A new attack on key Crimea bridge I Kremlin blames UK/USA for orchestrating attack on Crimean bridge

Dmitri, what do you think is gonna happen when russia keeps rolling? Where are they gonna go next?
They will retake Kharkov and Kherson followed by Odessa. Then they will effectively demand that the US-Ukey army --- if there is one left ---surrenders and Moscow will basically dictate terms . The Midget War Criminal will have long departed . Pass that on to Dmitri and old man Titty Winkle who usually is comatose .
Understand this. We are supporting Ukraine as we support the recent wars in the Middle East and at the same time let China produce a good percentage of our products needed to survive. And then China uses it massive increase in Gross National Product to build an impressive military and science oriented communist controlled nation.
Where are the adults in the room who are willing to push for a negotiated settlement? It is unseemly for the U.S. and NATO to be supporting one of the most corrupt, anti-democratic, despotic regimes in the world.
Russia is currently breaking up the third army of the US -Ukey Nazi coalition and they have no reason to seek any settlement as there is zero chance ( expert opinion) that Kyiv can take any success, regardless of ammunition availability or F16 planes. This is a Russian SMO and they have prioritised ridding former Ukraine of Nazis including all American inflluencers .
There are no interests to Americans from Ukraine.
of cos you are lying, Ukrainians LOVE AND DIE FOR USA !
Ukraine fight oriental, barbaric despot
, protecting our way of life , our democracies !

Seems like this bridge is an extremely vulnerable and inviting target. Ukraine's reluctance to inflict even more devastating damage appears to be based on a fear of "poking the bear." This damage could be repaired in a relatively short period, but is still damaging to Russia's cause.

Where are the adults in the room who are willing to push for a negotiated settlement? It is unseemly for the U.S. and NATO to be supporting one of the most corrupt, anti-democratic, despotic regimes in the world.
BAD NEWS FOR ALL Moscow´s cuckolds ....
of cos you are lying, Ukrainians LOVE AND DIE FOR USA !
Ukraine fight oriental, barbaric despot
, protecting our way of life , our democracies !

It is Americans that die, and it is getting tiresome. Our war record is like a soccer league. 10 wins, a couple of losses and twenty ties with us spending the endless trillions of dollars.
Understand this. We are supporting Ukraine as we support the recent wars in the Middle East
I understand that the ideal scenario is to end the war straight away or as soon as possible which is not happening right now. This is due to the offensive problems and successes at the same time and just to summarize a bit:

1) The offensive started with good success on the first line.
2) The offensive proceeded onwards but bogged down on the way to the main line due to exessive use of minefields on top of presence of helicopter aviation, artillery and conventional fighter bomber aviation basically.
3) Ukraine shifted gears instead of trying to breakthrough with large to losses to systematically bombing out the Russians with counter battery fire and artillery.

The casualties for the Russians widened further because of this. Basically if the ratio was more like 1 to 1.5 at the start of the offensive for Ukraine then now it is more around 3 to 1 or 4 to 1 for Ukraine in the material destroyed department. But this is a long process sadly. So I said before, the offensive will last months even 6 months before the Russian line is softens up a lot more. Long term, this is not a rate that Russia can sustain. 3 to 1 and 4 to 1 material ratios are not possible for Russia to sustain because it simply does not produce enough compared to the production in Ukraine and shipments.

Having said that we also need to analyse a bit what the Ukranians are requesting and what we haven't delivered: ATACMS and F-16 which are work in progress. Realistically those system would be of some help but they do not have the power to shift the balance or current strategy on the front line. F-16 would allow to threaten Russian planes which would move them further back but it won't allow for any tactical or strategic improvement since air space will still be contested and enough saturated by air defence on both side.

When it comes to ATACMs then the story is similar, sure it will allow attack more targets in the same manner as STORM SHADOW right now but realistically this once again doesn't change much on the frontline unless all large warehouses or depots can be hit which I doubt. Nobody knows where they all are is the main problem otherwise Ukraine would use STORM SHADOWS to target them. Also ATACMs has the same problem as STORM SHADOW that there is relatively not many of them compared to 155 artillery shells or HiMMARs standard rockets. Nobody knows the exact number but then number is in couple of thousands be it 4k split between US and all other countries that use them. That is not a lot in the greater scheme of things.

So in both cases: F-16 and ATACMs there is no way to provide them in sufficient numbers to majorly change the situation. F-16 require infrastructure, pilots and so on even if the frames themselves are in reserve in quantity. ATACMs just don't exist in ample numbers. Nor is the intelligence there to pinpoint every depot and warehouse where to shoot. (This is not jab at Ukraine, US can also not pinpoint them)

The real way out of this is to continue providing what we already provided in larger quantities while increasing artillery shell production and himmars rockets. More HIMMARS launchers and more ammo along with more 155 artillery of all sorts and it shells as first priority. Second priority is more tanks, apc and IFVs to increase Ukranian pool along with more drones for front line recognisance or other other means to detect frontline material. Lastly is additional anti-air systems so Ukraine doesn't need to choose between covering the frontline and its backline and be ready to loose some the closer they are moved to the frontline. Putting some Patriots on or near the frontline would be a huge plus.
It is Americans that die, and it is getting tiresome. Our war record is like a soccer league. 10 wins, a couple of losses and twenty ties with us spending the endless trillions of dollars.
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

The USA must lead the world. We are the Nation of Justice. If that Justice is not nurtured throughout the world, it will die.

The World is too small to be isolated from the effects of what happens in Russia. If we allow tyranny to rule anywhere, we are destroying our lives and the lives of the future.

We are the World's super power, we are the World's beacon of freedom, when we stand-by and watch, we are then on the side of the tyrants.
How is ukraine winning vital to US interests? Something even bigger looms though as the BRICs are about to add 5 more nations which would bring that total to 10 horns.....which will not be good.
Where I don't exactly agree completely but the foreign policy of Europe and others has changed towards Russia.

The world is tired of Russia just like they got tired of Somalia....and so Ukraine is the bait that Russia has bitten on.
What Russia never suspected or continues to be duped about is that Ukraine is a monkey jar. Where Russia invaded and can't leave without losing its arm. And for the dumbest of reasons it won't let go.

Ukraine was a trap....always has been.

There's not going to be a Ruble or Russian army or a BRICS agreement anymore. Gone....evaporated...Russia was lured in by its own selfish ambitions it couldn't resist and has destroyed itself in the trap.

The crappy part is that Ukraine's cities get destroyed and people die in the process....but the powers that be didn't care about Ukraine's people or cities....only destroying Russia.

And make no mistake....Russia is going to be an empty shell of a nation economically and militarily by the time all is said and done. The Ruble has been so devalued its cheaper than firewood. Not worth the paper it's printed on. The military is extremely short on trained troops and equipment.
Where I don't exactly agree completely but the foreign policy of Europe and others has changed towards Russia.

The world is tired of Russia just like they got tired of Somalia....and so Ukraine is the bait that Russia has bitten on.
What Russia never suspected or continues to be duped about is that Ukraine is a monkey jar. Where Russia invaded and can't leave without losing its arm. And for the dumbest of reasons it won't let go.

Ukraine was a trap....always has been.

There's not going to be a Ruble or Russian army or a BRICS agreement anymore. Gone....evaporated...Russia was lured in by its own selfish ambitions it couldn't resist and has destroyed itself in the trap.

The crappy part is that Ukraine's cities get destroyed and people die in the process....but the powers that be didn't care about Ukraine's people or cities....only destroying Russia.

And make no mistake....Russia is going to be an empty shell of a nation economically and militarily by the time all is said and done. The Ruble has been so devalued its cheaper than firewood. Not worth the paper it's printed on. The military is extremely short on trained troops and equipment.

Russia is part of the BRICs. They will only become stronger, especially when they add more nations and zero in on a currency.
Russia is part of the BRICs. They will only become stronger, especially when they add more nations and zero in on a currency.

But if Russia is a debtor nation with a huge portion of its GDP going out as reparations its value to BRICS is as a debt and not as a support for a currency.

BRICS is unviable because the only country partially honest with GDP, reserves, and metrics is Brazil (and they aren't exactly transparent either)
So where they can talk about it till the cows come home...it's as unviable as the Ruble or Rhai are. Both have rampant runaway inflation....CCP is experiencing the fallout of a massive debt (commercial paper) crisis for the next 20 years. Iran is beginning to have ALL the signs of a civil war.

Exactly how they think that BRICS is going to work is beyond my understanding....every member nation is in dire straights. Four economically broken nations do not create a economic block....they create a ward in the economic hospital.

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