A Little Clarification is need on the Kung Flu Virus


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
1. When they say there have been 400,000 positive test results are they including retests?
2. How can you test positive one day and 2 days later you test negative? Did you have the virus or not?
3. 16 players on the Marlins tested positive, but they are not showing any symptoms,
Do they have the virus or not
So exactly what does testing positive mean?
It means the hysterical minions can scream "The Sky is Falling" another day
Before it's gone, most Americans will likely test positive at some point. But the vast majority will never know they had it.

You can find hordes of hysterical snowflakes on the streets who would gladly burn the Constitution if they were told it would make them safer.
Just Imbeciles.
I doubt any nation could survive the assault on common sense the USA is enduring.
Accuracy of available testing is a bother. If they reduced the number of different test from the huge number out there, to the relative few that have been evaluated and being 99% plus accurate, it would slow down testing for sure due to supply, but I have been in on this difference in test results thing and it is not comfortable. I think they need to pick the winners and losers and regulate not under Emergency Use Authorization, but under legitimate FDA regulation, meeting high standard,
If you are level headed and see this epidemic of unfounded hysteria, consider this.....

Get a thin elastic band in a circle and place it behind your ears and then across your face under your chin and just above your nose.
Then go out and enjoy your day.

When some hysterical Snowflake Karens start screaming you have no Mask, look shocked and tell them you are wearing the King's mask and
only intelligent people can see it.

They will quickly realize their mistake and tell you what a lovely mask you are wearing.
4 million have tested positive for the TRUMPvirus
150,000 have died
Rather than “flattening the curve” like Europe did, the US is getting worse
4 million have tested positive for the TRUMPvirus
150,000 have died
Rather than “flattening the curve” like Europe did, the US is getting worse

If you had an ounce of common sense, you would realize that what you just said proves the destructive lunacy of the Left

"Not even a smidgen of common sense"
Barack Obama - referring to his minions
4 million have tested positive for the TRUMPvirus
150,000 have died
Rather than “flattening the curve” like Europe did, the US is getting worse

If you had an ounce of common sense, you would realize that what you just said proves the destructive lunacy of the Left

"Not even a smidgen of common sense"
Barack Obama - referring to his minions
If you have a shred of common sense, you would realize that the denials and misinformation being disseminated by conservatives is one of the reasons TRUMPvirus is getting worse in the US and not abroad
4 million have tested positive for the TRUMPvirus
150,000 have died
Rather than “flattening the curve” like Europe did, the US is getting worse

If you had an ounce of common sense, you would realize that what you just said proves the destructive lunacy of the Left

"Not even a smidgen of common sense"
Barack Obama - referring to his minions
If you have a shred of common sense, you would realize that the denials and misinformation being disseminated by conservatives is one of the reasons TRUMPvirus is getting worse in the US and not abroad

invest in Kleenex NOW....in November you're gonna need tons of it

TRUMP - Best US President in 100 years !!
Most of the world took the TRUMPvirus seriously.

But they did not have a Crackpot leader who chases conspiracy theories
1. When they say there have been 400,000 positive test results are they including retests?
2. How can you test positive one day and 2 days later you test negative? Did you have the virus or not?
3. 16 players on the Marlins tested positive, but they are not showing any symptoms,
Do they have the virus or not
So exactly what does testing positive mean?
1. YES
2. NO
3. NO
Positive test means that you took the test. You laugh? There have been people that stand in-line for hours, walk away, do not get tested, and get a call 3 days later saying they tested Positive.. Yes Positive, even though they never took the test...

1. When they say there have been 400,000 positive test results are they including retests?
2. How can you test positive one day and 2 days later you test negative? Did you have the virus or not?
3. 16 players on the Marlins tested positive, but they are not showing any symptoms,
Do they have the virus or not
So exactly what does testing positive mean?
Not sure about whatever "Kung flu" you're talking about but with the tRump virus a positive test means you have portions of the virus DNA in whatever secretions they tested. If you have a mild enough case I would imagine you could clear it in a few days and test negative again.

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