like you make me laugh because you are so laughable.

Grow a brain dumbass.
DOTR, post: 15826877
So no, there is no reason to compromise with these lunatics.

Why is Trump not draining the swamp of the likes of Reince Preibus the Washington insider.

Why is Trump agreeing to a fence - not a wall?

Why is Trump keeping the expensive parts of Obamacare and anticipating big government to pay for it?

Why is Trump not planning to deport more undocumented criminal immigrants than Obama has done over the course of his presidency?

Why is there going to be no deportation force pressed into action?

Is he giving you haters Bannon just for spin and showmanship? Are you going to buy it if that is all Bannon hopefully is - a political rightwing spin machine to keep the far right loons loyal?

Trump won the electoral vote by 130,000 votes or so. That is not a collasol victory and he will lose the total votes by millions.

Dems need to organize better in six states.

Dems make a recovery if Trump goes the alt-right route to please people like you and pushes too far.

Will Trump give you your campaign red meat or that Republican mush that you hate so much.

Preibus will feed you mush? Stay tuned.

Jesus you really are a biased dumbass.

Grow a brain dumbass.
No need to give up fighting for a decent strong successful America against the threat that occurred last night.

November 9, 2016 2:36 a.m.
Forget Canada. Stay and Fight for American Democracy.
By Jonathan ChaitShareTweetShareShareEmail

Photo: The Washington Post/Washington Post/Getty Images
Before the election, like many liberals, I made a lot of jokes about moving to Canada. It was a way for people to deal with our anxiety. It’s not funny anymore, and people discussing it — reportedly, Canada’s immigration website has crashed due to excessive interest — are beginning to disgust me. I love this country. I believe in it. I’m not leaving. I’m sorry to sound hokey, but I’m going to stay and defend truth and democracy.

Never in my lifetime has the United States seen a period of darkness like the one that lies ahead of us. But we have seen periods of darkness before — segregation, McCarthyism, the internment of the Japanese, the Civil War, slavery. The American story is fitful progress punctuated by frequent reversals, some of which appeared at the time like they would last forever. None of them did.

The Trump years will be a horror. When I set out to write my long story in the magazineabout Trumpism and the future of the Republican Party, I originally intended to focus on the immediate possibilities that lay before the Republican Party if it could capture full control of Washington. As this scenario grew less likely, I gave it less emphasis, but it is there. The Republicans will pass massive regressive tax cuts; they will take access to medical care from the poor and sick; they will deregulate the financial industry and fossil-fuel emitters.

And that is just the beginning, the best-case scenario. Trump is an impulsive, egotistical bully, intolerant of criticism and dissent and drawn to the ruthless application of power. Many liberals have been warning that American democracy is far weaker than we believed, and this was before any of us imagined a monster like Trump commanding the Executive branch. Trump will shake the Republic to its foundations. And the Republicans will shake it with him. If there is a central point I tried to drive home, it is that Trumpism grows out of a decades-long trend toward authoritarianism as the dominant tendency of Republican politics. I don’t know what American government will look like after four years of Trump — or if it will only last four years, or even if it will only last eight.

But I do not believe that the people who elected Trump will be helped by his program in any way. Trump avoided policy specifics to a comical degree. His health-care plan is “something terrific” that will take care of everybody at no cost to anybody. His wall paid for by Mexico is not even a punch line — it is a symbol of his supporters’ fascistic willingness to subordinate all critical faculties and endorse an obvious absurdity. What he will do is sign a quick succession of donor-driven laws written by Paul Ryan whose authentic support is confined to a trivial proportion of the party outside its big-money wing. To whatever extent people voted for Trump for reasons other than racial and cultural resentment, Trump will do nothing for them. He is a buffoon surrounded by a party apparatus that is unable to govern, as the Republican elite demonstrated during the George W. Bush era, and that has grown worse.

At the end of this month, the president-elect of the United States will face trial for committing massive fraud through Trump University. He openly vows to have his children run his family business, which will enrich him through his office in the manner of a post-Soviet kleptocrat. The depths of a Trump presidency defy our imagination. It is safe to assume it will not be popular. Trump and his party will probably respond with vicious anti-democratic measures. But fighting for democracy is part of America’s heritage, from abolitionists to suffragettes to the progressive reformers. Maybe you thought that fight was confined to history. It will go on.

And Trump does not represent the future. He only barely represents its present. His party controls all three branches in large part because its voters are overrepresented in the House, the Senate, and the Electoral College. He represents a rage against the direction of America they have no way of stopping. Even a complete halt to all of illegal immigration and a total deportation of every undocumented immigrant will not prevent the growth of nonwhites into an eventual majority. Republicans are increasingly focused on voter suppression and other anti-democratic measures to allow their shrinking cohort to rule. Trump is the perfect champion of their project.

But I do not believe they will win, at least not over the long run. As the shock of a Trump presidency set in, I told my children Tuesday night that I did not want to hear anything about fleeing. We are not going anywhere. And the America I have raised them to believe in will one day prevail.

From the quote:

"But I do not believe that the people who elected Trump will be helped by his program in any way. Trump avoided policy specifics to a comical degree. His health-care plan is “something terrific” that will take care of everybody at no cost to anybody. His wall paid for by Mexico is not even a punch line — it is a symbol of his supporters’ fascistic willingness to subordinate all critical faculties and endorse an obvious absurdity. What he will do is sign a quick succession of donor-driven laws written by Paul Ryan whose authentic support is confined to a trivial proportion of the party outside its big-money wing. To whatever extent people voted for Trump for reasons other than racial and cultural resentment, Trump will do nothing for them. He is a buffoon surrounded by a party apparatus that is unable to govern, as the Republican elite demonstrated during the George W. Bush era, and that has grown worse."

Hate to tell you this but the American people elected Trump not to fight Trumpism but embrace it.

You need to grow the fuck up and accept that you and your party lost and Trump and working Americans won.

Act like an adult instead of a whinny tiddy baby.
Claudette, post: 15828646
Hate to tell you this but the American people elected Trump not to fight Trumpism but embrace it.

Your ignorance about simple math is astounding. The majority of all those that voted did not elect Trump. We have to accept that he will become President. But we do not ever have to accept the vile and hateful and ignorant parts of Trumpism that those that voted for him appear to accept.

Fighting Trumpism is our civic duty as moral and inclusive human beings that we are. Scapegoating minorities and immigrants and vile treatment of women will never be acceptable to me and those millions and millions more that voted for the most competent person in the race- Hillary Clinton.
DOTR, post: 15826877
So no, there is no reason to compromise with these lunatics.

Why is Trump not draining the swamp of the likes of Reince Preibus the Washington insider.

Why is Trump agreeing to a fence - not a wall?

Why is Trump keeping the expensive parts of Obamacare and anticipating big government to pay for it?

Why is Trump not planning to deport more undocumented criminal immigrants than Obama has done over the course of his presidency?

Why is there going to be no deportation force pressed into action?

Is he giving you haters Bannon just for spin and showmanship? Are you going to buy it if that is all Bannon hopefully is - a political rightwing spin machine to keep the far right loons loyal?

Trump won the electoral vote by 130,000 votes or so. That is not a collasol victory and he will lose the total votes by millions.

Dems need to organize better in six states.

Dems make a recovery if Trump goes the alt-right route to please people like you and pushes too far.

Will Trump give you your campaign red meat or that Republican mush that you hate so much.

Preibus will feed you mush? Stay tuned.

Jesus you really are a biased dumbass.

Grow a brain dumbass.

You fail to respond to valid questions on a discussion board. You are a typical Trumpist. Childish insults is all you have.
Claudette, post: 15828646
Hate to tell you this but the American people elected Trump not to fight Trumpism but embrace it.

Your ignorance about simple math is astounding. The majority of all those that voted did not elect Trump. We have to accept that he will become President. But we do not ever have to accept the vile and hateful and ignorant parts of Trumpism that those that voted for him appear to accept.

Fighting Trumpism is our civic duty as moral and inclusive human beings that we are. Scapegoating minorities and immigrants and vile treatment of women will never be acceptable to me and those millions and millions more that voted for the most competent person in the race- Hillary Clinton.

Your idiocy is astounding. Talk about a brainwashed dumbass. The fact that you actually believe that bullshit is mind boggling.

Well Trump won so get over it. Grow a brain. Good god what a dumbass.
DOTR, post: 15826877
So no, there is no reason to compromise with these lunatics.

Why is Trump not draining the swamp of the likes of Reince Preibus the Washington insider.

Why is Trump agreeing to a fence - not a wall?

Why is Trump keeping the expensive parts of Obamacare and anticipating big government to pay for it?

Why is Trump not planning to deport more undocumented criminal immigrants than Obama has done over the course of his presidency?

Why is there going to be no deportation force pressed into action?

Is he giving you haters Bannon just for spin and showmanship? Are you going to buy it if that is all Bannon hopefully is - a political rightwing spin machine to keep the far right loons loyal?

Trump won the electoral vote by 130,000 votes or so. That is not a collasol victory and he will lose the total votes by millions.

Dems need to organize better in six states.

Dems make a recovery if Trump goes the alt-right route to please people like you and pushes too far.

Will Trump give you your campaign red meat or that Republican mush that you hate so much.

Preibus will feed you mush? Stay tuned.

Jesus you really are a biased dumbass.

Grow a brain dumbass.

You fail to respond to valid questions on a discussion board. You are a typical Trumpist. Childish insults is all you have.

No response because he isn't POTUS yet you idiot. No one will know what he's going to do till he is POTUS.

Good Lord are you an idiot and a childish one at that.
Inferior People in Superior Positions: Degreed Greed

Listen to something about sub-prime that is not babbled by either side. The truth is always hidden behind the specious spectrum. The banks knew those clients would default; they wanted whole neighborhoods to default so they could repossess, tear down, and flip into lots for upscale apartments to make huge profits, stash them into their private accounts, and let the taxpayers hold the bag.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory - where did you get it?
Bankenstein's Monster

Conspiracy theories are plants to either mislead the opposition or make them look ridiculous. We just have to figure out for ourselves what the plutocrats' game plans are.
Claudette, post: 15828646
Hate to tell you this but the American people elected Trump not to fight Trumpism but embrace it.

Your ignorance about simple math is astounding. The majority of all those that voted did not elect Trump. We have to accept that he will become President. But we do not ever have to accept the vile and hateful and ignorant parts of Trumpism that those that voted for him appear to accept.

Fighting Trumpism is our civic duty as moral and inclusive human beings that we are. Scapegoating minorities and immigrants and vile treatment of women will never be acceptable to me and those millions and millions more that voted for the most competent person in the race- Hillary Clinton.
You don't know what the majority would have done, you pretend to speak from authority, yet have none. Trump's campaign was geared towards securing the EC vote. That's why they ran around like they did. Had it been decided by popular vote it would have been done differently.

But none of that matters because the losing party doesn't get to call the shots. You can poop bricks in your pants over it but nothing will change. With all the media threw at him they couldn't defeat him, yet you think more of the same will work. You are a remarkably stupid individual.

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