A question for Trump supporters re Lindsey Graham comment


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
Senator Lindsey Graham made a comment the other day that the Republican Party couldn't move forward without Donald Trump. He later seemed to fill that out a bit with a comment that if the RNC forced Trump away, half the party would leave. That brings up my question: where would they go? Democrats? Independents? Some sort of new party? Just curious.
Senator Lindsey Graham made a comment the other day that the Republican Party couldn't move forward without Donald Trump. He later seemed to fill that out a bit with a comment that if the RNC forced Trump away, half the party would leave. That brings up my question: where would they go? Democrats? Independents? Some sort of new party? Just curious.
More than half.

The only ones who would go to the Democrats are the Democrats.
Senator Lindsey Graham made a comment the other day that the Republican Party couldn't move forward without Donald Trump. He later seemed to fill that out a bit with a comment that if the RNC forced Trump away, half the party would leave. That brings up my question: where would they go? Democrats? Independents? Some sort of new party? Just curious.
Graham is trying to straddle the fence, as always.

He'll tell you that he believes in the tooth fairy, if he thinks there's a vote in it for him.
a new party is the correct answer.
:thankusmile: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

best damn post on this thread the fact both parties are corrupt and one in the same and both have the same agenda to serve the bankers and the corporations instead of the people and destory America.

Trump has tried to clean up government corruption and we have some good GOPS not part of the corrupt two party system like Desantis of florida,Noem of south dakota and the one running for gov of Alaska kelly something but there are too many gops still in there that are corrupt so the only hope for America is abolsih both parties and start a new one not controlled by corporate interest as both parties are.
Senator Lindsey Graham made a comment the other day that the Republican Party couldn't move forward without Donald Trump. He later seemed to fill that out a bit with a comment that if the RNC forced Trump away, half the party would leave. That brings up my question: where would they go? Democrats? Independents? Some sort of new party? Just curious.
Graham is trying to straddle the fence, as always.

He'll tell you that he believes in the tooth fairy, if he thinks there's a vote in it for him

Not only that,unlike Trump he is a globalist who hates America and is in bed with the dems same as Bush,Abbot,Romney,Murkowski and other corrupt GOPS.
a new party is the correct answer.
:thankusmile: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

best damn post on this thread the fact both parties are corrupt and one in the same and both have the same agenda to serve the bankers and the corporations instead of the people and destory America.

Trump has tried to clean up government corruption and we have some good GOPS not part of the corrupt two party system like Desantis of florida,Noem of south dakota and the one running for gov of Alaska kelly something but there are too many gops still in there that are corrupt so the only hope for America is abolsih both parties and start a new one not controlled by corporate interest as both parties are.
The Libertarian Party is the only established one, and they have to spend the lion's share of their operating budget to maintain ballot access.

The only way the rigged two-party system is going to be moved is by taking over one of the parties.
I think we should abolish both parties. I agree they both are corrupt. We have Democrats that lie constantly on a daily basis. And we have Rhinos who would go along with the Democrats. The Republicans and Democrats both need to go! Start with freshly new parties! It's time to get rid of the Elephant and Jackass (Donkey) Parties!
What an interesting question, poster 'Crick'.

I do not have an answer, but.....but it is worth contemplating.

And worth posing to the Rightfielders of this forum.
Is Don Trump the GOP?
Is the GOP more than, or different than, Don Trump?

And, if you've been Republican all your adult life, yet find Don Trump objectionable for some reason....what do you do?

A hat-tip to poster 'Crick'.
I think we should abolish both parties. I agree they both are corrupt. We have Democrats that lie constantly on a daily basis. And we have Rhinos who would go along with the Democrats. The Republicans and Democrats both need to go! Start with freshly new parties! It's time to get rid of the Elephant and Jackass (Donkey) Parties!
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap::clap:

Trump has tried to clean up government corruption and we have some good GOPS not part of the corrupt two party system like Desantis of florida,Noem of south dakota and the one running for gov of Alaska kelly something but there are still too many gops still in there that are corrupt so the only hope for America is abolish both parties and start a new one not controlled by corporate interests as both parties are.
Many people in the GOP do not want to live the Trump lie and will start their own party.
That is an excellent idea and exactly what trumpers should do, but they are hooked on the name recognition, for fund raising purposes. Seem to lie about everything else. Now lying about who they are, "Trumpist" but want to masquerade as republican. Understandable, really. Who would vote for a trumpist, except people that want to end the country's traditions of free elections and representative democracy?
Senator Lindsey Graham made a comment the other day that the Republican Party couldn't move forward without Donald Trump. He later seemed to fill that out a bit with a comment that if the RNC forced Trump away, half the party would leave. That brings up my question: where would they go? Democrats? Independents? Some sort of new party? Just curious.
More than half.

The only ones who would go to the Democrats are the Democrats.

and some of us will just stay home, like we did in 2016, and 2020.
Senator Lindsey Graham made a comment the other day that the Republican Party couldn't move forward without Donald Trump. He later seemed to fill that out a bit with a comment that if the RNC forced Trump away, half the party would leave. That brings up my question: where would they go? Democrats? Independents? Some sort of new party? Just curious.
More than half.

The only ones who would go to the Democrats are the Democrats.

and some of us will just stay home, like we did in 2016, and 2020.
Did you mail in your ballots those years?
Senator Lindsey Graham made a comment the other day that the Republican Party couldn't move forward without Donald Trump. He later seemed to fill that out a bit with a comment that if the RNC forced Trump away, half the party would leave. That brings up my question: where would they go? Democrats? Independents? Some sort of new party? Just curious.
More than half.

The only ones who would go to the Democrats are the Democrats.

and some of us will just stay home, like we did in 2016, and 2020.
Did you mail in your ballots those years?


I voted against 2 Democrat senators, Biden and Trump.

only voted for locals.

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