A Man Spit On My Toddler And Called Her The N-Word.

Jul 26, 2010
North Carolina
It was at a local barbecue joint in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, when a tall man approached the table where I was sitting with my two daughters, 4 and 2. He lingered there long enough, just looking at us, that I’d begun to hatch an escape plan. I’d already broken into a full-blown sweat before I even realized what he’d just done: spit on my 2-year-old, his saliva landing on her thigh. He then walked away, muttering the N-word under his breath, oblivious to the inaccuracy of the insult.
I was born and raised in Malaysia. I am biracial, of Malay and Indian descent. I came to the United States after falling in love and marrying my blond, blue-eyed American husband. Though I am brown and my husband white, my children, born here in America ― true blue Americans ― are neither. They have an indiscernible olive skin tone, but they are not white.

My neighbors and community voiced their silent agreement, condoning such a vile act when they offered no defense, no comfort, not even acknowledgment that it happened.

The entire restaurant, all white diners from what I could see around me, had watched the incident, avoided eye contact with me, and carried on with their lunches, glancing at us from time to time, confirming what I knew to be true already: We were the others.

I’m also treated very differently when I’m with my white husband than when I’m on my own. People have yelled at me, “Go back where you came from.” Retail assistants have followed me around stores, saying, “There is nothing here for you.” A woman at a makeup counter once denied me service, glancing past me at the white woman behind me in line, telling her she was ready, as if I were invisible. But the glob of spit that hit my daughter that day was a whole new low. I could hold it in and tolerate my pain when the aggressions were directed toward me, but it burned me in a way I hadn’t felt before to see my children subject to such indignity.

What can you say?

How do you think a person should react to something like this being done to their child?
It was at a local barbecue joint in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, when a tall man approached the table where I was sitting with my two daughters, 4 and 2. He lingered there long enough, just looking at us, that I’d begun to hatch an escape plan. I’d already broken into a full-blown sweat before I even realized what he’d just done: spit on my 2-year-old, his saliva landing on her thigh. He then walked away, muttering the N-word under his breath, oblivious to the inaccuracy of the insult.
I was born and raised in Malaysia. I am biracial, of Malay and Indian descent. I came to the United States after falling in love and marrying my blond, blue-eyed American husband. Though I am brown and my husband white, my children, born here in America ― true blue Americans ― are neither. They have an indiscernible olive skin tone, but they are not white.

My neighbors and community voiced their silent agreement, condoning such a vile act when they offered no defense, no comfort, not even acknowledgment that it happened.

The entire restaurant, all white diners from what I could see around me, had watched the incident, avoided eye contact with me, and carried on with their lunches, glancing at us from time to time, confirming what I knew to be true already: We were the others.

I’m also treated very differently when I’m with my white husband than when I’m on my own. People have yelled at me, “Go back where you came from.” Retail assistants have followed me around stores, saying, “There is nothing here for you.” A woman at a makeup counter once denied me service, glancing past me at the white woman behind me in line, telling her she was ready, as if I were invisible. But the glob of spit that hit my daughter that day was a whole new low. I could hold it in and tolerate my pain when the aggressions were directed toward me, but it burned me in a way I hadn’t felt before to see my children subject to such indignity.

What can you say?

How do you think a person should react to something like this being done to their child?
fake news,,,
It was at a local barbecue joint in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, when a tall man approached the table where I was sitting with my two daughters, 4 and 2. He lingered there long enough, just looking at us, that I’d begun to hatch an escape plan. I’d already broken into a full-blown sweat before I even realized what he’d just done: spit on my 2-year-old, his saliva landing on her thigh. He then walked away, muttering the N-word under his breath, oblivious to the inaccuracy of the insult.
I was born and raised in Malaysia. I am biracial, of Malay and Indian descent. I came to the United States after falling in love and marrying my blond, blue-eyed American husband. Though I am brown and my husband white, my children, born here in America ― true blue Americans ― are neither. They have an indiscernible olive skin tone, but they are not white.

My neighbors and community voiced their silent agreement, condoning such a vile act when they offered no defense, no comfort, not even acknowledgment that it happened.

The entire restaurant, all white diners from what I could see around me, had watched the incident, avoided eye contact with me, and carried on with their lunches, glancing at us from time to time, confirming what I knew to be true already: We were the others.

I’m also treated very differently when I’m with my white husband than when I’m on my own. People have yelled at me, “Go back where you came from.” Retail assistants have followed me around stores, saying, “There is nothing here for you.” A woman at a makeup counter once denied me service, glancing past me at the white woman behind me in line, telling her she was ready, as if I were invisible. But the glob of spit that hit my daughter that day was a whole new low. I could hold it in and tolerate my pain when the aggressions were directed toward me, but it burned me in a way I hadn’t felt before to see my children subject to such indignity.

What can you say?

How do you think a person should react to something like this being done to their child?
A female. How brave of the white boy. Now guess how brave he would have been if it was a man there instead? He would have just turned pink and got back in the car.
In the 1980's America all but eliminated involuntary committal for mental patients.

There are a host of people so mentally aberrant that they cannot function in society. They cannot hold jobs, or even take the required steps to obtain assistance.

These people make up a large percentage of our homeless and regularly commit assaults like the one you describe.

Unfortunately, people have become immured to their presence and either won't engage with them at all or call for police assistance that may, or may not, be available.

I'm sorry you went through this.
To be fair, that is the only practical way to deal with these people. They cannot be helped by the impotent public health system and they are drain on public resources. They will continue committing assaults, thefts, and general public nuisance until the day they die.
Youre assuming there is a mental problem as in they were crazy. This is typical behavior of racists. Again note this was done safely in the presence of a female. They werent crazy enough to do it while a male was there. Dont make up excuses for behavior that was applauded not to long ago.
Sucks if it happened. What can be done? Could've been a racist asshole or some homeless crazy off their meds. Not going put too much into with only one side of the story, and that in an overly dramatic fashion. Plus Huffpo is hardly credible.

She sounded just as insulted at being considered black as anything else.
I gave you time. You failed to prove it.
Youre assuming there is a mental problem as in they were crazy. This is typical behavior of racists.

I see incidents like this frequently. Typically, the people who commit them are well known to local police (they tend to stake out the same territory).

The difference between a mentally ill racist and a stupid (but socially functional) racist is that the stupid racist are typically too cowardly to commit such acts in public unless they are protected by associates. Typically, racist outbursts from those who aren't seriously mentally ill come from gangs of men or boys, and sometimes gangs of girls. They are rarely one-on-one because even a single bystander can interfere. The gang depends on intimidation to prevent any reaction from bystanders.

The mentally ill racist doesn't fear for the potential repercussions of bystanders because they don't fear either beating or incarceration.

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