A Modest Proposal...


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2016
There is a lot of talk about the rich paying their "fair share".

But, instead of squeezing more money out of those who create the wealth, we start getting it back from those who spend it.

If a Billionaire's spouse is pissing away their money, do you punish the Billionaire, or the spouse?

The Roman Senate was made of rich men, well-connected men, who could only control with the will of their constituents. In order to get get the good will of those people, they created public works and welfare programs with their own money. That money kept them in power and allowed them to keep the people happy while they got their slice of every deal.

Our modern-day legislators have improved on that situation. They don't use their own money to buy our obedience ... they use OUR OWN MONEY. We are actually paying them, to give us things we want and they take their cut of the "gifts" they bestow on us.

Here is a proposal. Instead of increasing taxes on the rich, or the middle class, or the poor, or "corporations" ... we institute a tax on the people actually pissing our money away ... members of Congress.

So, I propose we tax every member of Congress $10 for every million dollars they propose adding to the budget. Every time a legislators proposes we build a Billion dollar train or give a Billion dollars to soy farmers, that legislator gets taxed $10,000.

In 2022, the US Budget expenditure was just over $6.3 TRILLION, or $6,300 BILLION, or $6,300,000 MILLION.

$6.3 TRILLION of our money spent by them on things we demand (and a lot of thing we don't).

There are currently 535 legislators in both houses of Congress. If they collectively propose a $6.3 TRILLION budget, each of them (if they make equal demands on the taxpayer's wallet) gets taxed $117,757 ... or $63,000,000 annually from Congress. The more pork a Congress-person slips into the budget, the more tax he or she pays. Budget conscious and fiscally responsible legislators pay less tax.
There is a lot of talk about the rich paying their "fair share".

But, instead of squeezing more money out of those who create the wealth,

Who was it exactly that created this wealth?

Fed to pump in more than $1 trillion in dramatic ramping up of market intervention amid coronavirus meltdown

This was done over and over for years and years.

Who created this "wealth"?

Historically, "those who risked capital", hence the term "capitalism".

Lately, its being "created" on the backs of future generations through excessive borrowing.

Wealth is created by taking a low value service or commodity and selling it at a higher value. Turning sand into processor chips, dead dinosaurs into gasoline, and road kill into Big Macs.

New industries like the IT industry has created trillions of dollars of new wealth that previously didn't exist. Tens of millions of jobs, that never existed in the past.

When The Fed INCREASES the money supply, they do it by paying banks for the government bonds that banks currently hold as assets. The Fed gets the bonds, the banks get the cash, more money in circulation.

But, they pay for those bonds by printing new money. Money backed by no commodity except the government bonds.

This expands the money supply but dilutes the current value of that supply. That is not creating wealth ... that is making Disney Bucks out of our national currency.
Historically, "those who risked capital", hence the term "capitalism".

Lately, its being "created" on the backs of future generations through excessive borrowing.

And the pumping of trillions. Who created these trillions of dollars?
There is a lot of talk about the rich paying their "fair share".

But, instead of squeezing more money out of those who create the wealth, we start getting it back from those who spend it.

Your premise fails on that the rich don't create the wealth.

Consumer activity creates wealth, either through working people providing goods and services, or engaging in consumer activity.

The rich just take advantage.

The Europeans have already figured this out, which is why they have extensive benefits and high taxes on the rich.

America is like the class retard who keeps writing down "2+2=cat"
There is a lot of talk about the rich paying their "fair share".

But, instead of squeezing more money out of those who create the wealth, we start getting it back from those who spend it.

If a Billionaire's spouse is pissing away their money, do you punish the Billionaire, or the spouse?

The Roman Senate was made of rich men, well-connected men, who could only control with the will of their constituents. In order to get get the good will of those people, they created public works and welfare programs with their own money. That money kept them in power and allowed them to keep the people happy while they got their slice of every deal.

Our modern-day legislators have improved on that situation. They don't use their own money to buy our obedience ... they use OUR OWN MONEY. We are actually paying them, to give us things we want and they take their cut of the "gifts" they bestow on us.

Here is a proposal. Instead of increasing taxes on the rich, or the middle class, or the poor, or "corporations" ... we institute a tax on the people actually pissing our money away ... members of Congress.

So, I propose we tax every member of Congress $10 for every million dollars they propose adding to the budget. Every time a legislators proposes we build a Billion dollar train or give a Billion dollars to soy farmers, that legislator gets taxed $10,000.

In 2022, the US Budget expenditure was just over $6.3 TRILLION, or $6,300 BILLION, or $6,300,000 MILLION.

$6.3 TRILLION of our money spent by them on things we demand (and a lot of thing we don't).

There are currently 535 legislators in both houses of Congress. If they collectively propose a $6.3 TRILLION budget, each of them (if they make equal demands on the taxpayer's wallet) gets taxed $117,757 ... or $63,000,000 annually from Congress. The more pork a Congress-person slips into the budget, the more tax he or she pays. Budget conscious and fiscally responsible legislators pay less tax.

Great idea.

If congress had to pay for the privilege of being there, they'd be home.

Consumer activity creates wealth, either through working people providing goods and services, or engaging in consumer activity.

Who creates the products and services on which the consumers spend? Who provides the jobs that pay the salaries with which consumers buy those products and services?

Is it Congress?
If a Billionaire's spouse is pissing away their money, do you punish the Billionaire, or the spouse?

I'm fine with Mitt Romney renting a 747 to fly his wife's HORSE to London, England ... with trainers, grooms, walkers, shovelers and all the equipment needed ...

But why should that be a tax deduction? ... how is that fair to the Middle Class? ...
Who creates the products and services on which the consumers spend? Who provides the jobs that pay the salaries with which consumers buy those products and services?

Not the rich.

The Products are usually designed by a wage engineer (whose designs are considered the intellectual property of the company that owns them) and assembled by wage slaves (often in a third world country). The point is, we could JUST AS EASILY have those people be government employees and have the same result.

We'd probably have better results. More cures for cancer and less erection pills.
Not the rich.

The Products are usually designed by a wage engineer (whose designs are considered the intellectual property of the company that owns them) and assembled by wage slaves (often in a third world country). The point is, we could JUST AS EASILY have those people be government employees and have the same result.

We'd probably have better results. More cures for cancer and less erection pills.

So you want people to be slaves of the government. Can you give an example of where that's worked out for the people?
Cures for cancer and erection pills come from the same place ... pharmaceutical companies whose investors pay the engineers, and lab scientists to create those drugs for which the investors deserve a profit.
Lol. Feed them your children, cut out the middle man.

In 2019, the record for the most expensive drug was broken at US$2.1 million per patient. The high costs of new drugs are justified by the pharmaceutical industry as the expense required for maintaining research and development (R&D) pipelines. However, this does not take into account that globally the public pays for between one to two-thirds of upfront R&D costs through taxpayers or charitable donations.
Governments are effectively paying twice for medicines; first through R&D, and then paying the high prices upon approval. High drug prices distort research priorities, emphasising financial gains and not health gains.
In this manuscript, issues surrounding the current patent-based drug development model, public funding of research and pharmaceutical lobbying will be addressed. Finally, innovations in drug development to improve public health needs and guaranteeing medication access to patients will be explored.
There is a lot of talk about the rich paying their "fair share".

But, instead of squeezing more money out of those who create the wealth, we start getting it back from those who spend it.

If a Billionaire's spouse is pissing away their money, do you punish the Billionaire, or the spouse?

The Roman Senate was made of rich men, well-connected men, who could only control with the will of their constituents. In order to get get the good will of those people, they created public works and welfare programs with their own money. That money kept them in power and allowed them to keep the people happy while they got their slice of every deal.

Our modern-day legislators have improved on that situation. They don't use their own money to buy our obedience ... they use OUR OWN MONEY. We are actually paying them, to give us things we want and they take their cut of the "gifts" they bestow on us.

Here is a proposal. Instead of increasing taxes on the rich, or the middle class, or the poor, or "corporations" ... we institute a tax on the people actually pissing our money away ... members of Congress.

So, I propose we tax every member of Congress $10 for every million dollars they propose adding to the budget. Every time a legislators proposes we build a Billion dollar train or give a Billion dollars to soy farmers, that legislator gets taxed $10,000.

In 2022, the US Budget expenditure was just over $6.3 TRILLION, or $6,300 BILLION, or $6,300,000 MILLION.

$6.3 TRILLION of our money spent by them on things we demand (and a lot of thing we don't).

There are currently 535 legislators in both houses of Congress. If they collectively propose a $6.3 TRILLION budget, each of them (if they make equal demands on the taxpayer's wallet) gets taxed $117,757 ... or $63,000,000 annually from Congress. The more pork a Congress-person slips into the budget, the more tax he or she pays. Budget conscious and fiscally responsible legislators pay less tax.
No worries, we will just ask Congress to pass your idea into legislation

Easy Peasy.
There is a lot of talk about the rich paying their "fair share".

But, instead of squeezing more money out of those who create the wealth, we start getting it back from those who spend it.

If a Billionaire's spouse is pissing away their money, do you punish the Billionaire, or the spouse?

The Roman Senate was made of rich men, well-connected men, who could only control with the will of their constituents. In order to get get the good will of those people, they created public works and welfare programs with their own money. That money kept them in power and allowed them to keep the people happy while they got their slice of every deal.

Our modern-day legislators have improved on that situation. They don't use their own money to buy our obedience ... they use OUR OWN MONEY. We are actually paying them, to give us things we want and they take their cut of the "gifts" they bestow on us.

Here is a proposal. Instead of increasing taxes on the rich, or the middle class, or the poor, or "corporations" ... we institute a tax on the people actually pissing our money away ... members of Congress.

So, I propose we tax every member of Congress $10 for every million dollars they propose adding to the budget. Every time a legislators proposes we build a Billion dollar train or give a Billion dollars to soy farmers, that legislator gets taxed $10,000.

In 2022, the US Budget expenditure was just over $6.3 TRILLION, or $6,300 BILLION, or $6,300,000 MILLION.

$6.3 TRILLION of our money spent by them on things we demand (and a lot of thing we don't).

There are currently 535 legislators in both houses of Congress. If they collectively propose a $6.3 TRILLION budget, each of them (if they make equal demands on the taxpayer's wallet) gets taxed $117,757 ... or $63,000,000 annually from Congress. The more pork a Congress-person slips into the budget, the more tax he or she pays. Budget conscious and fiscally responsible legislators pay less tax.
I think you are very bad at math, and common sense. For instance math and common sense dictates that someone who makes 173000 dollar annually isn't capable of paying 63 million.

As for the actual premise. Taxation is as old as the Romans. Older even. What it is now and has always been is a way for the individual members of a society to pay for services they can't provide for themselves. The more complex a society the more things those services entail.

I personally like most of these services, I'm guessing that you do too. Unless you live completely of the grid.

The only thing I'm concerned with is whether or not a particular service can be provided as economically as possible. Sometimes that means by private companies following the law of supply and demand, and sometimes that means the government, as is the case for something like health care.

The point is, I have to pay anyway. I rather pay as little as possible.
Your premise fails on that the rich don't create the wealth.

Consumer activity creates wealth, either through working people providing goods and services, or engaging in consumer activity.

The rich just take advantage.

The Europeans have already figured this out, which is why they have extensive benefits and high taxes on the rich.

America is like the class retard who keeps writing down "2+2=cat"

It might just be you.

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