A real conservative reflection on Charlottesville


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

This guy has a good perspective. Actual conservatives are not concerned with confederate statues and they're not fascists. All enemies of the bed wetters are routinely referred to as "fascists" by sniveling statist pukes who have far more in common with Mussolini than any political whore I would support.

This guy has a good perspective. Actual conservatives are not concerned with confederate statues and they're not fascists. All enemies of the bed wetters are routinely referred to as "fascists" by sniveling statist pukes who have far more in common with Mussolini than any political whore I would support.

Holy shit. At 1:41 in the video the dumb inbred trash-heap says the terrorist who committed an ISIS style terrorist attack is "on the right side of the national divide."

This guy has a good perspective. Actual conservatives are not concerned with confederate statues and they're not fascists. All enemies of the bed wetters are routinely referred to as "fascists" by sniveling statist pukes who have far more in common with Mussolini than any political whore I would support.

Holy shit. At 1:41 in the video the dumb inbred trash-heap says the terrorist who committed an ISIS style terrorist attack is "on the right side of the national divide."

The "good" sic thing about you folks on the left, there is no far left, there is no alt-left, you all have become dangerous and literally insane.

This guy has a good perspective. Actual conservatives are not concerned with confederate statues and they're not fascists. All enemies of the bed wetters are routinely referred to as "fascists" by sniveling statist pukes who have far more in common with Mussolini than any political whore I would support.

Holy shit. At 1:41 in the video the dumb inbred trash-heap says the terrorist who committed an ISIS style terrorist attack is "on the right side of the national divide."

The "good" sic thing about you folks on the left, there is no far left, there is no alt-left, you all have become dangerous and literally insane.

Condemn the ISIS-style terrorist attack one of yours committed on Saturday that murdered an innocent woman, and then I'll continue this conversation with you.
This guy has a good perspective. Actual conservatives are not concerned with confederate statues and they're not fascists. All enemies of the bed wetters are routinely referred to as "fascists" by sniveling statist pukes who have far more in common with Mussolini than any political whore I would support.

Bless his heart, the guy has the right idea but he seems to be a little disjointed in how he is presenting things. First of all, it is fundamentally important to realize that fascism and naziism is purely LEFT ideology. It is NOT "right-wing" ...that is a myth perpetrated by the LEFT! This has been going on since WWII when their ideology was tainted by the stench of the Holocaust. The word "NAZI" literally means "National Socialist!" Fascism is State control and power over means of production. These are pure LEFT ideologies.

White supremacy and racism is also not "right wing" or conservative by any stretch. The left is the birthplace of white supremacy and racism. Dating back to the civil war, through years of segregation and Jim Crow laws, through the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965. It was then they decided, if blacks are going to vote, they may as well vote Democrat. They courted their support with massive government handouts and developed the myth of the "Southern Strategy" where they took a page from the Nazi playbook and turned white supremacy into a Republican thing.

And today, they take nationalist populism and turn it into "white nationalism" and claim it's the same thing as "white supremacy" and they connect this to Trump, Republicans and Conservatives. What transpired in Charlottesville is actually two FAR-LEFT ideologies at odds with one another. What's more, we're finding out now that the whole thing was orchestrated and choreographed by the radical left in order to damage the right. The state and local authorities were complicit in setting up a scenario they knew would erupt in violence. They did nothing to prevent it and everything to encourage it.

I'm a conservative and let me tell you something... I'm all in favor of leaving the Confederate memorials alone! It has nothing to do with the history or admiration of the symbolism. It is about rejecting the left-wing political correctness which is destroying this country from the inside. As I stated in another thread, this is about instilling resilience in our youth. Child psychologists will tell you, the best way to ensure an emotionally stable child is to instil resilience. You teach your child to overcome adversity and not become victims. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Rather than trying to cleanse society of any and all things offensive, you teach children that words and symbols cannot hurt them. This builds character and emotional stability.

But for the LEFT this is all about identity politics. Making everyone a victim except for the white male. So when you have a white male who is emotionally disturbed and not of high intelligence, he encounters a society that blames him for everything and there is no recourse... then you get people like the nutbag in Charlottesville. He is a byproduct of the LEFT-WING strategy of identity politics and victimhood mentality.
He seems like a guy with a genuine opinion, but I watched half the video and was falling asleep. Holy Christ! Get to the point.

This guy has a good perspective. Actual conservatives are not concerned with confederate statues and they're not fascists. All enemies of the bed wetters are routinely referred to as "fascists" by sniveling statist pukes who have far more in common with Mussolini than any political whore I would support.

Holy shit. At 1:41 in the video the dumb inbred trash-heap says the terrorist who committed an ISIS style terrorist attack is "on the right side of the national divide."

The "good" sic thing about you folks on the left, there is no far left, there is no alt-left, you all have become dangerous and literally insane.

Condemn the ISIS-style terrorist attack one of yours committed on Saturday that murdered an innocent woman, and then I'll continue this conversation with you.

He ain't "one of mine" moron.

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