A Nation at a Crossroads: Should It Go to a "Salon" Or ...to a "Saloon" After the Vaccination???

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

JOE Biden accidentally said "saloon" while talking about "hair salons" in his latest televised gaffe.

He laughed off the slip as he gave a coronavirus update on Wednesday and announced a paid leave tax credit for Americans getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

EVERY person can slip up, EVERY person can misspeak, but not as many times as the elderly leader of the state did in three months.

And if you look at Joe's smile, you can see that it wasn't a gaffe. He said just what came to his mind first. And it was not the most innocent recollection of his life. Such a slip is called a "Freudian slip*"...

“To change undesirable behaviors we see in the world, we must change the thinking that leads to those behaviors.”
Donald L. Hicks, Look into the stillness

FROM THE AUTHOR: * In psychoanalysis, a Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that occurs due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought.

Isn't it enough to make us, Americans, the object of the world's ridicule?
SOURCE: Biden mistakenly says 'saloon' when talking about hair salons in latest gaffe
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Do we really need a vaccine if we aren't in the critical age group [65+ represents 80% of the deaths according to the CDC] or have a comorbidity factor [no, I am not 400 pounds, don't have cancer, heart defects, lung issues] than what is the real point?
There is endless fear that is being pushed by the media and the democratic party [I repeat myself] but rarely is anyone commenting that is actually familiar with the data.

Yeah, I get it. I have been yelled at my a democratic sister who is an HR director who is perhaps not legally collecting tracing information on all of her employees when they are at work or not at work, can't talk to my own mother who has been brain washed on this topic and will freak out if I mention actual facts [damn those facts that don't count feelings as facts] - the whole world has gone nuts.

Heck, I haven't even seen some of my co-workers for over a year, who are afraid of being in public. Very smart people with multiple degrees, are as stupid as the inbreed barking human when it comes to this crap. Since when was global Agoraphobia an world wide acceptable event?!
Once I had to pass the IT support phone to one of these people who is afraid to be at work and who hasn't been there for over a year. She ask me to set the phone down in a large open parking lot and back away before she felt comfortable to pick it up after I disinfected it and placed it in a plastic bag.

The whole world has gone completely nuts. Data be damn, we all must care about the feelings an irrational thinking.
Do we really need a vaccine if we aren't in the critical age group [65+ represents 80% of the deaths according to the CDC] or have a comorbidity factor [no, I am not 400 pounds, don't have cancer, heart defects, lung issues] than what is the real point?
There is endless fear that is being pushed by the media and the democratic party [I repeat myself] but rarely is anyone commenting that is actually familiar with the data.

Yeah, I get it. I have been yelled at my a democratic sister who is an HR director who is perhaps not legally collecting tracing information on all of her employees when they are at work or not at work, can't talk to my own mother who has been brain washed on this topic and will freak out if I mention actual facts [damn those facts that don't count feelings as facts] - the whole world has gone nuts.

Heck, I haven't even seen some of my co-workers for over a year, who are afraid of being in public. Very smart people with multiple degrees, are as stupid as the inbreed barking human when it comes to this crap. Since when was global Agoraphobia an world wide acceptable event?!
Once I had to pass the IT support phone to one of these people who is afraid to be at work and who hasn't been there for over a year. She ask me to set the phone down in a large open parking lot and back away before she felt comfortable to pick it up after I disinfected it and placed it in a plastic bag.

The whole world has gone completely nuts. Data be damn, we all must care about the feelings an irrational thinking.
I have been commenting on the data since last year n00b.

No one that consumes the corporate and government propaganda CARE ABOUT data and facts.

That is the reality.

The Covidian Cult

". . . It is happening to most of our societies right now. An official narrative is being implemented. A totalitarian official narrative. A totally psychotic official narrative, no less delusional than that of the Nazis, or the Manson family, or any other cult.

Most people cannot see that it is happening, for the simple reason that it is happening to them. They are literally unable to recognize it. The human mind is extremely resilient and inventive when it is pushed past its limits. Ask anyone who has struggled with psychosis or has taken too much LSD. We do not recognize when we are going insane. When reality falls apart completely, the mind will create a delusional narrative, which appears just as “real” as our normal reality, because even a delusion is better than the stark raving terror of utter chaos.

This is what totalitarians and cult leaders count on, and exploit to implant their narratives in our minds, and why actual initiation rituals (as opposed to purely symbolic rituals) begin by attacking the subject’s mind with terror, pain, physical exhaustion, psychedelic drugs, or some other means of obliterating the subject’s perception of reality. Once that is achieved, and the subject’s mind starts desperately trying to construct a new narrative to make sense out of the cognitive chaos and psychological trauma it is undergoing, it is relatively easy to “guide” that process and implant whatever narrative you want, assuming you have done your homework.

And this is why so many people — people who are able to easily recognize totalitarianism in cults and foreign countries — cannot perceive the totalitarianism that is taking shape now, right in front of their faces (or, rather, right inside their minds). Nor can they perceive the delusional nature of the official “Covid-19” narrative, no more than those in Nazi Germany were able to perceive how completely delusional their official “master race” narrative was. Such people are neither ignorant nor stupid. They have been successfully initiated into a cult, which is essentially what totalitarianism is, albeit on a societal scale.

Their initiation into the Covidian Cult began in January, when the medical authorities and corporate media turned on The Fear with projections of hundreds of millions of deaths and fake photos of people dropping dead in the streets. The psychological conditioning has continued for months. The global masses have been subjected to a constant stream of propaganda, manufactured hysteria, wild speculation, conflicting directives, exaggerations, lies, and tawdry theatrical effects. Lockdowns. Emergency field hospitals and morgues. The singing-dancing NHS staff. Death trucks. Overflowing ICUs. Dead Covid babies. Manipulated statistics. Goon squads. Masks. And all the rest of it.

Eight months later, here we are. The Head of the Health Emergencies Program at the WHO has basically confirmed an IFR of 0.14%, approximately the same as the seasonal flu. And here are the latest survival rate estimates from the Center for Disease Control:

  • Age 0-19 … 99.997%
  • Age 20-49 … 99.98%
  • Age 50-69 … 99.5%
  • Age 70+ … 94.6%
The “science” argument is officially over. An increasing number of doctors and medical experts are breaking ranks and explaining how the current mass hysteria over “cases” (which now includes perfectly healthy people) is essentially meaningless propaganda, for example, in this segment on ARD, one of the big mainstream German TV channels.

And then there is the existence of Sweden, and other countries which are not playing ball with the official Covid-19 narrative, which makes a mockery of the ongoing hysteria.. . ."

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Do we really need a vaccine if we aren't in the critical age group [65+ represents 80% of the deaths according to the CDC] or have a comorbidity factor [no, I am not 400 pounds, don't have cancer, heart defects, lung issues] than what is the real point?
There is endless fear that is being pushed by the media and the democratic party [I repeat myself] but rarely is anyone commenting that is actually familiar with the data.

Yeah, I get it. I have been yelled at my a democratic sister who is an HR director who is perhaps not legally collecting tracing information on all of her employees when they are at work or not at work, can't talk to my own mother who has been brain washed on this topic and will freak out if I mention actual facts [damn those facts that don't count feelings as facts] - the whole world has gone nuts.

Heck, I haven't even seen some of my co-workers for over a year, who are afraid of being in public. Very smart people with multiple degrees, are as stupid as the inbreed barking human when it comes to this crap. Since when was global Agoraphobia an world wide acceptable event?!
Once I had to pass the IT support phone to one of these people who is afraid to be at work and who hasn't been there for over a year. She ask me to set the phone down in a large open parking lot and back away before she felt comfortable to pick it up after I disinfected it and placed it in a plastic bag.

The whole world has gone completely nuts. Data be damn, we all must care about the feelings an irrational thinking.

There is no doubt that this is global psychological sabotage against the population by those who own the power on the planet.
"THEY" have calculated something about WHAT capitalism is coming to, THEY" got terrified and realized something had to be done, urgently, to increase control of the population in an attempt to stop the natural-historical process.
All of this is well described in the monographs:



What we are witnessing is an attempt to establish a Planetary Nazi-Fascist Regime...
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The Covidian Cult (Part II)
View attachment 482923

JOE Biden accidentally said "saloon" while talking about "hair salons" in his latest televised gaffe.

He laughed off the slip as he gave a coronavirus update on Wednesday and announced a paid leave tax credit for Americans getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

EVERY person can slip up, EVERY person can misspeak, but not as many times as the elderly leader of the state did in three months.
View attachment 482926
And if you look at Joe's smile, you can see that it wasn't a gaffe. He said just what came to his mind first. And it was not the most innocent recollection of his life. Such a slip is called a "Freudian slip*"...

“To change undesirable behaviors we see in the world, we must change the thinking that leads to those behaviors.”
Donald L. Hicks, Look into the stillness

FROM THE AUTHOR: * In psychoanalysis, a Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that occurs due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought.

Isn't it enough to make us, Americans, the object of the world's ridicule?
SOURCE: Biden mistakenly says 'saloon' when talking about hair salons in latest gaffe

Even the smartest imbecile can make that mistake.

I was watching a film last week about 3 entrepeneurs looking to buy a saloon in Cucaracha, Mexico, accidentally buying a salon- with hilarious results.
But wait, there is more!!!
A few months ago, I was going down the elevator at my huge office [four stories - OK, not so big for a city, but huge for a small community like mine] who was waving her phone at me, trying to get a trace on my covid apps that, amazingly, I didn't have activated which connects via Bluetooth to share your tracing information, was eventually cowering on the ground because I wouldn't allow such an invasion of privacy on a personal device that I carry with me everywhere I go. I could see the reflection of her phone in the chrome walls of the elevator. She didn't make it in public the next month, having quit her job because of the general fear of a millennial dying from this horrible, horrible illness [she had a greater chance of getting killed by a drunk driver driving home from the job that she used to have].

It has been weird. the millennials have been the most effected and lest effected at the same time. Stupid, stupid smart people.

Later on that week, I drove past one of my favorite cycling locations where I saw 4 cop cars, 2 of which were local, one state, one county sheriff, that were grilling two post middle age women who parked at a local park to go for a ride on the locations favorite ride. Yeah, that was for cop cars, 8 people, all harassing two ladies in their late 50's who parked their vehicles at a park to ride on a road.

The whole world has gone mad.

Anymore, if a person falls back from fear from this illness, I just tie into in my new gullibility rating. Even really smart people can be really, really stupid but gullible.
View attachment 482923

JOE Biden accidentally said "saloon" while talking about "hair salons" in his latest televised gaffe.

He laughed off the slip as he gave a coronavirus update on Wednesday and announced a paid leave tax credit for Americans getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

EVERY person can slip up, EVERY person can misspeak, but not as many times as the elderly leader of the state did in three months.
View attachment 482926
And if you look at Joe's smile, you can see that it wasn't a gaffe. He said just what came to his mind first. And it was not the most innocent recollection of his life. Such a slip is called a "Freudian slip*"...

“To change undesirable behaviors we see in the world, we must change the thinking that leads to those behaviors.”
Donald L. Hicks, Look into the stillness

FROM THE AUTHOR: * In psychoanalysis, a Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that occurs due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought.

Isn't it enough to make us, Americans, the object of the world's ridicule?
SOURCE: Biden mistakenly says 'saloon' when talking about hair salons in latest gaffe

Even the smartest imbecile can make that mistake.

I was watching a film last week about 3 entrepeneurs looking to buy a saloon in Cucaracha, Mexico, accidentally buying a salon- with hilarious results.

I even know American universities whose campuses have actually turned into saloons. The WSJ wrote about this about twenty years ago...
But wait, there is more!!!
A few months ago, I was going down the elevator at my huge office [four stories - OK, not so big for a city, but huge for a small community like mine] who was waving her phone at me, trying to get a trace on my covid apps that, amazingly, I didn't have activated which connects via Bluetooth to share your tracing information, was eventually cowering on the ground because I wouldn't allow such an invasion of privacy on a personal device that I carry with me everywhere I go. I could see the reflection of her phone in the chrome walls of the elevator. She didn't make it in public the next month, having quit her job because of the general fear of a millennial dying from this horrible, horrible illness [she had a greater chance of getting killed by a drunk driver driving home from the job that she used to have].

It has been weird. the millennials have been the most effected and lest effected at the same time. Stupid, stupid smart people.

Later on that week, I drove past one of my favorite cycling locations where I saw 4 cop cars, 2 of which were local, one state, one county sheriff, that were grilling two post middle age women who parked at a local park to go for a ride on the locations favorite ride. Yeah, that was for cop cars, 8 people, all harassing two ladies in their late 50's who parked their vehicles at a park to ride on a road.

The whole world has gone mad.

Anymore, if a person falls back from fear from this illness, I just tie into in my new gullibility rating. Even really smart people can be really, really stupid but gullible.

Oh, I also found myself yesterday in a "madhouse" in the open air: The New York Biological Garden. You won't believe it: they REQUIRED to wear masks(!!!) in the open, almost sterile (thanks to the flowering trees) air.This is fascism.

And today yes NBC continued to "brainwash" the people insisting that "wearing masks" is VERY beneficial outdoors!
In short, ALL is being done to undermine the health of the "unchosen" and send them to the afterlife - the realization of Geitz's dream of reducing carbon dioxide emissions to zero.
I have a question: why doesn't he kill himself, since he cares so much about the purity of the atmosphere - the air would be cleaner immediately?!

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