A global warmist who goes by the street name GLOBAL WARMING held at gunpoint by woman. He was trying start a fire and an arsonist.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Been saying that these useless people are under instructions to start fires to push the global warming lie.

Not sure how much more proof that you need. Notice folks how after the last huge fires were proven to be started by arsonists that the story went away?

Here is another person catching another person starting a fire.

Is California on fire because of arson attacks? All the arrests so far

Dark orange skies & red fog – the West Coast wildfires leaves us wondering whether doomsday is upon us.

Police have investigated separate incidents near existing wildfires leading to the arrest of four people: two men in Washington State, one man in Oregon, and one woman in California. The four suspects are being charged with suspicion of arson.


Occupying cities
Murdering people
Destroying people's lives and businesses
Burning our states

Don't worry conservatives, it will all get better. Just pray, that's all.

Yep, theowl, quite a few have been started by arsonists. One was released from jail after starting one and went on to start 6 more. Links in article to back it all up. This is just in Washington state.
Here is one in Oregon
And California

Been saying that these useless people are under instructions to start fires to push the global warming lie.

Not sure how much more proof that you need. Notice folks how after the last huge fires were proven to be started by arsonists that the story went away?

Here is another person catching another person starting a fire.

Is California on fire because of arson attacks? All the arrests so far

Dark orange skies & red fog – the West Coast wildfires leaves us wondering whether doomsday is upon us.

Police have investigated separate incidents near existing wildfires leading to the arrest of four people: two men in Washington State, one man in Oregon, and one woman in California. The four suspects are being charged with suspicion of arson.


Occupying cities
Murdering people
Destroying people's lives and businesses
Burning our states

Don't worry conservatives, it will all get better. Just pray, that's all.


Fake News at its finest. What was this supposed "arsonist" charged with? There is no evidence of this man being charged - ANYWHERE or for anything.

As for the claim that he was carrying a lighter or matches, I always have a lighter on me and frequently matches. ALWAYS. I don't smoke cigarettes. All of my friends do the same and none of the smoke cigarettes. We smoke weed.

The lying Billionaire Fake News media is pushing the idea of leftists starting the forest fires, as part of the climate change denial propaganda. It's not climate change. Left wing arsonists are out in the woods burning them down.

And gullible fools like you are buying into it because you're just that gullible.

Been saying that these useless people are under instructions to start fires to push the global warming lie.

Not sure how much more proof that you need. Notice folks how after the last huge fires were proven to be started by arsonists that the story went away?

Here is another person catching another person starting a fire.

Is California on fire because of arson attacks? All the arrests so far

Dark orange skies & red fog – the West Coast wildfires leaves us wondering whether doomsday is upon us.

Police have investigated separate incidents near existing wildfires leading to the arrest of four people: two men in Washington State, one man in Oregon, and one woman in California. The four suspects are being charged with suspicion of arson.


Occupying cities
Murdering people
Destroying people's lives and businesses
Burning our states

Don't worry conservatives, it will all get better. Just pray, that's all.


Fake News at its finest. What was this supposed "arsonist" charged with. I always have a lighter on me and frequently matches. ALWAYS. I don't smoke cigarettes. All of my friends do the same. We smoke weed.

There ya go, no need to say anymore.
So this woman finds a video on the internet, edits out everything but a couple of clips, then claims the guy's name is "global warming".

A perfect example of FAKE NEWS.

"Amid the swirling falsehoods, the FBI has had to intervene, releasing a statement on Friday making clear that reports of "extremists" being behind the fires had been investigated and were found to be untrue. "Conspiracy theories and misinformation take valuable resources away [from] local fire and police agencies working around the clock to bring these fires under control," the FBI's Portland division said."

"We are inundated with questions about things that are FAKE stories," the sheriff's office said in a Facebook post. "One example is a story circulating that varies about what group is involved as to setting fires and arrests being made. THIS IS NOT TRUE!"

" Arson arrests during fire season are nothing new. Some involve people with mental illness or pyromaniac compulsions, others are people being careless "

" False claims that antifascists are starting forest fires have been spread by supporters of President Donald Trump. "

" “Rumors spread just like wildfire and now our 9-1-1 dispatchers and professional staff are being overrun with requests for information and inquiries on an UNTRUE rumor that 6 Antifa members have been arrested for setting fires,” the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office in Roseburg, Oregon wrote on Facebook on Thursday. “THIS IS NOT TRUE! Unfortunately, people are spreading this rumor and it is causing problems.”

Facebook moved on Saturday to stem the flow of misinformation. “We are removing false claims that the wildfires in Oregon were started by certain groups,” Andy Stone, a Facebook spokesperson, wrote on Twitter. “This is based on confirmation from law enforcement that these rumors are forcing local fire and police agencies to divert resources from fighting the fires and protecting the public.”

" Law-enforcement officials across the state said they had been swamped with calls about social-media misinformation and begged people toSTOP. SPREADING. RUMORS!

" “What we’re seeing in many of these cases is a friend of a friend of a friend said this,” Mr Roberts said, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting. “And when we get to the bottom of it, it is completely blown out of proportion.”

"Facebook said on Saturday it would censor posts claiming the Oregon wildfires were started by certain groups, following confirmation from law enforcement that the rumours were forcing fire and police to divert resources. "
Last edited:
And I thought the alarmists wanted to reduce temperatures and CO2 levels.

With these guys everything is the opposite it is supposed to be.

Been saying that these useless people are under instructions to start fires to push the global warming lie.

Not sure how much more proof that you need. Notice folks how after the last huge fires were proven to be started by arsonists that the story went away?

Here is another person catching another person starting a fire.

Is California on fire because of arson attacks? All the arrests so far

Dark orange skies & red fog – the West Coast wildfires leaves us wondering whether doomsday is upon us.

Police have investigated separate incidents near existing wildfires leading to the arrest of four people: two men in Washington State, one man in Oregon, and one woman in California. The four suspects are being charged with suspicion of arson.


Occupying cities
Murdering people
Destroying people's lives and businesses
Burning our states

Don't worry conservatives, it will all get better. Just pray, that's all.


Fake News at its finest. What was this supposed "arsonist" charged with. I always have a lighter on me and frequently matches. ALWAYS. I don't smoke cigarettes. All of my friends do the same. We smoke weed.

There ya go, no need to say anymore.

I’ve watched this video. There is no indication this wasn’t staged. I think the fact that the guy wasn’t charged with anything, not even trespassing, is telling indeed.

And I thought the alarmists wanted to reduce temperatures and CO2 levels.

With these guys everything is the opposite it is supposed to be.

Maybe if the Trump Cult would stop believing the right wing media's lies and distortions falsely vilifying the left and falsely blaming ever bad thing happening in America on anti-fa or the left, things might get back to normal. But as long as you keep believing the lies Trump is telling you, you're going to continue to go through life dazed and confused, and thinking that up is down.

With you fools, everything is the opposite to what Trump and his enablers are telling you. Once you stop believing Donald Trump and his lies, everything will make a lot more sense to you.

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