Zone1 A question for my leftist brothers and sisters regarding FBI censorship

The FBI purportedly deploys an army of HUNDREDS of agents to monitor and censor speech on Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc.

I routinely perform searches on Google on politically sensitive topics and often come away with nothing although I KNOW the information was out there previously. The government is scrubbing information that it doesn't want citizens to see. Do you support this practice?
Do you have anything beyond supposition and imagination to support your assertion?

Proverbs 26:4-5​

English Standard Version​

4 Answer not a fool according to his folly,
lest you be like him yourself.
5 Answer a fool according to his folly,
lest he be wise in his own eyes.
Who is the fool here? You adopted a black and white stance to a complex issue (which you fail to grasp the complexity of) and didn’t think about the implications of that stance.

My friend, you have been foolish.
Wait, are you trying to deny that the FBI has been contacting social media companies and requesting that they take down posts and accounts?
Most people ignore the fact that YouTube had to stop deleting conservative posts after Congress riped their asses for doing so.
Now youre talking about monitoring a person or group. That isnt the same as monitoring Twitter. They were scouring all of Twitter and making requests to take down regular peoples posts. They made 250,000 requests.
Distinction without a difference. It’s still monitoring social media and taking down certain content. Whether it’s monitoring social media for terrorist content, or illegal election interference.

How many of those takedown requests were actually Americans?
That's not really an answer to my question, is it?
So does that mean you will continue to believe all batshit crazy conspiracy theories from now on?
Elon Musk answered all your questions and your brain has already exploded.
Elon Musk answered all your questions and your brain has already exploded.
Link? I don't remember asking Elon Musk if he was going to continue believing batshit crazy conspiracy theories from now on, but if you have a link to him answering me, I would love to see it.
Link? I don't remember asking Elon Musk if he was going to continue believing batshit crazy conspiracy theories from now on, but if you have a link to him answering me, I would love to see it.
He's got the data, schmuck.

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