A Pandemic That Is Deadly….


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….to a particular subgroup.

That would be the resisting arrest pandemic, deadly to a small subgroup, and authorized, protected, and incentivized by the Democrat Party.

And…..the Wuhan, also deadly to a small subgroup, but amplified, advanced, and imposed by the very same party.

1.It is well known to the educated that nothing benefits the growing of government, and reducing the freedom of the citizenry, more than constant crisis, panic, and fear. The Democrats parlayed the Wuhan into a shutdown of the Trump miracle economy and set the stage for the theft of the election.

Nor have they ended the scare, even when faced with the anemic job growth that resulted since Biden was anointed.

2. This, from NPR this weekend.

A new study estimates that the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. is more than 900,000, a number 57% higher than official figures.
Worldwide, the study's authors say, the COVID-19 death count is nearing 7 million, more than double the reported number of 3.24 million.

The analysis comes from researchers at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, who looked at excess mortality from March 2020 through May 3, 2021, compared it with what would be expected in a typical nonpandemic year, then adjusted those figures to account for a handful of other pandemic-related factors.”
New Study Estimates More Than 900,000 People Have Died Of COVID-19 In U.S.

3. You buyin' this latest assault on the truth??????????
Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???

Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?

...and, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet here you are, ready to swallow the next lie.

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’?

What should you do when they lied to you at least these 25 times already???????????

Who are the only individuals who are of the subset in danger from the Wuhan Red Death??

I know........do you?
Translation: My source is better than all the others...
You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. It was humming along just fine under Trump's predecessor. Trump did nothing...I mean, literally nothing....until his Presidency is tested for the first time...and...
2) It will be years before we know the true death toll from this virus. The first couple of months were calamity. Deaths were most likely under reported. Not really news, just a fact of life. And those first couple of months of terrible response? For the most part, gets rolled straight up to Trump's doorstep. Not all of it, but most of it. It was more important for him to golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies than it was to do his job.
3) No. Republicans lie. And people like you swallow them...why? Good question. Some just and righteous belief in a higher power??? Again, no idea. Republicans haven't had a successful policy implementation in four decades.
You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. It was humming along just fine under Trump's predecessor. Trump did nothing...I mean, literally nothing....until his Presidency is tested for the first time...and...
2) It will be years before we know the true death toll from this virus. The first couple of months were calamity. Deaths were most likely under reported. Not really news, just a fact of life. And those first couple of months of terrible response? For the most part, gets rolled straight up to Trump's doorstep. Not all of it, but most of it. It was more important for him to golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies than it was to do his job.
3) No. Republicans lie. And people like you swallow them...why? Good question. Some just and righteous belief in a higher power??? Again, no idea. Republicans haven't had a successful policy implementation in four decades.

"You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. "

Let's check:

Now....about Trump's economic miracle....

"He created perhaps the greatest economy in U.S. history before COVID-19. And now he's doing it again!
Who's gonna vote against that?
Remember the brilliant wisdom of Democratic strategist James Carville: "It's the economy, stupid."

The first time, Trump had to rebuild former President Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden's disastrous economy. Obama and Biden were even worse when it came to jobs. It took them four years to get unemployment below 8%. But after the start of the disastrous COVID-19 pandemic, when unemployment hit 14%, it took Trump only five months to get unemployment back under 8%.

Let's go back to GDP. Because economic growth is what really matters. That's how you create jobs. That's how you make Americans feel "better off." The Atlanta Fed is projecting the third-quarter GDP number released on Oct. 29 will be 34.6%. That would be the fastest quarterly economic growth in history. Even if the projection is high, even if the number comes in at 30%, or 27%, or 25%, it would still be the highest in America's history, by a wide margin.

But wait; it gets better. Trump achieved this miracle with a large portion of the country closed for business. Trump did it with deep-blue states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan mostly locked down and closed for business for most of the quarter.

What if all those states had been open for business?

But it gets better. On Friday, the government announced U.S. core retail sales were up a stunning 9.1% year to year -- the greatest rise in America's history. Again, this happened while a dozen blue states were still mostly shut down. They didn't even have indoor dining in California and most of New York City in September.

Optimism of small-business owners climbed to an all-time high in September. Even more significant, the National Federation of Independent Business optimism index October reading of 204 points was the highest since January. That means small-business owners are the most excited and optimistic they've been since before the pandemic.
By the way, economists predicted this small-business optimism index would rise to between 99 and 102 in September. Instead, it doubled to 204, ..."

Trump Is on His Way to Victory -- Because of the Trump Miracle Economy


You Democrats lie about everything, huh?
You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. It was humming along just fine under Trump's predecessor. Trump did nothing...I mean, literally nothing....until his Presidency is tested for the first time...and...
2) It will be years before we know the true death toll from this virus. The first couple of months were calamity. Deaths were most likely under reported. Not really news, just a fact of life. And those first couple of months of terrible response? For the most part, gets rolled straight up to Trump's doorstep. Not all of it, but most of it. It was more important for him to golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies than it was to do his job.
3) No. Republicans lie. And people like you swallow them...why? Good question. Some just and righteous belief in a higher power??? Again, no idea. Republicans haven't had a successful policy implementation in four decades.

"You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. "

Let's check:

Now....about Trump's economic miracle....

"He created perhaps the greatest economy in U.S. history before COVID-19. And now he's doing it again!
Who's gonna vote against that?
Remember the brilliant wisdom of Democratic strategist James Carville: "It's the economy, stupid."

The first time, Trump had to rebuild former President Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden's disastrous economy. Obama and Biden were even worse when it came to jobs. It took them four years to get unemployment below 8%. But after the start of the disastrous COVID-19 pandemic, when unemployment hit 14%, it took Trump only five months to get unemployment back under 8%.

Let's go back to GDP. Because economic growth is what really matters. That's how you create jobs. That's how you make Americans feel "better off." The Atlanta Fed is projecting the third-quarter GDP number released on Oct. 29 will be 34.6%. That would be the fastest quarterly economic growth in history. Even if the projection is high, even if the number comes in at 30%, or 27%, or 25%, it would still be the highest in America's history, by a wide margin.

But wait; it gets better. Trump achieved this miracle with a large portion of the country closed for business. Trump did it with deep-blue states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan mostly locked down and closed for business for most of the quarter.

What if all those states had been open for business?

But it gets better. On Friday, the government announced U.S. core retail sales were up a stunning 9.1% year to year -- the greatest rise in America's history. Again, this happened while a dozen blue states were still mostly shut down. They didn't even have indoor dining in California and most of New York City in September.

Optimism of small-business owners climbed to an all-time high in September. Even more significant, the National Federation of Independent Business optimism index October reading of 204 points was the highest since January. That means small-business owners are the most excited and optimistic they've been since before the pandemic.
By the way, economists predicted this small-business optimism index would rise to between 99 and 102 in September. Instead, it doubled to 204, ..."

Trump Is on His Way to Victory -- Because of the Trump Miracle Economy


You Democrats lie about everything, huh?

Again, you will believe anything..but..that's what a true believer does. Trump's quarterly GDP never got close to what he boasted about obtaining.
Trump on his way to victory??? LOL. How'd that work out? :auiqs.jpg:
You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. It was humming along just fine under Trump's predecessor. Trump did nothing...I mean, literally nothing....until his Presidency is tested for the first time...and...
2) It will be years before we know the true death toll from this virus. The first couple of months were calamity. Deaths were most likely under reported. Not really news, just a fact of life. And those first couple of months of terrible response? For the most part, gets rolled straight up to Trump's doorstep. Not all of it, but most of it. It was more important for him to golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies than it was to do his job.
3) No. Republicans lie. And people like you swallow them...why? Good question. Some just and righteous belief in a higher power??? Again, no idea. Republicans haven't had a successful policy implementation in four decades.

"You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. "

Let's check:

Now....about Trump's economic miracle....

"He created perhaps the greatest economy in U.S. history before COVID-19. And now he's doing it again!
Who's gonna vote against that?
Remember the brilliant wisdom of Democratic strategist James Carville: "It's the economy, stupid."

The first time, Trump had to rebuild former President Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden's disastrous economy. Obama and Biden were even worse when it came to jobs. It took them four years to get unemployment below 8%. But after the start of the disastrous COVID-19 pandemic, when unemployment hit 14%, it took Trump only five months to get unemployment back under 8%.

Let's go back to GDP. Because economic growth is what really matters. That's how you create jobs. That's how you make Americans feel "better off." The Atlanta Fed is projecting the third-quarter GDP number released on Oct. 29 will be 34.6%. That would be the fastest quarterly economic growth in history. Even if the projection is high, even if the number comes in at 30%, or 27%, or 25%, it would still be the highest in America's history, by a wide margin.

But wait; it gets better. Trump achieved this miracle with a large portion of the country closed for business. Trump did it with deep-blue states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan mostly locked down and closed for business for most of the quarter.

What if all those states had been open for business?

But it gets better. On Friday, the government announced U.S. core retail sales were up a stunning 9.1% year to year -- the greatest rise in America's history. Again, this happened while a dozen blue states were still mostly shut down. They didn't even have indoor dining in California and most of New York City in September.

Optimism of small-business owners climbed to an all-time high in September. Even more significant, the National Federation of Independent Business optimism index October reading of 204 points was the highest since January. That means small-business owners are the most excited and optimistic they've been since before the pandemic.
By the way, economists predicted this small-business optimism index would rise to between 99 and 102 in September. Instead, it doubled to 204, ..."

Trump Is on His Way to Victory -- Because of the Trump Miracle Economy


You Democrats lie about everything, huh?

Again, you will believe anything..but..that's what a true believer does. Trump's quarterly GDP never got close to what he boasted about obtaining.
Trump on his way to victory??? LOL. How'd that work out? :auiqs.jpg:

I have your picture......

You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. It was humming along just fine under Trump's predecessor. Trump did nothing...I mean, literally nothing....until his Presidency is tested for the first time...and...
2) It will be years before we know the true death toll from this virus. The first couple of months were calamity. Deaths were most likely under reported. Not really news, just a fact of life. And those first couple of months of terrible response? For the most part, gets rolled straight up to Trump's doorstep. Not all of it, but most of it. It was more important for him to golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies than it was to do his job.
3) No. Republicans lie. And people like you swallow them...why? Good question. Some just and righteous belief in a higher power??? Again, no idea. Republicans haven't had a successful policy implementation in four decades.

"You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. "

Let's check:

Now....about Trump's economic miracle....

"He created perhaps the greatest economy in U.S. history before COVID-19. And now he's doing it again!
Who's gonna vote against that?
Remember the brilliant wisdom of Democratic strategist James Carville: "It's the economy, stupid."

The first time, Trump had to rebuild former President Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden's disastrous economy. Obama and Biden were even worse when it came to jobs. It took them four years to get unemployment below 8%. But after the start of the disastrous COVID-19 pandemic, when unemployment hit 14%, it took Trump only five months to get unemployment back under 8%.

Let's go back to GDP. Because economic growth is what really matters. That's how you create jobs. That's how you make Americans feel "better off." The Atlanta Fed is projecting the third-quarter GDP number released on Oct. 29 will be 34.6%. That would be the fastest quarterly economic growth in history. Even if the projection is high, even if the number comes in at 30%, or 27%, or 25%, it would still be the highest in America's history, by a wide margin.

But wait; it gets better. Trump achieved this miracle with a large portion of the country closed for business. Trump did it with deep-blue states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan mostly locked down and closed for business for most of the quarter.

What if all those states had been open for business?

But it gets better. On Friday, the government announced U.S. core retail sales were up a stunning 9.1% year to year -- the greatest rise in America's history. Again, this happened while a dozen blue states were still mostly shut down. They didn't even have indoor dining in California and most of New York City in September.

Optimism of small-business owners climbed to an all-time high in September. Even more significant, the National Federation of Independent Business optimism index October reading of 204 points was the highest since January. That means small-business owners are the most excited and optimistic they've been since before the pandemic.
By the way, economists predicted this small-business optimism index would rise to between 99 and 102 in September. Instead, it doubled to 204, ..."

Trump Is on His Way to Victory -- Because of the Trump Miracle Economy


You Democrats lie about everything, huh?

Again, you will believe anything..but..that's what a true believer does. Trump's quarterly GDP never got close to what he boasted about obtaining.
Trump on his way to victory??? LOL. How'd that work out? :auiqs.jpg:

I have your picture......

View attachment 488627

Nothing huh? Typical. Just run away and declare your non-existent victory.
4. One can surmise that in some smoke-filled back room, the plan was to pretend deadly virus that was a threat to every person on earth. It could serve as the reason to shut down Trump’s miracle economy!!!!

The evidence that the Wuhan was a hoax came right at the start: In order to advance the scheme, the powers arrayed against Trump simply ordered their minions, supporters, to claim deaths due to heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, were due to the Wuhan.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.
“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

No matter the actual cause of death........it's the Chinavirus! Some science, huh?

The only problem….voters might not be dumb enough to buy the scam….Ooop! They were…and are.
You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. It was humming along just fine under Trump's predecessor. Trump did nothing...I mean, literally nothing....until his Presidency is tested for the first time...and...
2) It will be years before we know the true death toll from this virus. The first couple of months were calamity. Deaths were most likely under reported. Not really news, just a fact of life. And those first couple of months of terrible response? For the most part, gets rolled straight up to Trump's doorstep. Not all of it, but most of it. It was more important for him to golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies than it was to do his job.
3) No. Republicans lie. And people like you swallow them...why? Good question. Some just and righteous belief in a higher power??? Again, no idea. Republicans haven't had a successful policy implementation in four decades.

"You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. "

Let's check:

Now....about Trump's economic miracle....

"He created perhaps the greatest economy in U.S. history before COVID-19. And now he's doing it again!
Who's gonna vote against that?
Remember the brilliant wisdom of Democratic strategist James Carville: "It's the economy, stupid."

The first time, Trump had to rebuild former President Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden's disastrous economy. Obama and Biden were even worse when it came to jobs. It took them four years to get unemployment below 8%. But after the start of the disastrous COVID-19 pandemic, when unemployment hit 14%, it took Trump only five months to get unemployment back under 8%.

Let's go back to GDP. Because economic growth is what really matters. That's how you create jobs. That's how you make Americans feel "better off." The Atlanta Fed is projecting the third-quarter GDP number released on Oct. 29 will be 34.6%. That would be the fastest quarterly economic growth in history. Even if the projection is high, even if the number comes in at 30%, or 27%, or 25%, it would still be the highest in America's history, by a wide margin.

But wait; it gets better. Trump achieved this miracle with a large portion of the country closed for business. Trump did it with deep-blue states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan mostly locked down and closed for business for most of the quarter.

What if all those states had been open for business?

But it gets better. On Friday, the government announced U.S. core retail sales were up a stunning 9.1% year to year -- the greatest rise in America's history. Again, this happened while a dozen blue states were still mostly shut down. They didn't even have indoor dining in California and most of New York City in September.

Optimism of small-business owners climbed to an all-time high in September. Even more significant, the National Federation of Independent Business optimism index October reading of 204 points was the highest since January. That means small-business owners are the most excited and optimistic they've been since before the pandemic.
By the way, economists predicted this small-business optimism index would rise to between 99 and 102 in September. Instead, it doubled to 204, ..."

Trump Is on His Way to Victory -- Because of the Trump Miracle Economy


You Democrats lie about everything, huh?

Again, you will believe anything..but..that's what a true believer does. Trump's quarterly GDP never got close to what he boasted about obtaining.
Trump on his way to victory??? LOL. How'd that work out? :auiqs.jpg:

I have your picture......

View attachment 488627

Nothing huh? Typical. Just run away and declare your non-existent victory.

You were provided the truth.....and you declined it.

Unlike Nazis and Democrats, I don't subscribe to putting those who disagree in concentration camps.
You really believe this stuff, don't you? :)
1) There was no "miracle" Trump economy. It was humming along just fine under Trump's predecessor. Trump did nothing...I mean, literally nothing....until his Presidency is tested for the first time...and...
2) It will be years before we know the true death toll from this virus. The first couple of months were calamity. Deaths were most likely under reported. Not really news, just a fact of life. And those first couple of months of terrible response? For the most part, gets rolled straight up to Trump's doorstep. Not all of it, but most of it. It was more important for him to golf, tweet, and hold his pep rallies than it was to do his job.
3) No. Republicans lie. And people like you swallow them...why? Good question. Some just and righteous belief in a higher power??? Again, no idea. Republicans haven't had a successful policy implementation in four decades.
There are men and women who pass bodily fluids with each other getting amorous passing diseases and other results that you have no problem with. And the cost to the taxpayers is enormous. But the mighty Covid becomes your line in the sand. When this transition to another form of government is all over many people will get theirs one way or the other. Don't be shocked.
How easily they pulled the wool over your eyes.


Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. ..know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .

You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.
5. Who were in the sub-set in danger of dying from the Wuhan???

Bulletin: is sure wasn’t everyone.

Was it every American???? Was it even enough who would be randomly stricken and killed, to shut down the entire US economy????

Nope. That is one more huge lie by the Democrats.

It was sick people who were already in danger of dying.

"Study Finds 89% of Patients Who Died From COVID-19 Had a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

DNR patients had higher hazard ratios for risk of death and lower survival outcomes compared to non-DNR patients. The association between DNR status and poor clinical outcomes remained independently significant after adjustment for important clinical factors, including age, gender, COVID-19 symptoms at the time of admission and comorbidities.

"This study is notable because it indicates that many patients who died in these hospitals were quite ill to begin with. If this trend held in larger samples of the national population, at least one prediction made by Imperial College researcher Neil Ferguson may bear out. When he revised his statistics, he told officials in the U.K. that a significant portion of COVID-19 deaths in the country would likely have happened within the next six to twelve months without the virus"


“Obesity a driving factor in COVID-19 deaths, global report finds”
Obesity a driving factor in COVID-19 deaths, global report finds

So every man, woman and child was forced to lock-down, close industry, and shut the schools.
But it worked…..you got Biden.
6.What was the danger to the population in general from the Chinavirus?

Hardly any.

And as far as how disastrous the Wuhan is to folks without those underlying co-morbidities, quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data.
An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.

Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox. 10/6:

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.
....between 20 and 45, 99.98%
....between 50 and 65, 99.5%
....and over 70, about 95%.

Yet it served as the Democrat's reason to destroy the Trump miracle economy.

And it worked so well that fools are driving around alone in cars….with masks, and ready to believe this: “A new study estimates that the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. is more than 900,000, a number 57% higher than official figures.
Worldwide, the study's authors say, the COVID-19 death count is nearing 7 million, more than double the reported number of 3.24 million.”

The real pandemic???

Stupidity.....and the Democrat Party thrives because of it.
This, from NPR this weekend.

A new study estimates that the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. is more than 900,000, a number 57% higher than official figures.
Worldwide, the study's authors say, the COVID-19 death count is nearing 7 million, more than double the reported number of 3.24 million."

7. Now….how do the liars….er, Democrats get those huge numbers of folks dying from the Wuhan Red Death?

There are normally deaths in America from all sorts of diseases and dangers, over 3 million a year. All the perpetrators of the hoax had to do was move the deaths from other causes to the ‘Covid’ column. Like this:

When you see that hundreds of thousands number, remember that 3 million Americans die from all sorts of things annually, and that the most significant numbers occur from these causes: heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia. Never the flu alone!!!!

A total of 2,839,205 resident deaths were registered in the United States in 2018.”
Products - Data Briefs - Number 355 - January 2020
7,778 die each and every day in America.

But suddenly, the numbers of deaths due to these causes has fallen.with no requisite medical advances to account for the drop….and just as suddenly the number of fewer deaths from these causes, happens be the same attributed to the Wuhan.

“US Pneumonia Deaths Have Plummeted in 2020 – Mortality Now Attributed to Covid-19

Let’s just make it crystal clear. People are still dying of pneumonia (and other diseases), but now many of them are being called Covid-19 deaths so as to justify the medical martial law that is imprisoning almost half the world’s population in their homes and provide cover for the massive financial heist taking place in the form of the “stimulus.” US Pneumonia Deaths Have Plummeted in 2020 - Mortality Now Attributed to Covid-19

Get it now?
Last edited:
8. What better place to steal the numbers of deaths to add to the bogus Covid scare than the usual ones from the seasonal flu?

This was: “The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths”
What is the global incidence of influenza?

But suddenly…..

“Zero flu deaths reported during this season in Washington Experts believe that many of the COVID-19 restrictions may have also contributed to slowing the spread of influenza.”

“Children’s National Has Seen Zero Flu Cases Since the Start of the Pandemic

During the 2019 flu season, there were 1,400 patients.”

“Flu Has Disappeared Worldwide during the COVID Pandemic” Flu Has Disappeared Worldwide during the COVID Pandemic

The Left simply embezzled deaths from the flu, and added to the 'bottom line' of the Chinavirus.


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