A new sexual identity is burning up social media

"Super Straight" Movement Gains Momentum

Yes Boys and Girls, apparently Father Nature cannot be stopped....From the link:

"the “super straight” movement is one that began on TikTok and is spreading through the internet at a very rapid pace "
When did you decide to be straight? Honest question.
It is a decision. It is not genetic.
1st post
Hey you fucking moron, the LGBTQ movement has politicians and lawyers and world leaders and rich people in it. Nobody is in a "Super Straight" movement except faggots like you. No grown man would ever need to identify as this garbage to get his dick up - but it makes sense that a gun nut (with no penis) like you would want to announce to the world that you're Super Straight and totally normal.

Too funny. You complain that people aren't nice to you then post like an ass. Let me help piss ant. Those Alphabet Soup movement people have spent decades shoving that crap down our throats, they don't get to cry when people clap back. You seem obsessed with other men's dick's.
Don't even know who you are. Don't worry, you'll get some loving too as soon as I get a better grasp of just how far down your dumbassery goes on these forums.

You're a whiny little twit kid. be careful what you bite off, make sure you can chew it.
Shutup, jackass

Pretty fucking stupi but exactly what I would expect of you..... EXACTLY

So all the people laughing are also stupid? Can't take a joke? If you can't laugh at yourself, you're the problem, not us.

A joke? Did you mean it as a joke? I don't think so

Those two guys are comedians. Sad to have no sense of humor. Do you need a tissue and a hug?
5th post
I don't tik or tok. What is the super straight movement?
It's a club for people who are obsessed with transsexuals.
It's a club for people who have doubts about there own sexuality and gender identity and who are desperatly trying to convince themselves and other that they are straight and cisgender
wrong again,,

youre thinking about the trannies that cant decide what they are,,,
What?!! What the fuck are you talking about??! As usual you make no sense. I am talking about people who are trans or gay who are terrified and in denial. Can you relate to that?

thats what I said too,,,

are you feeling OK???
That is not what I said and I'm feeling fine.

then why did you say it??
Is is possible that you are so dense that you can't understand the fact that there are still poeple who are having difficulty in dealing with their sexuality and gender identity-who can't be true to themselves -because of the bigots that will seek to make life a living hell for them if they are out? These are people who have decided what they want to be- straight and cisgender- but their feeling run counter to their need to be accepted. They know what they are. They are just trying to represes it out of fear. OK I know this is a lot for you to comprehend and process so I will just leave it st that

Are you talking about all those, especially young women, who are de-transitioning?
I don't tik or tok. What is the super straight movement?
It's a club for people who are obsessed with transsexuals.
It's a club for people who have doubts about there own sexuality and gender identity and who are desperatly trying to convince themselves and other that they are straight and cisgender
wrong again,,

youre thinking about the trannies that cant decide what they are,,,
What?!! What the fuck are you talking about??! As usual you make no sense. I am talking about people who are trans or gay who are terrified and in denial. Can you relate to that?

This movement is more about young people who are afraid to admit their are Normative.

Encouraging young, normal, red blooded Super Straight fellows to be proud of whom they are is how we are going to get the next generation of John Waynes and Lee Marvins.

Not by saying, as libs do nowadays, that "Masculinity is toxic"
"Super Straight" Movement Gains Momentum

Yes Boys and Girls, apparently Father Nature cannot be stopped....From the link:

"the “super straight” movement is one that began on TikTok and is spreading through the internet at a very rapid pace "
When did you decide to be straight? Honest question.

Yet another sloppy ghey man pass duly noted.
I don't tik or tok. What is the super straight movement?
It's a club for people who are obsessed with transsexuals.
It's a club for people who have doubts about there own sexuality and gender identity and who are desperatly trying to convince themselves and other that they are straight and cisgender
wrong again,,

youre thinking about the trannies that cant decide what they are,,,
What?!! What the fuck are you talking about??! As usual you make no sense. I am talking about people who are trans or gay who are terrified and in denial. Can you relate to that?

This movement is more about young people who are afraid to admit their are Normative.

Encouraging young, normal, red blooded Super Straight fellows to be proud of whom they are is how we are going to get the next generation of John Waynes and Lee Marvins.

Not by saying, as libs do nowadays, that "Masculinity is toxic"

What if salmon fought raging rivers, lept waterfalls, and braved hungry bears to get upstream and Ghey Off?

No salmon.
No bears.

10th post
Phew, okay, I'm back. I dunno what came over me...I just had the overwhelming urge to put about 20 Trumpist trolls in their place and let them know how worthless they are.
You seem to have a raging case of TDS there, peg boy.

TDS / Trump OCD causes him to binge over eat:

Hey you fucking moron, the LGBTQ movement has politicians and lawyers and world leaders and rich people in it. Nobody is in a "Super Straight" movement except faggots like you. No grown man would ever need to identify as this garbage to get his dick up - but it makes sense that a gun nut (with no penis) like you would want to announce to the world that you're Super Straight and totally normal.
So its ok to call one a faggot now?
I'm done playing nice with y'all dumbfucks.

Sweetie, you must have been playing with yourself ... Because we haven't even started on you yet ... :auiqs.jpg:

Hey you fucking moron, the LGBTQ movement has politicians and lawyers and world leaders and rich people in it. Nobody is in a "Super Straight" movement except faggots like you. No grown man would ever need to identify as this garbage to get his dick up - but it makes sense that a gun nut (with no penis) like you would want to announce to the world that you're Super Straight and totally normal.

Too funny. You complain that people aren't nice to you then post like an ass. Let me help piss ant. Those Alphabet Soup movement people have spent decades shoving that crap down our throats, they don't get to cry when people clap back. You seem obsessed with other men's dick's.
Don't even know who you are. Don't worry, you'll get some loving too as soon as I get a better grasp of just how far down your dumbassery goes on these forums.

You're a whiny little twit kid. be careful what you bite off, make sure you can chew it.
Shutup, jackass

LOL, I warned you boi. If you're going to bite it off you best be able to chew it. So far all you do bitch and moan when you get slapped down.
"Super Straight" Movement Gains Momentum

Yes Boys and Girls, apparently Father Nature cannot be stopped....From the link:

"the “super straight” movement is one that began on TikTok and is spreading through the internet at a very rapid pace "
When did you decide to be straight? Honest question.

Says the guy on the Down Low
When did you decide to be straight? In your 30s? As a newborn? Cry it out, then answer.

(smile) You don't have the chops bro.
Or just keep whining and posturing. That's the safe bet.

I just call'em as I see'em bro.
Hey you fucking moron, the LGBTQ movement has politicians and lawyers and world leaders and rich people in it. Nobody is in a "Super Straight" movement except faggots like you. No grown man would ever need to identify as this garbage to get his dick up - but it makes sense that a gun nut (with no penis) like you would want to announce to the world that you're Super Straight and totally normal.
So its ok to call one a faggot now?
I'm done playing nice with y'all dumbfucks.

So your new plan is to stomp your little feet and scream like a toddler refused a cookie?

Well, you'll fit right in with all the other leftists you should be ashamed to resemble.
I don't tik or tok. What is the super straight movement?
It's a club for people who are obsessed with transsexuals.
It's a club for people who have doubts about there own sexuality and gender identity and who are desperatly trying to convince themselves and other that they are straight and cisgender
wrong again,,

youre thinking about the trannies that cant decide what they are,,,
What?!! What the fuck are you talking about??! As usual you make no sense. I am talking about people who are trans or gay who are terrified and in denial. Can you relate to that?

This movement is more about young people who are afraid to admit their are Normative.

Encouraging young, normal, red blooded Super Straight fellows to be proud of whom they are is how we are going to get the next generation of John Waynes and Lee Marvins.

Not by saying, as libs do nowadays, that "Masculinity is toxic"

I am tremendously thankful for my husband and the excellent example he's always provided to my kids, particularly my sons, of what true masculinity should look like. And I feel very sad for all the kids out there who don't have that role model, because so few men today know how to provide it.

And I grow more grateful every day for my own father, who exemplified fatherhood, marriage, and just being a good person, without ever really saying a word about it. I wish I had recognized what a gift he was giving me when he was still alive. I can't even imagine what it would be like to go through my life without that touchstone to refer back to.
I don't tik or tok. What is the super straight movement?
It's a club for people who are obsessed with transsexuals.
It's a club for people who have doubts about there own sexuality and gender identity and who are desperatly trying to convince themselves and other that they are straight and cisgender
wrong again,,

youre thinking about the trannies that cant decide what they are,,,
What?!! What the fuck are you talking about??! As usual you make no sense. I am talking about people who are trans or gay who are terrified and in denial. Can you relate to that?

thats what I said too,,,

are you feeling OK???
That is not what I said and I'm feeling fine.

then why did you say it??
Is is possible that you are so dense that you can't understand the fact that there are still poeple who are having difficulty in dealing with their sexuality and gender identity-who can't be true to themselves -because of the bigots that will seek to make life a living hell for them if they are out? These are people who have decided what they want to be- straight and cisgender- but their feeling run counter to their need to be accepted. They know what they are. They are just trying to represes it out of fear. OK I know this is a lot for you to comprehend and process so I will just leave it st that

when did I say I didnt care or knew about them???

the problem is people like you that want to not treat them for the mental condition they have and placate them which ends up doing more harm by making their life a living hell,,,

why do you do that??
You are the one with the mental condition but I will not placate you
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