A possibly overlooked fact of the "Mueller Report".....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.

Second, it is still a mystery as to the "why" Mueller handed over his report without having subpoenaed Trump to testify under oath, before a grand jury....After all, Bill Clinton acquiesced to do so.

That stated, does anyone think that Mueller would have handed in his final report WITHOUT a "Summary" section after writing 300-400 pages of findings???

If Mueller indeed had a summary section, why wasn't THAT little summary handed over to those House Select Committee members who have clamored to share in Mueller's findings.

Without the usual "butthurt"...."we're tired of winning so much"...."snowflakes"...etc. comments for the Trump cult membership......... just please address the bolded question.
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First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.

Second, it is still a mystery as to the "why" Mueller handed over his report without having subpoenaed Trump to testify under oath, before a grand jury....After all, Bill Clinton acquiesced to do so.

That stated, does anyone think that Mueller would have handed in his final report WITHOUT a "Summary" section after writing 300-400 pages of findings???

If Mueller indeed had a summary section, why wasn't THAT little summary handed over to those House Select Committee members who have clamored to share in Mueller's findings.

Without the usual "butthurt"...."we're tired of winning so much"...."snowflakes"...etc. comments for the Trump cult membership, just address the bolded question.

.....and YET, here you are.........looking for a reason to be "relevant"........Have some kool-aid instead.

Look who's talking about desperately needing to be relevant...The vapid stooge who posts slight variations on the same old crap day after day after day after day.

Your schtick is even more boring that that of Larry the Cable Guy.
Is the left wing saying that Mueller may have been corrupted all along? When you consider that there was no evidence of "collusion" from day one and Mueller kept the fiasco going for two years, the angry left has nothing to complain about. The ironic thing is that the collusion between the Hillary campaign and the FBI with foreign agents to establish a fake document trail is at the root of the whole thing. This was an attempted coup and A.G. Barr needs to get to the bottom of it. Let's hope he has the balls.
First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.

Second, it is still a mystery as to the "why" Mueller handed over his report without having subpoenaed Trump to testify under oath, before a grand jury....After all, Bill Clinton acquiesced to do so.

That stated, does anyone think that Mueller would have handed in his final report WITHOUT a "Summary" section after writing 300-400 pages of findings???

If Mueller indeed had a summary section, why wasn't THAT little summary handed over to those House Select Committee members who have clamored to share in Mueller's findings.

Without the usual "butthurt"...."we're tired of winning so much"...."snowflakes"...etc. comments for the Trump cult membership, just address the bolded question.

Haha..,you disgusting, desperate lowlifes are mind blowing and fascinating to.
Still holding on to RUSSIA. Fucking hilarious.
Are Lefties stupid or what?


The WORK PRODUCT of the Mueller team was INDICTMENTS. Nothing more. Everything else is nothing but commentary and observations. The Mueller Report is an EXPLANATION TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL of why some indictments were brought and others were not. But if you want to know what the Mueller Team accomplished, look at the indictments. Nothing else matters.

AS A COURTESY TO CONGRESS AND THE PUBLIC, A.G. Barr sent out his letter last week, summarizing the findings of the Mueller team. It was unnecessary and gratuitous, and Congress was free to either read it, not read it, ignore it, or whatever they liked.

Barr has NO OBLIGATION to release anything else, but he has agreed to release the portions of the report that it is legal to release. The democrats in Congress, knowing this, are demanding what Barr may not legally release - an unreacted copy of Mueller's report. And of course, they want as much material underlying the report as they can get their hands on.

For the same reason as why they want to see The President's "Tax Returns." Hoping to get enough material to be able to find more things to embarrass and harass the President with.

Barr should tell them to all go fuck themselves. And if he did so, THERE ISN'T ANYTHING THEY COULD DO ABOUT IT.
The vapid stooge who posts slight variations on the same old crap day after day after day after day.

Can't help myself........You moron-in-chief fucks up "day after day, after day, after day".....LOL

(but, thanks for the bump....)
The vapid stooge who posts slight variations on the same old crap day after day after day after day.

Can't help myself........You moron-in-chief fucks up "day after day, after day, after day".....LOL

(but, thanks for the bump....)

We know you can't help yourself...It's how obsessive-compulsive attention whores roll.

The equivalent of handing over the Al Capone indictment to Frank Nitti for prosecution......LMAO

Yeahm dimwit, check out Barr's memo (to Trump) a few months ago.....auditioning for the job as AG.
Are Lefties stupid or what?


The WORK PRODUCT of the Mueller team was INDICTMENTS. Nothing more. Everything else is nothing but commentary and observations. The Mueller Report is an EXPLANATION TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL of why some indictments were brought and others were not. But if you want to know what the Mueller Team accomplished, look at the indictments. Nothing else matters.

AS A COURTESY TO CONGRESS AND THE PUBLIC, A.G. Barr sent out his letter last week, summarizing the findings of the Mueller team. It was unnecessary and gratuitous, and Congress was free to either read it, not read it, ignore it, or whatever they liked.

Barr has NO OBLIGATION to release anything else, but he has agreed to release the portions of the report that it is legal to release. The democrats in Congress, knowing this, are demanding what Barr may not legally release - an unreacted copy of Mueller's report. And of course, they want as much material underlying the report as they can get their hands on.

For the same reason as why they want to see The President's "Tax Returns." Hoping to get enough material to be able to find more things to embarrass and harass the President with.

Barr should tell them to all go fuck themselves. And if he did so, THERE ISN'T ANYTHING THEY COULD DO ABOUT IT.
On one hand, there is LAW for minimum process, then there is TRANSPARENCY.
Did Mueller provide a Summary to Barr? Why not disclose that, either way?

Why is Trump the first president in modern times to not disclose his tax returns? Does he have something to hide?
Obama disclosed his birth certificate!
First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.

Second, it is still a mystery as to the "why" Mueller handed over his report without having subpoenaed Trump to testify under oath, before a grand jury....After all, Bill Clinton acquiesced to do so.

That stated, does anyone think that Mueller would have handed in his final report WITHOUT a "Summary" section after writing 300-400 pages of findings???

If Mueller indeed had a summary section, why wasn't THAT little summary handed over to those House Select Committee members who have clamored to share in Mueller's findings.

Without the usual "butthurt"...."we're tired of winning so much"...."snowflakes"...etc. comments for the Trump cult membership, just address the bolded question.
If you need someone to explain why.....read closely.

The Mueller Investigation was a coverup for Hillary and Obama. They destroyed evidence and kept anyone from investigating the crimes of the previous administration.
I think they used the investigation as an excuse to cause trouble for Trump which would force him to pull a Nixonian slip-up leading to an impeachment. Nixon didn't commit an illegal act till he tried to cover up the crimes of others. That was what the Mueller Investigation was created for. It was pure harassment. There was never any crime to investigate. All indictments were for process crimes or crimes committed by individuals without Trump's knowledge.
Also, it's difficult to investigate wrongdoing by Obama and Hillary if you're already under investigation. That was the primary purpose of it. It was a fraud. A sham. Now it's over.....and Democrats won't let it go. I think the tables have turned on them.....and they're trying to keep it going to keep from becoming the focus of a real investigation under RICO statutes (Criminal Conspiracy).
Republicans appointed a special counsel who is a Republican.
They hated Mueller & his investigation ... until they saw Barr’s Summary of the report!
Something is “rotten in the state of Denmark” in this case. LOL
Republicans appointed a special counsel who is a Republican.
They hated Mueller & his investigation ... until they saw Barr’s Summary of the report!
Something is “rotten in the state of Denmark” in this case. LOL

Really!? Mueller was appointed by Rod Rosenstein, who claims to be Republican, same with McCabe and Comey. Nevertheless, Mueller proceeded to bring in, as investigators, every Trump hating democrat he could possibly find. So yeah, something does stink in Denmark, and it appears to be Democrats.
The Mueller Investigation was a coverup for Hillary and Obama.

"BRILLIANT".........Is that why republicans appointed a special counsel????.........Just asking......LOL
Republicans appointed a Special Prosecutor to go after the Clintons.
When they did it, it was for a specific purpose, with probable-cause.
Democrats are doing it as payback on one hand and to coverup their crimes on the other.

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