A "jury" of one.....Barr did what he was hired by Trump to do....

No collusion and no obstruction, means that there is nothing to hide.

What the fuck is the matter with you Trump cult members???............
.Mueller did NOT state "no obstruction" ....the only one who "concluded" that is Barr.........Trump's lap dog who OPENLY stated that he is a Trump lap dog.
Why do you hate the fact the President did not collude with the Russians?
Why do you hate the fact the President did not obstruct justice?
You do as you please, of course, but why on earth would you not just read that crappy outfit, but also post a link to it?

Because the Washington Examiner IS a right wing outlet.

Washington Examiner


In the absence of actual facts, conspiracies will substitute

And at this point, the process is to leave it to the DOJ to accept the findings or do more.. The prosecutorial ABUSE that this country has seen from the Mueller Inquisition is ugly and unexcusable.. Full military style assaults for "show of force" in the dead of night for no reason.. Lives and families and finances of innocent people RUINED for gawd knows what reason.. Abuse of domestic spying.. Stuffing charges into pleas that will NEVER SEE discovery or facts being challenged...

THAT damage makes Putin proud.. And all the TDS victims from the media that propagandized this for 2 years -- down to the Congress critters habitually lying about it and sliming innocent people -- and last but not least, the TDS sufferers like YOU that caused MONUMENTAL DAMAGE to the credibility of our legal system and political system... You're ALL "HEROES OF THE KREMLIN" this week...

And fuck the "court of public opinion" on this... The JURY has not only been tampered with -- but they been BUTT FUCKED and brainwashed by their political leadership and tabloid, conspiratorial media... There's not a CHANCE of a "fair public trial" anywhere on the planet except MAYBE --- in the Kremlin...
1. Trump has nothing to do with the report, its Barr's.
2. No collusion and no obstruction, means that there is nothing to hide.
3. The LAW says that the AG presents a summary, if you want the report next time change the law. (Hint: if its not indictable you don't say anything)
Sure he does

If Trump wants it released, it will be released

No collusion or obstruction means nothing meeting criminal thresholds. We can only assume the rest

Barr said he would release the report. If hi meant a personal summary, he should have said that at his confirmation

At his confirmation he said that "he would release as much as he could". So its up to Barr's interpretation.
The House voted unanimously that the report should be released to the public

Why are Republicans changing their mind. If the report exhonorates the President, wouldn’t they want everyone to see it?

Because it's ALWAYS the AG's responsibility to assure the UNCHARGED people are respectively protected from having personal/private details in any FBI investigation or special council proceedings.. Nothing NEW here at all..

It's NOT a "party of one" like the OP Idiot offered up.. It's whatever group or commission Barr wants to put together to review and release what the public can see. Barr is not DOING THIS by himself, I guarandamntee. Because Rosenstein hung around probably JUST FOR this purpose...

Public has no expectations of getting "transcripts" of Presidential private meetings with world leaders.. And the public also has no expectations of reading every last bit of interviews, grand jury, actual Intel information, personal phone tapping, NSA spying or whatever ELSE might have been used in this Inquisition that ruined so many innocent people like PapaDopolous, Caputo and Flynn...

You brats need to stop at the boundaries of sanity... Pursuing FAMILY and FINANCES for no reason is Mafia tactics, intimidation and actually NOT any role of Congress that the Constitution recognizes.. If you want you party to cross that line -- your all gonna picking ass parts for decades....
The public has an expectation that a fair and thorough investigation was conducted. In the absence of actual facts, conspiracies will substitute

There is the court of law and the court of public opinion

If Trump supresses the actual report, the public can judge its content accordingly

What is he hiding?

He's hiding nothing.. He's aware of WHY ANY investigation that does not result in charges or referrals is NOT made public. That's the system.. It PROTECTS innocent people... And WE like it that way...

And too much damage has ALREADY been done to Civil Liberties in this entire matter.. You'll get what's pertinent to the indictments and referrals with redactions for sources... That's it.... Inquisition is over.. Witchhunting season closed....
And at this point, the process is to leave it to the DOJ to accept the findings or do more.. The prosecutorial ABUSE that this country has seen from the Mueller Inquisition is ugly and unexcusable.. Full military style assaults for "show of force" in the dead of night for no reason.. Lives and families and finances of innocent people RUINED for gawd knows what reason.. Abuse of domestic spying.. Stuffing charges into pleas that will NEVER SEE discovery or facts being challenged...

THAT damage makes Putin proud.. And all the TDS victims from the media that propagandized this for 2 years -- down to the Congress critters habitually lying about it and sliming innocent people -- and last but not least, the TDS sufferers like YOU that caused MONUMENTAL DAMAGE to the credibility of our legal system and political system... You're ALL "HEROES OF THE KREMLIN" this week...

And fuck the "court of public opinion" on this... The JURY has not only been tampered with -- but they been BUTT FUCKED and brainwashed by their political leadership and tabloid, conspiratorial media... There's not a CHANCE of a "fair public trial" anywhere on the planet except MAYBE --- in the Kremlin...

Shock and Awe, baby. Hellfire missiles and precision MOABs - and still, Stone was arrested without suffering so much as a scratch, when, in your depiction, not a single tooth was to be found.

Who'd a thunk, the GOP would unleash such a monster - "the Mueller Inquisition" - on innocent lives and families?

Really, Flac, is there any CHANCE you get ahold of your horses?
If the original allegation of collusion was not proved even after 2,000 subpoenas and 500 witnesses and two years of midnight search warrant raids. It stands to reason that the charge of obstruction can't stand if collusion was thrown out. For angry lefties who ain't got a clue and rely on left wing blogs and lies, the pathetic last stand allegations of "obstruction" regard the firing of the FBI head. Does the let love Comey that much?.
I pre-ordered a hard copy of Mueller's report a couple weeks ago on Amazon. It won't be available until the end of April.

Until then, I am going to take what anyone says about the Mueller report with a grain of salt.

Hopefully, an electronic version of Mueller's report will be published online before the end of April. Then I can commence reading it.

Before, during, and after that, the parroting rube herd will parrot what they are told to parrot. I will take anything they vomit onto this forum as the manufactured bullshit ("fake news") that it is.

One thing you can count on is that not one Trumpanzee will read the report for themselves since it is longer than a tweet. They just don't have that kind of intellectual bandwidth.

Trump's troubles are far from over. Not only is there a question of obstruction of justice, there are still the investigations being done by the Southern District of New York into money laundering, tax evasion, and insurance fraud.

There is also the open question of campaign finance fraud with respect to the payments to Stormy Daniels.

I am on record many times over on this forum that I do not believe Trump personally colluded with Putin. Putin is not stupid enough to collude directly with a retarded huckster who would have spilled the beans via tweet five minutes into the act.

Trump made the "rusher collusion hoax" the centerpiece of his bloviations. All to distract and detract from the many other questions of his corruption and moral turpitude.

Now we can get down to the brass tacks.

I cannot Wait for your opinion since you’re such an unbiased expert...
Shock and Awe, baby. Hellfire missiles and precision MOABs - and still, Stone was arrested without suffering so much as a scratch, when, in your depiction, not a single tooth was to be found.

You LOVE that smell of napalm in the morning dontcha?? You're a real American Civil Libertarian hero... All for a guy who they could have CALLED in at anytime.. Stone had 7 months to hide and destroy... THe only purpose of that obscene over-kill was to intimidate Corsi, Stone, and other VICTIMS of Mueller's abuse who were still thumbing their noses at him...

Who'd a thunk, the GOP would unleash such a monster - "the Mueller Inquisition" - on innocent lives and families?

Really, Flac, is there any CHANCE you get ahold of your horses?

Fuck you and your horse... You don't even KNOW the extent of damage to innocent victims of this whole bigger treasonous plot... Wanna discuss family, finances, reputations ruined? Let's see what you know of any of this...

Let's play ball...

George Papadopolous is completely innocent of any crime involving Russian contacts. In fact he is a victim of covert Intel operation conceived somewhere in the top levels of OUR FBI and Intel groups.And YET -- HIS LIFE, HIS FAMILY and HIS reputation is in the crapper because of Mueller and the REST of the cabal investigating the Trump campaign prior to the election.. ANY thing he knew about "russians and Hillary's emails" was PLANTED on him by phony Russian contacts that we're supposed to compromise members of Trump campaign as an "insurance policy" should Trump actually WIN the election... So they could be "picked to the bone" by investigations after the election..

Now I could spend 3 or 5 paragraphs laying this out for you.. ALL the evidence was recently dumped by a patriot US congressman from the "closed door" hearings into the public record. It's all available on line and the public would not KNOW if not for him.. But other news sources ALREADY figured all this out before Congress held the hearings..

So YOU'RE gonna tell me how PapaDop was purposely ENTRAP and infected with the "phony Russian information" in the first place.. When and by WHOM this happened and those people's backgrounds and history with US covert Intel operations overseas...

If you're clueless, and your idiots you depend on for "news" never told you this -- I'll set it straight for you.. If you're not interested -- you're just another mortally wounded Putin lover who tossed this country into complete chaos for 2 years and destroyed voter confidence in the govt and the political system.. And Putin thanks you personally for doing a fine job...

Biggest political scandal of your lifetime and you're just ignorantly trolling... Putin needs 20 million more like you to accomplish his wet dream of bringing America to its knees with political turmoil and conflict....
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To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)

I've heard of putting a spin on things, but this is a full fledged tornado. I must assume you never actually read Barr's letter, or you wouldn't be posting things like this. But please, don't stop - every Terminal TDS thread is a total delight!
Shock and Awe, baby. Hellfire missiles and precision MOABs - and still, Stone was arrested without suffering so much as a scratch, when, in your depiction, not a single tooth was to be found.

You LOVE that smell of napalm in the morning dontcha?? You're a real American Civil Libertarian hero... All for a guy who they could have CALLED in at anytime.. Stone had 7 months to hide and destroy... THe only purpose of that obscene over-kill was to intimidate Corsi, Stone, and other VICTIMS of Mueller's abuse who were still thumbing their noses at him...

Who'd a thunk, the GOP would unleash such a monster - "the Mueller Inquisition" - on innocent lives and families?

Really, Flac, is there any CHANCE you get ahold of your horses?

Fuck you and your horse... You don't even KNOW the extent of damage to innocent victims of this whole bigger treasonous plot... Wanna discuss family, finances, reputations ruined? Let's see what you know of any of this...

Let's play ball...

George Papadopolous is completely innocent of any crime involving Russian contacts. In fact he is a victim of covert Intel operation conceived somewhere in the top levels of OUR FBI and Intel groups.And YET -- HIS LIFE, HIS FAMILY and HIS reputation is in the crapper because of Mueller and the REST of the cabal investigating the Trump campaign prior to the election.. ANY thing he knew about "russians and Hillary's emails" was PLANTED on him by phony Russian contacts that we're supposed to compromise members of Trump campaign as an "insurance policy" should Trump actually WIN the election... So they could be "picked to the bone" by investigations after the election..

Now I could spend 3 or 5 paragraphs laying this out for you.. ALL the evidence was recently dumped by a patriot US congressman from the "closed door" hearings into the public record. It's all available on line and the public would not KNOW if not for him.. But other news sources ALREADY figured all this out before Congress held the hearings..

So YOU'RE gonna tell me how PapaDop was purposely ENTRAP and infected with the "phony Russian information" in the first place.. When and by WHOM this happened and those people's backgrounds and history with US covert Intel operations overseas...

If you're clueless, and your idiots you depend on for "news" never told you this -- I'll set it straight for you.. If you're not interested -- you're just another mortally wounded Putin lover who tossed this country into complete chaos for 2 years and destroyed voter confidence in the govt and the political system.. And Putin thanks you personally for doing a fine job...

Biggest political scandal of your lifetime and you're just ignorantly trolling... Putin needs 20 million more like you to accomplish his wet dream of bringing America to its knees with political turmoil and conflict....

You were the one fantasizing about "Full military style assaults", remember? I was just the one wondering why Stone's house is still standing.

And Papadopoulos is in the crapper because of Mueller "investigating the Trump campaign prior to the election"? You may want to check that. Let me guess, the whole bunch of overwrought nonsense was planted on you by none other than the most sincere and honorable Mr. Nunes. Correct?

Last I checked, Papadopoulos is since happily married, participates in a documentary about himself and is, after a 12-day prison term for lying to the FBI, promoting his new book while... wait for it: “I feel almost like a potential political rebirth in the making,” he told Foreign Policy, when, in your depiction, he was burned crisp. And that's the biggest political scandal of my lifetime? Either your memory is abysmal, or I was born yesterday. The latter, I assure you, is slightly exaggerated.

What your Dear Leader, Trump, needs is 20 million more falling for your deep state conspiracy bullshit, and, no doubt, Putin would be all smiles about it. If the latter is bent on destroying the U.S. from within, you and Trump would be the best allies he could hope for. Neither of you even begin to understand what's going on, neither is even marginally interested in learning about it, and that's why both of you are falling for every Fox / InfoWars / Breitbart turd floating your way.

But hey...

Winner x 2
The Professor

... you got two Trump-fluffing parrots proudly proclaiming their allegiance and confessing their residence in the otherworldly plains of UpIsDownistan.
So the OP thinks Mueller and his 19 lawyers are just sitting back silently as Barr lies about the results of their report?!

How pathetic.....
To Barr's credit, he DID state in his little letter that Mueller could NOT determine whether Trump was exonerated from the charge of obstructing justice.....

Since Trump openly (ans stupidly) stated to the Russian ambassador that he fired Comey because of the Russian probe.....and since Trump openly stated to Lester Holt that he wanted Comey gone because of that same on-going Russian probe.........Trump HIMSELF prompted a special counsel probe.

Now, based on Barr's memo as a private citizen that he felt that Trump should never have been investigated as a a president (which was basically a letter requesting Trump to appoint him as AG)....and based on the DOJ unofficial "policy" that a president is ABOVE the law, Barr WILL be called to testify before one or two House committees.

The questions that Barr will be asked will entail his "conclusion" that although Mueller openly stated that the president was NOT exonerated, WHY did Barr determine that there's no further need to investigate Trump?

Basically, based on Mueller's indecision on whether Trump did or did not obstruct justice, the questions for Barr will be interesting in how he answers:

a. Did Mueller hand off a final decision of Trump's obstruction to a jury of one; i.e., Barr???


b. Did Mueller intend for Congress to be the ultimate "judge" on whether there WAS obstruction??

Of course, a close review of the entire Mueller report can best address the two above questions.....

(Go at it, Trump cultists.......but please try some objectivity.....lol)

I like what Stacy Abrams said…. “Its like having your brother summarize your report card for your parents."
People like Adams are a dime a dozen. Greatness achieved by parasitical extraction from the unwashed ignorant peasants.
So the OP thinks Mueller and his 19 lawyers are just sitting back silently as Barr lies about the results of their report?! How pathetic.....
Nice dodge of the question -


Come on, snowflake - go on the official record. IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING?
So the OP thinks Mueller and his 19 lawyers are just sitting back silently as Barr lies about the results of their report?! How pathetic.....
Nice dodge of the question -


Come on, snowflake - go on the official record. IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING?

YES.....moron, I never stated that Barr "lied"........I repeatedly stated that Barr is a Trump stooge (Barr AUDITIONED Trump for the AG job....that is indisputable,) and that Barr has summarized Mueller's report to best characterize his cult leader.

Mueller WILL be called upon to testify before one or two House committees and will SURELY state that since the DOJ "policy" is to NEVER indict a sitting president....and since Trump's actions may not be criminal but HIGHLY unethical, the final judgment of his report's findings should be in a POLITICAL forum; i.e. Congress and not the DOJ.

Patience son......

(BTW, dimwit............answer MY questions posed in my O/P..... or go back to bed......lol)
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Barr did what he was hired by Trump to do....

Ho Hum, you tards have short, no, no memory do you?

In your half brain, you "think" that the above has something to do with this thread;s topic???
Who has to turn on your little 'puter for you?

(Gawd, this forum is filled with dumbed-down Trump ass lickers.....lol)
YES.....moron, I never stated that Barr "lied"........I repeatedly stated that Barr is a Trump stooge (Barr AUDITIONED Trump for the AG job....that is indisputable,) and that Barr has summarized Mueller's report to best characterize his cult leader.

Mueller WILL be called upon to testify before one or two House committees and will SURELY state that since the DOJ "policy" is to NEVER indict a sitting president....and since Trump's actions may not be criminal but HIGHLY unethical, the final judgment of his report's findings should be in a POLITICAL forum; i.e. Congress and not the DOJ.

So you ARE saying that Mueller and his 19 lawyers are
sitting there silently with their collective thumbs up their
asses watching silently as Barr misrepresents their final report.

The big problem with your pathetic narrative is Mueller recently did not
hesitate to come forward to correct a false statement made about the findings
of his investigation ... which shoots holes in your claim that Mueller would sit
back now while Barr falsely represented his final report.


Way to hang onto that last desperate false narrative
rather than to accept the factual results / reality ...AGAIN!!



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