A great victory for the internet!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!
Expect pricing for the consumers to increase for provider R&D and roll out.

However, I agree with the decision, so, yes, we are going to pay more for service.
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

Woo hoo, freedom of speech is over. The FCC can now impose strict limits on what people may write or post.

You have won a huge victory in your war on civil rights!
like it or not ISP's upgrade, increase their speed/ bandwidth, and increase your monthly bill .. not a damn thing you can do if you keep the service.
I thought Congress created Laws?

I hope the move quickly to overrule this. The most outrageous power grab of my lifetime.

IF this is not reversed, this board is done. No doubt the administration will provide a forum where we can post our love of Dear Leader, but the days of free and open debate are in the past.

There is no slippery slope. The decision guarantees that your far right nonsense will be posted equally with Lahota's far left nonsense.
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

Get back to us on how "free and open" the Internet is in a year, then again in 5. Of course by then today's internet will have gone the way of Route 66 and we'll have a new information superhighway that the government will be trying to get its mitts on.
like it or not ISP's upgrade, increase their speed/ bandwidth, and increase your monthly bill .. not a damn thing you can do if you keep the service.
Such a typical leftist-fanatic response.

"Like it or not, it's going to rain every now and then. Not a damned thing you can do, if you go outside and don't use a raincoat or umbrella."

These people can't imagine that people might drop an internet provider who raises his rates, and go to a company with lower rates or better service. And that the companies might react to their dwindling customer lists by powering their rates again, or not raising them in the first place.

Is poor little siete even aware that internet rates have been falling overall for the last ten or twenty years?

The ignorance these people rely upon to get their agenda believed, is staggering.
I thought Congress created Laws?

I hope the move quickly to overrule this. The most outrageous power grab of my lifetime.

IF this is not reversed, this board is done. No doubt the administration will provide a forum where we can post our love of Dear Leader, but the days of free and open debate are in the past.

There is no slippery slope. The decision guarantees that your far right nonsense will be posted equally with Lahota's far left nonsense.

Never dealt with the FCC as a broadcaster, HAM, CBer, etc. have you? Obviously not. But hey, thanks for confirming that you are an easy mark for propaganda. I may have some land to sell you in the future.
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

Get back to us on how "free and open" the Internet is in a year, then again in 5. Of course by then today's internet will have gone the way of Route 66 and we'll have a new information superhighway that the government will be trying to get its mitts on.

Thats the same thing you guys said about Death Panels and Obummer taking your guns. When the republican has nothing they tell others that a problem is going to be "in the future" sometime
like it or not ISP's upgrade, increase their speed/ bandwidth, and increase your monthly bill .. not a damn thing you can do if you keep the service.
Such a typical leftist-fanatic response.

"Like it or not, it's going to rain every now and then. Not a damned thing you can do, if you go outside and don't use a raincoat or umbrella."

These people can't imagine that people might drop an internet provider who raises his rates, and go to a company with lower rates or better service. And that the companies might react to their dwindling customer lists by powering their rates again, or not raising them in the first place.

Is poor little siete even aware that internet rates have been falling overall for the last ten or twenty years?

The ignorance these people rely upon to get their agenda believed, is staggering.

Free market doesnt really work out when there are people out there right now who get faster internet at cheaper prices
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!
Uh....since when have you had poor access retard???

Pay your bill and you can have all the access you want.
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FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

Get back to us on how "free and open" the Internet is in a year, then again in 5. Of course by then today's internet will have gone the way of Route 66 and we'll have a new information superhighway that the government will be trying to get its mitts on.

Thats the same thing you guys said about Death Panels and Obummer taking your guns. When the republican has nothing they tell others that a problem is going to be "in the future" sometime
We needed to pass it before anyone finds out what's really in it.

Oh, and Obozo is banning bullets now.
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FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

A free and open internet benefits everyone!

Gamer pride! Gamer power!






A more accessible open internet will make it more easier to introduce great games to the next generation!

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