A Question For Republicans ---- Would You Have Impeached Obama??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
I have a simple question for Trumpers or as they are better known as, Republicans....


Now I am sure this question has been asked before...and I am sure republicans on this board either avoided the question or tried to answer it by deflecting....republicans are seldom honest when you forced them to confront their hypocrisy, instead you have to get an honest answer from a trumper by remembering their past actions...and we all know that memory is kryptonite to a Republican....

So lets take the top 3 scandals from the Obama years that republicans used for fundraising purposes and nothing more....and no, I am not talking about the tan suit scandal or the Dijon mustard scandal...

Let's talk about the Fast and Furious scandal....something republican used for fundraising, something that was later debunked by an inspector general report...who was the inspector general? None other than Michael Horowitz, does he sound familiar to anyone??

Justice department Fast and Furious investigation clears Eric Holder

How about the IRS scandal....something else republicans used for fundraising...something else that was later debunked by 2 different inspector general reports...something that even the Trump administration agreed with -- which is why you don't hear anything else about it.....you know a conspiracy theory has been thoroughly destroyed when the Republican House leader says this about it's 2 main cheerleaders:

"As head of the House oversight committee, Chaffetz had tirelessly flogged the IRS scandal. Boehner called him a “total phony.” Boehner described [Jim] Jordan in more incendiary terms, calling the champion of government shutdowns, budget showboating and governing chaos a “legislative terrorist.”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And finally, the 8 or 9 different Benghazi investigations...something else republicans used for fundraising as well as trying to weaken a political opponent before an upcoming election....something that was so obvious of a conspiracy theory that 8 or 9 different REPUBLICAN investigations cleared the Obama administration of wrongdoing. Remember when you Trumpers thought Trey Gowdy was a thing??

"‘Depending on how you judge the purpose of the Benghazi investigation, I think a lot of people would say I was a loser.’ - Trey Gowdy"

Trey Gowdy: ‘I don’t have a lot to show for the last seven years’

However, I have been told time and time again by the Trumpers on this message board -- that what Trump did was totally fine....there is absolutely nothing you can impeach Trump for...so the question remains...if it was Obama....based on those principles you claim to stand on for Trump -- would you apply those same principles to Obama and resisted any efforts to impeach him??

Impeached? I don't know. I am willing to bet Obama did much more impeachable acts, especially compared to this standard.

He sent blankets to Ukraine, lied about ObamaCare, interfered in the Israeli election. Who knows what was said in his private phone calls.

Ultimately, this is a massive over reach, it will hurt the Dem party, and worse, the U.S Republic. I think that's definitely the plan of the global socialists.
I have a simple question for Trumpers or as they are better known as, Republicans....


Now I am sure this question has been asked before...and I am sure republicans on this board either avoided the question or tried to answer it by deflecting....republicans are seldom honest when you forced them to confront their hypocrisy, instead you have to get an honest answer from a trumper by remembering their past actions...and we all know that memory is kryptonite to a Republican....

So lets take the top 3 scandals from the Obama years that republicans used for fundraising purposes and nothing more....and no, I am not talking about the tan suit scandal or the Dijon mustard scandal...

Let's talk about the Fast and Furious scandal....something republican used for fundraising, something that was later debunked by an inspector general report...who was the inspector general? None other than Michael Horowitz, does he sound familiar to anyone??

Justice department Fast and Furious investigation clears Eric Holder

How about the IRS scandal....something else republicans used for fundraising...something else that was later debunked by 2 different inspector general reports...something that even the Trump administration agreed with -- which is why you don't hear anything else about it.....you know a conspiracy theory has been thoroughly destroyed when the Republican House leader says this about it's 2 main cheerleaders:

"As head of the House oversight committee, Chaffetz had tirelessly flogged the IRS scandal. Boehner called him a “total phony.” Boehner described [Jim] Jordan in more incendiary terms, calling the champion of government shutdowns, budget showboating and governing chaos a “legislative terrorist.”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And finally, the 8 or 9 different Benghazi investigations...something else republicans used for fundraising as well as trying to weaken a political opponent before an upcoming election....something that was so obvious of a conspiracy theory that 8 or 9 different REPUBLICAN investigations cleared the Obama administration of wrongdoing. Remember when you Trumpers thought Trey Gowdy was a thing??

"‘Depending on how you judge the purpose of the Benghazi investigation, I think a lot of people would say I was a loser.’ - Trey Gowdy"

Trey Gowdy: ‘I don’t have a lot to show for the last seven years’

However, I have been told time and time again by the Trumpers on this message board -- that what Trump did was totally fine....there is absolutely nothing you can impeach Trump for...so the question remains...if it was Obama....based on those principles you claim to stand on for Trump -- would you apply those same principles to Obama and resisted any efforts to impeach him??

Moot point! Nobody ever tried to undo 2 elections in the way that is taking place now. Were there things that should have been more closely scrutinized ? Probably! But as I said "Moot Point" Didn't vote Obama! Didn't like his Policies but supported his Authority as The President without question. Maybe that's the problem on the left. Acceptance is not in their (DNC) DNA!
If Obama had been accused of the same kind of things as Trump and with as little evidence as they have against Trump, I would have defended the man. I devoted over fifty years of my life protecting people from false accusations and I would do the same thing today for any man.
No. Obama was untouchable, mainly because he was sort-of "Black."

But here's the more relevant question that begs an obvious answer: If you reverse everything, and you were talking about Obama still being in office, and the same fact pattern came out about DICK CHEYNEY and, say, his nephew with the same last name being paid tens of millions of dollars, while the Democrats still controlled the House in Obama's first term, is there anything that could have prevented Cheyney and his nephew from being tried and convicted of some form of corruption?

Go ahead...say it...you know the answer.
Of course they would have. And the Dems would have defended him.

All this partisan bullshit on both ends is pretty transparent. And insulting.

They had chances to do it with House Majorities, and they didn't.
No. He was and is a POS, but in my estimation, nothing he did rose to the level of impeachment.
I have a simple question for Trumpers or as they are better known as, Republicans....


Now I am sure this question has been asked before...and I am sure republicans on this board either avoided the question or tried to answer it by deflecting....republicans are seldom honest when you forced them to confront their hypocrisy, instead you have to get an honest answer from a trumper by remembering their past actions...and we all know that memory is kryptonite to a Republican....

So lets take the top 3 scandals from the Obama years that republicans used for fundraising purposes and nothing more....and no, I am not talking about the tan suit scandal or the Dijon mustard scandal...

Let's talk about the Fast and Furious scandal....something republican used for fundraising, something that was later debunked by an inspector general report...who was the inspector general? None other than Michael Horowitz, does he sound familiar to anyone??

Justice department Fast and Furious investigation clears Eric Holder

How about the IRS scandal....something else republicans used for fundraising...something else that was later debunked by 2 different inspector general reports...something that even the Trump administration agreed with -- which is why you don't hear anything else about it.....you know a conspiracy theory has been thoroughly destroyed when the Republican House leader says this about it's 2 main cheerleaders:

"As head of the House oversight committee, Chaffetz had tirelessly flogged the IRS scandal. Boehner called him a “total phony.” Boehner described [Jim] Jordan in more incendiary terms, calling the champion of government shutdowns, budget showboating and governing chaos a “legislative terrorist.”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And finally, the 8 or 9 different Benghazi investigations...something else republicans used for fundraising as well as trying to weaken a political opponent before an upcoming election....something that was so obvious of a conspiracy theory that 8 or 9 different REPUBLICAN investigations cleared the Obama administration of wrongdoing. Remember when you Trumpers thought Trey Gowdy was a thing??

"‘Depending on how you judge the purpose of the Benghazi investigation, I think a lot of people would say I was a loser.’ - Trey Gowdy"

Trey Gowdy: ‘I don’t have a lot to show for the last seven years’

However, I have been told time and time again by the Trumpers on this message board -- that what Trump did was totally fine....there is absolutely nothing you can impeach Trump for...so the question remains...if it was Obama....based on those principles you claim to stand on for Trump -- would you apply those same principles to Obama and resisted any efforts to impeach him??

Here's the glaring problem with what you liberals are impeaching Donald Trump on, Biff! He didn't DO anything that every President before him has done as well! Presidents set foreign policy. Presidents negotiate with foreign nations. Presidents make deals with foreign nations. Trump does it. So did Barry. So did Bush. So did Clinton. So did any President that you can name!

This isn't impeachment for the reasons that the Founders put it into the Constitution. This is impeachment because you don't like someone's politics! We don't impeach over THAT! We have elections to settle those kinds of questions! You run an opposing candidate and the voters decide what's in their best interest. If you lose...like the Democrats did in the last Presidential election...you go back to the drawing board...find new policies...find a more appealing candidate! You don't put on a farce like this! Sorry but you just don't!
I have a simple question for Trumpers or as they are better known as, Republicans....


Now I am sure this question has been asked before...and I am sure republicans on this board either avoided the question or tried to answer it by deflecting....republicans are seldom honest when you forced them to confront their hypocrisy, instead you have to get an honest answer from a trumper by remembering their past actions...and we all know that memory is kryptonite to a Republican....

So lets take the top 3 scandals from the Obama years that republicans used for fundraising purposes and nothing more....and no, I am not talking about the tan suit scandal or the Dijon mustard scandal...

Let's talk about the Fast and Furious scandal....something republican used for fundraising, something that was later debunked by an inspector general report...who was the inspector general? None other than Michael Horowitz, does he sound familiar to anyone??

Justice department Fast and Furious investigation clears Eric Holder

How about the IRS scandal....something else republicans used for fundraising...something else that was later debunked by 2 different inspector general reports...something that even the Trump administration agreed with -- which is why you don't hear anything else about it.....you know a conspiracy theory has been thoroughly destroyed when the Republican House leader says this about it's 2 main cheerleaders:

"As head of the House oversight committee, Chaffetz had tirelessly flogged the IRS scandal. Boehner called him a “total phony.” Boehner described [Jim] Jordan in more incendiary terms, calling the champion of government shutdowns, budget showboating and governing chaos a “legislative terrorist.”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And finally, the 8 or 9 different Benghazi investigations...something else republicans used for fundraising as well as trying to weaken a political opponent before an upcoming election....something that was so obvious of a conspiracy theory that 8 or 9 different REPUBLICAN investigations cleared the Obama administration of wrongdoing. Remember when you Trumpers thought Trey Gowdy was a thing??

"‘Depending on how you judge the purpose of the Benghazi investigation, I think a lot of people would say I was a loser.’ - Trey Gowdy"

Trey Gowdy: ‘I don’t have a lot to show for the last seven years’

However, I have been told time and time again by the Trumpers on this message board -- that what Trump did was totally fine....there is absolutely nothing you can impeach Trump for...so the question remains...if it was Obama....based on those principles you claim to stand on for Trump -- would you apply those same principles to Obama and resisted any efforts to impeach him??

The fact that the Republicans didn't impeach B. Hussein O- even when they had a majority in the House- says they wouldn't have.

However, the rules have changed, and now, they might have. The idea of impeaching someone just because you don't like their style and their politics is a new precedent that might be made now.

If the D's are able to remove Trump, either as an impeachment or through assassination or defeat at the polls in 2020, the precedent will be set.
As an aside, anyone know what happened to Adam Schiff? Is he under the weather?

I'm not watching the Impeachment, but I saw the reports with no details...

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