a plea to the left during these troubling times .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
for the past few weeks the political discourse has reached new levels of anger over the covid 19 pandemic ! the left is blaming Trump for the deaths and the economic damage caused by covid 19 ...and some on the right are blaming Cuomo and dem governors for the high number of death in their states and are questioning why the elderly in elderly care facilities were not better protected ...the truth is nobody was prepared for this highly contagious disease not the US not Spain ,Italy ,the UK ,Russia or the dozens of other countries across the world ! and now the poor people in South America and Brazil in particular are being ravaged ! are we to blame the leaders of all of those countries for the deaths ? are we to blame the people ? the rational answer is of course not ! in reality there were only 2 entities that had a heads up on the virus China and the WHO both of whom lied covered up and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world ! in mid january they denied human to human transmission and the US reported its first case less than a week after that denial !and the virus had spread to over 100 hundred countries before the WHO declared a pandemic on march 11 th ! did you people hear that ?? march 11th ! now i know that this is an election yr and everything is political and both sides like to blame the other for mistakes made ! but the Truth is Trump ,Obama ,Bush ,Clinton, and not even Reagan could have prevented what has happened ! its a new virus that there were no tests for!! added to the fact that China and the WHO lied to the world and said that it was under control and there was no human to human transmission when they knew better ! and to top it all off they restricted domestic flights to and from Wuhan but allowed international flights to Italy and NYC ! [especially to NYC] ! you see the imple truth is this China is to blame for every death caused by covid 19 ! not Trump not Cuomo not dem and republican governors not the leaders of Brazil ,Italy,Spain or the leaders of over 180 countries infected ! the truth is this China had an outbreak Whether it came from a wet market or escaped a lab they lied and withheld info and purposefully infected the world ....in so doing they weaponized it ! so no matter who wins in nov cant we all agree that China is the one responsible for the pain the world is suffering from covid19 ? and cant we all agree that China owes the the world for what they have done ?
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for the past few weeks the political discourse has reached new levels of anger over the covid 19 pandemic ! the left is blaming Trump for the deaths and the economic damage caused by covid 19 ...and some on the right are blaming Cuomo and dem governors for the high number of death in their states and are questioning why the elderly in elderly care facilities were not better protected ...the truth is nobody was prepared for this highly contagious disease not the US not Spain ,Italy ,the UK ,Russia or the dozens of other countries across the world ! and now the poor people in South America and Brazil in particular are being ravaged ! are we to blame the leaders of all of those countries for the deaths ? are we to blame the people ? the rational answer is of course not ! in reality there were only 2 entities that had a heads up on the virus China and the WHO both of whom lied covered up and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world ! in mid january they denied human to human transmission and the US reported its first case less than a week after that denial !and the virus had spread to over 100 hundred countries before the WHO declared a pandemic on march 11 th ! did you people hear that ?? march 11th ! now i know that this is an election yr and everything is political and both sides like to blame the other for mistakes made ! but the Truth is Trump ,Obama ,Bush ,Clinton, and not even Reagan could have prevented what has happened ! its a new virus that there were no tests for!! added to the fact that China and the WHO lied to the world and said that it was under control and there was no human to human transmission when they knew better ! and to top it all off they restricted domestic flights to and from Wuhan but allowed international flights to Italy and NYC ! [especially to NYC] ! you see the imple truth is this China is to blame for every death caused by covid 19 ! not Trump not Cuomo not dem and republican governors not the leaders of Brazil ,Italy,Spain or the leaders of over 180 countries infected ! the truth is this China had an outbreak Whether it came from a wet market or escaped a lab they lied and withheld info and purposefully infected the world ....in so doing they weaponized it ! so no matter who wins in nov cant we all agree that China is the one responsible for the pain the world is suffering from covid19 ? and cant we all agree that China owes the the world for wwhat they have done ?
If Joe the groper Biden wins he will again chum up to the Chinese so his son can continue to get the billion dollar prize while the rest of US gets screwed. No thanks, i will bring civil unrest to the Commies of the US, as i and other military veterans swore and oath to defend this country and its constitution. People will die....
for the past few weeks the political discourse has reached new levels of anger over the covid 19 pandemic ! the left is blaming Trump for the deaths and the economic damage caused by covid 19 ...and some on the right are blaming Cuomo and dem governors for the high number of death in their states and are questioning why the elderly in elderly care facilities were not better protected ...the truth is nobody was prepared for this highly contagious disease not the US not Spain ,Italy ,the UK ,Russia or the dozens of other countries across the world ! and now the poor people in South America and Brazil in particular are being ravaged ! are we to blame the leaders of all of those countries for the deaths ? are we to blame the people ? the rational answer is of course not ! in reality there were only 2 entities that had a heads up on the virus China and the WHO both of whom lied covered up and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world ! in mid january they denied human to human transmission and the US reported its first case less than a week after that denial !and the virus had spread to over 100 hundred countries before the WHO declared a pandemic on march 11 th ! did you people hear that ?? march 11th ! now i know that this is an election yr and everything is political and both sides like to blame the other for mistakes made ! but the Truth is Trump ,Obama ,Bush ,Clinton, and not even Reagan could have prevented what has happened ! its a new virus that there were no tests for!! added to the fact that China and the WHO lied to the world and said that it was under control and there was no human to human transmission when they knew better ! and to top it all off they restricted domestic flights to and from Wuhan but allowed international flights to Italy and NYC ! [especially to NYC] ! you see the imple truth is this China is to blame for every death caused by covid 19 ! not Trump not Cuomo not dem and republican governors not the leaders of Brazil ,Italy,Spain or the leaders of over 180 countries infected ! the truth is this China had an outbreak Whether it came from a wet market or escaped a lab they lied and withheld info and purposefully infected the world ....in so doing they weaponized it ! so no matter who wins in nov cant we all agree that China is the one responsible for the pain the world is suffering from covid19 ? and cant we all agree that China owes the the world for wwhat they have done ?
If Joe the groper Biden wins he will again chum up to the Chinese so his son can continue to get the billion dollar prize while the rest of US gets screwed. No thanks, i will bring civil unrest to the Commies of the US, as i and other military veterans swore and oath to defend this country and its constitution. People will die....
but if biden wins maybe Americans can come together and get restitution from china ! maybe we can convince the left that we need to start depending less on china and more on ourselves .
The US has done the worst in the world in fighting the virus
that is your point of view but cant you at least say that China is at fault ! and by the way we are now sending thousands of ventilators to other countries ! but the question is.....is china at fault for anything thats happened or i it all Trumps fault?
for the past few weeks the political discourse has reached new levels of anger over the covid 19 pandemic ! the left is blaming Trump for the deaths and the economic damage caused by covid 19 ...and some on the right are blaming Cuomo and dem governors for the high number of death in their states and are questioning why the elderly in elderly care facilities were not better protected ...the truth is nobody was prepared for this highly contagious disease not the US not Spain ,Italy ,the UK ,Russia or the dozens of other countries across the world ! and now the poor people in South America and Brazil in particular are being ravaged ! are we to blame the leaders of all of those countries for the deaths ? are we to blame the people ? the rational answer is of course not ! in reality there were only 2 entities that had a heads up on the virus China and the WHO both of whom lied covered up and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world ! in mid january they denied human to human transmission and the US reported its first case less than a week after that denial !and the virus had spread to over 100 hundred countries before the WHO declared a pandemic on march 11 th ! did you people hear that ?? march 11th ! now i know that this is an election yr and everything is political and both sides like to blame the other for mistakes made ! but the Truth is Trump ,Obama ,Bush ,Clinton, and not even Reagan could have prevented what has happened ! its a new virus that there were no tests for!! added to the fact that China and the WHO lied to the world and said that it was under control and there was no human to human transmission when they knew better ! and to top it all off they restricted domestic flights to and from Wuhan but allowed international flights to Italy and NYC ! [especially to NYC] ! you see the imple truth is this China is to blame for every death caused by covid 19 ! not Trump not Cuomo not dem and republican governors not the leaders of Brazil ,Italy,Spain or the leaders of over 180 countries infected ! the truth is this China had an outbreak Whether it came from a wet market or escaped a lab they lied and withheld info and purposefully infected the world ....in so doing they weaponized it ! so no matter who wins in nov cant we all agree that China is the one responsible for the pain the world is suffering from covid19 ? and cant we all agree that China owes the the world for wwhat they have done ?
If Joe the groper Biden wins he will again chum up to the Chinese so his son can continue to get the billion dollar prize while the rest of US gets screwed. No thanks, i will bring civil unrest to the Commies of the US, as i and other military veterans swore and oath to defend this country and its constitution. People will die....
but if biden wins maybe Americans can come together and get restitution from china ! maybe we can convince the left that we need to start depending less on china and more on ourselves .

Not a chance.
The US has done the worst in the world in fighting the virus
for the past few weeks the political discourse has reached new levels of anger over the covid 19 pandemic ! the left is blaming Trump for the deaths and the economic damage caused by covid 19 ...and some on the right are blaming Cuomo and dem governors for the high number of death in their states and are questioning why the elderly in elderly care facilities were not better protected ...the truth is nobody was prepared for this highly contagious disease not the US not Spain ,Italy ,the UK ,Russia or the dozens of other countries across the world ! and now the poor people in South America and Brazil in particular are being ravaged ! are we to blame the leaders of all of those countries for the deaths ? are we to blame the people ? the rational answer is of course not ! in reality there were only 2 entities that had a heads up on the virus China and the WHO both of whom lied covered up and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world ! in mid january they denied human to human transmission and the US reported its first case less than a week after that denial !and the virus had spread to over 100 hundred countries before the WHO declared a pandemic on march 11 th ! did you people hear that ?? march 11th ! now i know that this is an election yr and everything is political and both sides like to blame the other for mistakes made ! but the Truth is Trump ,Obama ,Bush ,Clinton, and not even Reagan could have prevented what has happened ! its a new virus that there were no tests for!! added to the fact that China and the WHO lied to the world and said that it was under control and there was no human to human transmission when they knew better ! and to top it all off they restricted domestic flights to and from Wuhan but allowed international flights to Italy and NYC ! [especially to NYC] ! you see the imple truth is this China is to blame for every death caused by covid 19 ! not Trump not Cuomo not dem and republican governors not the leaders of Brazil ,Italy,Spain or the leaders of over 180 countries infected ! the truth is this China had an outbreak Whether it came from a wet market or escaped a lab they lied and withheld info and purposefully infected the world ....in so doing they weaponized it ! so no matter who wins in nov cant we all agree that China is the one responsible for the pain the world is suffering from covid19 ? and cant we all agree that China owes the the world for wwhat they have done ?
If Joe the groper Biden wins he will again chum up to the Chinese so his son can continue to get the billion dollar prize while the rest of US gets screwed. No thanks, i will bring civil unrest to the Commies of the US, as i and other military veterans swore and oath to defend this country and its constitution. People will die....
but if biden wins maybe Americans can come together and get restitution from china ! maybe we can convince the left that we need to start depending less on china and more on ourselves .

Not a chance.
then our country is truly in danger then ....
The US has done the worst in the world in fighting the virus
that is your point of view but cant you at least say that China is at fault ! and by the way we are now sending thousands of ventilators to other countries ! but the question is.....is china at fault for anything thats happened or i it all Trumps fault?

None of it is Trump's fault. You had it right in your OP. We need to stop relying on China for anything, and get the other nations to join us in that effort.
for the past few weeks the political discourse has reached new levels of anger over the covid 19 pandemic ! the left is blaming Trump for the deaths and the economic damage caused by covid 19 ...and some on the right are blaming Cuomo and dem governors for the high number of death in their states and are questioning why the elderly in elderly care facilities were not better protected ...the truth is nobody was prepared for this highly contagious disease not the US not Spain ,Italy ,the UK ,Russia or the dozens of other countries across the world ! and now the poor people in South America and Brazil in particular are being ravaged ! are we to blame the leaders of all of those countries for the deaths ? are we to blame the people ? the rational answer is of course not ! in reality there were only 2 entities that had a heads up on the virus China and the WHO both of whom lied covered up and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world ! in mid january they denied human to human transmission and the US reported its first case less than a week after that denial !and the virus had spread to over 100 hundred countries before the WHO declared a pandemic on march 11 th ! did you people hear that ?? march 11th ! now i know that this is an election yr and everything is political and both sides like to blame the other for mistakes made ! but the Truth is Trump ,Obama ,Bush ,Clinton, and not even Reagan could have prevented what has happened ! its a new virus that there were no tests for!! added to the fact that China and the WHO lied to the world and said that it was under control and there was no human to human transmission when they knew better ! and to top it all off they restricted domestic flights to and from Wuhan but allowed international flights to Italy and NYC ! [especially to NYC] ! you see the imple truth is this China is to blame for every death caused by covid 19 ! not Trump not Cuomo not dem and republican governors not the leaders of Brazil ,Italy,Spain or the leaders of over 180 countries infected ! the truth is this China had an outbreak Whether it came from a wet market or escaped a lab they lied and withheld info and purposefully infected the world ....in so doing they weaponized it ! so no matter who wins in nov cant we all agree that China is the one responsible for the pain the world is suffering from covid19 ? and cant we all agree that China owes the the world for wwhat they have done ?
If Joe the groper Biden wins he will again chum up to the Chinese so his son can continue to get the billion dollar prize while the rest of US gets screwed. No thanks, i will bring civil unrest to the Commies of the US, as i and other military veterans swore and oath to defend this country and its constitution. People will die....
but if biden wins maybe Americans can come together and get restitution from china ! maybe we can convince the left that we need to start depending less on china and more on ourselves .

Not a chance.
then our country is truly in danger then ....
We certainly are if Biden gets elected.
for the past few weeks the political discourse has reached new levels of anger over the covid 19 pandemic ! the left is blaming Trump for the deaths and the economic damage caused by covid 19 ...and some on the right are blaming Cuomo and dem governors for the high number of death in their states and are questioning why the elderly in elderly care facilities were not better protected ...the truth is nobody was prepared for this highly contagious disease not the US not Spain ,Italy ,the UK ,Russia or the dozens of other countries across the world ! and now the poor people in South America and Brazil in particular are being ravaged ! are we to blame the leaders of all of those countries for the deaths ? are we to blame the people ? the rational answer is of course not ! in reality there were only 2 entities that had a heads up on the virus China and the WHO both of whom lied covered up and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world ! in mid january they denied human to human transmission and the US reported its first case less than a week after that denial !and the virus had spread to over 100 hundred countries before the WHO declared a pandemic on march 11 th ! did you people hear that ?? march 11th ! now i know that this is an election yr and everything is political and both sides like to blame the other for mistakes made ! but the Truth is Trump ,Obama ,Bush ,Clinton, and not even Reagan could have prevented what has happened ! its a new virus that there were no tests for!! added to the fact that China and the WHO lied to the world and said that it was under control and there was no human to human transmission when they knew better ! and to top it all off they restricted domestic flights to and from Wuhan but allowed international flights to Italy and NYC ! [especially to NYC] ! you see the imple truth is this China is to blame for every death caused by covid 19 ! not Trump not Cuomo not dem and republican governors not the leaders of Brazil ,Italy,Spain or the leaders of over 180 countries infected ! the truth is this China had an outbreak Whether it came from a wet market or escaped a lab they lied and withheld info and purposefully infected the world ....in so doing they weaponized it ! so no matter who wins in nov cant we all agree that China is the one responsible for the pain the world is suffering from covid19 ? and cant we all agree that China owes the the world for wwhat they have done ?
If Joe the groper Biden wins he will again chum up to the Chinese so his son can continue to get the billion dollar prize while the rest of US gets screwed. No thanks, i will bring civil unrest to the Commies of the US, as i and other military veterans swore and oath to defend this country and its constitution. People will die....
but if biden wins maybe Americans can come together and get restitution from china ! maybe we can convince the left that we need to start depending less on china and more on ourselves .
That will be the day...
I think that while the main outbreak was unavoidable, most people are mad about the response from the president and the fact that he didn’t take it seriously at first. I’m sure we’ve all seen the video compilation with the clips of him saying things, and then later denying that he said them. But overall, there is nothing anyone could have done to totally prevent this disaster
for the past few weeks the political discourse has reached new levels of anger over the covid 19 pandemic ! the left is blaming Trump for the deaths and the economic damage caused by covid 19 ...and some on the right are blaming Cuomo and dem governors for the high number of death in their states and are questioning why the elderly in elderly care facilities were not better protected ...the truth is nobody was prepared for this highly contagious disease not the US not Spain ,Italy ,the UK ,Russia or the dozens of other countries across the world ! and now the poor people in South America and Brazil in particular are being ravaged ! are we to blame the leaders of all of those countries for the deaths ? are we to blame the people ? the rational answer is of course not ! in reality there were only 2 entities that had a heads up on the virus China and the WHO both of whom lied covered up and silenced doctors who tried to warn the world ! in mid january they denied human to human transmission and the US reported its first case less than a week after that denial !and the virus had spread to over 100 hundred countries before the WHO declared a pandemic on march 11 th ! did you people hear that ?? march 11th ! now i know that this is an election yr and everything is political and both sides like to blame the other for mistakes made ! but the Truth is Trump ,Obama ,Bush ,Clinton, and not even Reagan could have prevented what has happened ! its a new virus that there were no tests for!! added to the fact that China and the WHO lied to the world and said that it was under control and there was no human to human transmission when they knew better ! and to top it all off they restricted domestic flights to and from Wuhan but allowed international flights to Italy and NYC ! [especially to NYC] ! you see the imple truth is this China is to blame for every death caused by covid 19 ! not Trump not Cuomo not dem and republican governors not the leaders of Brazil ,Italy,Spain or the leaders of over 180 countries infected ! the truth is this China had an outbreak Whether it came from a wet market or escaped a lab they lied and withheld info and purposefully infected the world ....in so doing they weaponized it ! so no matter who wins in nov cant we all agree that China is the one responsible for the pain the world is suffering from covid19 ? and cant we all agree that China owes the the world for wwhat they have done ?
If Joe the groper Biden wins he will again chum up to the Chinese so his son can continue to get the billion dollar prize while the rest of US gets screwed. No thanks, i will bring civil unrest to the Commies of the US, as i and other military veterans swore and oath to defend this country and its constitution. People will die....
What exactly are you going to do?
I think that while the main outbreak was unavoidable, most people are mad about the response from the president and the fact that he didn’t take it seriously at first. I’m sure we’ve all seen the video compilation with the clips of him saying things, and then later denying that he said them. But overall, there is nothing anyone could have done to totally prevent this disaster
He didn’t take it seriously? The left was telling people to go about their business as though nothing was wrong and faulting him for closing down air travel! And he was taking the advice of the same drs. And scientists under the previous administration!
The US has done the worst in the world in fighting the virus
And here comes little "Lying rightwinger", right on cue...

The US has had a LOWER death rate per capita than quite a few European countries...

Of course, some states have done better than others, with the highest number of deaths per capita occurring in the blue states...

You really need to do better, or Xi will be asking you to refund the money he's paying you to post your drivel!!!
I think that while the main outbreak was unavoidable, most people are mad about the response from the president and the fact that he didn’t take it seriously at first. I’m sure we’ve all seen the video compilation with the clips of him saying things, and then later denying that he said them. But overall, there is nothing anyone could have done to totally prevent this disaster

Odd. Have you forgotten how mad "most people" got when Trump closed down travel from China?
The US has done the worst in the world in fighting the virus
that is your point of view but cant you at least say that China is at fault ! and by the way we are now sending thousands of ventilators to other countries ! but the question is.....is china at fault for anything thats happened or i it all Trumps fault?

China has no responsibility for our handling of the crisis
Every nation on earth had time to respond to it, we were the worst. Even worse than China

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