The T
George S. Patton Party
And belive me it was a message to all of you that continue to foist these Anti-Palin threads I keep reading...
Simply(?): Why Does Palin Scare You Libs? <LINK
A caller to Limbaugh today really outed many of you nabobs of Negativity regarding Sarah Palin, and WHY you feel threatened by Sarah...
The point being? She is NOT in a position of authority right now.She isn't voting on ANY legislation, and she abdicated her Governorship to save her State from the abject venom (And dragging the people of her State through it as an act of courage in MY humble view...) *SHE* is on a book tour...but yet the venom ensues and many show their distain for her as the following aptly demonstrates: It really got me to thinking in my subsequent editorial that follows this exchange...
RUSH: We go to Milwaukee next. Jerry, you are on Open Line Friday. Hello.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. You know, I'm a Democrat and I really want Palin as the nominee. I really want Palin as the nominee because if she became the nominee there's no chance she would get elected. President Obama would basically defeat her in a landslide because the American people know she's an empty suit. They know that she's a coward who hides behind the military; they know about her trying to ban books or looking into banning books in Wasilla, Alaska. Her book just showed how much of an empty suit she was, how she really doesn't say anything and she just attacks the people who disagree with her. There's no policy ideas in the book at all.
RUSH: Now, now, now. I've read the book and you're just repeating a bunch of bluster that you've read on websites, 'cause this book is full of policy. That's what makes it remarkable.
CALLER: No, it's not. No, it's not. I read part of Mike Huckabee's book. Even though I don't agree with Mike Huckabee, that had a hundred times the actual content of the gossip book which is Going Rogue, which is "Going Tedious," I call it.
RUSH: There's only ten pages of gossip in this book. Would you explain something to me? I really don't understand -- and you're a Democrat, and maybe you can help me understand.
CALLER: Uh-huh.
RUSH: What is it about this woman that drives you so crazy?
CALLER: What is it about Obama that drives the right-wing so crazy?
RUSH: Because he's destroying the country, my man. Answer my question. I answered yours. What is it about this woman that drives you so crazy? She can't do a damn thing to you, Jerry.
CALLER: Well, I don't think she's going to be elected president --
RUSH: Jerry, why does she scare you?
CALLER: She divides Americans, Rush. She has this idea that if you don't agree with her -- and this is common on the right -- then you're not really a patriot like her. You're not really a real American.
RUSH: Wait a second. No, no, no.
CALLER: She said that in North Carolina during the election.
RUSH: She scares you to death. She frightens the hell out of you. You're having to make up all kinds of stuff about her. This woman has far more patriotism and love of country and decency in her than Barack Obama could hope to have. This woman would be so much better leading this country than what we have now because we are being led into destruction. We are being led over the cliff into an abyss. We are being led by a man who's got a chip on his shoulder for some reason about this country and doesn't like it. She loves it. I'd rather have somebody that openly loves this country, respects it, and wants to project American exceptionalism around the world rather than what we got now: Somebody running around taking every opportunity he can to cut this country down to size. Bringing a terrorist trial to New York City, conferring citizenship rights on a man who was the mastermind behind a murder of almost 3,000 Americans? What I don't understand is how anybody -- and you sound like you have a functional brain. What I don't understand is how anybody can look at what's happening in this country and say the problem is Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin is in NO authority position...But in my view? *SHE* (By some estimates/projections) *MIGHT RUN* for POTUS even though she has NOT comitted to it formally. But this guy seems to be afraid...WHY?
So tell us Liberal/Statists? WHY are you so caught up with her? WHY the continued (ATTEMPTED, I mighr add), character destruction of a woman who by all intents and purposes seems to be LOVED by the masses?
I'll tell you *WHY*. Because SHE speaks for more folks than you can imagine. 2012 is a millenium away in political the search/destroy mission is quite evident. But If you MUST destroy this woman? Go forearmed into battle knowing this?
PALIN represents something that you cannot stand something that YOU collectively cannot comprehend......and that is the real American base...she has appeal of POSITIVE THINKING that you so loathe...and she does it so well...
And it's clearly something that you Statists PRIZE, and that's the Adulation she garners from the REAL grass roots that have roundly rejected your negativity.
YOU cannot stand a strong woman who speaks to the CORE of what it means to be a REAL AMERICAN... and to this point the majority of you Palin Haters will continue to attack do so, at your own peril...
...And that at the peril of this Republic that she so proudly represents by her words and deeds.
The PEOPLE support her in the arena of Ideas, and this is why your attempt to destroy her by your abject vitriol. If only YOU had it so good.
Approach with caution.
~Submitted by the T , 20 November, 2009...
Simply(?): Why Does Palin Scare You Libs? <LINK
A caller to Limbaugh today really outed many of you nabobs of Negativity regarding Sarah Palin, and WHY you feel threatened by Sarah...
The point being? She is NOT in a position of authority right now.She isn't voting on ANY legislation, and she abdicated her Governorship to save her State from the abject venom (And dragging the people of her State through it as an act of courage in MY humble view...) *SHE* is on a book tour...but yet the venom ensues and many show their distain for her as the following aptly demonstrates: It really got me to thinking in my subsequent editorial that follows this exchange...
CALLER: Hi, Rush. You know, I'm a Democrat and I really want Palin as the nominee. I really want Palin as the nominee because if she became the nominee there's no chance she would get elected. President Obama would basically defeat her in a landslide because the American people know she's an empty suit. They know that she's a coward who hides behind the military; they know about her trying to ban books or looking into banning books in Wasilla, Alaska. Her book just showed how much of an empty suit she was, how she really doesn't say anything and she just attacks the people who disagree with her. There's no policy ideas in the book at all.
RUSH: Now, now, now. I've read the book and you're just repeating a bunch of bluster that you've read on websites, 'cause this book is full of policy. That's what makes it remarkable.
CALLER: No, it's not. No, it's not. I read part of Mike Huckabee's book. Even though I don't agree with Mike Huckabee, that had a hundred times the actual content of the gossip book which is Going Rogue, which is "Going Tedious," I call it.
RUSH: There's only ten pages of gossip in this book. Would you explain something to me? I really don't understand -- and you're a Democrat, and maybe you can help me understand.
CALLER: Uh-huh.
RUSH: What is it about this woman that drives you so crazy?
CALLER: What is it about Obama that drives the right-wing so crazy?
RUSH: Because he's destroying the country, my man. Answer my question. I answered yours. What is it about this woman that drives you so crazy? She can't do a damn thing to you, Jerry.
CALLER: Well, I don't think she's going to be elected president --
RUSH: Jerry, why does she scare you?
CALLER: She divides Americans, Rush. She has this idea that if you don't agree with her -- and this is common on the right -- then you're not really a patriot like her. You're not really a real American.
RUSH: Wait a second. No, no, no.
CALLER: She said that in North Carolina during the election.
RUSH: She scares you to death. She frightens the hell out of you. You're having to make up all kinds of stuff about her. This woman has far more patriotism and love of country and decency in her than Barack Obama could hope to have. This woman would be so much better leading this country than what we have now because we are being led into destruction. We are being led over the cliff into an abyss. We are being led by a man who's got a chip on his shoulder for some reason about this country and doesn't like it. She loves it. I'd rather have somebody that openly loves this country, respects it, and wants to project American exceptionalism around the world rather than what we got now: Somebody running around taking every opportunity he can to cut this country down to size. Bringing a terrorist trial to New York City, conferring citizenship rights on a man who was the mastermind behind a murder of almost 3,000 Americans? What I don't understand is how anybody -- and you sound like you have a functional brain. What I don't understand is how anybody can look at what's happening in this country and say the problem is Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin is in NO authority position...But in my view? *SHE* (By some estimates/projections) *MIGHT RUN* for POTUS even though she has NOT comitted to it formally. But this guy seems to be afraid...WHY?
So tell us Liberal/Statists? WHY are you so caught up with her? WHY the continued (ATTEMPTED, I mighr add), character destruction of a woman who by all intents and purposes seems to be LOVED by the masses?
I'll tell you *WHY*. Because SHE speaks for more folks than you can imagine. 2012 is a millenium away in political the search/destroy mission is quite evident. But If you MUST destroy this woman? Go forearmed into battle knowing this?
PALIN represents something that you cannot stand something that YOU collectively cannot comprehend......and that is the real American base...she has appeal of POSITIVE THINKING that you so loathe...and she does it so well...
And it's clearly something that you Statists PRIZE, and that's the Adulation she garners from the REAL grass roots that have roundly rejected your negativity.
YOU cannot stand a strong woman who speaks to the CORE of what it means to be a REAL AMERICAN... and to this point the majority of you Palin Haters will continue to attack do so, at your own peril...
...And that at the peril of this Republic that she so proudly represents by her words and deeds.
The PEOPLE support her in the arena of Ideas, and this is why your attempt to destroy her by your abject vitriol. If only YOU had it so good.
Approach with caution.
~Submitted by the T , 20 November, 2009...
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