A Handgun Against An Army – Ten Years After

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
“What Good Can A Handgun Do Against an Army?”

A friend of mine forwarded me a question a friend of his had posed:

“If/when our Federal Government comes to pilfer, pillage, plunder our property and destroy our lives, what good can a handgun do against an army with advanced weaponry, tanks, missiles, planes, or whatever else they might have at their disposal to achieve their nefarious goals? (I’m not being facetious: I accept the possibility that what happened in Germany, or similar, could happen here; I’m just not sure that the potential good from an armed citizenry in such a situation outweighs the day-to-day problems caused by masses of idiots who own guns.)”

If I may, I’d like to try to answer that question. I certainly do not think the writer facetious for asking it. The subject is a serious one to which I have given much research and considerable thought. I believe that upon the answer to this question depends the future of our Constitutional republic, our liberty and perhaps our lives.

My friend Aaron Zelman, one of the founders of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership told me once:

“If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT (emphasis supplied – MBV), Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic.”

Note well that phrase: “and the will to use it,” for the simply-stated question, “What good can a handgun do against an army?”, is in fact a complex one and must be answered at length and carefully.

It is a military question.

It is also a political question.

But above all it is a moral question which strikes to the heart of what makes men free, and what makes them slaves.

First, let’s answer the military question.

Opening snip
Read it all

One handgun can get me one rifle. One rifle can get me one hand grenade. One hand grenade can get me one anti-tank missile. One anti-tank missile can get me one tank. One tank can get me one....and so on.

Even without the hardware our own military has, other third-world shithole countries have managed to kick our ass a few times. The anti-gun nuts, gun-grabbers, and other tyrants shouldn't be so confident.
One handgun can get me one rifle. One rifle can get me one hand grenade. One hand grenade can get me one anti-tank missile. One anti-tank missile can get me one tank. One tank can get me one....and so on.

Even without the hardware our own military has, other third-world shithole countries have managed to kick our ass a few times. The anti-gun nuts, gun-grabbers, and other tyrants shouldn't be so confident.

They got a lot of grabbing to do

Good luck with that progs
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.

Maybe read the OP before responding next time

“If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT (emphasis supplied – MBV), Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic.”
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.
You forgot to add we're all wayciss homophobic bigots that hate Mexican babies
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.

Maybe read the OP before responding next time

“If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT (emphasis supplied – MBV), Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic.”
Yeah I read it but we are not Germany and the gun nutters are not an oppressed minority no matter how much they like to think so.
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.

Maybe read the OP before responding next time

“If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT (emphasis supplied – MBV), Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic.”
Yeah I read it but we are not Germany and the gun nutters are not an oppressed minority no matter how much they like to think so.

No? There's no political faction that's tearing down statues and is dedicated to Government Uber Alles?
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.

Maybe read the OP before responding next time

“If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT (emphasis supplied – MBV), Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic.”
Yeah I read it but we are not Germany and the gun nutters are not an oppressed minority no matter how much they like to think so.

No? There's no political faction that's tearing down statues and is dedicated to Government Uber Alles?
That's just people wanting the same rights and expectations you take for granted. Only a fascist would think that another man gaining in equality means something has been taken from them.
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.
“What Good Can A Handgun Do Against an Army?”

A friend of mine forwarded me a question a friend of his had posed:

“If/when our Federal Government comes to pilfer, pillage, plunder our property and destroy our lives, what good can a handgun do against an army with advanced weaponry, tanks, missiles, planes, or whatever else they might have at their disposal to achieve their nefarious goals? (I’m not being facetious: I accept the possibility that what happened in Germany, or similar, could happen here; I’m just not sure that the potential good from an armed citizenry in such a situation outweighs the day-to-day problems caused by masses of idiots who own guns.)”

If I may, I’d like to try to answer that question. I certainly do not think the writer facetious for asking it. The subject is a serious one to which I have given much research and considerable thought. I believe that upon the answer to this question depends the future of our Constitutional republic, our liberty and perhaps our lives.

My friend Aaron Zelman, one of the founders of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership told me once:

“If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT (emphasis supplied – MBV), Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic.”

Note well that phrase: “and the will to use it,” for the simply-stated question, “What good can a handgun do against an army?”, is in fact a complex one and must be answered at length and carefully.

It is a military question.

It is also a political question.

But above all it is a moral question which strikes to the heart of what makes men free, and what makes them slaves.

First, let’s answer the military question.

Opening snip
Read it all

1st off many in the military are young men and women whose families own those small arms. Many of them will side with those who are against the Prog Socialists who want to "change the world". The police who have been demonized by the prog Socialists are siding with Joe "Normal" because they are tired of the Prog elites allowing the criminals to harm the innocent. But the left who are stupid fucking morons, just keep on pushing, like we saw at the bar of Scranton NY. So far the response has been peaceful, but the more the left pushing, soon the last straw will be drawn. Prog Socialists(but i repeat myself) wont know what the fuck hit them.
One handgun can get me one rifle. One rifle can get me one hand grenade. One hand grenade can get me one anti-tank missile. One anti-tank missile can get me one tank. One tank can get me one....and so on.

Even without the hardware our own military has, other third-world shithole countries have managed to kick our ass a few times. The anti-gun nuts, gun-grabbers, and other tyrants shouldn't be so confident.
Just a shame i had to lose all my weapons on my boating accident in the Atlantic when my dingy overturned. Alas i am an unarmed Citizen...
I wondered at which flock of sheep would react- there are different breeds, I hope y'all know that- there is one defining characteristic- flock. Flock is herd mentality- Kris Kristofferson has a song, El Coyote- a line is, "a wolf pack will die, scattered by man, but a lonesome coyote survives".

I consider referring to politicians as wolves to be insulting to wolves- snakes in the grass would insult snakes- there is no animal analogy that fits feckless or spineless. They are the slaves, to their masters, as we the stinky tourist are to ours-

The author of the essay made some salient points- many of them correct and cannot be legitimately, or even illegitimately refuted - and that may prevent some from weighing in, but, I wouldn't count on it.
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.

Maybe read the OP before responding next time

“If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT (emphasis supplied – MBV), Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic.”
Yeah I read it but we are not Germany and the gun nutters are not an oppressed minority no matter how much they like to think so.

No? There's no political faction that's tearing down statues and is dedicated to Government Uber Alles?
That's just people wanting the same rights and expectations you take for granted. Only a fascist would think that another man gaining in equality means something has been taken from them.
The right to riot and steal?
Every social issue is a battle of perspectives.
Indeed- battle is very fitting. What many don't seem to want to acknowledge is History- those "battles" lead to blood shed- there is little to no need for blood shed in this case- one group announces it wants to preserve Liberty- another denounces Liberty with vitriol as though it would be the end of the world- exercising Liberty is a Natural, inherent right, as in UNalienable, not INalienable (which the author failed to recognize, btw) - the stupid sheep want to deny Liberty, except to their "gain"- their "perspective" is clouded, narrow and shallow from indoctrination by fools who wouldn't know Truth if it was tattooed onto their forehead where they had to see it every time they pass a mirror and look at themselves, which is often- to exercise Liberty is a natural happening- it can't and won't be stopped- it can, and is, restricted by sheep justifying to their flock that it is the right thing to do, even though no harm happened, but cause harm with their restrictions- it doesn't matter which side of the equation you find yourself on- denying Truth will always lead to conflict and ALL conflict begins when one imposes his will on another- it has no political bias, it just is.
Every social issue is a battle of perspectives.
Indeed- battle is very fitting. What many don't seem to want to acknowledge is History- those "battles" lead to blood shed- there is little to no need for blood shed in this case- one group announces it wants to preserve Liberty- another denounces Liberty with vitriol as though it would be the end of the world- exercising Liberty is a Natural, inherent right, as in UNalienable, not INalienable (which the author failed to recognize, btw) - the stupid sheep want to deny Liberty, except to their "gain"- their "perspective" is clouded, narrow and shallow from indoctrination by fools who wouldn't know Truth if it was tattooed onto their forehead where they had to see it every time they pass a mirror and look at themselves, which is often- to exercise Liberty is a natural happening- it can't and won't be stopped- it can, and is, restricted by sheep justifying to their flock that it is the right thing to do, even though no harm happened, but cause harm with their restrictions- it doesn't matter which side of the equation you find yourself on- denying Truth will always lead to conflict and ALL conflict begins when one imposes his will on another- it has no political bias, it just is.
History is little more than a long list of conflicts. Even our highest ideals of equality, liberty and reason were birthed in strife and bloodshed. It's terrible but it seems humanity has never advanced away from the caves by any other means. Intellectuals have always stood by saying "can't we all just get along?" but unfortunately they are usually the first to go into the mass grave.
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.

What "fascism"? Aside of one 17 year old kid who shot three antifa attackers out of self-defense, I don't see armed people rounding up protesters and shipping them off to camps, do you? The fascism you refer to is being carried out by Democrat Mayors and Governors under the banner of "coronoavirus." Shutting down businesses, locking people down at home, or the possibility of forced vaccinations sounds a lot like fascism to me Bubba. It was also those Democrat Mayors and Governors who allowed black-clad fascists to run wild in the cities, assaulting people, burning buildings, and looting. You seem to have a very skewed sense of what's happening in this country.
So what do you do when the most heavily armed segment of society wants fascism? That's what we have now. All those guns don't mean shit when their owners are practically begging the federal government and the army to put down protests and kill democracy.

What "fascism"? Aside of one 17 year old kid who shot three antifa attackers out of self-defense, I don't see armed people rounding up protesters and shipping them off to camps, do you? The fascism you refer to is being carried out by Democrat Mayors and Governors under the banner of "coronoavirus." Shutting down businesses, locking people down at home, or the possibility of forced vaccinations sounds a lot like fascism to me Bubba. It was also those Democrat Mayors and Governors who allowed black-clad fascists to run wild in the cities, assaulting people, burning buildings, and looting. You seem to have a very skewed sense of what's happening in this country.
Remember when the Trumpbots were begging Trump to send in the army on the cities experiencing civil unrest? Of course you don't.

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