A Mark Kelly win in Ariz. Senate race could spoil McConnell's plans to replace Ginsburg

Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

If he gets approval, it will be by a razor thin margin.

Murkowski, Collins, Romney and eventually Kelly will defeat it
Romney will approve of his pick because Utah Mormons will demand it. They are a bunch of pro-lifer nazis. All Trump has to do is nominate one, and Romney will be bound.

Lol..... For him it will be like eating a plate of rotten dog meat.

rightwinger is already wrong Kelly can't stop it
Arizona has changed
They also admire Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly
They have already told Martha McSally they don’t want her representing them......She didn’t get the message

Do they approve of his racism?

Voters need to vote so they cannot pet this current non-conservative, far right GOP mess up the country.
“A Mark Kelly win in Ariz. Senate race could spoil McConnell's plans to replace Ginsburg”

Actually not.

The confirmation vote will take place in the Republican majority lame duck Senate, before the new session of Congress starts.

Such is the reprehensible right.
If Kelly wins he will be seated November 30th filling McCain's seat.
So Mitch would need to have the vote before 11/30.

Where do you get that? He is replacing someone appointed to fill the rest of McCain's term which ends in January.
from the source provided
Kelly, a former astronaut and the husband of ex-Rep. Gabby Giffords, is favored to prevail over appointed Republican Sen. Martha McSally. And Arizona law indicates he could be sworn in by Nov. 30, during the lame-duck session of Congress when Republicans may try to push through a Ginsburg replacement if they are unable to do so before the election.
Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

If he gets approval, it will be by a razor thin margin.

Murkowski, Collins, Romney and eventually Kelly will defeat it
The point is the RINOS. Murkowski lost to a Tea Party guy and then ran on a write in with the Dems voting her back into office. She is part of the power families in our nation. They are like Dukes and Duchesses. It is a shame that over the years the people get some crumbs, but it goes through them.
Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

If he gets approval, it will be by a razor thin margin.

Murkowski, Collins, Romney and eventually Kelly will defeat it
Collins is beat either way...

Romney and Murkowski will cave just like Graham. If they cost us a seat on the Supreme Court they'll be history faster than you can say banana split. It's a political decision, not an ethical conundrum. They'll do the calculus and come to the politically expedient conclussion. You know it and I know it.

You forget one small item. The Republicans voted in the art of the Filibuster. And the Dems can tie it up for the next few months that way each and every time it comes to the floor. With the Senate, basically, coming to a screeching halt anyway, who would even notice that it's not doing anything. At least some noise would be coming from the Senate floor.
Doesn't Mcconnell get to set the rules like TIME LIMITS since he is senate majority leader---------

A Filibuster can go on indefinately. Remember the I like Green Fried Tomatoes?
Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

If he gets approval, it will be by a razor thin margin.

Murkowski, Collins, Romney and eventually Kelly will defeat it
Collins is beat either way...

Romney and Murkowski will cave just like Graham. If they cost us a seat on the Supreme Court they'll be history faster than you can say banana split. It's a political decision, not an ethical conundrum. They'll do the calculus and come to the politically expedient conclussion. You know it and I know it.

You forget one small item. The Republicans voted in the art of the Filibuster. And the Dems can tie it up for the next few months that way each and every time it comes to the floor. With the Senate, basically, coming to a screeching halt anyway, who would even notice that it's not doing anything. At least some noise would be coming from the Senate floor.
The problem with your idea is the the DEMOCRATS took away the filibuster on judicial appointments the last time they controlled the Senate. Remember Harry Reid and the "Nuclear Option"?

Who told you that? Whomever did lied to you. Ted Cruz, remember him?
Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

Its not too late, he's not going to succeed
Why not?

According to Section 2, Article 2, Constitution of the United States, the President is granted the power to appoint judges. Nowhere does it mention when the appointment should be made, only that it requires approval by a majority of the Senate. It doesn't mention "after the election," Chuck Schumer's or Nancy Pelosi's permission or even Ruth Bader Ginsburg's "fervent wishes." Here's the gist of the Article.

......... The Appointments Clause grants the president the power to appoint judges and public officials subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, which in practice has meant that presidential appointees must be confirmed by a majority vote in the Senate........

Moscow Mitch changed the rules in 2016. Now wants to change them again to suit Trump.
This blatant display isn't just hypocrisy, it's sheer corruption.
Moscow Mitch can't come back after that and say bullshit like 2016 had a lame duck POTUS and a GOP Senate.
I'm stunned that stupid idiotic cons go along with this.
I don't "go along' with it. Trump has the duty to appoint a new judge. The Democrat "rule" was started by Commiecrats just recently. There's no damn rule. The Libs just hope they can cheat Joe into a win because they're terrified Trump will reverse DACA, Roe v Wade and this LGBTQ farce. Among other depravities.
Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

Its not too late, he's not going to succeed
Why not?

According to Section 2, Article 2, Constitution of the United States, the President is granted the power to appoint judges. Nowhere does it mention when the appointment should be made, only that it requires approval by a majority of the Senate. It doesn't mention "after the election," Chuck Schumer's or Nancy Pelosi's permission or even Ruth Bader Ginsburg's "fervent wishes." Here's the gist of the Article.

......... The Appointments Clause grants the president the power to appoint judges and public officials subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, which in practice has meant that presidential appointees must be confirmed by a majority vote in the Senate........

Moscow Mitch changed the rules in 2016. Now wants to change them again to suit Trump.
This blatant display isn't just hypocrisy, it's sheer corruption.
Moscow Mitch can't come back after that and say bullshit like 2016 had a lame duck POTUS and a GOP Senate.
I'm stunned that stupid idiotic cons go along with this.
I don't "go along' with it. Trump has the duty to appoint a new judge. The Democrat "rule" was started by Commiecrats just recently. There's no damn rule. The Libs just hope they can cheat Joe into a win because they're terrified Trump will reverse DACA, Roe v Wade and this LGBTQ farce. Among other depravities.

First of all, I doubt if Rump would ever reverse DACA. You haven't listened to him in the few lucid times he's had.
Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

If he gets approval, it will be by a razor thin margin.

Murkowski, Collins, Romney and eventually Kelly will defeat it
Romney will approve of his pick because Utah Mormons will demand it. They are a bunch of pro-lifer nazis. All Trump has to do is nominate one, and Romney will be bound.

You are awsre that Nazis were not prolife?
Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

If he gets approval, it will be by a razor thin margin.

Murkowski, Collins, Romney and eventually Kelly will defeat it
Collins is beat either way...

Romney and Murkowski will cave just like Graham. If they cost us a seat on the Supreme Court they'll be history faster than you can say banana split. It's a political decision, not an ethical conundrum. They'll do the calculus and come to the politically expedient conclussion. You know it and I know it.

You forget one small item. The Republicans voted in the art of the Filibuster. And the Dems can tie it up for the next few months that way each and every time it comes to the floor. With the Senate, basically, coming to a screeching halt anyway, who would even notice that it's not doing anything. At least some noise would be coming from the Senate floor.
Doesn't Mcconnell get to set the rules like TIME LIMITS since he is senate majority leader---------

A Filibuster can go on indefinately. Remember the I like Green Fried Tomatoes?

So uninformed.
Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

If he gets approval, it will be by a razor thin margin.

Murkowski, Collins, Romney and eventually Kelly will defeat it
Yep but it Kelly is not there it’s 50-50 and Pence is the deciding vote
And he will not be even if by chance he wins
Kelly is an anti-gunner in a state that guns and ammo's rated number 1 pro-second amendment
1. Arizona
No gun bills, either good or bad, passed this year, allowing Arizona to maintain the top spot in our survey. Arizona receives 10 points across the board thanks to its Permitless- and Permitted-Carry laws, a strong preemption statute, excellent Use of Force laws, and a lack of restrictions on individual firearms and accessories. Places to shoot, both recreationally and competitively, are many and the state has a strong firearm industry presence. Gunsite, the mecca of defensive shooting, is just outside of Prescott. (2018 rank: 1)

Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

Its not too late, he's not going to succeed
Why not?

According to Section 2, Article 2, Constitution of the United States, the President is granted the power to appoint judges. Nowhere does it mention when the appointment should be made, only that it requires approval by a majority of the Senate. It doesn't mention "after the election," Chuck Schumer's or Nancy Pelosi's permission or even Ruth Bader Ginsburg's "fervent wishes." Here's the gist of the Article.

......... The Appointments Clause grants the president the power to appoint judges and public officials subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, which in practice has meant that presidential appointees must be confirmed by a majority vote in the Senate........

Moscow Mitch changed the rules in 2016. Now wants to change them again to suit Trump.
This blatant display isn't just hypocrisy, it's sheer corruption.
Moscow Mitch can't come back after that and say bullshit like 2016 had a lame duck POTUS and a GOP Senate.
I'm stunned that stupid idiotic cons go along with this.
I don't "go along' with it. Trump has the duty to appoint a new judge. The Democrat "rule" was started by Commiecrats just recently. There's no damn rule. The Libs just hope they can cheat Joe into a win because they're terrified Trump will reverse DACA, Roe v Wade and this LGBTQ farce. Among other depravities.
Maybe we should be willing to make a couple of compromises
DACA give those kids born here by illegal means a path to citizenship, in return kill the anchor baby citizenship bullshit?
Gay's keep the rights they have in return stop forcing people to accept that lifestyle.
Too little too late. EnjoyTrumps 3rd S C pick.

If he gets approval, it will be by a razor thin margin.

Murkowski, Collins, Romney and eventually Kelly will defeat it
Collins is beat either way...

Romney and Murkowski will cave just like Graham. If they cost us a seat on the Supreme Court they'll be history faster than you can say banana split. It's a political decision, not an ethical conundrum. They'll do the calculus and come to the politically expedient conclussion. You know it and I know it.

You forget one small item. The Republicans voted in the art of the Filibuster. And the Dems can tie it up for the next few months that way each and every time it comes to the floor. With the Senate, basically, coming to a screeching halt anyway, who would even notice that it's not doing anything. At least some noise would be coming from the Senate floor.
The problem with your idea is the the DEMOCRATS took away the filibuster on judicial appointments the last time they controlled the Senate. Remember Harry Reid and the "Nuclear Option"?

Who told you that? Whomever did lied to you. Ted Cruz, remember him?

So uninformed

Voters need to vote so they cannot pet this current non-conservative, far right GOP mess up the country.
“A Mark Kelly win in Ariz. Senate race could spoil McConnell's plans to replace Ginsburg”

Actually not.

The confirmation vote will take place in the Republican majority lame duck Senate, before the new session of Congress starts.

Such is the reprehensible right.
If Kelly wins he will be seated November 30th filling McCain's seat.
So Mitch would need to have the vote before 11/30.

Where do you get that? He is replacing someone appointed to fill the rest of McCain's term which ends in January.
If you can believe the NYT...

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