A Sad Epilogue To A Fabled Career

I have always thought that McCain showed much strength in overcoming what he experienced in Vietnam. He was physically and mentally broken. I don't know if he ever came back fully from that horrible experience. Nevertheless, he was rewarded for his service greatly. I wish all veterans were rewarded equally. He may have been a hero but he was a lousy politician IMO.
Certainly he was rewarded more than the others that shared his experience within the cells of the Hanoi Hilton...The trouble is that the veterans of the Vietnam War were treated very badly.....
A Sad Epilogue To A Fabled Career

A sad epilogue to a fabled career | Flopping Aces
27 Dec 19 ~ By DrJohn
John McCain lived a full life and had a storied career. It’s a shame he will be remembered for being part of a conspiracy to try to destroy a Republican candidate and ultimately President of the United States with Russian disinformation. It was no secret that the two men disliked each other intensely. The animus is said to have begun in 1999 when Trump questioned McCain being a hero solely for being captured. I think that was harsh and unfair but that’s Trump. McCain did repay the kindness and then some. McCain blocked repeal of Obamacare. McCain became far more critical of Trump than he ever was of Obama.
The dossier is in tatters. Virtually all of it has been debunked, which makes McCain’s later words worse. In his book published last year, McCain maintained he had an “obligation” to pass the dossier charges against Trump to Comey and he would even do it again. “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain exclaimed. If only McCain could have shown that same fire and motivation in his campaign against Barack Obama in 2008 instead of simply knuckling under and surrendering. He might have saved this country from Obama. He didn’t, but he did his best to stop Trump using Russian disinformation. Sadly, this is how McCain will be remembered.

It was the DNC plan to feed the disinformation from as many sources as possible so it would gain credibility. John because of his animus toward DJT became both an accomplice and a fool in the failed coup d' etat.
There is nothing wrong with having concerns. When McCain became aware of this information, he had the duty to turn it over to the FBI, and the FBI had the duty to research it. However, the crime occurred when the information was found to be flawed and without merit, continuing to traffic it and use it to infringe on the rights and privacy of innocent people. The crime is using known garbage to try and undo a legal election.
I disagree with Trump’s characterization of McCain’s service and maybe it was Trump’s fault McCain soiled himself in the end of his life, but he did and that cannot be denied. Anyone Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists decide to celebrate has obviously disgraced themselves somehow.
Nevertheless, Trump is President, McCain was wrong and all those who support impeachment of Trump on the accusations now used are anti-American, anti-Constitution seditionists. In sum treasonous Commie curs all.

That's why I call him McShitstain.
McCain had been a subversive traitor for decades.....He completely blew his cover after Columbine, when he carpetbagged his saggy ass up to Colorado to pimp for the gun grabbers.

The guy had more honour and dignity in his toenail clippings than you have in your whole morbidly obese body.
Before or after he traded a dying wife for a rich socialite, or capitulated to his captors for special treatment, or sold himself to a savings and loan company?
Much like the hero of our own american revolution... Benedict Arnold. We wouldnt exist as a nation without him. But he lost faith. And turned coat. Like McCain. All the great deeds of a mans past, can never erase the final betrayal...

He'll be remembered by most as a great military man and a flawed Senator. Not even close to being a traitor. Hang your head in shame, Scum.

Please explain that John McCain was a great Military man?

Made a huge sacrifice. More than you've ever made in your life.
Before or after he traded a dying wife for a rich socialite, or capitulated to his captors for special treatment, or sold himself to a savings and loan company?

Did he, did he and did he? You read too much conservative shit websites. Capitulated? Really? You mean how they offered him to be released and he said no? That special treatment?
Much like the hero of our own american revolution... Benedict Arnold. We wouldnt exist as a nation without him. But he lost faith. And turned coat. Like McCain. All the great deeds of a mans past, can never erase the final betrayal...

He'll be remembered by most as a great military man and a flawed Senator. Not even close to being a traitor. Hang your head in shame, Scum.

Please explain that John McCain was a great Military man?

Made a huge sacrifice. More than you've ever made in your life.

You act like you know what sacrifices he made, while you really don't!
Your love for McShitstain is duly noted.
Before or after he traded a dying wife for a rich socialite, or capitulated to his captors for special treatment, or sold himself to a savings and loan company?

Did he, did he and did he? You read too much conservative shit websites. Capitulated? Really? You mean how they offered him to be released and he said no? That special treatment?

So you deny that the shit stain McCain couldn’t wait to dump the wife that waited for him for a rich socialite that he treated like shit in public more than once? That never happened? The people there with him nicknamed him Songbird. They are more believable than your leftist rags. You really need to learn history. Military service does NOT render you immune to rightful criticism.
One of the most despicable things ever done in American politics is when that McCain asshole cast the deciding vote not to repeal Obamacare out of spite to Trump.

Petty sonofabitch! Fuck America because he was butthurt.

He was a real coward doing that.
He was a political coward and a loser.....His 2008 Campaign was one of the worst in history. Just because he was a 'war hero' doesn't mean he was an adequate candidate for President. He should have been able to beat Obama handily but instead, we got saddled with a fool like Obama who was controlled by the Clintons.

As a Vietnam veteran I have never considered McCain to be a "war hero".

I agree with Trump. Being captured does not make you a hero.

He went through shit as did all POWs and I have sympathy for him because of that world of suck but I don't consider him to be a hero.

His military career was actually pretty piss poor. There is a lot of evidence that he was a coward during and after the Forestall fire. If I remember correctly he lost three planes.

He was a terrible Presidential nominee. He was the definition of a RINO senator.

Trump was correct to ridicule him. McCain deserved it.
You act like you know what sacrifices he made, while you really don't!
Your love for McShitstain is duly noted.

How long were you a POW? What affect did that have on his psyche? You'll never know because you've probably never done a meaningful thing in your life. And no, waxing lyrical and prattling on like a windbag on a messageboard doesn't amount to much.
I think he was an average politician. Would never vote for him.

What I am not, is a neocon whackadoodle fuckstain like you who hate for the sake of hating and gets their information from bloviated cocksuckers like the Orange Buffoon and those morons at Fox News.
You act like you know what sacrifices he made, while you really don't!
Your love for McShitstain is duly noted.

How long were you a POW? What affect did that have on his psyche? You'll never know because you've probably never done a meaningful thing in your life. And no, waxing lyrical and prattling on like a windbag on a messageboard doesn't amount to much.
I think he was an average politician. Would never vote for him.

What I am not, is a neocon whackadoodle fuckstain like you who hate for the sake of hating and gets their information from bloviated cocksuckers like the Orange Buffoon and those morons at Fox News.

Your 'triggering' fails to impress.

Next :asshole:.
Before or after he traded a dying wife for a rich socialite, or capitulated to his captors for special treatment, or sold himself to a savings and loan company?

Did he, did he and did he? You read too much conservative shit websites. Capitulated? Really? You mean how they offered him to be released and he said no? That special treatment?

So you deny that the shit stain McCain couldn’t wait to dump the wife that waited for him for a rich socialite that he treated like shit in public more than once? That never happened? The people there with him nicknamed him Songbird. They are more believable than your leftist rags. You really need to learn history. Military service does NOT render you immune to rightful criticism.

I mean seriously. How gullible can you guys get?

Was Sen. John McCain a 'Hanoi Hilton Songbird'?
A Sad Epilogue To A Fabled Career

A sad epilogue to a fabled career | Flopping Aces
27 Dec 19 ~ By DrJohn
John McCain lived a full life and had a storied career. It’s a shame he will be remembered for being part of a conspiracy to try to destroy a Republican candidate and ultimately President of the United States with Russian disinformation. It was no secret that the two men disliked each other intensely. The animus is said to have begun in 1999 when Trump questioned McCain being a hero solely for being captured. I think that was harsh and unfair but that’s Trump. McCain did repay the kindness and then some. McCain blocked repeal of Obamacare. McCain became far more critical of Trump than he ever was of Obama.
The dossier is in tatters. Virtually all of it has been debunked, which makes McCain’s later words worse. In his book published last year, McCain maintained he had an “obligation” to pass the dossier charges against Trump to Comey and he would even do it again. “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain exclaimed. If only McCain could have shown that same fire and motivation in his campaign against Barack Obama in 2008 instead of simply knuckling under and surrendering. He might have saved this country from Obama. He didn’t, but he did his best to stop Trump using Russian disinformation. Sadly, this is how McCain will be remembered.

It was the DNC plan to feed the disinformation from as many sources as possible so it would gain credibility. John because of his animus toward DJT became both an accomplice and a fool in the failed coup d' etat.
There is nothing wrong with having concerns. When McCain became aware of this information, he had the duty to turn it over to the FBI, and the FBI had the duty to research it. However, the crime occurred when the information was found to be flawed and without merit, continuing to traffic it and use it to infringe on the rights and privacy of innocent people. The crime is using known garbage to try and undo a legal election.
I disagree with Trump’s characterization of McCain’s service and maybe it was Trump’s fault McCain soiled himself in the end of his life, but he did and that cannot be denied. Anyone Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists decide to celebrate has obviously disgraced themselves somehow.
Nevertheless, Trump is President, McCain was wrong and all those who support impeachment of Trump on the accusations now used are anti-American, anti-Constitution seditionists. In sum treasonous Commie curs all.
Much like the hero of our own american revolution... Benedict Arnold. We wouldnt exist as a nation without him. But he lost faith. And turned coat. Like McCain. All the great deeds of a mans past, can never erase the final betrayal...
McStain was always a back stabbing scumbag.
The man was a fucking disgrace!

He tells the voters "vote for me and I will end obamacare"...he not only voted NO to end it...he sabotaged the vote.

A fitting last move to his shameful pitiful life!

Wouldn't you think in your final hours of life you would be working on making peace with your creator?

Not McCain...he was still filled with hate...making public statements that Trump and Palin are not allowed at his funeral (like they really wanted to go in the first place). Poor Pence got stuck with the task.

He was a small petty man with a massive ego!

There you guys go again. The echo chamber roars into the void. I'm from the south, raised by Christian parents. Once somebody has died. We do not speak ill of the dead. The man was of great service to his country. May he rest in peace.
He helped to destroy this country. I'm not a Christian, so I have no issue with speaking ill about scumbags, even if they are dead.
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Trump was correct to ridicule him. McCain deserved it.

Yeah, because Deferment Trump had such a sterling military career.
Glad he's your hero.

Nothing that Trump did or didn't do will detract from McCain being an asshole RINO.

At least Trump didn't write a letter saying that he loathed the military like Crooked Hillary's husband.

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